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Abstrak :
Asupan air optimal pada usia lanjut adalah 1000ml/24 jam
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Frieda Handayani Kawanto
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai asupan serat pangan dan air dan kejadian konstipasi pada remaja masih belum banyak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan profil jumlah asupan serat pangan dan air pada remaja serta hubungan antara asupan serat pangan dan air terhadap pola buang air besar konsistensi tinja dan konstipasi Studi potong lintang dilakukan pada 120 siswa SMU berusia 15 17 tahun dilakukan selama Oktober Desember 2015 Data jumlah asupan energi karbohidrat protein lemak air dan serat bahan makanan dan minuman dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan food record form selama 2x24 jam dan food frequency questionnaire FFQ Subjek terdiri dari 82 anak perempuan 68 3 dan 38 anak lelaki 31 7 sebagian besar dengan gizi baik dan perawakan normal Hanya dua subjek yang mengalami konstipasi Median asupan energi protein lemak dan karbohidrat air dan serat berturut turut sebanyak 1419 3 kalori 54 6 gram 48 4 gram dan 183 2 gram 2079 mL dan 5 1 gram Jumlah asupan energi karbohidrat dan air subjek lelaki secara bermakna lebih tinggi dibandingkan perempuan Tidak didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara asupan serat pangan dan air dengan kejadian konstipasi Data yang didapat menunjukkan jumlah asupan serat pangan remaja usia 15 17 tahun di bawah AKG yang dianjurkan Sebaliknya jumlah asupan air sesuai dengan AKG yang dianjurkan Data yang didapat diharapkan dapat dipergunakan sebagai dasar untuk penelitian selanjutnya ABSTRACT
Indonesian children and adolescent are alleged not to consume sufficient fiber and water while studies show fiber and water affect defecation profile This cross sectional study records the amount of fiber and water intake of Indonesian adolescents aged 15 17 years and their defecation pattern Subjects are 120 SMU 68 students aged 15 17 years 82 girls and 38 boys The study was conducted between October and December 2015 We attempt to find any correlation between fiber and water intake and defecation profile Most of the subjects were well nourished and normal stature Median water and fiber intake were 2079 mL and 5 1 grams The median of energy protein fats and carbohydrates intake were 1419 3 calories 54 6 grams 48 4 grams and 183 2 grams consecutively Only two subjects who experienced constipation About 49 subjects had abdominal pain according to Rome III Criteria We found there is no significant association between dietary fiber intake and water consumption and constipation However we feel that future study should be carried out to encrich our data in this field ;Indonesian children and adolescent are alleged not to consume sufficient fiber and water while studies show fiber and water affect defecation profile This cross sectional study records the amount of fiber and water intake of Indonesian adolescents aged 15 17 years and their defecation pattern Subjects are 120 SMU 68 students aged 15 17 years 82 girls and 38 boys The study was conducted between October and December 2015 We attempt to find any correlation between fiber and water intake and defecation profile Most of the subjects were well nourished and normal stature Median water and fiber intake were 2079 mL and 5 1 grams The median of energy protein fats and carbohydrates intake were 1419 3 calories 54 6 grams 48 4 grams and 183 2 grams consecutively Only two subjects who experienced constipation About 49 subjects had abdominal pain according to Rome III Criteria We found there is no significant association between dietary fiber intake and water consumption and constipation However we feel that future study should be carried out to encrich our data in this field ;Indonesian children and adolescent are alleged not to consume sufficient fiber and water while studies show fiber and water affect defecation profile This cross sectional study records the amount of fiber and water intake of Indonesian adolescents aged 15 17 years and their defecation pattern Subjects are 120 SMU 68 students aged 15 17 years 82 girls and 38 boys The study was conducted between October and December 2015 We attempt to find any correlation between fiber and water intake and defecation profile Most of the subjects were well nourished and normal stature Median water and fiber intake were 2079 mL and 5 1 grams The median of energy protein fats and carbohydrates intake were 1419 3 calories 54 6 grams 48 4 grams and 183 2 grams consecutively Only two subjects who experienced constipation About 49 subjects had abdominal pain according to Rome III Criteria We found there is no significant association between dietary fiber intake and water consumption and constipation However we feel that future study should be carried out to encrich our data in this field
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nisrina Hanisa
Abstrak :
Edukasi tentang hidrasi penting untuk meningkatkan asupan air dan memperbaiki status hidrasi. Kami bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan pada skor Pengetahuan,Sikap dan Perilaku PSP pengasuh, total asupan air dan status hidrasi anak prasekolah setelah 4 minggu intervensi. Penelitian acak kelompok terkontrol membandingkan kelompok edukasi gizi dasar kontrol,N=47 , edukasi hidrasi pada guru dan orang tua P1,N=44 , dan pada guru P2,N=52 . Total asupan air diukur menggunakan repeated 24h-Recall, PSP diidentifikasi dengan kuesioner terstruktur dan status hidrasi ditentukan melalui berat jenis urin. Setelah intervensi, skor pengetahuan dan total PSP pengasuh memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan antar kelompok kontrol dan P1; dan kelompok kontrol dan P2.
Hydration education is important to increase water intake and improve hydration status. We aimed to assess the differences on caregiver rsquo s Knowledge,Attitude and Practice KAP , total water intake and hydration status of preschool children after 4 weeks. A cluster randomized controlled trial was conducted comparing basic nutrition education control,N 47 , hydration education to teacher and parents INT1,N 44 and to teachers INT2,N 52 groups. Total water intake was assessed by repeated 24h Recall, the KAP was identified by structured questionnaire and hydration status was determined by Urine Specific Gravity. After intervention, knowledge and total KAP scores were significantly different between control and INT1 and control and INT2 groups.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bella Yunita
Abstrak :
Data THIRST menyatakan bahwa sebanyak 46,1% penduduk Indonesia mengalami dehidrasi ringan. Meskipun demikian, penelitian terhadap asupan cairan subjek berusia lanjut di Indonesia masih jarang dilakukan. Padahal, subjek berusia lanjut memiliki faktor risiko yang lebih besar untuk mengalami dehidrasi. Dampak dehidrasi pada subjek berusia lanjut juga cukup berbahaya, sehingga dalam penanganan dehidrasi dibutuhkan pengawasan dari orang-orang sekitar subjek. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan dengan asupan cairan pada subjek berusia lanjut. Pengambilan data dilakukan di Yayasan Kasih Keluarga, Pejaten, Jakarta Selatan pada Januari 2012. Peneliti memberikan kuesioner berisi 10 pertanyaan tentang asupan cairan yang terdiri atas 5 kategori, gejala, fungsi, keluarnya cairan, sumber, dan jumlah cairan, sebagai data untuk mengetahui tingkat pendidikan. Peneliti juga memberikan buku asupan cairan harian yang harus diisi subjek selama dua hari untuk mengukur asupan cairan subjek. Untuk mempermudah pengisian buku asupan cairan harian, peneliti memberikan gelas sebagai standar minum pada dua hari tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan studi cross sectional dengan pengambilan sampel secara total population. Data yang didapat akan dianalisis dengan uji chi-square menggunakan program SPSS version 19. Pada akhir penelitian terdapat 35 subjek penelitian yang berpartisipasi. Sebagian besar subjek, yaitu sebanyak 31 dari 35 subjek merupakan perempuan dan 20 dari 35 subjek tidak bersekolah. Sebanyak 19 dari 35 subjek memiliki tingkat pengetahuan buruk, sedangkan sebagian besar, yaitu sebanyak 32 dari 35 subjek memiliki asupan cairan adekuat. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan data bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara tingkat pengetahuan dengan asupan cairan pada subjek berusia lanjut (p = 0,337).
Based on THIRST’s data, 46.1% citizens of Indonesia were diagnosed mild dehydration. In Indonesia, research about water intake in elderly are rarely held. Elderly has more risk factors to become dehydration and more dangerous complications because of dehydration. Elderly need supervision from others to control and remind them to drink. Because of that background, the purpose of this research is to know correlation between knowledge and water intake in elderly. Samples were collected in Yayasan Kasih Keluarga, Pejaten, Jakarta Selatan on January 2012. As a method, researcher gave 10 questions’ questionnaire about body fluid, its function, resource, volume, signs and symptoms of dehydration. Those questionnaires were collected to measure their knowledge about water intake. Researcher also gave them ‘buku asupan cairan harian’ that had to be filled with their water intake during two days. To make it easier to fill the sheet, we gave them a standard glass so they only had to fill the sheet with how many glasses they drink that day. Researcher will convert it into milliliters. This is a cross sectional study with total population as sampling method. The data will be analyzed by chi-square test using SPSS version 19. Thirty one of 35 subjects are female and 20 of 35 subjects had not studied at school. Nineteen of 35 subjects had poor knowledge, yet 32 of 35 subjects had adequate water intake. From this research, we can make a conclusion that there is no correlation between knowledge and water intake in elderly (p = 0,337).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Katondio Bayumitra Wedya
Abstrak :
Kecukupan terhadap asupan air total masih sulit ditemui pada remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor dominan terhadap asupan air total pada siswa SMA Islam Al-Azhar 2 Pejaten Jakarta Selatan tahun 2015. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain studi potong lintang. Jumlah sampel 134 orang. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa gambaran kebiasaan minum, karakteristik diet (asupan karbohidrat, asupan lemak, asupan protein, konsumsi makanan sumber karbohidrat, konsumsi lauk hewani, konsumsi sayur dan buah), jenis kelamin, aktivitas fisik, status gizi (IMT/U), dan pengetahuan tentang air bagi tubuh. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengisian kuesioner dan Food Frequencies Questionnaire (FFQ) secara mandiri oleh siswa, wawancara food recall 3x24 hours, serta pengukuran antropometri. Diketahui bahwa prevalensi siswa yang memiliki asupan air total cukup dari kebutuhan harian hanya 44,8% dan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna (p < 0,05) antara kebiasaan minum dan asupan lemak dengan asupan air total, dan kebiasaan minum merupakan faktor dominan terhadap asupan air total pada penelitian kali ini.
The adequacy of the total water intake is still difficult to find in adolescents. This study aims to determine the dominant factor of total water intake at SMA Islam Al-Azhar 2 Pejaten Jakarta Selatan Year 2015. The study was conducted with cross-sectional study design. The total sample are 134 students. The collected data were description of drinking habits, dietary characteristics (carbohydrate intake, fat intake, protein intake, consumption of carbohydrate food source, the consumption of animal side dish, fruit and vegetable consumption), gender, physical activity, nutritional status (BMI-for-Age), and knowledge of water for the body. Data collection is collected by filling out the questionnaire and Food Frequencies Questionnaire (FFQ) independently by students, interviews of food recall 3x24 hours, and anthropometric measurements. The prevalence of students who have adequate total water intake of the daily requirements just 44.8% and there was a significant relationship (p <0.05) between drinking habits and fat intake with total water intake, and drinking habits is the dominant factor of the total water intake in this study.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library