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Ditemukan 35 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
New York: Interscience Publishers , 1957
545.2 VOL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kolthoff, I.M.
New York: Interscience Publishers, 1942
545.2 KOL v
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kolthoff, I.M.
New York: Interscience Publishers, 1947
545.2 KOL v
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nurul Puji
Abstrak :
Telah dibuat sistem volumetric magnetic induction tomography (VMIT) menggunakan 8 koil pemancar dan 8 koil penerima. Adanya eksitasi sinyal sinus pada koil transmitter menimbulkan medan magnet yang berubah-ubah sehingga menimbulkan ggl induksi pada koil receiver. Besarnya medan magnet induksi ini juga dipengaruhi oleh permeabilitas medium antara koil pemancar dan penerima. Simulasi COMSOL dan MATLAB pada sistem VMIT 8 koil menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan algoritma ILBP objek berbentuk bola dengan permeabilitas logam besi dapat direkonstruksi sehingga menghasilkan citra yang serupa. Dari hasil simulasi ini kemudian dibuat prototipe sistem akuisisi data VMIT. Prototipe sistem VMIT yang dibuat diuji coba untuk mengenali objek logam berbentuk silinder seperti kaleng cat semprot dan besi pejal. Hasil rekonstruksi citra dapat mendeteksi keberadaan objek logam dengan diameter minimal 3 cm dan panjang 10 cm, namun citra masih terlihat kurang jelas. Secara keseluruhan pengambilan data dengan menggunakan prototipe sistem VMIT ini cukup stabil yaitu dengan rata-rata persentase standar deviasi adalah 0,75%.
Volumetric magnetic induction tomography (VMIT) system has been developed by using 8 coils as transmitter and 8 coils as receiver. The existence of sine excitation signal in the transmitter coil cause magnetic field changing, it causing emf at the receiver coil. The magnitude of the magnetic field induction is also influenced by the permeability of the medium between the transmitter and receiver coils. COMSOL and MATLAB simulation of VMIT 8 coil systems indicate that by using ILBP algorithms, ball shaped object with ferromagnetic materials (iron) can be reconstructed to produce a similar image. According to the simulation results are then made prototypes of a data acquisition system of VMIT. The prototype of VMIT system can recognize a cylindrical objects of ferromagnetic materials such as solid iron and tin paint sprayer with 10 cm of length and minimum 3 cm of diameter. The results of image reconstruction can indicate the presence of the cylindrical object. Overall the collection of data by using a prototype of VMIT system is quite stable and the average standard deviation is 0.75%., Volumetric magnetic induction tomography (VMIT) system has been developed by using 8 coils as transmitter and 8 coils as receiver. The existence of sine excitation signal in the transmitter coil cause magnetic field changing, it causing emf at the receiver coil. The magnitude of the magnetic field induction is also influenced by the permeability of the medium between the transmitter and receiver coils. COMSOL and MATLAB simulation of VMIT 8 coil systems indicate that by using ILBP algorithms, ball shaped object with ferromagnetic materials (iron) can be reconstructed to produce a similar image. According to the simulation results are then made prototypes of a data acquisition system of VMIT. The prototype of VMIT system can recognize a cylindrical objects of ferromagnetic materials such as solid iron and tin paint sprayer with 10 cm of length and minimum 3 cm of diameter. The results of image reconstruction can indicate the presence of the cylindrical object. Overall the collection of data by using a prototype of VMIT system is quite stable and the average standard deviation is 0.75%.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satfitri Rahayu
Abstrak :
Tablet vitamin C sudah digunakan secara luas dan beredar dengan berbagai macam merek dengan harga yang bervariasi. Vitamin C tidak stabil karena mudah sekali mengalami oksidasi sehingga produk tablet vitamin C memerlukan pengawasan dan pengendalian mengenai kualitas dari kadar zat berkhasiat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode penetapan kadar tablet vitamin C yang terbaik secara volumetri dan mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara harga jual tablet vitamin C di apotik dengan terpenuhinya syarat baku kadar vitamin C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode yang terbaik untuk penetapan kadar Tablet vitamin C adalah metode Iodatometri dari 97 sampel Tablet vitamin C yang diperiksa ternyata hanya 3 dari 97 sampel yang tidak memenuhi syarat baku kadar. Semua Tablet vitamin C yang termasuk dalam kelompok tablet vitamin C 100 mg, 250 mg dan 500 mg dari semua kategori harga jualnya semua tablet tersebut memenuhi syarat baku kadar sedangkan Tablet vitamin C yang termasuk dalam kelompok vitamin C 50 mg ada 3 sampel ( 7.31%) yang tidak memenuhi syarat baku kadar yaitu dari kategori harga sedang dan mahal. Vitamin C tablet is widely used in community with many variations of brand and price. The main characteristic of vitamin C is not stable, oxidized easily. Because of that, controlling the quality of vitamin C is needed. This research is proposed to know the best method volumetric for determining the quality of vitamin C. Besides that, this research is also proposed to know the relationship between the prices of vitamin C tablet at the drug store, with the standard quality of vitamin C. The result of this research shows that the best method for determining the quality of vitamin C tablet is Iodatometry method, where from 97 samples of vitamin C tablet, only three of them do not meet the standard quality. All of the vitamin C tablets included tablets vitamin C 100 mg, 250 mg and 500 mg in the price categories fulfill the standard quality; while, there are three samples (7,31%) of vitamin C tablet included in category tablets vitamin C 50 mg do not meet the standard quality there are included in the medium and high price.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yahya Mustofa
Abstrak :
Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy (VMAT) merupakan salah satu modalitas untuk pengobatan kanker yang mempunyai beberapa teknik penyinaran. Dalam penelitian dilakukan karakteristik dosimetri dan dosimetri invivo menggunakan TLD-100 rod dan film gafchromic EBT3 dengan teknik full arc dan half arc VMAT pada fantom rando kasus kanker parotid kiri dan kanker paru ? paru apeks kiri yang masing - masing memiliki empat target dengan volume yang berbeda. Evaluasi yang dilakukan meliputi parameter penyinaran, Homogeneity Index (HI), Conformity Index (CI) dan deviasi pengukuran dosis menggunakan TLD dan film dengan TPS. Total MU yang digunakan dan waktu penyinaran, teknik full arc lebih besar dibandingkan teknik half arc. Selain itu, laju dosis yang diperlukan untuk VMAT teknik full-arc lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan teknik half arc,Teknik full arc lebih homogen dan konformitas dibandingkan pada teknik half arc. Pada pengukuran dosis titik menunjukkan bahwa teknik full-arc dan half-arc mempunyai nilai deviasi yang tidak besar, dan penggunaan TLD lebih efektif jika dibandingkan dengan film, dimana rata ? rata deviasi dosis penggunaan TLD antara 3,79 ? 5,76 % untuk target dan 6,38 ? 9,3 % untuk organ at risk (OAR), dan pada penggunaan film antara 5,69 ? 11,85 % untuk target dan 34,40 ? 215,76 % untuk OAR.
ABSTRACT Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy (VMAT) is one of the modalities for cancer treatment that have some technique. This study conducted, dosimetry characterizations and determination dose by TLD and gafchromic EBT3 film with full arc and half arc VMAT technique at rando phantom for left parotid cancer and left apex lung cancer case, which each case have four target different volumes. Evaluation was conducted on the irradiation parameters, homogeneity index (HI), Conformity Index (CI) and the deviation of dose measurement using TLD and films with TPS. On VMAT, the total MU which used and the total of delivery treatment time, on full arc technique is greater than the half arc technique. Results of the study the dose rate necessary for VMAT technique of full arc lower than the technique of half arc, VMAT technique full arc more homogeneous and conformity compared to the technique of half arc. The measurement of the dose point of use TLD is more effective than the use of the film, where deviations dose average using TLD between 3.79 to 5.76 % for target and 6.36 to 9.3 % for organ at risk (OAR), and the use of film between 5.69 to 11.85 % for target and 34.4 to 215.76 % for OAR.;Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy (VMAT) is one of the modalities for cancer treatment that have some technique. This study conducted, dosimetry characterizations and determination dose by TLD and gafchromic EBT3 film with full arc and half arc VMAT technique at rando phantom for left parotid cancer and left apex lung cancer case, which each case have four target different volumes. Evaluation was conducted on the irradiation parameters, homogeneity index (HI), Conformity Index (CI) and the deviation of dose measurement using TLD and films with TPS. On VMAT, the total MU which used and the total of delivery treatment time, on full arc technique is greater than the half arc technique. Results of the study the dose rate necessary for VMAT technique of full arc lower than the technique of half arc, VMAT technique full arc more homogeneous and conformity compared to the technique of half arc. The measurement of the dose point of use TLD is more effective than the use of the film, where deviations dose average using TLD between 3.79 to 5.76 % for target and 6.36 to 9.3 % for organ at risk (OAR), and the use of film between 5.69 to 11.85 % for target and 34.4 to 215.76 % for OAR., Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy (VMAT) is one of the modalities for cancer treatment that have some technique. This study conducted, dosimetry characterizations and determination dose by TLD and gafchromic EBT3 film with full arc and half arc VMAT technique at rando phantom for left parotid cancer and left apex lung cancer case, which each case have four target different volumes. Evaluation was conducted on the irradiation parameters, homogeneity index (HI), Conformity Index (CI) and the deviation of dose measurement using TLD and films with TPS. On VMAT, the total MU which used and the total of delivery treatment time, on full arc technique is greater than the half arc technique. Results of the study the dose rate necessary for VMAT technique of full arc lower than the technique of half arc, VMAT technique full arc more homogeneous and conformity compared to the technique of half arc. The measurement of the dose point of use TLD is more effective than the use of the film, where deviations dose average using TLD between 3.79 to 5.76 % for target and 6.36 to 9.3 % for organ at risk (OAR), and the use of film between 5.69 to 11.85 % for target and 34.4 to 215.76 % for OAR.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisnu Purno Aji
Abstrak :
Graben merupakan struktur utama yang mendominasi di Laut Utara bagian utara. Pada penelitian ini terfokus pada formasi Statfjord yang berada pada North Viking Graben. Formasi tersebut diendapkan pada zaman Triassic akhir sampai Jurassic awal. Lapisan ini berupa sedimen batupasir. Karakterisasi reservoar pada lapisan tersebut akan dilakukan dengan integrasi analisa atribut seismik dan inversi seismik. Analisa atribut seismik dilakukan guna mengidentifikasi batas lapisan, yang diindikasikan dengan adanya perbedaan antara dua lapisan dan inversi seimik dilakukan untuk memperlihatkan akustik impedansi yang berguna untuk mengetahui karakteristik lapisan. Kedua atribut amplitude seismik dan impedansi akustik diharapkan dapat menginvestigasi reservoar secara lengkap. Berdasarkan hasil intepretasi dan analisa dari atribut seismik dibangun model geologi. Hasil pemodelan geologi dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk merlakukan perhitungan volume reservoir dengan metode volumetrik. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil berupa peta distribusi porositas dengan besar nilai porositas sebesar 0,125 ndash; 0.225 dan peta distribusi volume hidrokarbon dengan besar volume sebesar 186 106 sm3. ...... Graben is the dominant main structure in the northern North Sea. The study area is located on North Viking Graben. In this study focused on the formation of Statfjord. The formation was precipitated during the late Triassic until the early Jurassic. This layer is a sandstone sediment. The reservoir characterization of the coating will be done by integration of seismic attribute analysis and seismic inversion. Seismic attribute analysis is performed to identify the boundary layer, which is indicated by the difference between the two layers and the inversion seimik done to show the acoustic impedance which is useful to know the characteristics of the layer. Both attributes seismic amplitude and acoustic impedance are expected to investigate the complete reservoir. Based on the results of interpretation and analysis of the seismic attribute will be built geological model. The results of geological modeling can be used as a basis for treating reservoir volume calculations by volumetric methods. In this research, the results obtained in the form of porosity distribution map with a large porosity value of 0.125 0.225 and STOIIP distribution map with a large reservoir volume of 186 106 sm3.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mousavi, Adel
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Virchow pada 1851 mendefinisikan kraniosinostosis sebagai penutupan prematur sutura kranialis. Pasien kraniosinostosis tidak hanya mengalami kelainan kalvaria, tetapi juga gangguan lainnya. Hingga saat ini, belum ada evaluasi baku pascaoperasi. Studi ini bertujuan mengajukan metode evaluasi pascaoperasi menggunakan volume otak dari CT Scan dan aspek tumbuh kembang. Metode. Studi bersifat retrospektif menggunakan data rekam medis dan radiologis pasien kraniosinostosis yang dilakukan operasi. Variabel independen mencakup jenis kelamin, usia saat operasi, jenis kraniosinostosis, dan sutura yang terlibat. Variabel dependen mencakup volume otak dan status perkembangan. Hasil. Terdapat delapan pasien memenuhi kriteria. Nilai median usia pasien saat menjalani operasi adalah 9,5 bulan, terdiri dari lima laki-laki (62%) dan tiga perempuan (38%). Seluruh pasien mengalami peningkatan volume otak dengan rentang 0,4% hingga 29%. Terdapat lima pasien (62%) memiliki volume otak sesuai usianya dan tiga pasien lainnya memiliki volume otak yang tidak sesuai usia pascaoperasi. Tiga pasien dengan volume otak tidak normal ditemukan mencapai volume normal pascaoperasi. Tidak ada perubahan tumbuh kembang pascaoperasi. Kesimpulan. Studi ini dapat menjadi referensi bagi studi lainnya untuk mengevaluasi volume otak dan tumbuh kembang pascaoperasi pasien kraniosinostosis. Evaluasi volume otak berdasarkan CT scan dan status tumbuh kembang pasien dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu pilihan standar dalam manajemen kraniosinostosis. ......Background. Craniosynostosis defined by Virchow as premature closure of cranial sutures. These patients not only have abnormal calvaria, but also other disorders. Until now, postoperative evaluation has not been standardized. This study aims to describe postoperative evaluation using brain volume and development aspects of the patients. Methods. This is a retrospective study using records and radiological examinations of patients who underwent surgery. The Independent variables are sex, age of operation, type of craniosynostosis and sutures involved. The dependent variables assessed are brain volume and developmental aspects. Results. This study includes 8 patiens. Age during surgery has median of 9.5 months that consists of 5 male (62%) and 3 female (38%). All patients experienced increased brain volume with changes from 0.4% to 29%. There were 5 patients (62%) with normal brain volume and 3 patients with abnormal brain volume at postoperative control. There were 3 patients that had preoperative abnormal brain volume who achieved normalization. There was no change in developmental aspects postoperatively. Conclusion. This study can be used as reference for assessing brain volume and growth in craniosynostosis. Study of brain volume evaluation based on CT scans and developmental status can be used as standard procedures in management of craniosynostosis.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizka Mardhiani
Abstrak :
Fenitoin merupakan obat antibangkitan yang digunakan dalam pengobatan kejang dalam bentuk monoterapi maupun kombinasi dengan obat antibangkitan lainnya. Namun, fenitoin memiliki rentang indeks terapi yang sempit yaitu 10 – 20 μg/mL, sehingga untuk mencapai efek terapi yang optimal perlu dilakukan pemantauan kadar obat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan kondisi preparasi sampel yang optimum untuk analisis fenitoin dalam VAMS, serta mendapatkan metode analisis tervalidasi untuk analisis fenitoin dalam VAMS dengan internal standard karbamazepin menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT) dan mengaplikasikannya untuk pemantauan kadar fenitoin dalam darah pasien epilepsi di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dengan rejimen dosis 2 x 100 mg dan 3 x 100 mg secara monoterapi maupun kombinasi. Kondisi optimasi preparasi sampel yang optimum diperoleh dengan menggunakan pelarut metanol, sonikasi selama 15 menit, dan vorteks selama 2 menit. Metode analisis yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid sesuai dengan guideline dari FDA 2018 dengan nilai LLOQ yang didapatkan sebesar 0,1 μg/mL dengan rentang kurva kalibrasi 0,1 – 30,0 μg/mL dengan nilai r ≥ 0,9997. Aplikasi pemantauan kadar fenitoin dalam darah dilakukan terhadap 30 subyek pasien epilepsi diperoleh rentang kadar fenitoin dari 0,81 – 17,45 μg/mL, dimana hanya 9 subyek yang kadarnya berada dalam rentang terapi obat yang seharusnya. ......Phenytoin is an anticonvulsant drug that is used for treatment of seizures as monotherapy or combination with other anticonvulsant drugs. However, phenytoin has a narrow therapeutic index range of 10 – 20 μg/mL, so to achieve an optimal therapeutic effect it is necessary to monitor drug levels. The purpose of this study was to obtain the optimum sample preparation conditions for the analysis of phenytoin in VAMS, as well as to obtain a validated analytical method for the analysis of phenytoin in VAMS with the internal standard of carbamazepine using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and apply it for monitoring blood levels of phenytoin in epilepsy patients at RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo with a dosage regimen of 2 x 100 mg and 3 x 100 mg as monotherapy or in combination. Optimum conditions for sample preparation were obtained using methanol as solvent, sonicated for 15 minutes, and vortexed for 2 minutes. The analytical method developed was declared valid in accordance with the guidelines from the FDA 2018 with an LLOQ value of 0.1 μg/mL with a calibration curve range of 0.1 – 30.0 μg/mL with correlation coefficient r ≥ 0.9997. The application of monitoring blood levels of phenytoin was carried out on 30 subjects with epilepsy patients. The range of phenytoin levels was from 0.81 to 17.45 μg/mL, where only 9 subjects had levels within the range of proper drug therapy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Fitri Chairunnisa
Abstrak :
Doksorubisin merupakan salah satu terapi antikanker yang termasuk golongan antrasiklin, memiliki aktivitas klinis pada penyakit kanker payudara. Doksorubisin dapat menimbulkan efek kardiotoksik akibat pembentukan doksorubisinol selaku metabolit utamanya. Salah satu metode biosampling terbaru yaitu volumetric absorptive microsampling memiliki berbagai kelebihan yaitu pengambilan darah secara finger prick, tidak dipengaruhi oleh hematokrit, dan dapat disimpan dalam suhu ruang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis doksorubisin dan mengetahui reaksi obat merugikan kemoterapi berbasis doksorubisin. Nilai multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) diatur pada m/z 544,22>396,9 untuk doksorubisin; m/z 546,22>398,9 untuk doksorubisinol; dan m/z 528,5>362,95 untuk daunorubisin. Nilai LLOQ yang diperoleh adalah 8 ng/mL untuk doksorubisin dan 3 ng/mL untuk doksorubisinol dengan linearitas 0,9904 untuk doksorubisin dan 0,9902 untuk doksorubisinol. Hasil analisis mendapatkan rentang kadar terukur untuk doksorubisin sebesar 9,47 – 87,84 ng/mL serta rentang kadar terukur untuk doksorubisinol sebesar 4,24 – 54,02 ng/mL. Dosis kumulatif doksorubisin pada pasien sebesar 47,93 – 346,09 mg/m2, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa risiko seluruh pasien terkena kardiomiopati di bawah angka kejadian 4%. Pasien yang mengalami penurunan fraksi ejeksi ventrikel kiri setelah kemoterapi doksorubisin terdiri dari penurunan fraksi ejeksi <10% dan ada 3 pasien yang mengalami penurunan fraksi ejeksi ventrikel kiri >10%. Alopesia merupakan reaksi obat merugikan subjektif yang paling banyak dirasakan pasien diikuti dengan mual dan muntah. Hasil uji hubungan menunjukkan adanya tidak signifikan antara kadar doksorubisin dan doksorubisinol terhadap reaksi obat merugikan pada pasien kanker payudara. Terdapat hubungan signifikan pada kadar doksorubisin terhadap dosis kumulatif dan waktu pengambilan sampel pasien. ......Doxorubicin is an anticancer therapy belonging to the anthracycline class, which has clinical activity in breast cancer. Doxorubicin can cause cardiotoxic effects due to the formation of doxorubicinol as its main metabolite. One of the newest biosampling methods, namely Volumetric Absorptive microsampling, has many advantages, namely blood collection by finger prick, not affected by hematocrit, and can be stored at room temperature. This study aims to analyze doxorubicin and determine the adverse drug reactions of doxorubicin-based chemotherapy. The multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) value is set at m/z 544.22> 396.9 for doxorubicin; m/z 546.22>398.9 for doxorubicinol; and m/z 528.5>362.95 for daunorubicin. The LLOQ values ​​obtained were 8 ng/mL for doxorubicin and 3 ng/mL for doxorubicinol with a linearity of 0.9904 for doxorubicin and 0.9902 for doxorubicinol. The results of the analysis showed that the measured concentration range for doxorubicin was 9.47 – 87.84 ng/mL and the measured concentration range for doxorubicin was 4.24 – 54.02 ng/mL. The cumulative dose of doxorubicin in patients was 47.93 – 346.09 mg/m2, this shows that the risk of all patient developing cardiomyopathy is below the incidence rate of 4%. Patients who experienced a decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction after doxorubicin chemotherapy consisted of a decrease in ejection fraction <10% and there were 3 patients who experienced a decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction >10%. Alopecia is the most common subjective adverse drug reaction experienced by patients, followed by nausea and vomiting. The results of the relationship test showed that there was no significant relationship between doxorubicin and doxorubicinol levels on adverse drug reactions in breast cancer patients. There is a significant relationship between doxorubicin levels and cumulative dose and patient sampling time.xv,
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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