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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Keiluhu, Henderina J.
Abstrak :
Yotefa Bay, lying on the north coast of Jayapura, was established as a Tourist Park in 1978, based on the Minister of Agriculture's Decree No.: 372/KptslUm/6/1978 dated 9"? June 1978, Mangrove forest, which spreads out from the north part to southeast part of Yotefa Bay, is dominated by Rhizophora spp. Research on pattern of litter production of Rhizophora mucronata in Yotefa Bay Tourist Park, Jayapura-Papua, was conducted from June - September 1999. This research was experimental research using vegetation analysis transect method, and the data analysis to know the community srtucture was conducted using quantitative parameters, i.e.: diameter at breast high (dbh); density and bassal area. Litterfall was collected according to the methods describes by Brown (1984), using a spesilic litter traps- All materials acumulated in the traps were collected once per week during the sampling period. Estimated of litterfall rates were using the formulas by Chansang and Poovachiranon (1990), and estimated of production of litterfall using the statistical porcedures by Walpole (1985). The results showed that total of R. mucronata litter production ranged between 18.8120 tons ha"year" to 78.84 tons ha"year". The largest component of litter obtained was leaves: 52.04%, followed by component of fruits 34.34%, flowers 9.91% and skin-branches 3.78% respectively. There is not a tendency that pattern of leave litter production in the mangrove forest in Yotefa Bay follows rainfall fluctuation, and did not tend to be greater during rainy season. lt is necessary to conduct similar research in other mangrove forest of Yotefa Bay Tourist Park. It is hoped that in th next research, besides the use of more spesific supporting parameters, the location for observation will be wider, with many more litter traps and longer time for observation. Research on decomposition rate of R. mucronata leave litter was conducted in 16 weeks, starting from June to September 1999. This research was also a factorial experiment with two factors. Data was analyzed using ANOVA with two-way classification in order to know whether the time-length of soaking and immersion, and the location of decomposition have any influence on the rate of decomposition. Analysis was also done to determine the rate of decomposition value (k value). Chemical analysis was done in the laboratory to know the content of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphor and Potassium elements in the leave litter of the R. rnucronafa of the decomposition remnants. The results showed that decomposition rate of leave litter of R. mucronata was influenced by the time-length of soaking and immersion and the decomposition location. The rate of decomposition value (k value) average was 1.19; this value showed that decomposition worked well. Average contents of element of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphor and Potassium were respectively 14,135, 1,27%, O,100% and O,212%. The existence of those elements in the decomposed mangrove leave litter has effected the rate of decomposition value. lt is necessary to conduct a similar research in the other part of mangrove forest in the Yotefa Bay Tourist Park, Jayapura. lt is expected that the next research will be focused more on microorganism activities (fungi and bacteria) and the influence of other abiotic factors, which have not been done in this research, in order to know the influence of those factors onthe rate of decomposition.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Nurmilawati
Abstrak :
Telah, dllakukan pengamatan terhadap telur-telur dan anakan-anakan siput Digonistoma truncatum yang dihasilkan oleh siput-slput yang dikumpulkan dari beberapa persawahan di sekitar Desa Sindang Barang, Bogor. Telur-telur dan anakan-anakan tersebut dihasilkan di bawah kondisi Laboratorium Akuatik Balitbang Zoologi Bogor selama bulan Agustus sampai dengan oktober 1989. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari untuk mengetahui waktu penetasan telur dan saat perkembang biakan yang pertama kali. Untuk mengetahui laju rata-rata pertumbuhan dilakukan pengukuran panjang dan lebar cangkang pada anakan yang berumur satu minggu sampai dengan dua belas minggu.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk telur D. trucantum bulat sampai lonjong dengan ukuran panjang rata-rata 0,85 mm dan lebar rata-rata 0,81 mm. Persentase penetasan telur cukup tinggi yaitu 96,40%, yang sebagian besar menetas pada hari ke 7 ( 380 telur atau 24,42%) dan hari ke-8 (388 telur atau 24,94%). Laju rata-rata pertumbuhan anakan cukup tinggi setelah berumur dua minggu sampai sembulan minggu. siput memulai perkembang biakan pertama kali setelah mencapai umur 3,5 bulan atau ukuran panjang cangkang 6,26 mm dan lebar 5,02 mm. ABSTRACT
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Herawati
Abstrak :
Banyak jenis-jenis Gastropoda masih mempunyai masalah taksonomi. Salah satu di antaranya adalah mengenai keong sawah Bellamya javanica dan Bellamya sumatrensis. Beberapa ahli menganggap B. sumatrensis hanyalah sinonim dari B. javanica. Hal ini didukung oleh perbedaan morfologi dan corak cangkang yang sering kali mirip antara kedua keong tersebut. Namun demikian berdasarkan morfologi cangkang dari meteri yang dikumpulkan, menganggap keong tersebut terdiri atas dua jenis. Bellamya sumatrensis bercangkang agak ramping (tidak seramping B. javanica), berwarna hijau terang (lebih hijau terang dari B. javanica) dan mempunyai garis spiral yang nyata. Walaupun B. javanica sangat bervariasi tetapi ia meragukan B. sumatrensis sinonim dari B. javanica. Dari pengamatan morfologi dan anatomi terlihat adanya beberapa perbedaan antara B. javanica dan B. sumatrensis. Pusar pada B. javanica umumnya terbuka (83 %), sedangkan pada B. sumatrensis umumnya tertutup (55 %). Garis spiral yang nyata pada B. javanica hanya terdapat pada susur, sedangkan pada B. sumatrensis garis spiral juga terdapat di atas (4-8 buah) dan di bawah (0-8 buah) susur. Jumlah gerigi kecil gigi-gigi tepi pertama pada B. javanica kurang dari 17 (13-16), sedangkan pada B. sumatrensis tidak ada yang kurang dari 17 (17-21). Rumus gerigi kecil kedua sisi gigi tepi kedua pada B. javanica umumnya 4 dan 4, sedangkan pada B. sumatrensis umumnya 3 dan 5. Berdasarkan pada perbedaan-perbedaan morfologi cangkang, gigi radula dan distribusinya, serta kedua keong cenderung tidak pernah hidup pada lokasi yang sama, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa B. javanica dan B. sumatrensis merupak dua jenis terpisah. Kondisi lingkungan B. javanica pada lokasi penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. Suhu berkisar antara 25 0C-31 0C, kandungan Ca berkisar antara 1,89-103,33 ppm, dan dasar perairan lumpur. Pada lokasi penelitian B. javanica dapat hidup bersama-sama dengan beberapa keong air tawar lainnya. Kerapatannya berkisar antara 2,40 individu/m2 sampai 30,13 individu/m2. Kerapatan relatif berkisar antara 4,63 %-17,25 %. Frekuensi kehadirannya berkisar antara 0,36-0,93. Frekuensi relatif berkisar antara 18,03 %-23,6 %. Dari perhitungan indeks dispersi Morisita menunujukkan bahwa dispersi B. javanica cenderung berbeda tergantung pada tempat hidupnya.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 1987
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Achatina fulica Bowdich mempunyai potensi sebagai sumber protein hewani, dan saat ini sudah dibudidayakan.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor ruangan, substrat, frekuensi penyiraman, dan interaksi faktor-faktor tersebut terhadap fertilitas telur, mortalitas anakan umur 0-2 minggu, mortalitas anakan umur 2-4 minggu, dan viabilitas anakan sampai umur 1 bulan (tanpa estivasi).

Analisis data mortalitas anakan umur 0-2 minggu menggunakan analisis variansi 3 faktor, sedangkan data lainnya menggunakan analisis varian ranking satu arah Kruskal-Wallis.

Penelitian ini membuktikan, bahwa fertilitas telur tertinggi didapat pada interaksi antara ruangan tertutup-substrat campuran-frekuensi penyiraman sehari sekali, rata-rata 100%; mortalitas anakan umur 0-2 minggu terendah didapat pada lokasi luar ruangan dan frekuensi penyiraman dua-hari sekali, rata-rata 2O,37% dan 21,37%; mortalitas anakan umur 2-4 minggu terendah didapat pada interaksi antara lokasi luar ruangan substrat tanah-frekuensi penyiraman sehari sekali, rata-rata 0,33%; dan viabilitas anakan sampai umur 1 bulan (tanpa estivasi) tertinggi didapat pada interaksi antara lokasi luar ruangan-substrat tanah-frekuensi penyiraman sehari sekali, rata-rata 93%.

Sebagai tindak lanjut, perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh variasi makanan terhadap viabilitas anakan A. fulica, karena makanan merupakan faktor yang sangat penting bagi pertumbuhannya. ABSTRACT
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tuapattinaja, Maureen A.
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai Polychaeta di hutan mangrove, perairan Teluk Kotania, Seram Barat telah dilakukan pada bulan Februari 1996. Dari sampel yang telah dikumpulkan diketahui bahwa di lokasi Teluk Kotania terdapat 40 jenis Polychaeta yang digolongkan ke dalam 36 marga dan 13 suku. Dua jenis di antaranya mempunyai frekwensi kehadiran yang tinggi yaitu Pulliella sp dan Armandia intermedia masing-masing (89%). Rata-rata kepadatan individu Polychaeta di lima lokasi berkisar antara 12.102 individu/m3 - 21.307 individu/m3 , keanekaragaman jenis berkisar antara 2,44 - 3,78 dan kemerataan jenis berkisar antara 0,56 - 0,78. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman dan kemerataan jenis di lima lokasi penelitian sangat ditentukan oleh kontribusi Pulliella sp dan Armandia intermedia. Hasil pengukuran terhadap faktor fisik lingkungan diperoleh kisaran nilai rata-rata salinitas 22,50/00 - 27°loo; suhu 29,5°C - 31°C dan pH 7,8 - 8,4. Sedangkan hasil analisis terhadap tekstur sedimen menunjukkan bahwa umumnya lokasi penelitian bersubstrat pasir sangat kasar, kecuali Pulau Burung didominasi oleh pasir sedang. Hasil analisis cluster dan analisis diskriminan di lima lokasi membentuk dua kelompok. Kelompok I terdiri atas Pulau Tatumbu dan Pulau Burung, sedangkan kelompok II terdiri dari Pelita Jaya 2, Pulau Buntal, dan Pelita Jaya I. Pengelompokan tersebut berdasarkan kepadatan jenis dan substrat. Janis Polychaeta yang menyebar pada jarak 0 - 45 m adalah Armandia intermedia, Pulliella sp dan Aphelia sp. Hasil analisis koresponden mendapatkan bahwa pengelompokan terbentuk berdasarkan kepadatan dan spesifikasi jenis di lokasi tertentu.
Polychaeta is a group of invertebrates which is important in the marine food chain, particularly for demersal fishes, shrimps, and crabs. Polychaeta lives in various habitats, in muddy, sandy, and stony bottoms. Information about Polychaeta in Indonesian waters, especially in Maluku waters, has not yet been known well. Based on those fact, a research on the community structure and distribution of Polychaeta of mangrove forest in the waters of Kotania Bay was conducted in February 1996. Samples were collected from five stations using a transect method. The aim of the study was to find out the relationship of Polychaeta community structure with the environmental factors in Kotania Bay. The distribution of Polychaeta of mangrove forest in Kotania Bay was also studied. Hopefully, the results of this study can be used as basic information for futher research. During the study, 40 species of Polychaeta belonging to 36 genera of 13 families were collected from the locality. Two species showed high frequency of occurrence (89%), i.e. Pa/lie/la sp and Armandia infermedia. This indicated that the two species were common and distributed more widely than the others. The highest' density of Polychaeta was in Burung Island (21.307 indlm3) and the lowest was in Pelita Jaya 1 (12.102.ind/m3). The highest density of Polychaeta in Burung Island was mainly due to the highest density of Pulliella sp, Armandia intermedia, and A. lepfocirrus. The highest diversity and evenness indeces of Polychaeta species were found in Buntal island. Tatumbu Island and Burung Island had the highest similarity index. The water conditions of Kotania Bay showed that salinity ranged from 22,5°100 to 27°1°0, temperature ranged from 29,5°C to 31°C, and pH varied between 7,8 and 8,4. Substrates mostly contained sand with the very high percentage of very coarse sand. Cluster analysis divided the five station into two groups : Group 1, defined by Tatumbu Island and Burung Island, and Group II, defined by Pelita Jaya 2, Buntal Island, and Pelita Jaya 1. Discriminant analysis also divided the stations into two groups. Medium sand in the substrat was responsible in separating the five stations into two different communities. Factorial Correspondence Analysis (CA) classified the species of Polychaeta into four group based on species densities and specification of species in the location.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mamesah, Juliaeta A.B.
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai struktur komunitas dan sebaran spasial Bivalvia serta hubungannya dengan karakteristik lingkungan di Teluk Katania, Seram Barat, Maluku Tengah. Ada 5 stasiun penelitian yaitu : Pelita Jaya 1, Pelita Jaya 2, Pulau Buntal, Pulau Tatumbu, dan Pulau Burung. Anadara maculafa merupakan jenis Bivalvia yang kepadatannya tertinggi (2,5 individu/m2). Nilai H' (indeks keanekaragaman) Bivalvia tertinggi ada di Pulau Burung (H' = 0,958) dan terendah di Pulau Buntal (H' = 0,624). Indeks kemerataan J' tertinggi (J' = 0,843) terdapat di Pelita Jaya 1. indeks kesamaan Morisita C tertinggi adalah antara Pelita Jaya 2 dan Pulau Buntal (C = 0,92). Kondisi substrat di Pelita Jaya 2 dan Pulau Buntal mempunyai persentase Lumpur yang tinggi. Dengan analisis cluster, 5 stasiun penelitian terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok. Kelompok I terdiri atas stasiun Pelita Jaya 2 dan Pulau Buntal kemudian kelompok II terdiri atas Pelita Jayal, Pulau Tatumbu, dan Pulau Burung. Analisis diskriminan dengan faktor lingkungan substrat pasir halus dan lumpur juga membagi kelima stasiun menjadi dua kelompok yang sama seperti pada analisis cluster. Substrat lumpur mempunyai kontribusi yang tinggi (96,3 %). Tellina sp merupakan jenis yang penyebarannya luas sebab selalu hadir di setiap stasiun penelitian. Hasil analisis faktorial koresponden membentuk enam kelompok. Penyebaran spasial jenis jenis Bivalvia di 5 stasiun dari hasil analisis tersebut berdasarkan pada kepadatan tertinggi dari jenis jenis tertentu (lima kelompok) dan berdasarkan jenis-jenis yang selalu hadir di setiap stasiun (satu kelompok). ......Bivalvia, also known as Pelecypoda, is the second largest class in phylum Mollusca. This group has 28.000 species (Barth & Broshear, 1982) and about 1000 species of Bivalvia live in Indonesian waters (Nontji, 1987). Information about Bivalvia in Kotania Bay has not been known well. Based on those fact, a research on the community structure and spatial distribution of Bivalve in the waters of Kotania Bay was conducted in February 1996. The aim of study was to find out the relationship between Bivalvia community structure with environmental factors in the waters of Kotania Bay. The spatial distribution of Bivalvia in several small islands in Kotania Bay was also studied. Hopefully, the results can be used as basic information for father research. The research was conducted in five stations, i.e. Pelita Jaya 1, Pelita Jaya 2, Buntal Island, Tatumbu Island, and Burung Island. The sampling method used in the study was belt transact. The water conditions measured were water temperature, salinity, and pH. The substrates were characterized by the sediment fractions. Temperatures in the research stations ranged between 29.5°C and 31 °C, the range of pH is between 7 and 8.4. Water salinities in the research stations varied between 22 % and 30 %. Substrates in the research stations mostly contained sand with the very high percentage of very coarse sand. Silt was the smallest fraction found in the substrate. In five research stations, 32 species of Bivalvia belonging to 15 families were collected. Anadara maculata had the highest density (2.5 individulm2) of all Bivalvia species found. The highest H' value (diversity index) of Bivalvia was in Burung Island (H' = 0.958) and the lowest was in Buntal Island (H' = 0.624). The highest evenness index J' = 0.843 was found in Pelita Jaya 1. The highest similarity index was shown by Pelita Jaya 2 and Buntal Island. Substrates in Pelita Jaya 2 and Buntal Island were dominated by silt. Cluster analysis at five research stations divided the stations into two groups. Group I, defined by Pelita Jaya 2 and Buntal Island. Group ii, defined by Pelita Jaya 1, Tatumbu Island, and Burung Island. Discriminant analysis based on two environmental factors, i.e. very fine sand and silts, also divided the stations into two similar groups as cluster analysis did. The silt factor had high contribution (96.3%) in separating the stations. Factorial correspondence analysis classified the species of Bivalvia into six groups. Based on the highest density of the certain species (five groups) and on the common species found in all stations (one group). Among the species collected Tellina sp was the common species found in the five stations. Spondylus squamosus, Trachydarium subrugosum, and Vulsella vulsella were found only in Pelita Jaya 2. Pitar subpellucidus, Septifer hi/ocular-is, Fimbria fmbriata and Chama pacifica were found only in Burung island. The species of Bivalvia only found in Pelita Jaya 1 were Atrina vexillum, Tellina staurella, Chama ruderalis, Limaria fragilis, and Clycymeris pectunculus.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fir Abdurrahman
Abstrak :
Amphidromus, a genus of arboreal pulmonate land snails belong to the family Camaenidae, is found in Indonesia. The total species of Amphidromus in Indonesia are almost half of the total number of species in the world. Most of these species were described before 1900. The collections of Amphidromus at the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, were collected after 1900.

Shell of subgenus Amphidromus rather stout, either dextral or sinistral, usually solid, and with periodical colour-stripes or varix, and shell of subgenus Syndromus always sinistral, usually thin, never marked with varix, the varietals callus usually thin and transparent.

The aim of the study is to know the diversity and distribution of Amphidromus in Indonesia based on the specimen of Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, and also to study the difference of morphometric and genitals between subgenus Amphidromus and Syndromus. This study was carried out in the period of May - October 1996 at the Laboratory of Malacology, Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Bogor.

Each species was measured and described the shell measurement, shell colour, locality and the date of specimen collection. Morphometric data consist of high, diameter, and high of aperture of adult shells. Cluster analysis of morphometric data is primarily dissimilarity index Bray - Curtis's method. The difference of penial complex of genitals is counted based upon the length of epiphalic flagellum and length of epiphallus.

The result of this study showed that the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense has 67,57 % (25 species) of total species from Indonesian Amphidromus. One of those species has never been collected, Amphidromus (Syndromus) annae, which might be endemic species located in Selayar island. The specimen from Mount Buntung, East Kalimantan, will be described as a new species in separate publication.

The new record for their distribution of Amphidromus javanicus was recognized from Jambi, A. sumatranus from Siberut island, and A. contrarius from Alor island. The subgenus Syndromus in Indonesia is distributed in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Jawa, Bali, NTB, NTT, Timor island, Wetar island, Roma island, and Tanimbar islands. While subgenus Amphidromus dispersed in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Jawa, and Bali. Based on the data collections, Amphidromus palaceus was found through out the years.

The epiphallic flagellum of subgenus Amphidromus, is longer than epiphallus, while subgenus Syndromus, is shorter. Cluster analysis showed that only 92 % of subgenus Amphidromus and Syndromus has morphometric differences.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library