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Mia Fardiana
Abstrak :
Integrated marketing communication (IMC) atau komunikasi pemasaran terpadu, semakin banyak digunakan oleh pemasar untuk mengkomunikasikan suatu merek produk kepada konsumen. Semakin berkembangnya praktek penggunaan IMC dalam bidang pemasaran, menjadikan IMC tidak lagi digunakan sebatas untuk mengkomunikasikan suatu merek atau produk saja. Hal ini juga banyak diterapkan oleh pemasar yang bergerak pada industri otomotif kendaraan roda empat nasional. Saat ini terjadi persaingan yang semakin ketat pada industri otomotif kendaraan roda empat nasional, namun daya beli masyarakat justru melemah karena meningkatnya harga BBM (Bahan Bakar Minyak) di tanah air pada tahun 2005 yang berdampak langsung terhadap perilaku pembelian konsumen. Saat ini, para konsumen cenderung memilih kendaraan yang berkapasitas mesin kecil, sehingga dapat lebih menghemat hemat BBM dan harganya terjangkau. Oleh karena itu, para produsen kendaraan bermotor roda empat harus dapat menangkap minat para konsumen itu agar dapat meraih keuntungan. PT. Indomobil Niaga International (PT. IMNI) berusaha menangkap needs dari para konsumen dengan mengeluarkan kendaraan kelas Mini MPV, yaitu Suzuki Swift. Konsep IMC diterapkan terhadap merek mobil Suzuki Swift ini, dengan serangkaian kegiatan promosi yang dilakukan oleh tim pemasaran untuk mengkomunikasikan merek Suzuki Swift kepada masyarakat luas agar tercipta kepercayaan serta nilai positif dari Suzuki Swift pada konsumen potensialnya. Dengan terciptanya kedua hal tersebut, diharapkan pada situasi pengambilan keputusan pembelian terhadap produk kendaraan kelas Mini MPV, keduanya menjadi dasar yang kuat bagi konsumen potensial untuk memilih Mini MPV merek Suzuki Swift dibandingan Mini MPV merek lainnya. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi konsumen terhadap corporate brand Suzuki dan produk Suzuki Swift, serta efektivitas strategi komunikasi pemasaran Suzuki Swift berdasarkan IMC tools, yaitu advertising, internett, personal selling, direct marketing, dan sales promotion. Selain itu, juga diteliti pengaruh persepsi konsumen pada corporate brand Suzuki dan produk Suzuki Swift tersebut terhadap keinginan membeli konsumen (willingness to buy). Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua metode riset, yaitu riset eksploratori dan riset deskriptif yang menggunakan sumber data primer melalui metode sampel survei dengan instrumen utama berupa keusioner dengan skala Likert. Riset eksploratori dilakukan melakui studi pustaka, focus group discussion dengan beberapa konsumen yang berasal dari target pasar Suzuki Swift, dan wawancara dengan staf pemasaran Indomobil yang menangani pemasaran Suzuki Swift. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara nilai persepsi merek Suzuki dengan nilai persepsi produk Suzuki Swift. Pada nilai persepsi mengenai merek Suzuki, nilai emosional dan nilai sosial tidak mempunyai pengaruh sama sekali, faktor kualitas mempunyai pengaruh kecil, sedangkan faktor harga mempunyai pengaruh besar pada keinginan membeli produk Suzuki Swift. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa citra merek Suzuki diminati oleh segmen pasar golongan pendapatan menengah dan menengah ke bawah, karena produknya mempunyai harga yang terjangkau. Sedangkan pada nilai persepsi mengenai produk Swift, faktor kualitas, nilai emosional, dan nilai sosial mempunyai pengaruh positif pada keinginan membeli, sedangkan faktor harga mempunyai pengaruh paling besar pada keinginan membeli Swift. Target pasar Suzuki Swift mempunyai anggapan bahwa produk Swift harganya cukup terjangkau. Dari hasil penelitian juga dapat diketahui bahwa komunikasi pemasaran yang telah dijalankan oleh Suzuki Swift sudah cukup baik dan konsumen tertarik dengan promosi dan advertising Suzuki Swift. Di sisi lain, hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa awareness melalui media tersebut perlu ditingkatkan karena sebagian besar responden hanya mengetahui bentuk promosi dan advertising Suzuki Swift, namun tidak dapat mengingat bentuk promosinya. Dengan meningkatkan komunikasi melalui media tersebut, maka komunikasi Suzuki Swift akan menjadi lebih efektif dan efesien. Adapun urutan IMC tools Suzuki Swift yang pengaruhnya paling besar kepada keinginan membeli konsumen adalah advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, sales promotion, dan kemudian yang pengaruhnya paling kecil adalah internet.
The Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) has been widely used to promote brand products to potential consumers. IMC has also been used to promote four wheel vehicle products of automotive industries in Indonesia. At present the competition between the products of four wheel vehicle of the national automotive industries has become intense, although the purchasing capacities of the community has become weaker, because of the increase of the price of gasoline in the year 2005, which directly induced the purchasing behavior of the consumers. The consumers tend to choose vehicles with small engine capacities, to save gasoline and other operational expenditures. The producers of four wheel vehicles must be able to capture the interest of the consumers to win in the competitive market. P.T. Indomobil Niaga Internasional (PT IMNI) has tried to meet the needs and interests of the consumers by marketing vehicles in the class of Mini MPV, i.e. Suzuki Swift. The IMC concepts are applied to the products of Suzuki Swift, by conducting a series of marketing activities to promote Suzuki Swift to enhance confidence of the positive values of Suzuki Swift to the potential consumers. It is expected that potential customers will consider and favor Suzuki Swift brand in making decision to purchase among Mini MPV class vehicles. The objectives of this research is to measure the consumers perceptions of the corporate brand of Suzuki, the brand product of Suzuki Swift, and the effectiveness of the marketing communication strategy of Suzuki Swift with IMC tools, i.e. advertising, internet marketing, personal selling, direct marketing, and sales promotion. The research is also conducted to measure the impact of the perception of the corporate brand of Suzuki and the brand product of Suzuki Swift to the willingness to buy of the potential consumers. Two research methodologies are utilized in this research, i.e. exploratory research and descriptive research. The research makes use of primary data by survey sampling method and questionnaires with Likert scale as the main tool. Exploratory research is conducted by library studies, focus group discussions with several consumers of the market targets of Suzuki Swift, and with interview with marketing staff members of P.T. Indomobil Niaga Internasional who handle the marketing of Suzuki Swift. The result of the research shows that there are differences between the perception values of Suzuki corporate brand and the perception values of the Suzuki Swift products. In the perception values of Suzuki corporate brand, emotional values and social values have no influence to the willingness to buy, quality factor has small influence, and price factor has the dominant influence to the willingness to buy of Suzuki Swift products. In the perception values of Suzuki Swift products, quality factor, emotional values, and social values have positive influence to the willingness to buy, and again price factor has the largest influence to the willingness to buy of Suzuki Swift products. The market target is attracted to Swift brand because of its affordable price. The result of the research also shows that the image of Suzuki brand and Swift product attracted potential consumers in the medium and low income market segment. The result of the research shows that the marketing communication of Suzuki Swift has been conducted effectively and the consumers are attracted to Suzuki Swift by the promotion and advertisement. The awareness through communication media should be enhanced, because the respondents stated that they are only informed about Suzuki Swift through promotion and advertisement, but they do not keep in mind the details and positive values of the product. By enhancing the communication media, the marketing communication of Suzuki Swift will become more effective and efficient. The order of effectiveness of the IMC tools of Suzuki Swift to the willingness to buy of the potential consumers are as follows: advertisement, personal selling, direct marketing, sales promotion, and lastly internet marketing.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ery Ayukusumawati
Abstrak :
Plastik merupakan produk olahan teknologi dengan beberapa kelemahan yang telah diubah menjadi wadah penyimpanan dari plastik yang fungsional, dan aman untuk digunakan. Tupperware sebagai perusahaan multinasional yang menjual dan memasarkan wadah-wadah terbuat dari plastik berkualitas premium, melihat kesempatan baik tersebut. Tupperware telah lama dikenal oleh konsumen Indonesia, brand awareness yang baik telah dicapai oleh Tupperware yaitu sebesar 80% (data tahun 2003), hal tersebut seharusnya diikuti dengan keinginan membeli yang tinggi oleh konsumen. Ternyata, hal tersebut tidak dirasakan oleh produk Tupperware, masih banyak ditemukan konsumen yang tidak mau membeli produk tersebut. Hal ini mengakibatkan penjualan produk Tupperware menurun sebesar 13% pada tahun 2004-2005. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengkaji lebih dalam alasan konsumen membeli produk Tupperware dengan terlebih dahulu melihat ekuitas merek dari Tupperware itu sendiri. Selanjutnya akan dilihat seberapa tepatkah strategi pemasaran yang telah dilakukan oleh Tupperware. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan desain riset eksploratori dan desain riset deskriptif, Tahap riset eksploratori dilakukan wawancara mendalam (depth interview) kepada beberapa konsumen Tupperware, sedangkan riset deskriptif yang digunakan adalah cross-sectional design dengan metode survey. Oleh karena itu, pengambilan data dari setiap responden hanya dilakukan satu kali. Responden adalah konsumen yang menggunakan wadah penyimpanan dari plastik di wilayah pemukiman Tanah Kusir dan Bintaro Jaya. Hasil penelitian mengatakan bahwa ekuitas merek dari produk Tupperware sebagai berikut, responden telah memiliki komitmen yang tinggi untuk tetap membeli produk Tupperware. Ternyata, konsumen membeli produk Tupperware bukan karena harga melainkan faktor lain. Konsumen juga memiliki persepsi yang baik terhadap produk Tupperware, yaitu sebesar 80,98%. Asosiasi konsumen terhadap produk Tupperware adalah kualitas bagus (41%), harga mahal (23%) dan mutu terjamin (21%). Tupperware juga terbukti dapat menduduki posisi puncak dalam merek yang paling diingat dalam benak konsumen. Hasil penelitian juga mengungkapkan bahwa konsumen membeli produk Tupperware karena mutu produk tersebut terjamin. Perhitungan crosstab menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 39% konsumen yang loyal terhadap produk Tupperware mengatakan cukup setuju untuk membeli produk Tupperware dengan alasan mutu terjamin. Selain Tupperware telah memiliki persepsi yang baik dalam benak konsumen, ternyata 42% konsumennya mengatakan bahwa mereka membeli produk Tupperware karena mutu terjamin. Dari hasil penjelasan diatas, maka saran yang dapat diberikan untuk strategi pemasaran produk Tupperware adalah lebih mengetahui perilaku konsumen yang menggunakan wadah penyimpanan dari plastik sehingga target pasar dapat dibidik dengan tepat. Strategi harga yaitu tidak menaikkan harga produknya karena telah dipandang sebagai produk mahal oleh konsumen. Selain itu, inovasi sebagai salah satu kunci sukses dari produk Tupperware, harus selalu ditingkatkan. Dalam strategi promosi, Word Of Mouth sangat berperan dalam memasarkan produk Tupperware. Mensponsori acara di televisi yang berkaitan dengan rumah tangga, ikut serta dalam bazaar, mengembangkan B2B, dan membuka Butik Tupperware dan distributor dipertokoan. Terakhir, strategi distribusi untuk Tupperware adalah meningkatkan kualitas para salesperson dengan Cara memberikan pelatihan, target pelaksanaan home party bagi salesperson, merekrut salesperson baru, dan perlunya acara gathering untuk bertukar pengalaman bagi para salesperson.
Plastic is a technologically processed product with a number of weaknesses that have been transformed to become plastic containers that are functional and safe in use, The Tupperware made by a multinational company that sells and markets plastic containers of premium quality, sees this good opportunity, The Tupperware has long been known by Indonesian consumers. The Tupperware has attained the brand awareness up to 80% (data of 2003). This condition should be followed-up by high demands by consumers. However, it was not responded by the Tupperware product, as there are still a good many consumers who refuse to buy this product. The impact was a decrease in the sale of the Tupperware product by 13% in 2004-2005. Accordingly, this study is designed to thoroughly identify why the consumers buy the Tupperware product by first looking at the equity of the Tupperware trademark itself. Further, it will be necessary to identify how accurate the marketing strategy is as adopted by the Tupperware. This study was conducted by combining the exploratory research design and the descriptive research design. The stage of exploratory research includes in-depth interviews with a number of the Tupperware consumers. The descriptive research stage uses the cross-sectional design with the survey method. Hence, the data collection from consumers was only done once. The respondents are the consumers that use plastic containers in Tanah Kusir and Bintaro Jaya residential areas. The results of the study show the trademark equity of the Tupperware product is that the respondents are highly committed to continue buying the Tupperware. It was found that the consumers buy the Tupperware products not for the price but for another factor. The consumers also have a good perception of the Tupperware, namely, 80.90%. The consumers' associations of the Tupperware product are that it is of good quality (41%), high price (23%) and quality warranted (21%). The Tupperware was also found to be at the top position in the list of trademarks the consumers remember the most. It was also found in the study that the consumers buy the Tupperware product because the quality is warranted. The cross tab equation shows that 39% of the consumers loyal to the product said they agree that buying the Tupperware product means buying for the warranted quality. Besides having successfully attained perception in the minds of the consumers, it was found that 42% of the consumers stated they buy the Tupperware for the warranted quality. From the above findings of the study, the recommendation for the Tupperware product marketing is to identify the behavior of the consumers using the plastic containers so that the marketing could be better targeted. The price strategy should be not to increase the price as the consumers see it as an expensive product. Besides, innovations as one of the keys to success for the Tupperware product should be improved, In the promotional strategy, the World of Mouth has an important role in the marketing of the Tupperware products. Other recommendations include sponsoring TV programs pertaining to household activities, participation in bazaars, developing B2B, and starting a Tupperware Boutique as well as distributors in shops. Finally, the distribution strategy for the Tupperware product will require improving the quality of the salespersons through training, home party for salespersons, recruitment of new salespersons, and initiating gatherings for exchange of experience among the salespersons.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meltry Silvani Desta
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan ada atau tidaknya hubungan antara sikap, norma sosial, dan kontrol perilaku dengan willingness to buy pada kosmetik vegan di Indonesia. Sikap, norma sosial, dan kontrol perilaku terbukti memiliki peranan dalam willingness to buy produk kosmetik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian korelasional dan regresi. Partisipan mahasiswi Sarjana/Diploma (N = 70) yang mana pernah memakai, membeli, atau berniat menggunakan produk kosmetik vegan. Temuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan positif antara sikap, norma sosial, dan kontrol perilaku dengan willingness to buy r(70) = 0,844 , R2 = 0,7, F = 54,668, p < .05. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah pentingnya peranan sikap, norma sosial, dan kontrol perilaku dalam meningkatkan perilaku sustainability. Penelitian ini konsisten dengan prediksi theory planned behavior. ......This study aims to determine whether or not there is a relationship between attitudes, social norms, and behavioral control with willingness to buy on vegan cosmetics in Indonesia. Attitudes, social norms, and behavioral control are proven to have a role in willingness to buy cosmetic products. This research uses correlational and regression research methods. Participants were undergraduate/diploma students (N = 70) who had used, purchased, or intended to use vegan cosmetic products. The main finding of this study is that there is a strong and positive relationship between attitudes, social norms, and behavioral control with willingness to buy r(70) = 0.844 , R2 = 0.7, F = 54.668, p < .05. The implication of this research is the importance of the role of attitudes, social norms, and behavior control in increasing sustainability behavior.This study is consistent with the predictions of the theory of planned behavior.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kahfi Irawan
Abstrak :
[Atribut produk merupakan unsur unsur yang melekat pada suatu produk yang dianggap penting bagi konsumen yang dijadikan suatu acuan atau dasar bagi konsumen untuk membeli atau menggunakan suatu produk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh atribut produk terhadap minat beli kembali pada produk Post it notes. Disamping itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengukur masing masing dimensi dari atribut produk seperti kualitas produk merek desain produk harga produk terhadap minat beli kembali Data diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 100 orang responden yang terdiri dari masyarakat umum di wilayah DKI Jakarta dan Depok. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan terdapat pengaruh antara atribut produk dan minat beli kembali Hasil peneilitan ini juga menunjukan bahwa pada masing masing dimensi variabel atribut produk seperti kualitas produk tidak memiliki pengaruh nyata signifikan terhadap minat beli kembali sedangkan ketiga dimensi lainnya merek desain produk dan harga produk memiliki pengaruh terhadap minat beli kembali. ......Product attributes are elements inherent in a product that is considered important for consumers which is used as a reference or basis for consumers to buy or use a product. This study aims to determine the influence of product attributes on product repurchase intention on Post it notes In addition this study also aimed to measure the dimensions of each product attributes such as product quality brand product design product prices on repurchase intention. Data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents consisting of the general public in Jakarta and Depok. These results indicate there are effect between product attributes and repurchasing intention. The research results also show that in each product attibrute 39s variable 39s dimension such as quality of the product does not have a significant effect towards repurchase intention while the other three dimensions brand product design and product prices have an influences on repurchase intention.;Product attributes are elements inherent in a product that is considered important for consumers which is used as a reference or basis for consumers to buy or use a product This study aims to determine the influence of product attributes on product repurchase intention on Post it notes In addition this study also aimed to measure the dimensions of each product attributes such as product quality brand product design product prices on repurchase intention Data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents consisting of the general public in Jakarta and Depok These results indicate there are effect between product attributes and repurchasing intention The research results also show that in each product attibrute 39 s variable 39 s dimension such as quality of the product does not have a significant effect towards repurchase intention while the other three dimensions brand product design and product prices have an influences on repurchase intention , Product attributes are elements inherent in a product that is considered important for consumers which is used as a reference or basis for consumers to buy or use a product This study aims to determine the influence of product attributes on product repurchase intention on Post it notes In addition this study also aimed to measure the dimensions of each product attributes such as product quality brand product design product prices on repurchase intention Data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents consisting of the general public in Jakarta and Depok These results indicate there are effect between product attributes and repurchasing intention The research results also show that in each product attibrute 39 s variable 39 s dimension such as quality of the product does not have a significant effect towards repurchase intention while the other three dimensions brand product design and product prices have an influences on repurchase intention ]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raina Allya Hartawan
Abstrak :
Dalam konteks pemasaran, teknologi dan internet telah memberikan dampak lintas batas dan menciptakan paradigma baru untuk para pelaku bisnis dimana internet dan teknologi sebagai sarana pemasaran dalam pasar, pelaku bisnis maupun perusahaan dapat memenuhi willingness to buy dan customer satisfaction yang dimiliki oleh konsumen. Tercatat, faktor yang dapat memenuhi keinginan dan kebutuhan konsumen tersebut ialah kesesuaian informasi dengan produk pada saat produk tersebut sampai ke tangan konsumen. Produk kosmetik merupakan salah satu pasar konsumen yang berkembang paling pesat di e-commerce dan menjadi kategori produk yang paling banyak dicari pada e-commerce, termasuk Shopee. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh augmented reality terhadap customer satusfaction dan willingness to buy yang dimediasi dengan customer experience, serta efek moderasi trust dan trade-off between price and value dan trust pada generasi Z yang mengkonsumsi Maybelline di aplikasi Shopee. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui teknik purposive sampling pada 150 responden yang didapatkan melalui online questionnaire. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa augmented reality berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap willingness to buy dan customer satisfaction. Selain itu, customer experience memediasi pengaruh augmented reality dengan customer satisfaction dan willingness to buy. Selanjutnya, trade-off between price and value dan trust tidak memoderasi hubungan antara. augmented reality dengan customer experience. ......In the context of marketing, technology and the internet have had a cross-border impact and created a new paradigm for business people where the internet and technology support towards marketing in the market, business people and companies can meet the willingness to buy and customer satisfaction. It is noted that the factor that can fulfil the wants and needs of these consumers is the gap between perceived and expectation of the information of the product. Cosmetic products are one of the fastest growing consumer markets in e-commerce and are the most sought product category in e-commerce, including Shopee. This study aims to analyze the effect of augmented reality on customer satisfaction and willingness to buy mediated by customer experience, as well as the moderating effect of trust and the trade-off between price and value in the Zs who consume Maybelline in the Shopee application. The study used a quantitative approach through purposive sampling technique on 150 respondents obtained through an online questionnaire. The results showed that augmented reality had a significant effect on willingness to buy and customer satisfaction. In addition, customer experience mediates the effect of augmented reality on customer satisfaction and willingness to buy. Furthermore, the trade-off between price and value and trust does not moderate the relationship between. augmented reality with customer experience.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library