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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
R. Danardono Agus Sumarsono
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas penerapan jaringan saraf tiruan untuk pengelolaan dala pengujian kinerja mesin diesel berbahan bakar campuran solar aditif. Jaringan digunakan untuk memprediksi pengaruh pemberian aditif terhadap kinerja mesin diesel. Asumsi diambil dimana pada kondisi pengujian yang sama maka kinerja mesin diesel hanya merupakan fungsi dari properti bahan bakar yaang digunakannya. Data pelatihan jaringan menggunakan data karakteristik bahan bakar dan kondisi operasi hasil pengujian aditif metil ester nitrat (MEN) dan Omega 903 dalam skala pengujian laboratorium di-departemen teknik mesin UI diolah dengan pendekatan teoritis dan korelasi statistik untuk menentukan variabel input jaringan. Pembuatan jaringan diiakukan dengan menentukan jumlah layer, iterasi maksimum, fungsi transfer dan error maksimum, Simulasi terhadap jaringan yang dipilih memberikan nilai kesalahan rata-rata daya keluaran sebesar 2,5-10% dan kousumsi bahan bakar sebesar 6-28%. Penerapan jaringan untuk memprediksi pengaruh konsentrasi aditif MEN dalam bahan bakar campuran solar-aditif terhadap konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik (BSFC) mesin menunjukkan konsentrasi aditif optimal sebesar 1% yang menghasilkan penurunan BSFC sebesar 0,337 L/kW-jam atau sekitar 13,8%
This research paper described a study of the neural networking artificial to predict the influence of blended diesel fuel with additives to the diesel engine performance. Based on the asumption that in the same condition of the experimental, the engine performance is only a function of the fuel properties used. The data experimental is the effects of methyl esther nitrate (MEN) and Omega 903 additives was conducted in the laboratory of ME Department University of Indonesia and analyzed using theoritical approach and statistic correlation to determine the input network variables. The simulation of network shows an average error of 2,5-10% in BHP and 6-28% in BFC output. The network application in predicting the effects of diesel fuel - MEN blends shows an optimum concetration of MEN at 1% which give a minimum brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) of 0,337 L/kW-h or 13,8% decreasing comparing to the commercial diesel fuel.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asep Handaya Saputra
Abstrak :
Sebagai salah satu bentuk penghematan dan konservasi energi, perusahaan pembangkit listrik Muara Tawar akan mengganti Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) menjadi gas bumi. Titik suplai terdekat yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan gas berada dilokasi Muara Bekasi. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan pipa yang dapat menghubungkan kedua titik tersebut. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menghasilkan suatu rancangan sistem perpipaan transmisi gas dari titik suplai gas dengan tapping point Muara bekasi ke perusahaan pembangkit listrik Muara Tawar melalui jalur lepas pantai. Perancangan ini dimulai dengan pengumpulan data teknis dan data suplai-permintaan gas perusahaan pembangkit listrik Muara Tawar, dilanjutkan dengan analisis data, pembuatan rute serta hasil kondisi teknis desain. Standar desain yang digunakan adalah DnV 2000. Kebutuhan gas perusahaan pembangkit listrik Muara Tawar adalah 400 MMSCFD (Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day). Dari data sekunder, diperoleh panjang total rute alternatif 3,7 km. Diameter pipa Carbon Steel yang digunakan memiliki diameter nominal 22 inch. Tekanan suplai gas adalah 350 psig dengan tekanan di titik demand ditetapkan sebesar 500 psig sehingga dibutuhkan kompresor. Pada sistem perpipaan yang dirancang, diperoleh tekanan di titik akhir sebelum masuk kompresor adalah 321,7 psig. Faktor kestabilan pipa pada dasar laut menjadi faktor penentu dan diperoleh berat minimum pipa yaitu 793,16 ton, sedangkan hasil rancangan sebesar 932,6 ton. Berdasarkan nilai tersebut, dapat disimpulkan pipa akan stabil pada dasar laut.
Power plant Muara Tawar will substitute the need of oil fuel to gas as form of economizing and energy conservation. The nearest supply point to fulfill natural gas needed on Muara Bekasi. So that Power Plant Company needed to develop gas pipeline infrastructure to joining the point.The purpose of this study is to create a system of gas transmission pipeline from gas supply point at Muara Bekasi to Power Plant Muara Tawar trough to offshore area. Design of gas transmission pipeline is started with technical data collection and supply-demand analyzing, continued with data analysis, rute construction and result of condition operation. The standard design of this design is DnV 2000. Gas demand in Power Plant Muara Tawar is 400 MMSCFD. From secondary data had been obtained total length of alternative route 3.7 km. Carbon Steel pipe diameter which had been used 22 inch nominal diameter. Gas supply pressure is 350 psig with pressure of demand point is setted on 500 psig. On pipeline system design the preesure before put in to compressor is around 321.7 psig. The design on bottom stability factor is the main concern. From the design calculation the total minimum pipe weight is 793.16 ton, whereas the design around 932.6 ton. Therefore, the pipe will be stable on bottom of sea.
Depok: Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Astuti
Abstrak :
The study aims to usability analysis the National Library of Indonesia home page based the results of Paramjeet and Gupta research. The method used was think-aloud. In this method, one user was observed when doing the assignment and asked to express choices, feelings, or thoughts when testing the website. There are seven phases in this method, i.e 1) literature study of usability, usability testing and think- aloud, 2) self-evaluation of the home page of National Library of Indonesia website, conducted by comparing the results of Paramjeet and Gupta study, 3) determination of assessment parameters, 4) determination of the number and criteria of the respondents, 5) analysis of home page usability by the respondents, 6) analysis of the results, conducted based on the respondent transcripts, and 7) recommendations. There were ten respondents, with medium internet literacy skill. They expressed their thoughts and feelings when testing the home page. There were criteria used in the assessment :1) the main features consist of logo and name of organization, about us, contact us, and archive and archiving; 2)URL (Uniform Resources Locator); 3) window title; 4) date and time; 5) writing content; 6) navigation; 7) search; 8) graphic and animation.Based on the analysis, it shows that home page of the National Library of Indonesia website needs to be improved. The improvements needed are: the addition of about us feature on the main menu; contact us becomes part of about us in the main menu; the results of the archive and archiving is in the form of title, in order to facilitate the information retrieval; the moving boxes in the navigation are replaced with fixed boxes using different colors with the color news; the search is equipped with advanced search, and graphics and animation should also be improved not only as a home page ornament.
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2016
020 JPI 15:1-2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Amaliah Rumondang Luna Sari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas pengadaan koleksi risalah rapat pembahasan undang undang yang dilakukan oleh Perpustakaan DPR RI. Alasan yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini adalah tidak lengkapnya koleksi risalah rapat yang dikumpulkan oleh Perpustakaan DPR RI. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi proses pengadaan risalah rapat di Perpustakaan DPR RI, sehingga dari proses tersebut bisa ditemukan apa yang menjadi kendala dalam pengadaan koleksi risalah rapat di Perpustakaan DPR RI. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengadaan koleksi risalah rapat di Perpustakaan DPR RI memiliki alur yang jelas, yaitu mulai dari risalah rapat dibuat oleh Bagian Risalah sampai risalah rapat diserahkan oleh Ardok ke Perpustakaan. Dari alur tersebut ditemukan kendala yang menyebabkan koleksi risalah rapat di Perpustakaan DPR RI tidak lengkap, yaitu anggaran yang disediakan untuk pencetakan risalah rapat terbatas, sehingga hanya risalah rapat yang bersifat mendesak yang dicetak. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar risalah rapat dalam bentuk tercetak sebaiknya dialihmediakan ke dalam bentuk CD, atau ada baiknya risalah rapat tersebut tetap dikumpulkan oleh perpustakaan dalam bentuk tercetak, tetapi bentuk fisiknya dibuat menjadi lebih sederhana (dijilid biasa) supaya anggaran yang dikeluarkan tidak banyak.
This research discusses about the collection’s acquisition of legislative minutes which is done by the Library of Indonesian Parliament. The research is conduct because of the legislative minutes collected by the library is incomplete. The main goal is to identify process of the collection acquisition of legislative minutes in the Library of Indonesian Parliament, so from the process researcher can find what is the problem in the acquisition. The method used is qualitative which use study case method. The result of research shows that the collection’s acquisition of legislative minutes in Library of Indonesian Parliament already in the right way, which is from making legislative minutes until transfering legislative minutes by archive and documentation to the library. From this way, researcher can find problem that causes the collection’s acquisition of legislative minutes incomplete, which has limited budget provided. This research suggested that the acquisition collection of legislative minutes should be in the form of printed media transferred to CD or be kept in the form of printed media. However, the collection’s acquisition of legislative minutes in physical form will make it simpler than before, in order to save the budget.
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Three terpenoids, including two diterpenes (curcusone B and atrophone) and a triterpene (stigmasterol) have been isolated from the stem bark of Jatropha plants.Curcusone B and stigmasterol were isolated from J. curcas, meanwhile jatrophone and stigmasterol were from J. gossypifolia. The biological activities of these compounds have been evaluated toward bacteria, fungi and tumour cells. Isolation was carried out in vacuum liqiud cromatography (VLC) technique with silica gel as an adsorben and some solvents as eluents. The compound structures were determined by spectroscopic methodes i.e. UV-vis, FTIR, NMR (1-D, 2-D) and were then compared based on their spectroscopic data with similiar data from literatures. The biological properties of these compounds were evaluated against four strains of bacteria (Acetobacter sp., Eschericia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus sp.), 4 strains of fungi (Aspergilus niger, Penicillium sp. (grey), Penicillium sp. (white) and Rhizopus sp.) and murine leukemia P-388 cells. The results showed that cytotoxic property of curcusone B towards murine leukemia P-388 cells is better than jatrophone and stigmasterol which are IC50= 0.57μ g/mL (1.93μM) for curcusone B and IC50> 100μg/mL for jatrophone and stigmasterol. Meanwhile, activities against bacteria, jatrophon e is better than curcusone B and stigmasterol. Jatrophone is the most active against S. aureus (bacteria) with growth inhibition zone 36 mm and A.niger (fungi) is 44 mm. Further study indicated that jatrophone was bacteriostatic against S. aureus.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Haluoleo, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pamela Damayanti
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berusaha menggambarkan strategi pelestarian koleksi khusus Bung Karno di UPT Perpustakaan Proklamator Bung Karno Kota Blitar dan mengidentifikasi kendala yang dihadapi pada saat pelaksanaannya. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan metode studi kasus. Adapun pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara terhadap informan, observasi, dan studi dokumen yang terkait dengan strategi pelestarian koleksi khusus Bung Karno di UPT Perpustakaan Proklamator Bung Karno. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa UPT Perpustakaan Proklamator Bung Karno telah memiliki kebijakan dalam bidang pelestarian koleksi khusus Bung Karno meskipun belum secara rinci dan menyeluruh. Selain itu, telah terdapat pembinaan terhadap staf di bidang pelestarian melalui kegiatan pelatihan dan orientasi. Untuk kegiatannya, pelestarian koleksi khusus Bung Karno di UPT Perpustakaan Proklamator Bung Karno melaksanakan pelestarian preventif, pasif, serta aktif. Adapun kendala utama yang dihadapi dalam pelestarian koleksi khusus Bung Karno adalah ketersediaan fasilitas seperti perlengkapan, peralatan, dan ruangan yang terbatas, di mana hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dukungan dan perhatian pada kegiatan pelestarian belum maksimal sehingga mengakibatkan kurangnya pengalaman kerja staf di bidang pelestarian. Selain itu, koordinasi dan kerjasama staf di perpustakaan secara internal maupun eksternal perlu ditingkatkan dalam upaya mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan strategi pelestarian koleksi khusus Bung Karno.
This study attempts to describe and understand the preservation strategy of Bung Karno rsquo s rare collection in Perpustakaan Proklamator Bung Karno Kota Blitar and to identify the problems during its process This is a qualitative research using case study methods Interviews observation and documents study are used to obtain data This study shows that preservation policy concerning with Bung Karno rsquo srare collection has been used by UPT Perpustakaan Proklamator Bung Karno eventhough the policy is still need to be developed Education and training for human resource in preservation have been conducted for building skills capacity In the other hand UPT Perpustakaan Proklamator Bung Karno is doing preventive pasive and active preservation for their preservation activity This study also shows that the main problem of preservation strategy is the lack of facility owned by library and support from management staff Thus hopefully this research will lead UPT Perpustakaan Proklamator Bung Karno for establishing a developed strategy in doing preservation of rare collection Keyword strategy preservation rare collection special library
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library