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Aditya Noor Dwiprakoso
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Defek septum ventrikel (DSV) merupakan salah satu PJB dengan jumlah kasus terbanyak. Hipertensi pulmonal merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang dapat terjadi dengan prevalensi antara 2-10% dari seluruh kasus DSV. Pasien yang datang ke Rumah Sakit Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita (RSPJNHK) sudah dengan kondisi hipertensi pulmonal dan usia dewasa. Adanya perubahan pedoman internasional AHA/ESC dalam menentukan kelayakan operasi pada pasien DSV. Perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai hubungan nilai pulmonary artery resistance index (PARI) yang menjadi prediktor keluaran pada pasien yang dilakukan operasi penutupan DSV. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah studi kohort retrospektif berdasarkan data sekunder dari bagian rekam medis RSPJNHK Indonesia pada dewasa yang telah menjalani operasi tutup defek ventrikel pada periode 2015-2022. Variabel yang dinilai antara lain nilai pulmonary artery resistance index (PARI), lama penggunaan mesin jantung paru, lama penggunaan klem silang aorta, terhadap lama rawat, komplikasi pascaoperasi, dan kematian dini. Hasil: Terdapat 66 subjek pada penelitian ini. Usia rerata subjek studi ini 22,5 tahun. Pada penelitian ini terdapat peningkatan yang bermakna pada durasi ventilator (p = 0,012) dan lama rawat ICU (p = 0,031) pada kelompok nilai PARI >5 WU dibandingkan dengan kelompok PARI < 5 WU. Keluaran kelompok nilai PARI <5 WU lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok PARI >5 WU dengan mortalitas (0% vs 15,6%, p = 0,02), kejadian aritmia (14,7% vs 15,6 %; p = 0,59), dan krisis hipertensi pulmonal (0% vs 9,4%, p = 0,1) Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara nilai PARI dengan durasi ventilator mekanis dan lama rawat di ICU, namun tidak terdapat hubungan dengan aritmia dan kejadian krisis hipertensi pulmonal pascaoperasi. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara nilai PARI dan mortalitas dini pascaoperasi penutupan defek septum ventrikel pada dewasa. ......Background: Ventricular septal defect (DSV) is one of the most common CHDs. Pulmonary hypertension is one of the complications that can occur with a prevalence of between 2-10% of all DSV cases. Patients who come to Harapan Kita National Heart Center Hospital (RSPJNHK) already have pulmonary hypertension and are adults. There are changes in AHA/ESC international guidelines in determining the feasibility of surgery in DSV patients. It is necessary to conduct research on the relationship between the value of the pulmonary artery resistance index (PARI) which is a predictor of outcome in patients undergoing DSV closure surgery. Method: This study is a retrospective cohort study based on secondary data from the medical record section of the Harapan Kita National Cardiovascular Center Hospital in adult patients who had undergone ventricular septal defect closure surgery in the 2015-2022 period. The variable assessed included pulmonary artery resistance index (PARI), duration of cardiopulmonary bypass, duration of aortic cross clamp, on length of stay, postoperative complications, and mortality. Result: There were 66 subjects in this study. The mean age of the subjects was 22.5 years. In this study, there was a significant increase in ventilator duration (p = 0,012) and ICU length of stay (p = 0,031) in the PARI value >5 WU group compared to the PARI <5 WU group. The outcome of the PARI <5 WU group was better than the PARI >5 WU group with mortality (0% vs 15,6%, p = 0,02), arrhythmic events (14,7% vs 15,6 %; p = 0,59), and pulmonary hyperetension crisis (0% vs 9,4%, p = 0,1). Conclusion: There is an association between PARI and duration of mechanical ventilation and length of ICU stay, but no association with arrhythmias and the incidence of postoperative pulmonary hypertensive crisis. There is a significant association between PARI and early mortality after ventricular septal defect closure surgery in adults.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyanti Prima Putri
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Ventricular septal defect (VSD) adalah penyakit jantung bawaan (PJB) ditandai dengan terdapatnya lubang atau foramen di dinding yang memisahkan bilik kiri dan kanan. Profil pasien antara lain umur, berat badan, tinggi badan, tanda-tanda vital, jumlah anggota keluarga, keluhan utama, ukuran VSD, klasifikasi VSD, adanya kardiomegali, komplikasi, riwayat penyakit jantung bawaan di keluarga, dan tata laksana VSD. Terdapat pula beberapa faktor risiko dari VSD antara lain jenis kelamin, berat lahir, usia kehamilan, status nutrisi, status sosio-ekonomi, kondisi genetik seperti sindrom Down, usia ibu ketika hamil, riwayat ibu merokok selama kehamilan, kebiasaan ibu minum-minuman beralkohol selama kehamilan, riwayat ayah merokok, dan riwayat diabetes ibu selama kehamilan. Namun, faktor risiko dan profil dari VSD di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo masih belum diketahui. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini diperlukan untuk menginvestigasi informasi ini. Metode: Studi potong lintang ini melibatkan 40 pasien VSD terisolasi dan 40 pasien kontrol yang datang ke Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo pada tahun 2020. Data diperoleh dari rekam medis dan/atau wawancara pasien setelah dilakukan pemilihan sampel dengan metode acak sederhana. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 24 untuk Mac. Pearson Chi-squared test dan Fisher's exact test, digunakan untuk menyelidiki asosiasi variabel. Hasil: Dari 40 pasien VSD mayoritas balita, median berat badan 8,4 kg, rerata tinggi badan 85 cm, rerata tekanan darah, laju nadi dan laju napas dalam batas normal, keluhan utama tersering adalah berat badan sulit naik, jenis VSD terbanyak perimembranosa, ukuran VSD terbanyak ukuran besar, tidak ada komplikasi, tidak ada PJB dalam keluarga, dan terapi utama adalah operasi. Untuk faktor risiko, keberadaan kondisi genetik seperti sindrom Down terbukti secara bermakna [RP 2,143 (95% IK: 1,682-2,729), P= 0,02] sebagai satu-satunya faktor risiko VSD pada penelitian ini. Namun, beberapa faktor risiko lain termasuk status sosio-ekonomi (P=0,491), usia ibu saat hamil (P= 0,745), merokok ayah (P= 0,370), diabetes ibu saat hamil (P= 0,494), riwayat merokok ibu selama kehamilan (P= 1), dan riwayat asupan alkohol ibu selama kehamilan (P = 1) tidak terbukti sebagai faktor risiko VSD pada penelitian ini. Simpulan: Studi ini menemukan hubungan antara kondisi genetik seperti sindrom Down dengan VSD. Penelitian ini juga menemukan profil pasien VSD yang datang ke RSCM selama tahun 2020. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mencari faktor risiko yang belum terbukti bermakna dan untuk menyelidiki faktor risiko lain yang tidak dieksplorasi dalam penelitian ini. Studi di masa depan harus mencakup populasi yang lebih besar untuk menghasilkan data profil pasien yang lebih baik. ......Introduction: Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a congenital heart disease (CHD) caused by a hole or foramen in the septum between the left and right ventricles. For profile, there are age, body weight, body height, vital signs, family size, main complaint, VSD size, VSD classification, presence of cardiomegaly, complications, familial congenital heart disease, and treatments of isolated VSD. There are also several risk factors of isolated VSD including gender, birth weight, gestational age, nutritional status, socio-economic status, genetic syndrome such as Down syndrome, maternal age when pregnant, maternal smoking history during pregnancy, maternal alcohol intake history during pregnancy, paternal smoking, as well as maternal gestational diabetes. However, the risk factors and profile of isolated VSD patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital are still unknown. As a result, research is required to investigate this information. Method: This cross-sectional study included 40 isolated VSD patients and 40 control patients from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in 2020. Data were obtained from medical records and/or patient interviews following a simple random number sampling. The data was then analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 for Mac. The Pearson Chisquared Test and Fisher's Exact Test were used to investigate the variables' association. Results: From 40 patients, the majority was toddler, median body weight was 8.4 kg, mean body height was 85 cm, mean blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate were normal, the main complaints was difficulty gaining weight, types of VSD was perimembranous, most of patient had large VSD, there was no complications, there was no the presence of familial congenital heart disease and surgery was a most prevalent definitive VSD. For the risk factors, the presence of genetic syndrome such as Down syndrome [PR 2.143 (CI 95%: 1.682-2.729), P= 0.02] is confirmed as the only risk factor of isolated VSD in this population. However, several other parameters including socio-economic status (P= 0.491), maternal age when pregnant (P= 0.745), paternal smoking (P= 0.370), maternal gestational diabetes (P= 0.494), maternal smoking history during pregnancy (P= 1), and maternal alcohol intake history during pregnancy (P= 1) have not been shown to raise the risk of isolated VSD in this population. Conclusion: This study found a relation between genetic conditions like Down syndrome and isolated VSD. Furthermore, this study detailed the profile of isolated VSD patients in this population. However, more research is needed to establish stronger evidence and to investigate risk factors that were not explored in this study, and future studies should include a larger population to produce better patient profile data.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Komunikasi antara arteri koroner dan arteri pulmonalis, yang dikenal sebagai fistula arteri koroner ke pulmonal, merupakan sumber pasokan darah yang sangat jarang ke paru-paru pada penyakit atresia pulmonal yang disertai defek septum ventrikel. Seorang anak perempuan berusia 4 tahun dirujuk ke Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita dengan gejala dan tanda-tanda peningkatan vaskularisasi pembuluh darah paru sejak bayi dan telah dipastikan dengan pemeriksaan foto X-ray toraks. Pemeriksaan fisik jantung ditemukan bunyi jantung I normal, bunyi jantung II keras dan tunggal, dan didapatkan bising ejeksi sistolik pada area pulmonal. Pemeriksaan EKG menunjukkan irama sinus dengan aksis normal serta hipertrofi biventrikel. Pada pemeriksaan ekhokardiografi dicurigai terdapat trunkus arteriosus tipe I dengan defek septum ventrikel perimembran, overriding aorta, dan dilatasi pada pangkal arteri pulmonalis. Namun demikian pada pemeriksaan kateterisasi jantung ditemukan fistula non obstruktif antara arteri koroner kiri dan pangkal arteri pulmonalis yang disertai kelainan defek septum ventrikel. Tindakan bedah telah berhasil dilakukan sekaligus memastikan diagnosis sebelumnya. Walaupun terdapat episode krisis hipertensi paru selama awal perjalanan pasca operasi, pasien tersebut dipulangkan dari perawatan dengan kondisi yang baik. Karena penyakit pembuluh darah paru yang irreversibel bisa terjadi pada fistula koroner ke pulmonal yang tidak restriktif, pengenalan dini terhadap kelainan ini sangat penting untuk mendapatkan hasil tindakan koreksi bedah yang lebih baik. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 237-40)
A communication between the coronary and pulmonary arteries, so called coronary to pulmonary fistula, is a rare source of pulmonary supply in pulmonary atresia (PA) with ventricular septal defect (VSD). A 4 year old girl referred to National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita, Jakarta with symptoms and signs of increased pulmonary blood flow since infancy and was confirmed by the chest x-rays. Heart examination revealed normal first heart sound with single loud second heart sound and an ejection systolic murmur at the pulmonary area. ECG demonstrated sinus rhythm with normal axis and biventricular hypertrophy. Echocardiography was performed and truncus arteriosus (TA) type I was suspected with perimembranus VSD, overriding of the aorta, and dilated main pulmonary artery. But on cardiac catheterization studies, a non obstructive fistula was found between the left coronary and main pulmonary artery coexisted with PA and VSD. A successful surgery was performed subsequently and confirmed the above diagnosis. Although there were episodes of pulmonary hypertension crisis during early post operative course, she was then discharge from the hospital in a good condition. Since irreversible pulmonary vascular disease may develop in a non restrictive coronary to pulmonary fistula, early recognition of this anomaly is very important for better surgical result. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 237-40)
Medical Journal Of Indonesia, 13 (4) October December 2004: 237-240, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devi NR
Abstrak :
Indonesian Journal of Dentistry 2006; Edisi Khusus KPPIKG XIV: 120-123 Congenital heart disease is a condition of heart anomaly found since birth. The most common is ventricular septal defect whereby an aperture is found in the partition of heart chamber. It is estimated that 40,000 newborn in Indonesia have this defective condition. Dental treatment for patient with such condition must be undertaken in a very cautious way. Tooth with multiple caries can potentially lead to endocarditis bacteria. As such, dentist must be watchful on dental treatment that may worsen the patient's condition. To prevent endocarditis bacteria, a prophylaxis antibiotic is required as recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA). In this particular case, a dental treatment was undertaken to a child patient with congenital heart disease. Previously, the patient has undergone dental treatment in the form of multiple extraction under general anesthesia before conducting cardiac surgery. ln this case the treatment includes mortal pulpotomy, GIC restoration, and fissure sealant - all conducted in one visit under general anesthesia. After a year after the treatment,here are no complaint from the patient and no irregularity in x-ray results.
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library