Abstrak :
[Torus palatinus merupakan tonjolan tulang pada langit-langit mulut yang
bersifat variatif pada manusia. Perbedaan ras diduga merupakan salah satu hal
yang memengaruhi keberadaan torus palatinus. Studi ini dilakukan untuk
mengetahui prevalensi dan karakteristik torus palatinus pada suku-suku dengan
ras mongoloid di Indonesia khususnya yang berasal dari pulau Jawa dan luar
pulau Jawa, Indonesia pada tahun 2014.
Studi ini bersifat deskriptif analitik berdesain potong lintang dengan
jumlah sampel sebanyak 274 orang yang terdiri dari 152 laki-laki dan 122
perempuan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode
consecutive sampling melalui pengisian kuesioner dan pemeriksaan torus
palatinus menggunakan kaca mulut.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan prevalensi torus palatinus pada 212 sampel
(77,4%) dengan karakteristik yang paling dominan adalah yang berukuran kecil
(<3mm) sejumlah 107 orang (50,5%) dan tunggal sejumlah 192 orang (90,6%).
Torus palatinus lebih dominan pada kelompok suku yang berasal dari pulau Jawa
dan Sumatera dengan rasio kelompok suku Jawa, Sumatera, dan campuran, yaitu
1,2:1,2:1.Karakteristik torus palatinus yang paling dominan pada ketiga kelompok
suku adalah kecil (<3mm) dan tunggal.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak didapatkan
perbedaan karakteristik torus palatinus yang bermakna antara suku-suku dengan
ras mongoloid dari pulau Jawa dan luar pulau Jawa, Indonesia;Torus palatinus is a bone exostosis in the hard palate of mouth that is
variative in the human. Race differencies is suspected as one of things that
influenced the growth of torus palatinus. The aim of this study was to determine
the prevalence and characteristics of torus palatinus in mongoloid race tribes in
Indonesia, especially the tribes that originate from Java island and outside Java
Island 2014.
This descriptive analytic cross-sectional study was using 274 samples,
consisted of 152 males and 122 females. Data was collected by using consecutive
sampling method through questionaire?s filling and checking torus palatinus with
oral mirror tools.
The result showed that the prevalence of torus palatinus were found in 212
sample (77.4%) with the most dominant characteristics were found in small size
(<3mm) in 107 people (50.5%) and single in 192 people (90.6%). Torus palatinus
is more dominant in group of Java and Sumatera tribe within ratio between Java,
Sumatera, and mix group is 1.2:1.2:1. The dominant characteristics between this
three group of tribes are small (<3mm) and single.
Based on the result of this study, there?s no significant difference of
characteristics of torus palatinus between mongoloid race tribes from Java Island
and outside Java Island., Torus palatinus is a bone exostosis in the hard palate of mouth that is
variative in the human. Race differencies is suspected as one of things that
influenced the growth of torus palatinus. The aim of this study was to determine
the prevalence and characteristics of torus palatinus in mongoloid race tribes in
Indonesia, especially the tribes that originate from Java island and outside Java
Island 2014.
This descriptive analytic cross-sectional study was using 274 samples,
consisted of 152 males and 122 females. Data was collected by using consecutive
sampling method through questionaire’s filling and checking torus palatinus with
oral mirror tools.
The result showed that the prevalence of torus palatinus were found in 212
sample (77.4%) with the most dominant characteristics were found in small size
(<3mm) in 107 people (50.5%) and single in 192 people (90.6%). Torus palatinus
is more dominant in group of Java and Sumatera tribe within ratio between Java,
Sumatera, and mix group is 1.2:1.2:1. The dominant characteristics between this
three group of tribes are small (<3mm) and single.
Based on the result of this study, there’s no significant difference of
characteristics of torus palatinus between mongoloid race tribes from Java Island
and outside Java Island.]