Agnes Setyowati Hariningsih
Abstrak :
[Disertasi ini membahas Representasi Al Qaeda, Strategi naratif Lawrence Wright
dalam Narasi Apologi The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 911.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menunjukkan strategi naratif yang membangun
representasi Al Qaeda dan memperlihatkan aspek retorika (pathos, ethos, logos)
yang mengonstruksi apologi melalui pendekatan representasi Stuart Hall dan
retorika Kenneth Burke. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Al Qaeda
direpresentasikan sebagai sebuah identitas yang ambigu melalui representasi
tokoh-tokoh serta tindakan-tindakan mereka: di satu pihak TLT membela dan
memperlihatkan upaya pemahaman dengan menyampaikan sebab-sebab tindakan
radikal, di pihak lain mengukuhkan citra Islam yang negatif seperti dimitoskan
oleh Barat. Representasi identitas Al Qaeda juga dikonstruksi oleh sikap-sikap AS
melalui kebijakan terhadap Timur Tengah dan dunia Muslim. Aspek retorika
menimbulkan empati dan menyampaikan alasan-alasan yang melatarbelakangi
tindakan Al Qaeda sehingga teks ini terlihat membela Al Qaeda. Dengan
demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa TLT merupakan narasi apologi yang juga
ditunjang oleh teknik jurnalisme sastrawi, dan menampilkan “kenyataan” dengan
memberikan “suara” pada tokoh-tokoh marjinal sehingga memberikan kesan
nyata yang berdampak pada semakin dekatnya jarak antara teks dengan pembaca.
Apologi dalam TLT ditunjukkan pula oleh representasi tokoh-tokoh sebagai
korban dalam alur pengkhianatan, dehumanisasi, dan penghinaan terhadap tokoh
oleh penguasa Mesir dan AS. Namun demikian, dalam TLT ditemukan pula bias
ideologi pengarang sebagai orang Amerika yang terlihat dari penggunaan jargonjargon
Barat dalam mendefinisikan Islam dan Al Qaeda dari perspektif Barat.;This dissertation discusses the Representation of Al Qaeda and Narrative
Strategies in Lawrence Wright's Narrative Apologetic, The Looming Tower: Al
Qaeda and the Road to 9/11. The purpose of this study is to show narrative
strategies in the representation of Al Qaeda and rhetorical aspects (pathos, ethos,
logos) in constructing aspects of apology by using representation theory of Stuart
Hall and Kenneth Burke's rhetoric. The results show that Al Qaeda represented as
a complex identity in the representation of the characters and their actions: on the
one hand TLT defends Al Qaeda by understanding the causes of radical actions,
on the other hand it confirms the negative image of Islam in the Western myth.
The identity of Al Qaeda is also constructed by the United States policies towards
the Middle East and the Muslim world. Aspects of rhetoric raise empathy and
convey the reasons behind the actions of Al Qaeda so that the text tends to defend
Al Qaeda. The narrative apologetic in TLT is supported by literary journalism
techniques, portraying the "reality" by giving "voice" to the marginalized figures
that give a real impression in proximity between the text and the reader. The
aspects of apology in TLT are also indicated by the representation of the
characters as victims in the plot of betrayal, dehumanization, and humiliation by
the Egyptian and the United States authorities. Nevertheless, The author's
ideological bias as an American is revealed in the use of western jargon in
defining Islam and Al Qaeda from a Western perspective, This dissertation discusses the Representation of Al Qaeda and Narrative
Strategies in Lawrence Wright's Narrative Apologetic, The Looming Tower: Al
Qaeda and the Road to 9/11. The purpose of this study is to show narrative
strategies in the representation of Al Qaeda and rhetorical aspects (pathos, ethos,
logos) in constructing aspects of apology by using representation theory of Stuart
Hall and Kenneth Burke's rhetoric. The results show that Al Qaeda represented as
a complex identity in the representation of the characters and their actions: on the
one hand TLT defends Al Qaeda by understanding the causes of radical actions,
on the other hand it confirms the negative image of Islam in the Western myth.
The identity of Al Qaeda is also constructed by the United States policies towards
the Middle East and the Muslim world. Aspects of rhetoric raise empathy and
convey the reasons behind the actions of Al Qaeda so that the text tends to defend
Al Qaeda. The narrative apologetic in TLT is supported by literary journalism
techniques, portraying the "reality" by giving "voice" to the marginalized figures
that give a real impression in proximity between the text and the reader. The
aspects of apology in TLT are also indicated by the representation of the
characters as victims in the plot of betrayal, dehumanization, and humiliation by
the Egyptian and the United States authorities. Nevertheless, The author's
ideological bias as an American is revealed in the use of western jargon in
defining Islam and Al Qaeda from a Western perspective]
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library