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Rita Mustika
Pengembangan humanisme sebagai inti profesionalisme diperlukan karena dokter profesional masa kini dituntut melakukan pelayanan berpusat pada pasien dan mengesampingkan kepentingan pribadi. Pengembangan humanisme dipengaruhi persepsi mahasiswa terhadap lingkungan pembelajaran terutama di klinik. Meskipun demikian, belum ada instrumen untuk menilai hal tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyusun instrumen penilaian iklim humanis lingkungan pembelajaran klinis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain sequential exploratory mixed method dan dilakukan di Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) pada bulan Januari – Desember 2019. Penelitian dilakukan dalam empat tahap yaitu penyusunan instrumen, uji coba, penyusunan model iklim humanis lingkungan pembelajaran klinis dan implementasi. Tahapan penyusunan instrumen dimulai dengan sintesis konsep iklim humanis lingkungan pembelajaran klinis melalui telaah pustaka, focus group discussion dan wawancara mendalam. Dari penyusunan tersebut diperoleh konsep yang dijadikan rujukan draf instrumen Humanistic Climate Measure (H-CliM) yang terdiri atas 89 butir pertanyaan; 7 domain. Tahap kedua, dilakukan uji coba H-CliM bersama instrumen untuk menilai kompetensi humanisme Integrity Compassion Altruism Respect Empathy (ICARE). Kedua instrumen terbukti valid (r > 0,3) dan reliabel (α-cronbach > 0,7). Dilakukan analisis faktor untuk memvalidasi konstruk dan menghasilkan instrumen H-CliM final (46 butir pertanyaan; 4 domain) serta ICARE final (15 butir pertanyaan; 2 domain). Analisis receiver operating characteristic (ROC) menghasilkan titik potong ≥ 184,5 artinya, skor H-CliM ≥ 184,5 tergolong humanis. Analisis regresi logistik menghasilkan model iklim humanis yang 62% dapat menjelaskan variasi iklim humanis (R2 = 0,62). Model tersebut adalah: Logit P (iklim humanis) = 0,782 (rotasi klinis non-bedah) + 0,048 (kurikulum formal dan informal terkait humanisme) – 0,213 (hidden curriculum) + 0,036 (relasi dan fasilitas yang mendukung humanisme) + 0,044 (pengembangan kepribadian dan profesionalisme) + 0,409 (perempuan) + e. Penelitian ini berhasil mengembangkan instrumen penilaian iklim humanis yang valid dan reliabel yaitu instrumen H-CliM (α-Cronbach = 0,86). Lingkungan pembelajaran non-bedah 2 kali lebih humanis dibanding bedah (p = 0,0001). Persepsi terhadap iklim humanis lingkungan pembelajaran klinis berkorelasi lemah dengan capaian kompetensi humanisme.
The development of humanism as the core of professionalism is crucial, seeing that professional doctors today are expected to carry through patient-centered services and put aside their personal interests. In clinical setting, cultivating humanism is highly influenced by students 'perceptions on clinical learning climate, therefore, it is necessary to assess that perception. However, to date there is no instrument to assess clinical learning climate. The purpose of this study is to develop an instrument to assess humanistic learning climate. This study utilizes a sequential exploratory mixed method design and is conducted at the Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital (RSCM) in January - December 2019. The research was conducted in four stages, which are the preparation of instruments, trials, development of humanistic climate models of clinical learning environments and implementation of the instrument. The stages of instrument preparation begin with the synthesis of concept of the humanistic clinical learning climate through literature review, focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. Afterward, the concept that was obtained utilized as a reference for drafting instrument of Humanistic Climate Measure (H-CliM) consisting of 89 questions; 7 domains. The second stage, an H-CliM trial was carried out along with instruments to assess the competence of the Integrity Compassion Altruism Respect Empathy (ICARE). Both instruments proved to be valid (r > 0.3) and reliable (α-Cronbach > 0.7). Factor analysis was carried out to validate the construct and produce the final H-CliM instrument (46 questions; 4 domains) and the final ICARE (15 questions; 2 domains). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis resulted in cut-off point of 184.5, which means that the H-CliM score ≥ 184.5 was classified as humanistic climate. Humanistic climate models obtained from the logistic regression analysis could explain 62% of variation of humanistic climate (R2= 0,62). The model is: Logit P (humanistic climate) = 0.782 (non-surgical clinical rotation) + 0.048 (formal and informal curriculum related to humanism) - 0.213 (hidden curriculum) + 0.036 (relationship and facilities that support humanism) + 0.044 (personality development and professionalism) + 0,409 (female) + e. This research succeeded in developing a valid and reliable humanistic climate assessment instrument, the H-CliM instrument (α-Cronbach = 0,86). Compare with surgical rotation, the non-surgical learning environment is twice more humanistic (p = 0.0001). Perceptions of the humanistic climate of the clinical learning environment are weakly correlated with the achievement of humanism competencies.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paramita Atmodiwirjo
This paper addresses the challenges in developing design ideas of learning environment for primary school children that could promote creativity. In particular it illustrates how the boxes as simple three dimensional objects could be constructed into a system that offers various possibilities of utilization for learning activities. The possible arrangements of boxes and the possible utilization of their surfaces were investigated through a series of creative workshop with children, in which they explored different ways of constructing the arrangement of boxes and using them for their activities. The possibilities offered by the arrangement of boxes and their surfaces indicate the importance of understanding the presence of objects in space not as an independent entity but as a part of the whole spatial system. It suggests that learning environment essentially needs to be designed as an integrated system of learning spaces and objects that together could promote creative learning.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr. Mayadewi Istyawardhani
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh supportive learning environment terhadap retensi karyawan dengan dimediasi oleh psychological capital dan person – organization fit. Penelitian ini menggunakan data yang didapatkan dari responden (n = 166) yang bekerja di sebuah perusahaan telekomunikasi, diolah dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode structural equation modeling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa psychological capital memediasi secara parsial pengaruh supportive learning environment terhadap retensi karyawan dengan arah hubungan negatif. Artinya lingkungan kerja yang mendukung pembelajaran karyawan menyebabkan meningkatnya psychological capital namun mengakibatkan menurunnya retensi karyawan. Hasil lainnya mengungkapkan person – organization fit memediasi secara parsial pengaruh positif supportive learning environment terhadap retensi karyawan. Disimpulkan bahwa adanya supportive learning environment mempengaruhi peningkatan person-organization fit dan kemudian meningkatkan retensi karyawan.
This research aims to analyze the effect of supportive learning environment on employee retention through person-organization fit and psychological capital as mediators. This research is using data obtained from 166 employees who work in a telecommunication company. The data processed and analyzed using the structural equation modeling method. The results demonstrate that psychological capital partially mediates the influence of supportive learning environment toward employee retention in negative direction. This means that the supportive learning environment causing the increasing psychological capital but later resulted in a decrease in employee retention. Another result reveals that the person – organization fit partially mediates the positive influence of supportive learning environment against the retention of employees. It is concluded that the provision of supportive learning environment affects the increase of person-organization fit and then increase the retention of employees.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puspa Setia Pratiwi
Terdapat berbagai penelitian yang menyebutkan bahwa pembelajaran secara kolaboratif menunjukkan hasil yang sangat positif yakni meningkatnya hasil proses belajar, meningkatnya performa tim yang terkait dengan pemahaman suatu pengetahuan. Metodologi yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari beberapa tahapan diantaranya tahap identifikasi dan analisis data, perancangan desain sistem, tahap implementasi, dan tahap evaluasi. Sistem yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan pada knowledge construction learning environment yang bertujuan untuk menyediakan sarana bagi para peserta ajar untuk mengartikulasikan pendapat mereka, mendiskusikan ide mereka kepada orang lain, untuk membedakan perspektif yang mereka miliki, mengadopsi ide-ide dari orang lain, mengklarifikasi terjadinya ketidaksepahaman, menegosiasikan pemahaman dan merumuskan pengetahuan agar menjadi produk yang bernilai. Untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan tersebut, penulis akan merancang sebuah sistem pembelajaran kolaboratif online yang menerapkan pendekatan knowledge construction dalam melakukan kolaborasi antar-Peserta.
There were several researches that stated collaborative learning approach shows a very positive result in the improvement of study result and in the enhancement of team performance related to the understanding of knowledge. The research methodology that is being implemented in this thesis consists of identification, data analysis, system design, implementation, and evaluation stage. The system that is being developed in this research based on a knowledge construction learning environment that aimed to provide students the facility for articulating, discussing ideas to others, distinguishing perspectives, adopting ideas from others, clarifying any misunderstanding, negotiating for an agreement, and constructing knowledge to formulate valuable learning output. To achieve those goals, the author has designed a learning system which provides collaborative tools based on the knowledge construction approach. The knowledge construction approach comprises six learning phases, which are the Articulation, Clarification, Argumentation, Negotiation, and Integration phase. Each of the phases provides collaborative tools which facilitate the learning process of the student.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andira Anggun Maharani S Darmadji

Penelitian ini dipicu oleh minimnya penelitian yang berkaitan dengan desain antarmuka aplikasi e-learning environment yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa SMA jurusan IPA dan IPS. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi, menganalisis, dan mengimplementasikan fitur-fitur yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa SMA dalam proses e-learning. User Centered Design menjadi metode yang digunakan untuk memastikan desain yang dihasilkan menjawab kebutuhan pengguna. Pengumpulan kebutuhan pengguna dilakukan dengan mewawancarai 15 pelajar SMA jurusan IPA dan IPS. Hasil analisis kebutuhan pengguna menjadi dasar rancangan low fidelity prototype dan high fidelity prototype berupa clickable mockup yang mengacu pada teori Shneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design, active learning, dan perkembangan kognitif oleh Piaget. Low fidelity prototype bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tata letak pada desain yang dirancang. Kemudian, high fidelity prototype bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran utuh terkait desain antarmuka yang dirancang. Hasil high fidelity prototype dievaluasi melalui usability testing dan kuesioner System Usability Scale. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa hampir keseluruhan fitur yang diajukan memiliki completion rate dan error-free rate sebesar 100%, yang menunjukkan bahwa pengguna dapat menyelesaikan task tanpa adanya kesulitan yang berarti. Hasil akhir penelitian ini mengajukan high fidelity prototype dan rekomendasi perbaikan yang didasarkan pada umpan balik yang bermakna selama proses evaluasi yang dapat dijadikan acuan untuk melakukan pengembangan pada desain antarmuka e-learning environment.

This research is driven by the lack of research related to the interface design of an e-learning environment application that suits the needs of high school students majoring in science and social studies. This research aims to identify, analyze, and implement the features needed by the high school students during online learning. We applied the User Centered Design (UCD) method to ensure the results meet the user needs. We interviewed 15 high school students majoring in science and social studies to gather the requirements needed. The results became the basis for designing a low fidelity prototype and a high fidelity prototype in the form of a clickable mockup while still referring to the theory of Shneiderman's Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design, active learning, and cognitive development by Piaget. Low fidelity prototype aims to provide an overview of the layout of the design. Then, the high fidelity prototype aims to provide a complete picture regarding the interface design. We evaluated the high fidelity prototype through usability testing and the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire. This study concludes that almost all of the proposed features have a completion rate and error-free rate of 100%, which indicates that users can complete tasks without any significant difficulties. This study proposes a high fidelity prototype and recommendations based on meaningful feedback during the evaluation as a reference for designing the interface of an e-learning environment.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayesha Thalia Kanaya Putri
Penelitian ini dipicu oleh minimnya penelitian yang berkaitan dengan desain antarmuka aplikasi e-learning environment yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa SMA jurusan IPA dan IPS. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi, menganalisis, dan mengimplementasikan fitur-fitur yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa SMA dalam proses e-learning. Metode yang digunakan adalah User Centered Design untuk memastikan desain yang dihasilkan menjawab kebutuhan pengguna. Pengumpulan kebutuhan dilakukan dengan mewawancarai 15 pelajar SMA jurusan IPA dan IPS. Hasil analisis kebutuhan menjadi dasar dari dirancangnya low fidelity prototype dan high fidelity prototype berupa clickable mockup dengan mengacu pada teori Shneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design, active learning, dan perkembangan kognitif oleh Piaget. Low fidelity prototype bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tata letak pada desain yang dirancang. Kemudian, high fidelity prototype bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran yang utuh terkait desain antarmuka yang dirancang. High fidelity prototype ini dievaluasi melalui usability testing dan kuesioner System Usability Scale. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa hampir keseluruhan fitur yang diajukan memiliki completion rate dan error-free rate sebesar 100%, yang menunjukkan bahwa pengguna dapat menyelesaikan task tanpa adanya kesulitan yang berarti. Namun, terdapat dua fitur yang memiliki tingkat error-free rate yang rendah, yaitu fitur “Dashboard” dan fitur “Materi Pembelajaran”, masing-masing sebesar 63.64% dan 72.73%, yang kemungkinan dipicu oleh bagian progres pembelajaran yang kurang ditekankan pada halaman “Dashboard” dan keberadaan checkbox yang mendistraksi pada halaman “Mata Pelajaran”. Penelitian ini mengajukan high fidelity prototype dan rekomendasi perbaikan yang didasarkan pada umpan balik yang bermakna selama proses evaluasi dijadikan acuan untuk melakukan pengembangan pada desain antarmuka e-learning environment.
This research is driven by the lack of research related to the interface design of the e-learning environment application that suits the needs of high school students majoring in science and social studies. This research aims to identify, analyze, and implement the features needed by the high school students during online learning. We apply the User Centered Design (UCD) method to ensure the results meet the user needs. We interviewed 15 high school students majoring in science and social studies to gather the requirements needed. The results became the basis for designing a low fidelity prototype and a high fidelity prototype in the form of a clickable mockup while still referring to the theory of Shneiderman's Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design, active learning, and cognitive development by Piaget. Low fidelity prototype aims to provide an overview of the layout of the design. Then, the high fidelity prototype aims to provide a complete picture regarding the interface design. We evaluated the high fidelity prototype through usability testing and the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire. This study concludes that almost all of the proposed features have a completion rate and error-free rate of 100%, which indicates that users can complete tasks without any significant difficulties. However, there are two features that have a low error-free rate, namely the "Dashboard" and the "Learning Material", respectively 63.64% and 72.73%, which are likely triggered by the less emphasized learning progress section on the “Dashboard” page and the existence of distracting checkboxes on the “Learning Material” page. This study proposes a high fidelity prototype and recommendations based on meaningful feedback during the evaluation as a reference for designing the interface of an e-learning environment.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Andriyan
Penggunaan aplikasi yang semakin beragam di perusahaan maupun organisasi menuntut adanya proses integrasi antar aplikasi. Hal ini dikarenakan untuk menjaga integritas dari data dan aplikasi. Salah satu metode pengintegrasian aplikasi pada perusahaan yang umum digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan Enterprises Service Bus (ESB). Minimnya pembahasan dan praktik mengenai penggunaan ESB pada perkuliahan Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) di Fasilkom UI membuat perlu adanya pengembangan learning environment penerapan ESB. Learning Environment ini dibuat dengan tujuan agar mahasiswa mendapatkan pengalaman dalam menggunakan ESB. Pada proses pengembangan turut dibandingkan dua buah open source software ESB yakni WSO2 ESB dan MuleSoft ESB. Perbandingan bertujuan untuk mengetahui ESB yang lebih sesuai untuk digunakan pada learning environment. Hasil perbandingan memaparkan kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing, serta kesesuaian ESB untuk digunakan pada learning environment.
Various application usage in enterprise or organizational level strives for the need of integration between applications. This happened to keep data and application integrity in enterprises or organization. One from many approach for integrating application in enterprises is using Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). The minimum number of practice about ESB in Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) course at Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia makes the need of learning environment development for applying ESB. This learning environment aims to make students experienced with the usage of ESB. In the learning environment development process, there’s also benchmarking between two open source ESBs WSO2 ESB and Mulesoft ESB. This aims to know which ESB is more appropriate for the usage in learning environment. The results roll out the advantage and disadvantage of each ESB for the use in learning environment.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daril Benaya Yoyada Bachtum
Penelitian ini berfokus pada perancangan sebuah simulator manajemen dari investasi dalam industri biodiesel Indonesia, Simulator ini menyediakan laporan dalam bentuk arus kas, diagram, dan grafik yang dapat membantu meningkatkan pemahaman pengguna dalam pengambilan keputusan investasi dalam industri biodiesel. Poin pembelajaran dari simulator ini adalah pemahaman yang lebih baik dari beberapa variabel dan keputusan yang mempunyai dampak serius terhadap keberlanjutan investasi. Kompleksitas dan hubungan antar variabel dimodelkan menggunakan model sistem dinamis dari industri biodiesel. Simulator ini mensimulasikan seorang investor yang ingin menanmkan modal di industri biodiesel dengan beberapa pilihan keputusan. Simulator ini diujikan ke beberpa orang mahasiswa dan hasilnya simulator ini dapat mendukung dan meningkatkan pemahaman mereka tentang tantangan dalam pengembangan industri biodiesel.
This research was focused on designing a management simulator of investment in Indonesian Biodiesel Industry. This simulator provides output reports of cash flow, diagrams and graphs that can enhance the user understanding in making a decision for investing their capital in the Biodiesel Industry. The learning points of this simulator are better understanding about several variables and decisions that have serious impact in the investment continuity. The complexity of the investment and relationship between variables was modelled by System Dynamic Model of Biodiesel Industry. This game simulates an investor who wants to invest his/her capital in Biodiesel Industry with several decisions that could affects the feasibility of investment, such as land types and pricing policy. The simulation game was tested to a group of students. The result shows that the game can support and enhance the students understanding the challenge of developing biodiesel production.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library