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Patrianef Darwis
Abstrak :
Introduction: In 2010, the American Venous Forum developed a Venous Clinical Severity Score (VCSS) scoring system to assess the severity of Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), where this system was said to be more comprehensive than the CEAP system. However, VCSS validation was still lacking. The purpose of this study was to examine VCSS for reflux and leg vein diameter based on ultrasonography. Method: This study was a cross-sectional diagnostic test on women workers with standing work positions of 114 people (228 limbs) in Jakarta. VCSS assessment and ultrasound examinations were carried out on all subjects. The relationship between VCSS with reflux and leg vein diameter was analyzed using an odds ratio with a 95% confidence interval. Results: From 228 examined limbs, the VCSS score of 0-3 was 18.4%, and the score of ≥4 was 81.6%. Reflux was found in 21.9% of the limbs. There was a significant relationship between VCSS and reflux in leg veins. The diameter of the great saphenous vein was between 2.1-12.2 mm, the femoral vein was 7.1-17 mm, the popliteal vein as 3-11.4, and the small saphenous vein was 1.7-7mm. When VCSS was analyzed for association with venous diameter, a significant relationship was found. VCSS sensitivity compared with reflux based on USG was 78%, specificity was 98.31%, positive predictive value was 92.86%, and the negative predictive value was 93.86%.Conclusion: From the results of this study, it was concluded that the VCSS score could be used as a method for assessing chronic venous insufficiency. Although VCSS is was to assess the severity of the chronic venous disease, VCSS can also be used for screening because it shows a good relationship with the reflux and venous diameter of the limbs based on ultrasound.
Jakarta: PESBEVI, 2020
616 JINASVS 1:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tamotsu Kuroki
Abstrak :
Purpose: Laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) has become the standard operative approach for splenectomy. Portal or splenic vein thrombosis (PSVT) is a serious and common complication after LS, and lethal complications of PSVT can occur when the portal vein is completely occluded by portal vein thrombosis (PVT). We aimed to clarify the predictors of PSVT after LS and to determine which of them were also predictors of PVT. Methods: A total of 56 consecutive patients who underwent elective LS were enrolled in this study. The patients were divided into two groups based on the presence or absence of PSVT after LS. In addition, patients with PSVT were divided into two groups: a PVT group and a non-PVT group. The preoperative and intraoperative clinical data were compared among the groups. Results: Thirty (53.6%) patients developed PSVT. The splenic vein diameter was the most useful predictor for the development of PSVT, and 10 mm was an accurate splenic vein diameter cut-off value for use as a predictive factor for PSVT. In addition, the splenic vein diameter was the most useful predictor of the development of PVT from splenic vein thrombosis (SVT), and 14 mm was found to be an accurate cut-off value. Conclusion: PSVT is a common postoperative complication that is identified on enhanced computed tomography. The splenic vein diameter is not only a predictor of PSVT but also of the development of PVT from SVT.
Tokyo: Springer, 2018
617 SUT 48:8 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Tromboemboli vena merupakan penyebab morbiditas dan mortalitas yang penting pada pasien kanker. Belum ada sistem skor untuk memprediksi TVD pada pasien tanpa gejala dan tanda trombosis. Sistem skor Wells merupakan sistem skoring yang awalnya digunakan untuk memprediksi TVD pada pasien dengan faktor risiko trombosis dan secara klinis diduga suspected TVD, tetapi, belum digunakan pada pasien-pasien yang tanpa gejala dan tanda TVD. Perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kegunaan skor Wells yang dilanjutkan dengan algoritma ACCP IX pada pasien kanker yang asimtomatik TVD.Tujuan: Mengetahui kegunaan skor Wells dalam mendiagnosis TVD pada pasien kanker yang tidak menunjukkan gejala dan tanda trombosis asimtomatik .Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang. Pasien kanker yang insidens trombosis vena dalamnya tinggi tanpa gejala dan tanda TVD , dihitung skor Wells dan dilanjutkan dengan algoritma diagnostik ACCP IX untuk mendiagnosis TVD.Hasil: Penelitian ini merekrut 100 pasien kanker yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, dan mendapatkan kejadian TVD pada 2 pasien kanker yang tidak menunjukkan gejala dan tanda TVD. Sebagian besar pasien 93 memiliki skor Wells unlikely < 2 . Hasil D-dimer lebih dari 500 g/l didapatkan pada 60 subyek penelitian. Berdasarkan uji statistik, skor Wells memiliki nilai kalibrasi yang kurang baik p < 0,01 dan nilai diskriminasi area under the curve AUC sangat lemah 47,4 . Kesimpulan: Skor Wells tidak dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi TVD pada pasien kanker yang tidak memiliki gejala dan tanda TVD. Proporsi pasien kanker dengan TVD tanpa gejala dan tanda trombosis adalah 2 . Kata Kunci: asimtomatik, kanker, skor Wells, trombosis vena dalam
Background Venous thromboembolism is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in cancer patients. Until now there was no scoring system to predict deep vein thrombosis DVT in patients with risk factors but without sign and symptoms of thrombosis. Wells score was designated to predict patients who were clinically suspected as having DVT, but not yet used for patients who were asymptomatic. We investigate whether Wells score followed by ACCP IX guideline can be used to predict DVT in cancer asymptomatic patient. Purpose To investigate the use of Wells score in diagnosing DVT in asymptomatic cancer patients. Method We conducted a cross sectional study in cancer patients whose incidence of thrombosis were highest, without sign and symptoms of DVT. We calculated the Wells score from each patients and then chose the appropriate diagnostic examination in accordance to ACCP IX guideline. Result A total of 100 patients were enrolled in this research. We found the proportion of asymptomatic DVT in cancer patients was 2 . Most of the subjects has low Wells score 93 of subjects, score 2, categorized as unlikely and high D dimer 60 of subjects, concentration of 500 g l . Based on statistical test, Wells score had a poor calibration score p 0,01 and low area under the curve 47,4 . Conclusion Wells score cannot be used as a prediction model to predict DVT in asymptomatic cancer patients. The proportion of asymptomatic DVT in cancer patients was 2 . Keywords asymptomatic, cancer, deep vein thrombosis, Wells score
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Itah Sri Utami
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Jemaah haji yang berangkat ke tanah suci harus melalui pemeriksaan kesehatan dan dinyatakan istithaah kesehatan. Namun tingginya jemaah berusia lanjut ikut berpengaruh pada tingginya angka morbiditas dan mortalitas jemaah haji Indonesia di tahun 2017. Studi ini merupakan suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui penyebab kematian jemaah haji dalam penerbangan tahun 2017. Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, secara khusus metode ini mengikuti langkah-langkah verbal auotopsy dengan narasumber dokter tenaga kesehatan haji yang menangani kasus kematian di penerbangan, serta data-data pemeriksaan yang ada, serta wawancara dengan pusat kesehatan haji. Hasil: Sepuluh kematian dalam penerbangan dilaporkan dalam laporan haji 2017, dimana sembilan kematian terjadi saat kembali ke tanah air. Sepuluh kasus kematian penerbangan dilaporkan pada tahun 2017, di mana sembilan kasus terjadi selama penerbangan kembali ke Indonesia. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan narasumber penyebab kematian terjadi hipoksia sebagai akibat dari (1) anemia, yang tidak diobati, (2) penyakit jantung; (3) Penyakit paru obstruktif kronik. Ada kemungkinan satu emboli paru karena trombosis vena dalam yang melepaskan ke aliran darah. Hipoksia sebagai faktor aerofisiologis, terjadi pada jemaah haji dengan risiko tinggi jantung, paru, SSP, DVT. Kurangnya pemahaman terhadap hipoksia dan risikonya termasuk penanganan yang adekuat berkontribusi terhadap terjadinya kematian pada jemaah dipenerbangan haji. Skrining yang dilakukan dalam pemeriksaan I dan II masih belum memperhatikan hal-hal yang terkait tentang penerbangan. Padahal jemaah haji akan terpapar lama dikondisi yang pada dasarnya tidak fisiologis di dalam lingkungan pesawat. Secara khusus pengetahuan petugas kesehatan terhadap risiko dalam penerbangan perlu ditingkatkan.
Background: Pilgrims who went to holy land had to undergo health examination and stated "istitaah". However because of the high number of the elderly that contributed to the morbidity dan mortality of the pilgrims from Indonesia in 2017. This purpose of this study was describe the cause of in flight mortality in 2017. Method: The study design was qualitative, specifically following the method of verbal autopsy with medical doctor who handle that cases as the resource persons, we assessed the available data of the cases and also interviewed the pilgrim health center at the ministry of health. Result: Ten cases in flight mortality were reported in 2017, where nine cases occurred during return flight to Indonesia. Based on the interview with the resource person cause of death was hypoxia happened as a result of (1) anemia, which was untreated; (2) heart diseases; (3) Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. There was a possibility of one pulmonary embolism due to deep vein thrombosis that release to the blood stream. Hypoxia as an aerophysiological factor, occurs in pilgrims with a high risk of heart, lung, CNS, DVT. Lack of understanding about hypoxia, the risk and adequate treatment, contributed to the in flight mortality among the pilgrims. The first and the second screening had not yet put attention to identify the risk of flying.In fact, the pilgrims were exposed quite long in an nonphysiologic environment inside the cabin. In particular there was a need to improve the knowledge on risks in aviation. Conclusion: Aerophysiologyc factor that to inflight mortality of pilgrims in 2017 where hypoxia dan pulmonary embolism. The health system was not optimal, The health service system has not been implemented optimally, special training and assistance in aviation medicine is required.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadhlia Majidiah
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Trombosis vena dalam merupakan komplikasi tersering yang dijumpai pada keganasan. Insidens trombosis vena dalam pada kanker paru sangatlah tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan populasi umum. Saat ini belum ada pedoman alur diagnosis yang dapat menegakkan diagnosis trombosis vena dalam pada kanker paru. Selain itu, penelitian serupa juga belum pernah dilakukan di Indonesia sehingga hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi penelitian pendahuluan yang menitikberatkan pada trombosis vena dalam pada kanker paru. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai proporsi trombosis vena dalam menggunakan kriteria klinis yaitu skor Wells’ pada pasien kanker paru yang dirawat di RS Persahabatan. Metode: Desan penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang. Kami melakukan pemeriksaan pada pasien kanker paru yang dirawat sejak September 2012 hingga Februari 2013. Kami menyingkirkan pasien kanker paru dengan penyakit infeksi serta pasien kanker paru dengan sediaan histopatologi yang belum tegak. Pemeriksaan fungsi hemostasis seperti PT, APTT dan D-dimer tetap dilakukan bersama dengan penggunaan kriteria klnis skor Wells’. Diagnosis trombosis vena dalam ditentukan apabila skor Wells berat. Hasil: Subjek dalam penelitian ini terbanyak adalah laki-laki (69,2%) dengan kelompok usia terbanyak yaitu kelompok usia 51-60 tahun (33,3%). Jenis histopatologi yang terbamyak ditemukan adalah jenis adenokarsinoma (57,7%). Hampir sebagian besar pasien yaitu 64 pasien (82,1%) memiliki D-dimer >500 dan hanya 14 pasien (17,9%) dengan D-dimer normal. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan proporsi trombosis vena dalam menggunakan skor Wells adalah 23,1%.%. Faktor-faktor seperti jenis kelamin, usia, riwayat merokok, jenis tumor, stadium tumor, status penampilan, serta fungsi hemostasis tidak berpengaruh terhadap trombosis vena dalam namun nilai D-dimer >500 berpengaruh terhadap trombosis vena dalam. Kesimpulan: Proporsi trombosis vena dalam pada pasien kanker paru di RS Persahabatan hampir sama jumlahnya dengan penelitian-penelitian di negara lain yaitu sekitar 21%. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa skor Wells masih mempunyai peran penting dalam menentukan trombosis vena dalam mengingat penggunaannya mudah dan praktis. Penelitian selanjutnya diperlukan untuk menilai metode yang mudah dan sederhana digunakan dalam praktek sehari-hari bersama dengan skor Wells dalam menentukan trombosis vena dalam pada kanker paru. ......Background: Deep vein trombosis (DVT) is the common complication found in malignancy. Its incidence in lung cancer is much higher than in general population. Since there were no current diagnosis guideline which could help identify DVT in lung cancer and there were no similar study conducted before in Indonesia, thus this study could be a pilot study for further research focusing DVT in lung cancer. Objective: The objective of this study is to find deep vein trombosis proportion among lung cancer patients which is determined by clinical criteria such as Wells’ score in Persahabatan Hospital. Method: The study design is using a cross-sectional method. We examined the lung cancer patients who were hospitalized within September 2012 to Februari 2013. We excluded the lung cancer patients with infection comorbidity or who had not yet had histopathological confirmation. The hemostatis work up included PT, APTT, and D-dimer were conducted along with clinical Wells’ score criteria. Deep vein trombosis among the patients is determined by severe Wells’ score. Results: Subjects in this study were mostly male (69,2%) with predominant age group of 51-60 years old (33,3%). Predominant histopathologic sub type was adenocarcinoma (57,7%). Mostly, 64 patients (82,1%) had D-dimer >500 and only 14 patients (17,9%) with normal D-dimer. This study found that deep vein trombosis proportion is 23,1% using Wells’ score. Clinical characteristics such as sex, age, smoking history, tumor cell type, tumor staging, performance status and hemostasis function does not have correlation with DVT but score of D-dimer >500 have correlation with DVT. Conclusion: The DVT proportion among lung cancer patients in Persahabatan Hospital is similar found in some studies in other countries which is approximately 21%. This study revealed that the simple and practical application of Wells’ score in determining DVT is still have valueable role. Further study is needed to find the best simple and easy methods along with Wells’ score in determining DVT in daily practice.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ginanjar
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Peningkatan resistensi vaskular paru (RVP) pasien stenosis mitral (SM) disebabkan oleh proses reaktif hipertensi pulmoner (HP) sehingga mempengaruhi luaran klinis pascabedah katup mitral. Endotelin-1 (ET-1) sebagai mediator vasoaktif berperan penting pada HP reaktif. Belum ada penelitian yang menghubungkan kadar ET-1 vena pulmoner (VP) dengan RVP. Tujuan Penelitian : Menilai korelasi kadar ET-1 VP terhadap RVP sebelum dan sesudah pembedahan katup mitral pada pasien SM dengan HP. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang pada 28 pasien SM berat dengan HP sedang dan berat yang menjalani pembedahan katup mitral di Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita dari bulan April hingga November 2014. Dilakukan analisa statistik untuk mencari korelasi antara kadar ET-1 VP dengan RVP sebelum dan sesudah pembedahan katup mitral. Hasil Penelitian : Terdapat korelasi antara kadar ET-1 VP dengan RVP prabedah (r=0,49, p=0,008), sedangkan dengan RVP pascabedah tidak berkorelasi bermakna (r=0,204, p=0,32). Analisa regresi linear antara kadar ET-1 VP dengan RVP prabedah setelah disesuaikan dengan variabel perancu hipertensi, diabetes melitus tipe 2, fibrilasi atrial, penggunaan penyakat beta dan diuretik didapatkan r=0,5 koefisien β 1,04 dengan interval kepercayaan (IK) 95% (0,401-1,691) p=0,003, sedangkan dengan RVP pascabedah setelah disesuaikan dengan variabel perancu hipertensi, penghambat ACE/ARB, penyakat beta, vasodilator, waktu cross clamp didapatkan r=-0,08 koefisien β -0,2 dengan IK 95 % (-0,99-0,5) p=0,5. Kesimpulan : Terdapat korelasi positif bermakna dengan kekuatan sedang antara kadar ET-1 VP dengan RVP prabedah, Peningkatan kadar ET-1 VP sebesar 1 pg/ml, akan meningkatkan RVP prabedah sebasar 1,04 WU. Kadar ET-1 VP tidak memiliki korelasi bermakna terhadap RVP pascabedah.
Background : The increased of Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR) in mitral stenosis (MS) patient occurs in reactive pulmonary hypertension, and it affects clinical outcome after mitral valve surgery. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) as vasoconstrictive agent have important role in reactive pulmonary hypertension so far there is no study that corelate pulmonary vein (PV) ET-1 with PVR in MS. Objectives : To study the correlation of PV ET-1 level with PVR measured by echo before and after mitral valve surgery in patient MS with pulmonary hypertension. Methods : Twenty eight MS patients with moderate and severe pulmonary hypertension who underwent mitral valve surgery at National Cardiovascular Centre Harapan Kita from April to November 2014. Statistical analysis was done to see the correlation of PV ET-1 level with PVR before and after mitral valve surgery. Blood sample was taken from VP in the operating room and analyzed with Quantikine® ELISA ET-1 Immunoassay. PVR was measured by PVR-AMS formula by echocardiography. Result : There was a correlation between PV ET-1 and PVR pre surgery (r=0,49, p=0,008), whereas, there was no significant correlation with PVR post surgery (r=0,204, p=0,32). Linear regression analysis was performed, PV ET-1 and PVR pre surgery were adjusted to confounding variables hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atrial fibilation, use of beta blocker and diuretic; r=0,5 β coefisien level 1,04 with confidance interval (CI) 95 % (0,401-1,691), p=0,003. PVR post surgery was adjusted to confounding variables hypertension, dislipidemia, use of ACE-I/ARB, beta blocker, vasodilator, cross clamp time, r=-0,08 β coefisien level -0,2 with CI 95 % (-0,99-0,5), p=0,5. Conclusion : There was a moderate positive correlation between PV ET-1 with PVR pre surgery, the increased of PV ET-1 level 1 pg/ml, would increase PVR level 1,04 WU. There was no significant correlation between PV ET-1 with PVR post surgery.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samosir, David R. S.
Abstrak :
Based on its relation to the liver sinusoid, increased pressure of portal vein can occur at three levels: presinusoid, sinusoid ,and postsinusoid. Obstruction of the presinusoid veins can be caused by extra-hepatic condition such as venous thrombosis. We reported a case of portal hypertension with esophageal varices bleeding was a result of obstruction due to thrombosis of the splenic vein and portal vein under hypercoagulant conditions due to thrombocyto-sis. The management of esophageal varices was sclerotherapy while for overcome the thrombosis the patient was given hydroxy urea.
The Indonesia Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Widya Khorinal
Abstrak :
Kanker telah diketahui sebagai faktor risiko kuat penyebab tromboemboli, baik emboli paru maupun trombosis vena dalam. Emboli paru sendiri seringkali tidak bergejala padahal angka mortalitas bisa mencapai 80%. Tipe histopatologi adenokarsinoma merupakan salah satu faktor risiko yang meningkatkan kejadian emboli paru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proporsi kejadian emboli paru dan trombosis vena pada kelompok kemungkinan tinggi menurut skor Revisi Geneva dan memperoleh besar kemungkinan kejadian emboli paru (EP) serta hubungannya dengan tipe histopatologi kanker padat. Penelitian menggunakan potong lintang dan didapatkan 124 subjek diikutkan dalam penelitian ini yang terdiri atas kelompok adenokarsinoma dan non adenokarsinoma masing-masing sebesar 62 subjek. Berdasarkan skor Revisi Geneva, sebanyak 11 (8,8%) subjek termasuk ke dalam kelompok kemungkinan rendah, 96 (77,4%) subjek termasuk ke dalam kelompok kemungkinan menengah dan 17 (13,8%) subjek ke dalam kelompok kemungkinan tinggi. Kejadian tromboemboli vena pada kelompok kemungkinan tinggi mencapai 94,1% dengan 58,8% mengalami emboli paru dan trombosis vena dalam secara bersamaan, 11,8% hanya mengalami emboli paru saja dan 23,6% mengalami thrombosis vena dalam saja. Tipe histopatologi adenokarsinoma memiliki risiko 2,58 kali lebih tinggi untuk masuk kedalam kelompok kemungkinan kejadian tinggi emboli paru menurut skor Revisi Geneva bila dibandingkan pada subjek dengan tipe histopatologi non adenokarsinoma. Sebagai kesimpulan, kanker padat dengan tipe histopatologi adenokarsinoma meningkatkan kemungkinan kejadian emboli paru bila dibandingkan dengan tipe non adenokarsinoma.
Cancer is widely known as a strong risk factor of thromboembolism, which consist of two kind are pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis. We mainly focused on pulmonary embolism in this research. Pulmonary embolism is often asymptomatic which the mortality rate can reach 80%. Adenocarcinoma histopathological type has been proved as one of the risk factors that increase the occurance of pulmonary embolism. This research determine the proportion of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis events in high clinical probability group based on Revised Geneva score and the correlation with solid tumor histopathological type. This research used cross sectional method with 124 subjects participated in this research which consisted of 62 patients for each of adenocarcinoma and non-adeocarcinoma group. Mean of patient age was 52 years old and the sum of female participant was larger than male. Based on Revised Geneva score, 11 (8,8%) participants were in low risk clinical probability group, 96 (77,4%) participant were in middle risk clinical probability group and the rest of 17 (13,8%) participants were in high risk clinical probability group. The total event of vena thromboembolism in high risk clinical probability group reached 94,1% whereas 58,8% got both pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis simultaneously, 11,8% with pulmonary embolism alone and 23,6% with vein deep vein thrombosis alone. Subjects with histopathological type of AC were 2.58 times greater to be a high-probability group of the Revised Geneva Score compared with NAC. As the conclusion, Solid cancer with histopathological type of AC increases the likelihood of PE incidence when compared with NAC.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Supit, Caroline
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Kateterisasi vena sentral (KVS) adalah sebuah faktor risiko utama untuk terjadinya stenosis vena sentral (SVS). Kontak berulang dari kateter ke dinding pembuluh darah menyebabkan inflamasi, mikrotrombi, hiperplasia intima, fibrosis dan akhirnya stenosis. Artikel ini melaporkan korelasi antara durasi dan frekuensi KVS dengan terjadinya SVS. Metode: Studi kasus kontrol dilakukan di Rumah Sakit CiptoMangunkusumo. Data diambil dari rekam medis tahun 2013 sampai 2015. Hasil: Lima puluh empat dari 717 pasien yang menjalani KVS untuk hemodialisa menderita SVS. 32 pasien dengan SVS menjadi kasus dan 128 tanpa SVS sebagai kontrol. Durasi KVS >6 minggu tidak meningkatkan resiko SVS (p=0,207), rasio odds SVS ditemukan 30 kali pada pasien yang menjalani KVS >2 kali dibandingkan <2 kali (p<0,001). Konklusi: Frekuensi KVS > 2 kali meningkatkan risiko SVS. Durasi >6 minggu tidak meningkatkan risiko SVS. ......Introduction: Central vein catheterization (CVC) is a major risk factor for central vein stenosis (CVS). Repetitive contacts of the CVC to the blood vessel wall results in inflammation, microthrombi, hyperplasia of the intima, fibrosis and thus development of CVS. This article reports the correlation of duration and frequency of CVC in patients with CVS. Methods: A matched case control study was conducted in CiptoMangunkusumo Hospital. Samples were gathered from the medical record from 2013 to 2015. Results: Fifty four out of 717 patients underwent CVC for HD had CVS. 32 patients with CVS included in the study with 128 non-CVS patients included as control. Duration of CVC >6 weeks does not increase the risk of CVS (p= 0.207), whilst the odds ratio of CVS on the frequency of CVC >2 times is 30 times compared to those underwent <2 times (p= <0.001). Conclusion: The frequency of CVC >2 times increased the risk of CVS. Longer duration of CVC for HD did not increase CVS rate.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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