Komposit dibuat dengan metode squeeze casting yang diikuti dengan perlakuan panas T6 pada temperatur 470°C selama dua jam, pendinginan cepat dengan air, dan penuaan buatan pada temperatur 145°C, 175°C, dan 205°C selama kurang lebih satu jam. Penguatan partikel nano ditambahkan ke dalam lelehan paduan aluminium selama proses fabrikasi dengan kadar 0,3 % berat. Selanjutnya, pelat komposit diuji dengan pengujian karakterisasi berupa pengamatan struktur mikro menggunakan mikroskop optik dan SEM-EDS, serta pengujian mekanik seperti uji kekerasan, uji tarik, dan uji impak.
Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan panas dan penuaan buatan T6 mempengaruhi konstituen dan fasa struktur mikro. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan panas dan penuaan buatan T6 secara signifikan meningkatkan kekerasan dan kekuatan tarik, tetapi tidak secara signifikan meningkatkan ketangguhan impak, yang secara langsung berkaitan dengan perubahan mikrostruktur yang terjadi selama proses penuaan. ......Al 2024 alloy is known as an alloy that has high strength and is capable of being heat treated. Its low density along with good mechanical properties make Al 2024 alloy widely used in the automotive field. On this basis, Al 2024 alloy was studied to determine its usefulness in the automotive industry. The addition of reinforcing particles in the form of Al2O3 ceramics is to improve the mechanical properties of the material such as hardness, tensile strength and impact toughness which are related to the protective ability of the material. This study was conducted to determine the effect of heat treatment in the form of T6 artificial ageing temperature variations on the mechanical properties and microstructure result of Al 2024/Al2O3 nano particle composites.
The composites were fabricated by the squeeze casting method followed by T6 heat treatment at 470 °C for two hours, rapid cooling with water, and artificial ageing at 145°C, 175 °C, and 205 °C for approximately one hour. Nano-particle reinforcement was added to the aluminum alloy melt during the fabrication process at 0.3 wt%. Furthermore, the composite plates were tested by characterization testing in the form of microstructure observation using optical microscope and SEM-EDS, and mechanical testing such as hardness test, tensile test, and impact test.
The characterization show that heat treatment and T6 artificial ageing affected the constituent and phase of the microstructure. The results also show that heat treatment and T6 artificial ageing significantly increase the hardness and tensile strength, but doesn’t significantly increase impact toughness, which directly related to the microstructural changes that occur during the ageing process.