Dimas Brilliant Sunarno
Abstrak :
Hubungan Karakteristik Bising dan Faktor-Faktor Determinan yangBerkontribusi dengan Gangguan Pendengaran Pada Pekerja TerpajanBising di Area Produksi Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum PT XTingkat kebisingan di Instalasi Pengolahan Air IPA cukup tinggi. Meningkatnyakebutuhan air bersih seiring dengan bertambahnya populasi penduduk, membuatPerusahaan Daerah Air Minum PDAM dituntut untuk meningkatkan kapasitasproduksi. Terdapat alat-alat dan proses produksi yang memiliki karakteristikberbeda dibanding jenis industri lain. Terdapat 306 PDAM di seluruh Indonesia,potensi jumlah pekerja yang terpajan bising sangat besar, maka perlu diteliti lebihlanjut mengenai hubungan karakteristik bising serta faktor-faktor determinannyaterhadap gangguan pendengaran pada pekerja di PDAM untuk memperoleh bentukpengendalian yang paling tepat.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potonglintang. Tahapan penelitian ini yaitu mengukur tingkat kebisingan sertamemberikan kuesioner sebagai data primer, menganalisis hasil audiometri pekerjasebagai data sekunder dan menggunakan uji statistika Chi Square dan analisis multideterminan untuk mengetahui hubungan di antara variabel independen dandependen.
Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa sumber bising di instalasi pengolahanair adalah pompa, exhaust fan, kompresor, blower, vacuum dan terjunan air.Sebanyak 84.4 pekerja di area produksi terpajan bising > 85 dBA. Sebanyak15.6 pekerja mengalami gangguan pendengaran.
Diperoleh kesimpulan bahwapekerja yang terpajan bising di atas 85 dBA yang memiliki frekuensi bisingdominan > 2000 Hz dapat menyebabkan terjadinya gangguan fungsi pendengarandan diperparah apabila pekerja berusia > 40 tahun dan memiliki masa kerja > 14tahun.
Relation of Noise Characteristic and Determinant Factors that Contribute toHearing Loss on Workers Exposed by Noise at Production Area in Water SupplyCompany PT XNoise level in Water Treatment Plant WTP is high enough. Increasing the needfor clean water in line with the increasing population, making the Water SupplyCompany PDAM is required to increase production capacity. There are machinesand production processes that have different characteristics than other types ofindustries. There are 306 PDAMs throughout Indonesia, the potential number ofworkers exposed to noise is very large, it is necessary to further investigate therelationship between noise characteristics and its determinants to hearing loss toPDAM workers to obtain the most appropriate form of control.
This study used across sectional study design. The stages of this study are to measure the noise leveland provide questionnaires as primary data, analyzing the worker audiometricresults as secondary data and using Chi Square statistical test and multi determinantanalysis to find out the relationship between independent and dependent variables.
The results obtained that the source of noise in water treatment plants are pumps,exhaust fan, compressor, blower, vacuum and waterfall. About 84.4 of workersin the production area exposed to noise 85 dBA. About 15.6 of workers havehearing loss.
It is concluded that exposure workers over 85 dBA with dominantnoise frequency 2000 Hz can cause hearing impairment and aggravate if workersare 40 years old and have a working life 14 years.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library