Citra Nurhayati
Abstrak :
PENDAHULUAN: Penggunaan komputer di seluruh dunia mengalami peningkatan, banyak orang menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam di depan layar komputer tanpa istirahat. Computer vision syndrome (CVS) menjadi masalah kesehatan mata terkait dengan penggunaan komputer berlebihan ini, dan seringkali mempengaruhi produktivitas pekerja. Karyawan dapat secara fisik hadir dalam pekerjaan mereka namun mengalami penurunan produktivitas dan kualitas kerja di bawah normal, sebuah konsep yang dikenal sebagai presenteeism. Diperlukan suatu studi apakah computer vision syndrome (CVS) berhubungan dengan presenteeism pada pekerja. TUJUAN : Penelitian ini akan menganalisis hubungan computer vision syndrome (CVS) dengan presenteeism pada pekerja pemakai VDT di bagian pelayanan masyarakat online di kantor pemerintahan. METODE : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuesioner menggunakan stanford presenteeism scale (SPS-6) dan computer vision syndrom questionnaire (CVSQ) secara potong lintang. Faktor risiko perancu lainnya seperti jabatan, status pekerja, masa kerja, gangguan kesehatan lain juga diteliti dan dihubungan dengan presenteeism secara multivariat. HASIL : Sebanyak 201 pekerja mengikuti penelitian ini, dengan 44,28% mengalami presenteeism dan 84,58% mengeluhkan gejala computer vision syndrome. Studi multivariat menunjukkan bahwa jabatan, status pekerja, dan usia berhubungan signifikan dengan presenteeism (p multivariat <0,001). KESIMPULAN : presenteeism yang terjadi pada pekerja pemakai VDT lebih dipengaruhi oleh faktor perancu daripada keluhan computer vision syndrome (CVS).
......INTRODUCTION: The use of computers around the world has increased, many people spend hours in front of a computer screen without a break. Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is an eye health problem related to this excessive activity, and often affects worker productivity. Employees may be physically present at their jobs but experience decreased productivity and below normal quality of work, a concept known as presenteeism. A study is needed whether computer vision syndrome (CVS) is related to presenteeism in workers. OBJECTIVES: This study will analyze the relationship between computer vision syndrome (CVS) and presenteeism in VDT users in online public service departments in government offices. METHODS: This study used a questionnaire method using the Stanford Presenteeism Scale (SPS-6) and the Computer Vision Syndrome Questionnaire (CVSQ) in cross-section. Other confounding risk factors such as position, employment status, years of service, other health problems were also investigated and related to presenteeism in a multivariate manner. RESULTS: A total of 201 workers participated in this study, with 44.28% experiencing presenteeism and 84.58% complaining of symptoms of computer vision syndrome. Multivariate studies show that job title, employment status, and age are significantly related to presenteeism (multivariate p <0.001). CONCLUSION: presenteeism that occurs in workers using VDT is more influenced by confounding factors than complaints of computer vision syndrome (CVS).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library