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Agus Isnaini
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang penilaian Kualitas Air Situ Salam di Kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeta kualitas perairan di situ salam berdasarkan pada Nation Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index (NSF-WQI). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskrip yaitu tidak dimaksudkan untuk menguji hipotesis tertentu, tetapi hanya menggambarkan obyek yang diteliti dengan data suatu variabel, gejala atau keadaan. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah kualitas air situ Salam berdasarkan Wate Quality Index (WQI) menunjukkan hasil normal (medium). Hasil normal mengindikasikan bahwa air situ Salam masih dalam kisaran tidak membahayak tingkat pencemarannya, sehingga air situ Salam masih dapat dipergunakan unt berbagai aktivitas. Hal ini berarti bahwa parameter standar penilaian kualitas masih di bawah standar baku mutu air.
Research on water quality assessment of water quality in Situ Salam Universitas Indonesia, Depok. This study aims to determine the quality of wat in situ Salam based on the Nation Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index (NSF-WQI). This research uses descriptive method that is not intended to test specific hypothesis, but only describes the object under study with the data of a variable, symptom or condition. The results obtained are based on water quality of situ Salam in Water Quality Index (WQI) were normal (medium). Normal was indicate that the water is still within the range, where situ Salam i not dangerous levels of pollution, thus there can still be used for various activities. This means that the parameters of water quality assessment standard are still below the quality standard
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Hendrawan
Abstrak :
DKI Jakarta dilintasi oleh 13 sungai besar dan beberapa sungai kecil serta 40 situ tersebar di 5 wilayah kota yang sangat potensial sebagai air permukaan untuk menunjang kehidupan manusia. Dengan pertumbuhan penduduk DKI yang pesat dan perkembangan pemanfaatannya, ada kecenderungan terjadinya perubahan pada kondisi dan kualitas air sungai dan situ di DKI Jakarta. Kepadatan penduduk dapat mempengaruhi pencemaran lingkungan sungai dan situ. Hal ini dikaitkan dengan tingkat kesadaran penduduk dalam memelihara lingkungan yang sehat dan bersih. Pendugaan pencemaran perairan dapat dilakukan dengan melihat pengaruh polutan terhadap kehidupan organisme perairan dan lingkungannya. Unit penduga adanya pencemar tersebut diklasifikasikan dalam parameter fisika, kimia dan biologi. Dalam menetapkan kualitas air, parameter-parameter tersebut sebaiknya tidak berdiri sendiri tapi dapat ditrasformasikan dalam suatu nilai tunggal yang mewakili disebut sebagai Indeks Kualitas Air. Hasil perhitungan terhadap nilai IKA menunjukkan bahwa 83 % sungai dan 79 % situ yang ada di DKI Jakarta ada dalam kategori buruk. Hal ini disebabkan tidak terpeliharanya sungai dan situ dengan baik, kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat dan pemerintah dalam upaya memelihara sungai dan situ.
Water Quality of Rivers and Ponds on DKI Jakarta. Thirteen big rivers, some small rivers, and 40 ponds spread over districts at Jakarta city are potential to support human being life. As the population is growing and the usage of stream water is increasing, the condition and quality of rivers and ponds are changing. Crowd housing can affect rivers and ponds pollution, as the people awareness about clean and healthy environment is less. Stream water pollution assessment can be done by counting the effect of pollutant to life of stream water organisms. This assessment unit could be classified into physics, chemical, and biological parameter. To know the water quality, those parameters are transformed into one single value, that is Water Quality Index. The calculation result of Water Quality Index value shows that 83 % of rivers and 79 % of ponds are bad. This condition is caused by less people and government awareness to maintain rivers and ponds.
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benny Yohannes
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan penduduk DKI Jakarta yang pesat adalah salah satu permasalahan yang kompleks bagi penyediaan air bersih terutama karena limbah domestik yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan masyarakat. Sungai sebagai badan air penerima limbah domestik menjadi salah satu sumber daya alam yang rentan terhadap pencemaran. Sungai Krukut adalah salah satu sungai yang digunakan sebagai air baku air bersih PDAM dan saat ini telah tercemar akibat kegiatan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis mutu air dan menentukan upaya pengendalian pencemaran air Sungai Krukut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode gabungan antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Metode SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity, and Threat) digunakan untuk menentukan upaya pengendalian pencemaran air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status mutu air pada 5 titik pemantauan dengan metode Indeks Pencemar yaitu (8,18), (8,02), (7,39), (7,09) dan (9,58), sehingga mutu air tergolong dalam kategori tercemar sedang. Upaya pengendalian pencemaran air yang dapat diterapkan di Sungai Krukut adalah (1) Melakukan penertiban masyarakat yang tinggal dan usaha di daerah sempadan sungai (2) Mengadakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan kepada masyarakat dan UMKM tentang pentingnya pengelolaan limbah (3) Bantuan pemerintah dalam membuat sistem dan menerapkan IPAL terpadu untuk kegiatan UMKM dan permukiman kumuh (4) Implementasi program pengendalian pencemaran air.
The rapid growth of population is one of the complex cause for the clean water provision in Jakarta, mainly due to the accumulation of domestic waste from community activities. River as the water body that receives domestic waste is one of the natural resources which vulnerable to pollution. Krukut River is one of the rivers used as the raw water for clean water supply which currently polluted due to waste produced by the community activities. This study aims to analyze water quality and determine efforts to control Krukut River water pollution. The study combines both quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the water quality, while SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity, and Threat) is used to determine water pollution control efforts. The results showed that the water quality status at 5 monitoring points with the Pollutant Index method was classified as moderate contamination with the value (8,18), (8,02), (7,39), (7,09) and (9,58) at each point. Water pollution control efforts that can be applied in the Krukut River are (1) Controlling communities and the business near the river border area (2) Creating a socialization and training for the community and Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise`s (MSME) on the importance of waste management (3) Government assistance in making systems and implementing integrated WWTPs both MSME and slum settlements (4) Implementation of water pollution control programs
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Hade Wicaksono
Abstrak :
Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk di kawasan DAS Ciliwung, Citarum, Citanduy, dan Cimanuk menyebabkan berkembang pesatnya kontruksi. Permintaan yg signifikan akan jalan sebagai transportasi serta bangunan dan perumahan untuk tempat tinggal sehingga daerah kedap airnya pun meningkat. Model Impervious Cover, diusulkan oleh Schueler 2003 , mengkorelasi persen kekedapan pada subDAS dan kualitas air sungai serta memberikan pengukuran prediksi terhadap indikator air sungai ke dalam kategori kategori lalu mendefinisi tingkat keparahan dan kemungkinannya untuk pulih. National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index NSFWQI adalah salah satu alat analitis yang umum digunakan untuk meringkas data kualitas air yang mana mengubah konsentrasi sembilan parameter ke satu dari 5 Water Quality Rating WQR . Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menguji penerapan dan kesesuaian pendekatan ICM dan NSFWQI dalam memprediksi kualitas air sungai Ciliwung, Citarum, Citanduy, dan Cimanuk, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
The increasing of population at Ciliwung, Citarum, Citanduy, and Cimanuk watersheds leads a rapid development especially in construction fields. There is significant demand to build roads for transportation as well as buildings and houses for settlement, thus, escalate the impervious area. The impervious cover model ICM, proposed by Schueler 2003, brings off correlation between the percentage of subwatershed imperviousness and stream quality as well as outlines specific quantitative or narrative prediction for stream indicators within each stream category to define the severity of current stream and the prospects for their future restoration. The National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index NSFWQI is one of analytical tools that commonly used to summarize water quality data, which converts the concentration data for nine water quality parameters into one of five Water Quality Rating WQR . The study is aimed to test the applicability and conformity of both ICM and NSFWQI approaches for predicting stream quality of Ciliwung, Citarum, Citanduy, and Cimanuk river, West Java, Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwita Sutjiningsih
Abstrak :
The findings of numerous studies on the responses of stream quality indicators to different levels of watershed development have been integrated into an impervious cover model. The focus on one development stressor, namely the impervious cover, allows the decision makers to use the impervious cover model as a watershed planning tool to forecast stream response. In evaluating stream quality, the studies used various indicators such as pollutant loads, habitat quality, aquatic species diversity and abundance, and others. This study aims to test the applicability of the impervious cover model as a tool to set the threshold of catchment area development based on the targeted water quality index. The model is represented by a linear relationship between the water quality index as a response variable and catchment area imperviousness as an explanatory variable. The study area is an urbanized catchment area of a cascade-pond system located at the campus of Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java. Estimation of catchment area imperviousness is based on digital globe imagery and digitized based on identified rooftops. The water quality data to compute the water quality indices are collected from previous studies and related reports. The targeted water quality index is determined based on water use suitability referring to the Indonesian government regulation number 82/2001. Based on the available data, an increasing tendency of temporal variation of catchment area imperviousness for each pond can be recognized, while water quality index of each pond tends to decrease over time. In accordance with land cover distribution, spatial tendency indicates that imperviousness is decreasing in downstream direction, while water quality index is increasing in downstream direction, in line with the characteristics of cascade ponds. The results demonstrate that despite the fact that the available data are very limited, it is possible to use the linear relationship between catchment area imperviousness and water quality index as a tool to set the threshold for future development on the catchment area of the cascade-pond system at the campus of Universitas Indonesia with a minimum water quality index suitable just for recreation activities.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwita Sutjiningsih
Abstrak :
The findings of numerous studies on the responses of stream quality indicators to different levels of watershed development have been integrated into an impervious cover model. The focus on one development stressor, namely the impervious cover, allows the decision makers to use the impervious cover model as a watershed planning tool to forecast stream response. In evaluating stream quality, the studies used various indicators such as pollutant loads, habitat quality, aquatic species diversity and abundance, and others. This study aims to test the applicability of the impervious cover model as a tool to set the threshold of catchment area development based on the targeted water quality index. The model is represented by a linear relationship between the water quality index as a response variable and catchment area imperviousness as an explanatory variable. The study area is an urbanized catchment area of a cascade-pond system located at the campus of Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java. Estimation of catchment area imperviousness is based on digital globe imagery and digitized based on identified rooftops. The water quality data to compute the water quality indices are collected from previous studies and related reports. The targeted water quality index is determined based on water use suitability referring to the Indonesian government regulation number 82/2001. Based on the available data, an increasing tendency of temporal variation of catchment area imperviousness for each pond can be recognized, while water quality index of each pond tends to decrease over time. In accordance with land cover distribution, spatial tendency indicates that imperviousness is decreasing in downstream direction, while water quality index is increasing in downstream direction, in line with the characteristics of cascade ponds. The results demonstrate that despite the fact that the available data are very limited, it is possible to use the linear relationship between catchment area imperviousness and water quality index as a tool to set the threshold for future development on the catchment area of the cascade-pond system at the campus of Universitas Indonesia with a minimum water quality index suitable just for recreation activities.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winda Hayu Pratiwi
Abstrak :
Studi-studi terdahulu menyebutkan bahwa TPA atau manajemen pengelolaan sampah yang tidak tertangani dengan baik merupakan salah satu penyebab utama terjadinya kontaminasi nitrit, nitrat, dan logam berat pada pada air tanah. Sebanyak 70% penduduk Kota Bekasi masih sangat tergantung terhadap penggunaan air tanah, salah satunya adalah penduduk di Kelurahan Sumur Batu yang berbatasan langsung dengan 2 TPA, yaitu TPA Bantar Gebang yang merupakan TPA terbesar di Indonesia dan TPA Sumur Batu. Penelitian ini menganalisis kualitas air tanah Kelurahan Sumur Batu, memetakan sebaran spasial pencemar, dan menganalisis risiko kesehatan yang ditimbulkan dari air tanah yang mungkin telah tercemar nitrit, nitrat, dan logam berat yang digunakan sebagai sumber air minum oleh penduduk. Pengolahan data dilakukan sesuai kelompok usia yaitu usia bayi, usia anak-anak, dan usia dewasa. Hasil penilaian status mutu air di Kelurahan Sumur Batu dengan metode Water Quality Index (WQI) menunjukkan bahwa hanya 41,6% sampel air dari sumur penelitian yang dapat digunakan sebagai air baku air minum. Pemodelan geostatik menunjukkan tidak ada korelasi antara konsentrasi NO2 dan NO3 pada air tanah di Kelurahan Sumur Batu dengan jarak sumur ke TPA, hal ini mungkin dipengaruhi oleh adanya sumber pencemar lain yang lebih dominan seperti tanki septik yang berjarak < 10 meter dari sumur dan adanya titik-titik pembuangan liar di sekitar rumah warga. Hasil analisis risiko kesehatan menunjukkan adanya risiko non kanker NO2 dari paparan oral pada semua kelompok usia dan risiko kanker oleh paparan oral di kelompok usia dewasa di Kelurahan Sumur Batu. Besarnya potensi pencemaran menjadikan pentingnya monitoring kualitas air tanah secara berkala selama belum ada layanan akses air yang aman dan terjamin di Kelurahan Sumur Batu. Penambahan sumur artesis dengan treatment awal yang sesuai bisa menjadi solusi yang patut dipertimbangkan. ......Previous studies state that unproperly managed landfill or waste management that is not handled properly is one of the main causes of nitrite, nitrate and heavy metal contamination in groundwater. In Bekasi City, Indonesia, 70% of the population depend on groundwater for daily use, including the resident of Sumur Batu Village. Sumur Batu Village is located adjacent to 2 landfills, namely the Bantar Gebang landfill which is the largest landfill in Indonesia and Sumur Batu landfill. This research analyzed the groundwater quality of Sumur Batu Village, maping the spatial distribution of pollutants and analyze the health risks of groundwater consumption as drinking water that may have been contaminated by nitrite, nitrate, and heavy metals in Sumur Batu village. Data processing was performed according to age groups: infant, children, and adult. The results of the assessment of water quality status in Sumur Batu Village using the WQI method show that only 41.6% of water samples can be used as raw water for drinking water. Geostatic modeling shows that NO2 and NO3 concentration was not influenced by landfill, this may be influenced by the presence of other dominant pollutant sources such as septic tanks that are <10 meters from well and the presence of illegal waste points around the residents' house. The results of health risk analysis indicate non-cancer risk of NO2 from oral exposure in all age groups in the Sumur Batu Village. A large amount of pollution potential makes the importance of monitoring groundwater quality regularly as long as there is no safe and guaranteed water access service in Sumur Batu Village. The addition of artesian wells with appropriate initial treatment can be a solution worth considering.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library