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Etty Rekawati
Abstrak :
Keperawatan Keluarga Santun Lansia sebagai pendekatan pemberdayaan keluarga dalam meningkatkan dukungan dan strategi koping keluarga, serta menurunkan beban keluarga dalam merawat lansia untuk melakukan perawatan secara optimal pada lansia. Tujuan penelitian yaitu memperoleh model keperawatan keluarga santun lansia dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas asuhan keluarga pada lansia.

Penelitian ini menggunakan desain riset operasional melalui 3 (tiga) tahapan penelitian yaitu; Tahap I : Identifikasi masalah dukungan, strategi koping, beban keluarga dalam merawat lansia, status kesehatan lansia dan kejadian salah perlakuan pada lansia. dengan desain kuantitatif (cross-sectional) dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 135; Tahap II : pengembangan model keperawatan keluarga santun lansia hasil integrasi penelitian tahap 1, studi literature dan konsultasi pakar; Tahap III : Uji coba model dengan quasieksperiment pre-post test with control group dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 108. Hasil penelitian diperoleh : 1) Tahap I : dukungan informasional dan strategi koping Acquiring Social Support adalah variabel dominan terjadinya salah perlakuan; 2) Tahap II dihasilkan model keperawatan keluarga santun lansia dengan modul, buku kerja dan kurikulum pelatihan; 3) Tahap III : terdapat perbedaan bermakna dukungan keluarga (dukungan informasional dan instrumental), strategi koping keluarga, dan salah perlakuan pada lansia antar pengukuran 3 bulan setelah penerapan model diantara kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Kesimpulan : model keperawatan keluarga santun lansia efektif meningkatkan dukungan informasional dan instrumental keluarga, meningkatkan penggunaan seluruh strategi koping keluarga, dan meningkatkan kemampuan keluarga untuk tidak melakukan salah perlakuan pada lansia. Rekomendasi : 1) Replikasi model di seluruh Indonesia; 2) Pelatihan berkelanjutan bagi perawat, kader kesehatan dan pelaku rawat dalam merawat lansia di rumah; 3) Penelitian lanjutan yaitu mengidentifikasi lebih objektif mengenai beban pelaku rawat dalam merawat lansia, kualitas hidup lansia yang berkaitan dengan penerapan Model Keperawatan Santun Lansia, difokuskan pada dukungan informasional dan strategi koping Acquiring Social Support yang merupakan variabel yang dominan terhadap. ...... The Cordial Older Family Nursing Model is a family empowerment approach in improving support and coping strategy, as well as reducing family burden in term of providing optimal care for older persons. The objective of this study was to establish The Cordial Older Family Nursing Model in order to improving family care of older persons. This study used operational research design that passed through three steps of research. Step I: Identifying the problems of support, coping strategy, family burden in taking care of older person, the health status of older person, and the incident of elderly abuse through cross-sectional study with 135 samples. Step II: The development of The Cordial Older Family Nursing Model, integrated result of step I of this study, and expert consultation. Step III: Validation of model utilized quasi-experiment pre-post test with control group, 108 samples. The result of this study, were as follows: 1.) Step I: informational of support and coping strategy Acquiring Social Support were predominant variable that provoked the incident of abuse. 2.) Step II: Module, workbook, and training curriculum for The Cordial Older Family Nursing Model were developed 3.) Step III: There were significant differences between family support (informational and instrumental), family coping strategy, and the incident of elderly abuse in 3-months-measurement after the implementation of model between intervention and control group. Conclusion: The Cordial Older Family Nursing Model was able to promote informational and instrumental family support, family coping strategy, and improve family ability not to commit abuse in older persons. Recommendation: 1.) Replication of the model to cities all over Indonesia; 2.) Continuous training for nurses, health cadre, and family caregivers in taking care homebound older adults; 3.) Advanced study that will provide the more objective assessment to identify family burden in taking care of older adults, Quality of Life (QoL) of older adults that is related to the implementation of The Cordial Older Family Nursing Model, the study should be more focused on informational support and coping strategy Acquiring Social Support that was determined as predominant variable towards the incident of abuse and the improvement of self help group for older persons.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irna Nursanti
Abstrak :
Bertambahnya populasi usia lanjut memberikan tantangan baru bagi tenaga kesehatan dan pemberi layanan kesehatan, agar proses aging yang dialami tidak memberikan dampak pada kerentanan status kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian mengembangkan ?Paket Kemilau Senja? dan pengaruhnya terhadap pemahaman serta kemampuan mengatasi permasalahan perempuan menopause di Jakarta Timur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Besar sampel kuantitatif 291 responden, yang terdiri dari 158 kelompok intervensi dan 133 kelompok kontrol serta 10 orang partisipan. Hasil tahap I diperoleh pengembangan ?Paket Kemilau Senja? untuk perempuan menopause. Hasil tahap II pada kelompok intervensi terdapat perbedaan kemampuan mengatasi permasalahan masa menopause sebelum dan sesudah diberikan ?Paket Kemilau Senja? dalam permasalahan: fisik (p=0,002), seksual (p=0,036 ) dan psikologis (p=0,004), selanjutnya pada kelompok intervensi dan kontrol terdapat perbedaan kemampuan mengatasi permasalahan: fisik (p=0,041), seksual (p=0,001) dan psikologis (p=0,000). Data kuantitatif tersebut juga didukung oleh pernyataan partisipan tentang adanya penurunan terhadap permasalahan fisik, seksual dan psikologis setelah diberikan intervensi ?Paket Kemilau Senja?. Rekomendasi ?Paket Kemilau Senja? agar didesiminasikan kepada petugas kesehatan dan masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup perempuan menopause;
The growing size of elderly population has brought new challenges to health care personnel in general and specifically in order to keep the process of aging toward the fragility of their health status. The aim of this study was to develop the ?Kemilau Senja Package? or the ?Serenade Package? and its effect on nursing comprehension and ability to overcome problems of women who experience menopause in East Jakarta. Data was collected through quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative sample size was 291 respondents that consisted of 158 subjects in the intervention group and 133 subjects in the control group whereas for qualitative methods was participated by 10 participants. The product of the 1st stage of the study was a ?Kemilau Senja Package? for women who experience menopause, while the results of the 2nd stage of study demonstrated that there is a different ability to overcome problems between before and after receiving the ?Kemilau Senja Package?, on problems: physical (p= 0.000), sexual (p=0.001) and psychological (p=0.000). Further, there is different ability between the intervention and control group in overcoming problems: physical (p=0.000), sexual (p=0.000) and psychological (p=0.000). The quantitative finding was also supported with the statement of participants on the presence of reduced physical, sexual and psychological problems after receiving the intervention of the ?Kemilau Senja Package?. Based on the finding, it?s strong recommendation to disseminate the ?Kemilau Senja Package? to Health Care providers and the community in regard to improving the quality of life of women who experience menopause;The growing size of elderly population has brought new challenges to health care personnel in general and specifically in order to keep the process of aging toward the fragility of their health status. The aim of this study was to develop the ?Kemilau Senja Package? or the ?Serenade Package? and its effect on nursing comprehension and ability to overcome problems of women who experience menopause in East Jakarta. Data was collected through quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative sample size was 291 respondents that consisted of 158 subjects in the intervention group and 133 subjects in the control group whereas for qualitative methods was participated by 10 participants. The product of the 1st stage of the study was a ?Kemilau Senja Package? for women who experience menopause, while the results of the 2nd stage of study demonstrated that there is a different ability to overcome problems between before and after receiving the ?Kemilau Senja Package?, on problems: physical (p= 0.000), sexual (p=0.001) and psychological (p=0.000). Further, there is different ability between the intervention and control group in overcoming problems: physical (p=0.000), sexual (p=0.000) and psychological (p=0.000). The quantitative finding was also supported with the statement of participants on the presence of reduced physical, sexual and psychological problems after receiving the intervention of the ?Kemilau Senja Package?. Based on the finding, it?s strong recommendation to disseminate the ?Kemilau Senja Package? to Health Care providers and the community in regard to improving the quality of life of women who experience menopause, The growing size of elderly population has brought new challenges to health care personnel in general and specifically in order to keep the process of aging toward the fragility of their health status. The aim of this study was to develop the “Kemilau Senja Package” or the “Serenade Package” and its effect on nursing comprehension and ability to overcome problems of women who experience menopause in East Jakarta. Data was collected through quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative sample size was 291 respondents that consisted of 158 subjects in the intervention group and 133 subjects in the control group whereas for qualitative methods was participated by 10 participants. The product of the 1st stage of the study was a “Kemilau Senja Package” for women who experience menopause, while the results of the 2nd stage of study demonstrated that there is a different ability to overcome problems between before and after receiving the “Kemilau Senja Package”, on problems: physical (p= 0.000), sexual (p=0.001) and psychological (p=0.000). Further, there is different ability between the intervention and control group in overcoming problems: physical (p=0.000), sexual (p=0.000) and psychological (p=0.000). The quantitative finding was also supported with the statement of participants on the presence of reduced physical, sexual and psychological problems after receiving the intervention of the “Kemilau Senja Package”. Based on the finding, it’s strong recommendation to disseminate the “Kemilau Senja Package” to Health Care providers and the community in regard to improving the quality of life of women who experience menopause]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Franciscus Adi Prasetyo
Abstrak :
Fokus kajian penelitian ini adalah membahas tentang transformasi orang dengan schizophrenia dari sembuh ke pulih melalui kemampuan pengendalian diri. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa kemampuan pengendalian diri yang dikuasai oleh orang dengan schizophrenia dapat menghantarkannya mencapai pemulihan diri yang diperoleh melalui latihan mengelola pikiran, perasaan, dan tindakannya. Perubahan yang dicapai orang dengan schizophrenia setelah pulih meliputi perubahan cara pandang terhadap schizophrenia, rasa nyaman hidup bersama schizophrenia, kemampuan mengelola perilaku, memiliki empati, mampu beraktivitas, memiliki pengetahuan tentang gangguannya. Orang dengan schizophrenia memiliki strateginya masing-masing untuk mengembangkan kemampuan pengendalian diri sebagai cara mempertahankan pemulihan jangka panjangnya.
The main fokus of this research is discusses the transformation of people with schizophrenia from heal to recovery through sself-control abilities. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach. The results of this study prove that self-control abilities of person with schizophrenia can help him achieve self-recovery through managing his thought, feeling, and behavior. Some changes achieved by people with schizophrneia after recovery include changes in perspective on schizophrenia, feeling confortable living with schizophrenia, able to manage behavior, having emphaty, being able to activity in his commnity, having knowledge of schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia have different strategies to develop their self-control ability as a way to maintain their long-term recovery.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Rini Lesmawati
Abstrak :
Belaskasih dibutuhkan pekerja sosial tetapi belum ada alat spesifik yang mengukur kemampuan tersebut, termasuk memprediksi kompetensi belaskasih calon pekerja sosial. Meski belaskasih dapat dipandang sebagai kompetensi, teori yang ada lebih banyak mendefinisikan belaskasih sebagai emosi Goetz, Keltner, Simon-Thomas, 2010; Lazarus, 1991. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan alat ukur belaskasih terutama untuk seleksi calon pekerja sosial. Terlebih dahulu penelitian ini merumuskan belaskasih sebagai kompetensi yang terdiri dari hasrat membantu, kearifan membantu dan rencana tindakan membantu. Penelitian ini juga mengembangkan alat ukur kompetensi belaskasih bagi pekerja sosial berpengalaman untuk validasi alat ukur seleksi 100 orang pekerja sosial mengisi alat ukur belaskasih, prediksi belaskasih, spiritualitas, pengalaman emosi positif, nilai, analisis kasus belaskasih dan kemampuan berpikir kritis. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa belaskasih dapat diukur sebagai kompetensi. Pengujian reliabilitas menggunakan Cronbach dan diperkuat dengan Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Validasi dilakukan melalui uji validitas terkait kriteria menggunakan Behavioral Event Questionnaire BEQ Belaskasih. Untuk pengujian validitas konstruk hasrat membantu, terdapat korelasi signifikan dengan spiritualitas, pengalaman emosi positif dan nilai universalisme serta nilai kebajikan, sementara korelasi tidak signifikan terbukti dengan nilai kekuasaan. Untuk pengujian validitas konstruk kearifan membantu, terdapat korelasi signifikan dengan analisis kasus belaskasih dan kemampuan berpikir kritis, sementara korelasi tidak signifikan terbukti dengan nilai konformitas.
Compassion is a requirement for social workers. However, there has not been a specific instrument to measure the it, nor to predict the competency for social workers to be. Although it can be regarded as a competency, the majority of theories define compassion as an emotion Goetz, Keltner, Simon Thomas, 2010 Lazarus, 1991. This study was aimed to develop an instrument to measure compassion as a competency, especially for selection use. This research firstly formulated the definition of compassion competency as an ability consisted of a drive, wisdom and action plan to help. The next step was constructing a competency measurement for experienced social workers as a criterion to validate the selection measurement tool. 100 social workers participated in this research, completing the measurement of compassion competency, compassion competency prediction, spirituality, positive emotion experiences, values, compassion case analysis, and critical thinking ability. The result showed that compassion could be measured as a competency. Reliability testing applied in this study were Cronbach rsquo s and Confirmatory Factor Analysis CFA. Criterion related validity used Compassion Behavioral Event Questionnaire BEQ. To test construct validity of compassion drive predictor, significant correlations was found between the predictor and spirituality, positive emotion experiences, and self transcendence values universalism and benevolence, while an unsignificant correlation was found between the predictor and power value. To test construct validity of compassion wisdom predictor, significant correlations was found between the predictor and compassion case analysis and also critical thinking ability, while significant correlation between the predictor and conformity value was not found.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library