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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fennieka Kristianto
Abstrak :
Pembangunan rumah susun di perkotaan faktanya memunculkan persoalan-persoalan serius. Berbagai regulasi mengatur pengawasan pembangunan dan penyelesaian transaksi rumah susun, belum menjangkau tujuan ideal suatu pembangunan. Disintegrasi regulasi rumah susun, menunjukkan penyelenggaraan urusan perumahan sebagai salah satu kebutuhan dasar manusia, belum komprehensif dilaksanakan. Permasalahan jual beli rumah susun lebih banyak merugikan pihak konsumen. Berdasarkan fakta tersebut, relevan untuk menganalisa kesesuaian jangkauan prinsip keseimbangan dengan dimensi kontekstual dinamika terkini masyarakat modern dan dimensi normatif peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yuridis normatif dan perbandingan hukum digunakan menganalisa (1) Prinsip keseimbangan dalam suatu perjanjian pengikatan jual beli di Indonesia; (2) Implementasi Perlindungan Hukum dalam Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli Satuan Rumah Susun (PPJB Sarusun); (3) Rekonstruksi Prinsip Keseimbangan antara pelaku usaha dan konsumen rumah susun sebagai pembaharuan hukum PPJB Sarusun. Hasil penelitian adalah asas Keseimbangan dalam perjanjian pengikatan jual beli di Indonesia berlaku mulai dari proses pembuatan kontrak sampai pelaksanaan kontrak. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menjamin proses negosiasi yang adil/setara, terjamin distribusi pertukaran hak dan kewajiban sesuai proporsinya. Prinsip keseimbangan menunjukkan adanya kebutuhan kesetaraan sebagai syarat utama terciptanya perjanjian. Selanjutnya, peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada belum dapat memenuhi prinsip keseimbangan kepentingan bagi para pihak dalam suatu perjanjian pengikatan jual beli satuan rumah susun, meskipun UU No. 8/1999 dan UU No. 20/2011 beserta peraturan turunannya telah berupaya mencapainya. PPJB Sarusun tetap dilaksanakan meskipun syarat 20% keterbangunan belum terpenuhi sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 43 ayat (2) UURS, Kepmenpera No.11/1994 yang mengatur pedoman PPJB. Terdapat ketidakseimbangan kedudukan antara pelaku usaha dan konsumen rumah susun, sehingga penerapan prinsip kesetaraan para pihak berdasarkan asas keseimbangan pada PPJB rumah susun tidak terwujud, pelaku usaha lebih superior dari konsumennya. Terbukti dari hasil penelitian terhadap 18 PPJB Sarusun baik yang komersial maupun umum. Bentuk pembaharuan hukum PPJB Sarusun antara pelaku usaha dan konsumen rumah susun adalah dengan melakukan rekonstruksi prinsip keseimbangan dalam PPJB Sarusun. Asas keseimbangan yang menjadi sintesa antara asas kebebasan, asas konsensus dan asas kekuatan mengikat, hakikatnya hanya dapat terpenuhi melalui ketiga prinsip tersebut berdasarkan hirarki leksikal. Pembaharuan hukum PPJB Sarusun berdasarkan Kepmenpera No. 11 Tahun 1994 dengan penyesuaian 11 gagasan materi dalam perubahan UURS yang sejalan dengan asas keseimbangan agar pembagian hak dan kewajiban dapat terwujud di seluruh tahapan hubungan kontraktual.
The construction of flats in urban areas in fact raises serious problems. Various regulations governing the supervision of the construction and settlement of flats, have not yet reached the ideal goal of development. Disintegration of flats regulations, showing the implementation of housing affairs as one of the basic human needs, has not been comprehensively implemented. The problem of buying and selling flats is more detrimental to the consumer. Based on these facts, its relevant to analyze the suitability of the balance principle with the contextual dimensions of the current dynamics of modern society and the normative dimensions of legislation in Indonesia. Normative legal research methods and legal comparisons are used in this dissertation, by analyzing (1) The Balance Principle in the Conditional Sale and Puchase Agreement in Indonesia; (2) Implementation of Legal Protection in the Conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement of Flats (CSPA Flats); (3) Reconstruction of the Balance Principle between business actors and consumers of flats as a legal renewal of the CSPA of Flats. The results of the study show that the balance principle in the CSPA of Flats in Indonesia is valid from the process of making the contract to the implementation of the contract. This is intended to guarantee a fair/ equal negotiation process, guaranteed distribution of the exchange of rights and obligations in proportion. The balance principle shows the need for balance and equality of position as the main conditions for the creation of agreements. Furthermore, the existing laws and regulations have not been able to fulfill the balance principle of parties interests in the CSPA of Flats, even though Law No. 8/1999 and Law No. 20/2011 along with derivative regulations have attempted to achieve it. CSPA of Flats is still implemented even though the condition of 20 persen development has not been fulfilled as stipulated in Article 43 paragraph (2) UURS, Kepmenpera No.11/ 1994 which regulates CSPA guidelines. There is an imbalance between the position of business actors and consumers of flats, so that the application of the principle of equality of parties based on the principle of balance in the CSPA of Flats does not materialize, business actors are superior to consumers. Evident from the results of research on 18 CSPA of Flats, both commercial and public. The form of legal reform of the CSPA of Flats between business actors and consumers of flats is to carry out a balance principles reconstruction in the CSPA of Flats. The balance principle becomes a synthesis between the principle of freedom, the principle of consensus and the principle of binding power, its essence can only be fulfilled through the three principles based on the lexical hierarchy. Legal renewal of the CSPA of Flats based on Kepmenpera No. 11/1994 by adjusting eleven content material ideas in the amendment to the Law on Flats that is in line with the principle of balance so that the distribution of rights and obligations can be realized at all stages of contractual relations
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lieke Lianadevi Tukgali
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini membahas mengenai fungsi sosial dalam pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum. Asas fungsi sosial yang terdapat pada Pasal 6 Undang- Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 (UUPA), yakni semua hak atas tanah mempunyai fungsi sosial, yang berarti bahwa hak atas tanah apapun yang ada pada seseorang tidaklah dapat dibenarkan, bahwa tanah tersebut dipergunakan semata-mata untuk kepentingan pribadi. Tetapi tidak berarti bahwa kepentingan perseorangan akan terdesak sama sekali oleh kepentingan umum/kepentingan masyarakat. Kepentingan masyarakat dan kepentingan perseorangan harus saling mengimbangi. Asas fungsi sosial ini tidak akan berubah, akan tetap saja. Namun penafsiran menjadi berubah-ubah tergantung pada kebijaksaan pemerintah. Dalam perlindungan hukumnya, pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum secara wajib telah ada yaitu dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 1961, namun secara sukarela hanya dalam bentuk Peraturan Presiden saja, yaitu terakhir dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 36 Tahun 20005 juncto Peraturan Presiden Nomor 65 Tahun 2006, yang tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum. Namun Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 1961 digunakan hanya sekali saja, sedang selain ini tetap digunakan pengadaan tanah secara sukarela, walaupun pelaksanannya secara wajib, yakni dengan musyawarah semu, dengan cara intimidasi. Dengan teori Utilitarianisme Jeremy Bentham untuk kepastian hukum dengan memandang nilai kemanfaatan serta teori Utilitarianisme Jhering, penulis mencoba mencari jawaban fungsi sosial dalam pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum, yakni keseimbangan antara kepentingan individu, kepentingan masyarakat dan kepentingan umum yang diselaraskan dalam fungsi sosial hak atas tanah. ......The following dissertation is outlining about the social functions in respect to land procurement for public interest purposes. The fundamental of social function in the Article 6 of Law no 5 of 1960 (UUPA), defines that all land rights have its social function, meaning that the rights of any lands which attached to individual shall be used for public interest, and shall not be used for individual interest. Such definition does not mean that the individual interest will be urged by the public interest. Each public and individual interest shall be well-balanced. Nevertheless, such fundamental will never be changed, and must be fixed no matter what, but the definition can be varied depending on the Government Policy. In legal protection context, the principle of procurement land for public interest purposes has already been formed and governed in the Law No. 20 of 1961, and lastly governed in the Presidential Regulation no.36 of 2005 juncto Presidential Regulation No.65 of 2006, which had no juridiction. However, The law no.20 of 1961 was only implemented once, apart from that, the common procedure of procurement land still accomplished voluntarily by holding apparent conferences and discussions, and by conducting intimidation. By considering the benefit value and applying Jeremy Bentham Utilitarianism theory to seek legal certainty, as well as applying Jhering Utilitarianism theory, the writer trying to find the answer of social functions in respect to land procurement for public interest purposes, that is to harmonize between individual and public interest in accordance to social functions itself.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This dissertation examines the question of justice in the implementation of the Right of Indonesia Nations and the Right of State to Control in agrarian legal policy domain since post independence of 1945 to post reformation of 1998 Problems of justice in their manifestation of injustice has become the focus of analysis using Sen rsquo s theory of justice This study belongs the realm of normative legal research or literature The results of the analysis in the three periods of the practice of agrarian legal policy 1945 1965 1965 1998 and 1998 2020 applying the perspective of 39 Matsyanyaya 39 in theory of justice of Sen found the dominant factor causing injustice namely the practice of political dominance of neo imperialism and capitalism Theoretical justification of the relationship between law and politics can be found either in Zamboni 39 s theory or the work of Kahin Tully Pilger Roosa van ittersum Perkins The study provides recommendations in the realm of the theoretical and legal agrarian policy practices In the domain of the theoretical perspective of legal studies this study suggests to review the inconsistencies in the legal and legal policy systems in the agrarian law research and teaching of legal studies realms In the practical domain then the virtual values of Pancasila ought to be implemented in the practice of law in the realm of the executive legislative and judicial branches of government in dealing with domination of neoimperialism neo capitalism and neo liberalism in the practice of agrarian law politics and the entire realms of life.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library