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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Reny Indrayani
"Penyakit malaria mcrupakan masalah kesehatan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh parasil yang discbut plasmodium. Upaya yang telah dilakukan untuk pemberantasan pcnyakit malaria meliputi upaya pencegahan, penemuan dan pemberantasan vektor serta pcrbaikan lingkungan. Salah satu upaya pencegahan penyakit- malaria adalah dengun penggunaan kelambu yang telah dikombinasikan dengan insektisida (Long Lmzing Insecticide Nets). Dalam upaya pencegahan malaria melalui penggunaan kelambu lerdapat faktor-faktor yang berhubungan, antara lain faktor sosiodemografi, persepsi kerentanan dan keseriusan serta persepsi manfaat dikurangi hambatan.Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang herhubungan dengan penggunaan kelumbu. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei dengnn rancangan pcnelitian non eksperimental dan dilakukan secara potong lintang (cru.v.>' scclional), dilakukan di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Setelah dilakukan pcnclilian didapatkan hasil bahwa persentase penggunaan kclambu sebesar 72.9% Falalor yang bcrhubungan dengan pcnggunan kelambu adalah pekerjaan, persepsi kcseriusan dan persepsi hambatan yang dirasakan dalam penggunaan kclambu. Penting bagi pcmerintah daerah untuk meningkatkan promosi kesehatan dalam mcningingkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat khususnya yang bekerja di sektor informal dcngan pekerjaan beresiko penularan penyakit malaria, serta upaya mcningkutkan pengetahuan akan pcntingnya penggunaan kelambu sebagai upaya pcnccgalmn pcnyakit malaria.

Malaria is known as a disease caused by a parasite called plasmodiutn. Many efforts have been done to eradicate the disease, including preventing, vectors finding and eradicating. as well as environment improvement. One ofthe way to prevent the disease is to by using a bed-net with have insecticide on it, called Long Lasting insectide nets However, there some factors related to the use of bed-net for malaria prevention, such as socio-demographic factors, perception to vulnerability and to seriousness, and perceived benefit minus perceived barrier. A study is developed with a purpose on finding the factors related to bed-net utilization. There is a survey with a non-experimental of cross-sectional design at the District of South Lampung. The study found that the bed-net utilization is around seventy three percent (72.9%) Factors related to the situation are found to be occupation, perception to seriousness and to obstacles on using the bed-nets. There is a needed for regional authority that escalating the health promotion in order to increase community knowledge, especially to those who work on informal sectors with a risk on acquiring malaria transmission. as well as the knowledge on the importance of using bed-net in malaria prevention."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Al Asyary
Tuberkulosis (TB) paru anak merupakan masalah kesehatan global yang
terabaikan (neglected), terlebih dengan proporsi 7,32% dari seluruh kasus TB di
Indonesia (Balitbangkes, 2013). TB paru anak selalu diakibatkan oleh infeksi TB
dari populasi di lingkungan sekitar, khususnya adanya orang dewasa yg sakit TB
serumah. Namun, tidak selalu TB paru dewasa mampu menularkan kesakitan pada
anak serumah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor yang diduga
menurunkan risiko anak tidak sakit TB paru ketika tinggal serumah dengan
penderita dewasa. Metode dengan desain kasus kontrol berdasarkan data rekam
medis di sembilan rumah sakit rujukan TB anak dan puskesmas di Provinsi
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). Kondisi hunian khususnya kamar tidur yang
baik dan intensitas paparan TB paru dewasa yang jarang serta di pengaruhi
kondisi variabel lain merupakan faktor yang dapat melindungi anak agar tetap
sehat meskipun kontak dengan penderita TB paru dewasa serumah;

TB disease in children is a global health problem that still neglected, moreover
with 7,32% proportion of TB cases at Indonesia (Balitbangkes, 2013). Children
with TB disease is most always impacted from TB infection at environment
population especially from adult TB household contacts. However, children not
always get the disease as bad as TB adult then. The objective of this study was to
find protective factors that can keep healthy children who had adult TB household
contacts. A case-control study conducted at nine referred hospital of TB children
and several health centers based on medical records at Special Region of
Yogyakarta Province. The study found that healthy houses, especially with
healthy bedroom and fewer exposures with adult TB in order influenced by
confounders variables. Those variables were reduced the risk of childhood TB
disease eventhough they exposed with adult TB in their environment;TB disease in children is a global health problem that still neglected, moreover
with 7,32% proportion of TB cases at Indonesia (Balitbangkes, 2013). Children
with TB disease is most always impacted from TB infection at environment
population especially from adult TB household contacts. However, children not
always get the disease as bad as TB adult then. The objective of this study was to
find protective factors that can keep healthy children who had adult TB household
contacts. A case-control study conducted at nine referred hospital of TB children
and several health centers based on medical records at Special Region of
Yogyakarta Province. The study found that healthy houses, especially with
healthy bedroom and fewer exposures with adult TB in order influenced by
confounders variables. Those variables were reduced the risk of childhood TB
disease eventhough they exposed with adult TB in their environment, TB disease in children is a global health problem that still neglected, moreover
with 7,32% proportion of TB cases at Indonesia (Balitbangkes, 2013). Children
with TB disease is most always impacted from TB infection at environment
population especially from adult TB household contacts. However, children not
always get the disease as bad as TB adult then. The objective of this study was to
find protective factors that can keep healthy children who had adult TB household
contacts. A case-control study conducted at nine referred hospital of TB children
and several health centers based on medical records at Special Region of
Yogyakarta Province. The study found that healthy houses, especially with
healthy bedroom and fewer exposures with adult TB in order influenced by
confounders variables. Those variables were reduced the risk of childhood TB
disease eventhough they exposed with adult TB in their environment]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Disertasi ini membahas tentang determinan infeksi tuberkulosis laten pada wargabinaan pemasyarakatan di Rutan klas 1 Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakandesain cross sectional dan dianalisis dengan regresi logistik berganda. Hasilpenelitian ini menunjukan prevalensi infeksi TB laten sebesar 76,9 dan TB aktif2,3 . Risiko tinggi dan faktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kejadianinfeksi TB laten yaitu kebiasan merokok sering sebesar 12,99 kali dan kebiasanmerokok kadang-kadang sebesar 9,34 kali. Determinan lainnya yang berisikomengalami infeksi TB laten yaitu riwayat kontak TB diluar rutan sebesar 3,02kali, status gizi kurang dari normal sebesar 2,64 kali dan status gizi lebih darinormal sebesar 0,21 kali, penahanan lebih dari 1 kali sebesar 0,44 kali, usia lebihdari 26-34 tahun sebesar 0,23 kali, usia 34-42 tahun sebesar 0,41 kali dan usialebih dari 42 tahun sebesar 0,63 kali. TB laten sangat tinggi sehingga diperlukanskrining TB laten agar dapat memutus mata rantai TB. Determinan utama TBlaten adalah merokok sehingga perlu pembatasan penjualan rokok dan membuatregulasi hingga kebiasaan merokok warga binaan pemasyarakatan berhenti. Selainitu, juga perlu meningkatkan status gizi sesuai dengan angka kecukupan gizi.

This dissertation discusses the determinant latent tuberculosis infection ofprisoners in state prison class 1 Bandung. This study used cross sectional designand analyzed by multiple logistic regression. The results of this study show theprevalence of latent TB infection is 76.9 and active TB is 2.3 . The highest riskand the most dominant factors associated with the incidence of latent TB infectionwho have smoking habits frequently are 12.99 times and intermitent smokinghabits are 9.34 times. Other determinants who have risk of latent TB infectioninclude a history of TB contact outside the prison is 3.02 times, less nutritionalstatus from normally is 2.64 and nutritional status more than normally is 0.21times, incarceration more than once is 0,44 times, age range of 26 34 years old is0.23 times, the age 34 42 years is 0.41 times and the age more than 42 years is0.63 times. The occurence of latent TB is very high that latent TB screening isnecessary to be able to cut the transmission of TB. The main determinant of latentTB is smoking so it is necessary to restrict the sale of cigarettes and make aregulation to stop smoking habits of prisoners. In the other hand, it also needs toimprove nutritional status in accordance with the nutritional adequacy rate."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library