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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Weny Rinawati
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Masalah yang sering dihadapi pada pelayanan pasien Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional adalah kesenjangan biaya perawatan pasien stroke dengan tarif INA-CBGs. Hal ini terkait dengan biaya perawatan dan Clinical Pathway. Tujuan. Mengetahui biaya perawatan pasien stroke di Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional. Metoda. Penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif mengikutsertakan 277 subjek penyakit stroke yang diperoleh di Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional Jakarta selama Januari ? Juni 2015. Biaya perawatan stroke dihitung berdasarkan biaya satuan (unit cost) dengan menggunakan metode activity based costing dan Clinical Pathway. Hasil. Biaya satuan perawatan stroke iskemik dan stroke hemoragik berdasarkan Clinical Pathway, dengan memperhitungkan biaya investasi dan biaya gaji, tanpa memperhitungkan jasa medis berturut-turut adalah Rp 311,860,860.83 dan Rp 585,083,610.01; dengan memperhitungkan biaya investasi, biaya gaji, dan jasa medis berdasarkan tarif rumah sakit adalah Rp 321,682,940.73 dan Rp598,929,450.01; dengan memperhitungkan biaya investasi, biaya gaji, dan jasa medis berdasarkan tarif IDI adalah Rp 318,360,860.73 dan Rp 594,333,610.01; tanpa memperhitungkan biaya investasi, biaya gaji, dan jasa medis adalah Rp30,361,681.00 dan Rp25,698,199.46; tanpa memperhitungkan biaya investasi dan biaya gaji, tetapi memperhitungkan jasa medis berdasarkan tarif rumah sakit adalah Rp 40,183,761.00 dan Rp 39,544,199.46; tanpa memperhitungkan biaya investasi dan biaya gaji, tetapi memperhitungkan jasa medis berdasarkan IDI adalah Rp 36,861,681.00 dan Rp 34,948,199.46. Simpulan: Dijumpai selisih biaya perawatan berdasarkan biaya satuan dan Clinical Pathway, baik yang memperhitungkan biaya investasi, gaji, dan jasa medis, maupun tanpa memperhitungkan biaya investasi, gaji, dan jasa medis, dengan tarif layanan existing dan tarif INA-CBGs. ...... Background. Problem often encountered in patient care National Health Insurance is the gap between the cost of stroke treatment with INA-CBGs tariff. This is related to the cost of treatment and the Clinical Pathway. Aim. Knowing the cost of stroke treatment in the National Brain Center Hospital Jakarta. Methods. Descriptive quantitative study involving 277 subjects stroke obtained at the National Brain Center Hospital Jakarta during January - June 2015. The cost of stroke treatment are calculated based on the unit cost using activity-based costing method and Clinical Pathway. Results. The unit cost of ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke treatment by Clinical Pathway, taking into account investment costs and salary costs, regardless of medical services is IDR 311,860,860.83 and IDR 585,083,610.01; taking into account investment cost, salary cost, and medical services tariff based hospital is IDR 321,682,940.73 and IDR 598,929,450.01; taking into account investment cost, salary cost, and medical services tariff based IDI is IDR 318,360,860.73 and IDR 594,333,610.01; without taking into account investment cost, salary cost, and medical services are IDR 30,361,681.00 and IDR 25,698,199.46; without taking into account the investment cost and salary cost, but taking into account medical services tariff based hospital is IDR 40,183,761.00 and IDR 39,544,199.46; without taking into account the investment cost and salary cost, but taking into account medical services tariff based IDI is IDR 36,861,681.00 and IDR 34,948,199.46. Conclusion. Found difference in the cost of stroke treatment is based on unit cost and Clinical Pathway, both of which take into account the investment, salaries, and medical services cost, and without taking into account investment, salaries, and medical services cost, with existing services and tariff rates INA-CBGs.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Keterlambatan pengajuan klaim BPJS berakibat pada turunnya cashflow rumah sakit. Proses klaim saat ini berjalan tidak efisien dan efektif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan hasil analisis dan usulan perbaikan alur proses dokumen klaim BPJS pasien rawat jalan dengan menerapkan konsep Lean Hospital. Penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif ini mengobservasi waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan dokumen klaim sebelum diberikan kepada verifikator BPJS serta melakukan wawancara mendalam, observasi proses, dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi waste terbesar di unit mobilisasi dana yaitu selama 32,5 hari 18,8 menit dalam penyelesaian dokumen klaim. Jenis waste terbanyak adalah waiting dan transportation. Berdasarkan VSM diketahui Lead Time dari proses klaim saat ini adalah 33,9 hari. Usulan perbaikan yang diberikan dari penelitian ini adalah dengan optimalisasi tim Casemix yang baru saja dibentuk, sehingga lead time pengerjaan klaim yang dibutuhkan menjadi 6,44 menit. Standardisasi kerja dan penilaian kinerja berupa KPI, IKI, dan IKU dinilai perlu diterapkan agar kinerja petugas menjadi optimal.
Delay in the submission of BPJS claims resulted in decreasing hospital cash flow. The current claim process is not efficient and effective.The objective of this reseach is to analize and propose improvement in the claim process by applying Lean Hospital concept. This research used quantitative and qualitative approaches to observed the time required to complete the claim process before submitted to the BPJS verificator and also have an in-depth interview, observe the process, and document review. The result showed most waste happened in mobilisasi dana unit for 32.5 days 18.8 minutes in the settlement BPJS document claims. Based on Value Stream Mapping, Lead Time of the claim process at this time is 33.9 day. Most types of waste are waiting and transportation. Proposed improvement provided from the study is to optimizing the casemix team which newly formed. By optimizing the casemix team, Lead Time required to complete the claims process is 6.44 minutes. Standardize work and performance appraisal (KPI, IKI, and IKU) consider to apply to reach employee best performance.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Umi Kulsum
Abstrak :
Konsep green hospital merupakan manajemen perubahan yang menjadi kebutuhan di RS yang dapat mengurangi konsumsi energi secara signifikan, meningkatkan kenyamanan dan produktivitas serta menjaga kelestarian sumber daya alam berkelanjutan Dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan, RS menggunakan energi berupa listrik, air, bahan bakar, makanan pasien dan bahan bangunan. RS juga memproduksi limbah medis dan non medis. Hal tersebut dapat menjadi kontribusi terhadap perubahan iklim apabila tidak dikelola dengan baik. Penelitian ini menilai kesiapan Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional Prof Dr. dr. Mahar Mardjono Jakarta yang mengacu pada standar nasional Greenship Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). Penelitian ini berupa studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui observasi untuk mengamati dan menelaah berbagai objek dalam penelitian, melakukan pengukuran dan mengisi ceklis pada instrumen/tools. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa RSPON dapat memenuhi total nilai nilai 58 atau 49,57% dari maksimal 117 nilai dari total kriteria yang dipersyaratkan dalam Greenship. Berdasarkan perolehan nilai tersebut maka sesuai dengan peringkat Greenship GBCI, RSPON mendapatkan peringkat Silver (Perak). Untuk memperbaiki peringkat, masih dapat dengan cara menyediakan parkir sepeda, menambah luasan ruang terbuka hijau, pemasangan sistem pemantauan energi, daur ulang sampah organik, daur ulang air olahan IPAL melakukan konservasi air bersih, mencoba menggunakan teknologi panel surya (solar cell) serta mengintegrasikan efisiensi energi ke dalam program pemeliharaan. ......The green hospital concept is change management which becomes a hospital need in order to lower energy consumption significantly, intensify amenities and productivity, along with preserve the sustainable natural resources. Hospital consumes electricity, water, fuel, patient's foods, and also building materials while giving the health service. It also produces medical and non-medical waste. If all of them are unmanaged well, they may contribute to the global warming occurrence. This research is held to assess the National Brain Hospital Prof. Dr. dr. Mahar Mardjono Jakarta's readiness toward a national standard called Greenship Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). The study used in this research is a case study with a qualitative approach through observation to monitor and analyze the research objects, make measurements, and also checklist the instrument/tools. The research has shown that National Brain Hospital gained 58 or 49,57% from the maximum score of 117 of Greenship's requirement total criteria. Based on that score, National Brain Hospital was rated as a Silver category. In order to improve the rank, it needs to provide the bicycle parking area, add the green open space, install the energy monitoring system, do the organic waste recycle, recycle the water produced by the wastewater treatment plant, perform the clean water conservation, try to use solar cell technology, and also integrate the energy efficiency to the maintenance program.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Rakhmawati
Abstrak :
Clinical Pathway (CP) merupakan perangkat alat multidisiplin ilmu yang digunakan untuk perawatan kesehatan berbasis bukti (evidence based). CP memiliki fungsi menyeragamkan terapi sehingga mampu meminimalkan komplikasi dan kesalahan pengobatan. Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional (RS PON) merupakan rumah sakit rujukan otak dan persarafan nasional. Stroke perdarahan menjadi penyakit kedua tertinggi di RS.PON. Keberagaman keputusan dilakukannya operasi atau tidak, meskipun sudah masuk indikasi, menjadi poin penting untuk menganalisis implementasi pelaksanaan Clinical Pathway ini. Tujuan penelitian: menilai implementasi CP stroke perdarahan yang telah dijalankan sehingga diharapkan mampu menjadi dasar penentu kebijakan rumah sakit jejaring maupun rumah sakit seluruh Indonesia. Menilai hubungan antara variabel-variabel dalam clinical pathway terhadap Length of Stay (LOS), morbiditas dan mortalitas Metode: ​​Penelitian ini menggunakan metode mixed method, dengan pendekatan retrospektif. Dalam penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan analisis univariat dan multivariat, dimana menggunakan data sekunder dari rekam medis pasien stroke perdarahan yang dirawat di RS PON pada januari 2020 - Desember 2021. Dari total populasi 1254 pasien setelah dilakukan kriteria inklusi dan inklusi didapatkan 1001 pasien. Penelitian kuantitatif, dilakukan dengan menganalisis pengaruh implementasi CP terhadap lama hari rawat, morbiditas (nilai NIHSS) dan mortalitas. Faktor risiko dan efek atau penyakit yang terjadi di masa lampau diukur melalui catatan historis. Sementara pengumpulan data secara kualitatif menggunakan kuisioner dan wawancara secara mendalam kepada Kepala Bidang Pelayanan Medis, Kepala Komite Medis, Kepala Komite Keperawatan, Kepala Divisi Vaskular, Dokter Spesialis Neurologi, Dokter Spesialis Bedah Saraf, Dokter IGD, Perawat, Fisioterapi, Terapi wicara, Gizi dan Farmasi untuk mengetahui tahapan proses Clinical Pathway di RS PON. Total responden 129 orang. Penelitian kualitatif menilai pengetahuan tenaga medis dan paramedis terkait CP, implementasi, supervisi, monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil: penelitian kuantitatif menemukan adanya hubungan antara beberapa variabel yang berada dalam CP, seperti pemeriksaan penunjang, terapi sesuai indikasi dan penyakit komorbid terhadap LOS, morbiditas dan mortalitas. Sementara pada penelitian kualitatif menilai implementasi CP di RS PON memerlukan perbaikan dari segi sosialisasi, implementasi, monitoring dan evaluasi. ......Clinical Pathway is a multidisciplinary toolkit used for evidence-based health care. The Clinical Pathway has the function to unify the therapy so as to minimize complications and medication errors. The National Brain Center Hospital (PON Hospital) is a national brain and nervous referral hospital. Hemorrhagic stroke is the second-highest disease in PON Hospital. The diversity of decisions to have surgery or not, even though it is indicated, is an important point to analyze the implementation of this Clinical Pathway. Objective: to evaluate the implementation of CP bleeding stroke that has been carried out so that it is expected to be the basis for determining policy for network hospitals and hospitals throughout Indonesia. Assessing the relationship between variables in clinical pathways on Length of Stay (LOS), morbidity, and mortality Methods: This study uses a mixed-method, with a retrospective approach. In this quantitative study, univariate and multivariate analyzes were carried out, which used secondary data from the medical records of hemorrhagic stroke patients treated at the PON Hospital in 2020-2021. From the total population of 1254 patients, after the inclusion and inclusion criteria were carried out, there were 1001 patients. Quantitative research was conducted by analyzing the effect of Clinical Pathway implementation on length of stay, morbidity (NIHSS value), and mortality. `Risk factors and effects or diseases that occurred in the past are measured through historical records. Meanwhile, qualitative data collection used in-depth interviews with the Head of Medical Services, Head of the Medical Committee, Head of Nursing, Head of the Vascular Division, Neurology Specialist, Neurosurgeon Specialist, Emergency Room Doctor, Nurse, Farmation, physiotherapist, speech therapist, nutritionist to find out the stages of the Clinical Pathway process at the PON Hospital. The total number of respondents are 129 people. Qualitative research assesses the knowledge of medical and paramedical personnel related to CP, implementation, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation. Result: Quantitative research found a relationship between several variables in CP, such as investigations, therapy, and comorbid with LOS, morbidity, and mortality. Meanwhile, qualitative research showed that the implementation of CP in the PON Hospital was still unsatisfactory in terms of socialization, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Conclusion: Implementation of CP is associated with clinical outcomes of hemorrhagic stroke patients.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library