Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif, desain phenomenology. Informan penelitian 8 orang, 5 informan utama remaja PSP online (apartemen dan kost) dan offline (lokalisasi, tempat hiburan, jalanan) berusia 10-24 tahun, serta 3 orang informan kunci yaitu mucikari, penghubung dan petugas lapangan. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan informan tidak mengetahui dengan baik gejala dan penularan IMS, IMS merupakan hal yang menakutkan tetapi merupakan risiko pekerjaan. PSP memilih no action dan self-treatment jika gejala yang dirasakan ringan. Dukungan mucikari cukup membantu dengan syarat tidak merugikan mucikari. Pengaruh orang lain (personal reference) sangat besar bagi PSP mendorong upaya pengobatan sendiri (self-treatment). Sumber daya yang tidak dimiliki oleh PSP menjadi hambatan bagi PSP offline, yaitu dana yang terbatas, waktu buka layanan kesehatan formal yang tidak sesuai dengan jam kerja PSP, perlakuan stigma dan diskriminasi dari tenaga kesehatan klinik. Sedangkan bagi PSP online, hambatannya adalah kekurangan dana dan ketergantungan terhadap orang yang mengantar ke klinik. Budaya pengobatan turun temurun seperti jamu-jamuan atau ke dukun menjadi hambatan bagi PSP online dan offline.
Rekomendasi: meningkatkan KIE (komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi) pada remaja PSP, mucikari dan penghubung mengenai IMS, pengobatan yang benar dan pengunaan kondom; memperbaiki kualitas layanan IMS; evaluasi berkala terhadap layanan dan Petugas Lapangan PSP dalam program pencegahan IMS. ......Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are infections that are mainly transmitted through sexual contact (Ministry of Health, 2023), teenagers and young adults (aged 15 -24 years) are the age group at highest risk of contracting STIs (Ministry of Health, 2016). Bandung is the city with the highest prevalence of STIs in Indonesia with gonorrhea 37.4%, chlamydia 34.5% and syphilis 25.2%. Estimated 230,000 people Female Sex Worker (FSW) in Indonesia, (Indonesian Social Change Organization, 2019). The estimated number of FSWs in West Java is 31,375 people, in Bandung City is: 3211 people, 1710 FSWs are reach, and 54% have access to clinics. The number of FSW less than 24 years old was 104 people (3%). FSW who are infected with STIs will try to seek treatment. The aim of this research is to look at Health Seeking Behavior for STI among adolescents FSW in Bandung which is influenced by thoughts and feelings, personal references, resources and culture.
The research method used qualitative methods, with phenomenology design. The research informants were 8 people, 5 main informants were adolescent FSW who work online (apartments and boarding houses) and offline (localization, entertainment, and streets) aged 10- 24 years, and 3 key informants, pimps, liaisons and outreach worker. Data collection using in- depth interviews. The research results showed that informants did not know well the symptoms and transmission of STIs, STIs are terrible thing as an occupational risk. FSW chooses no action and self-treatment if the symptoms not serious. Pimps support is quite helpful as long as it doesn't cause harm. Personal reference influenced self-treatment for FSW. The resources that FSWs do not have are obstacles for offline FSWs, namely limited funds, formal health service operational hours, stigmatized and discriminatory treatment from clinical providers. Meanwhile, for online FSW, the obstacles are lack of funds and dependence on people who accompany them to the clinic. The culture of traditional treatments such as herbal medicine or going to shamans is an obstacle for online and offline FSW.
Recommendations: improve IEC (communication, information and education) among adolescent FSW, pimps and liaisons regarding STIs, correct treatment and condoms use; improving the quality of STI services; continuous evaluation of services and FSW’s outreach worker in STI prevention program.