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Supit, Diane Meytha
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Identifikasi dan deteksi dini gangguan komunikasi pada bayi dan anak membutuhkan alat uji penapisan sahih, andal, mudah diaplikasikan oleh orangtua/ pengasuh. Instrumen CSBS DP ITC adalah alat skrining yang sahih dan andal mendeteksi gangguan komunikasi anak, namun belum diterjemahkan dan diuji kesahihan dan keandalan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan: Mengetahui kesahihan dan keandalan CSBS DP ITC bahasa Indonesia sebagai alat uji penapisan gangguan komunikasi anak 6-24 bulan. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang di Poliklinik TKPS/ RS Cipto Mangukusumo Jakarta (Februari-Mei 2019) dua tahapan. Tahapan pertama kesahihan interna 2 periode yaitu pertama, adaptasi transkultural kuesioner CSBS DP ITC bahasa asli ke bahasa Indonesia dan kedua, pengujian kuesioner CSBS DP ITC versi bahasa Indonesia kepada 35 orangtua/ pengasuh. Uji kesahihan dianalisis menggunakan Spearman Correlation, uji keandalan dianalisis menggunakan Alpha Cronbach s coefficient. Tahapan kedua kesahihan eksterna, uji diagnostik CSBS DP ITC dibandingkan BSID III skala bahasa sebagai baku emas kepada 147 orangtua/ pengasuh dan 147 anak. Hasil: Kesahihan interna CSBS DP ITC bahasa Indonesia umumnya baik dengan nilai r > 0,3. Keandalan CSBS DP ITC bahasa Indonesia baik dengan Alpha Cronbach s (0,876-0,896). Kesahihan eksterna CSBS DP ITC bahasa Indonesia mendapatkan sensitifitas 71,43% dan spesifisitas 81,48%. Simpulan: Kuesioner CSBS DP ITC bahasa Indonesia terbukti sahih dan andal sebagai alat uji penapisan gangguan komunikasi anak usia 6-24 bulan ......Background: Early identification and detection of communication disorders in children require valid and reliable screening tool that easily to apply. The CSBS DP ITC is a valid and reliable screening tool to detect communication disorder in children, but it has not translated and tested for validity and reliability in Indonesian language. Objective To find out validity and reliability of CSBS DP ITC Indonesian version as a screening tool for communication disorders in children aged 6-24 months. Methods: Cross-sectional study was carried out in clinic of Growth Development- Social Pediatric / Cipto Mangukusumo Hospital Jakarta (February - May 2019) in two stages. First stage was internal validity consisting 2 periods, transcultural adaptation from original language to Indonesian and second stage was final Indonesian CSBS DP ITC questionnaire was tested to 35 parents / caregivers. Validity analyzed using Spearman Correlation. Reliability analyzed using Alpha Cronbach s coefficient. Second stage was external validity by compared CSBS DP ITC with BSID III language scale as gold standard to 147 parents / caregivers and 147 children. Results: Internal validity showed good validity with r > 0.3. Reliability showed good with Alpha Cronbach (0.876-0,896). External validity has 71.43% sensitivity and 81.48% specificity. Conclusion: Indonesian CSBS DP ITC questionnaire valid and reliable as screening test for communication disorders in children aged 6-24 months.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widayanti Dewi Wulandari
Abstrak :
Obyektif: Untuk menilai kualitas hidup pada pasien dengan penyakit kronis, WHO mengembangkan instrumen penilaian kualitas hidup yaitu WHOQOL-100 yang terdiri dari 100 butir pertanyaan dalam 6 domain dan 24 facet. Untuk kepentingan kepraktisan dikembangkan pula versi singkatnya yaitu WHOQOL-BREF yang terdiri dari 26 pertanyaan dalam 4 domain. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah WHOQOL-100 dan WHOQOL-BREF stabil dan terpercaya dalam menilai kualitas hidup pada pasien yang berobat jalan di RSCM. Metode: Responden adalah pasien yang didiagnosis menderita penyakit kronis dan sedang berobat jalan di poli rawat jalan RSCM dan petugas kesehatan (perawat, pegawai dan residers) yang bertugas di RSCM. Validasi dilakukan dengan menguji Discriminant Validity dengan r test, sensitivitas, spesifisitas dan akurasi menggunakan Analisis Diskriminan, dan Analisis Faktor menggunakan Principal Componen Analysis. Untuk mengetahui reliabilitas dilakukan uji Cronbach 's alpha untuk memperkirakan internal consistency dan Test-Retest menggunakan Pearson 's r correlation. Hasil: Hasil uji sentivitas, spesifitas menunjukkan hasil yang cukup valid sedangkan pada Analisis Faktor terdapat 15 pertanyaan yang berkorelasi lemah pada WHOQOL-100 dan pada WHOQOL-BREF 9 pertanyaan. Uji Cronbach's alpha menghasilkan internal consistency seperti yang diharapkan. yaitu antara 0,6138-0,7808 untuk WHOQOLBREF dan 0,6320-0,8190 untuk WHOQOL-100 Test-Retest menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara test dan retest. Sedangkan pada t-test menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara pasien dan orang sehat, kecuali pada domain spiritual. Kesimpulan: WHOQOL-100 dan WHOQOL-BREF valid dan terpercaya namun ada beberapa pertanyaan yang perlu diperbaiki, terutama pads tats bahasa agar mudah dipahami.
Objective: To assess quality of life in chronically ill patients, WHO developed an instrument which is called WHOQOL-100 contain 100 items of questions in 6 domain and 24 facets. For practical purpose an abbreviated 26 item and 4 domain instrument, the WHOQOL-BREF has been developed. The aim of this research is to analyze the reliability and validity of the WHOQOL-100 and WHOQOL-BREF in assessing the quality of life of patients Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Methods: Respondents consist of the chronically ill ambulatory patients who came to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and hospital personnel (paramedics, administrative and the residents) who are on duty in RSCM. Data analyses were carried out using SPSS 11.0. To analyze the validity, the Discriminant validity determined via t-test. For sensitivity, specificity and accuracy determined via Discriminant Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the items was carried out using Principal Component Analysis. To analyze the reliability we uses Cronbach's alpha to estimate the internal consistency, and for test-retest we use Pearson's r correlation. Result: The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy show good validity, even though there are 15 questions which have low correlation in WHOQOL-100 and 9 questions in WHOQOL-BREF. Cronbach's alpha show good internal consistency in the range 0.6138-0.7808 for the WHOQOL-BREF and 0.6320-0.8190 for the WHOQOL-100. For test-retest there is no significant difference between test and retest. And for t test there is significant difference between patients and health persons, except for spiritual domain. Discussion; WHOQOL-100 and WHOQOL-BREF are valid and reliable, even though there are several questions that have to be' reviewed' especially in connotation to make the questions more comprehensible for Indonesians.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adisya Kania Ridwan
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keabsahan pendirian perusahaan Perseroan Terbatas yang didirikan oleh Negara dengan menggunakan perjanjian pinjam nama (nominee agreement) pada tahun 1988. Perjanjian pinjam nama (nominee agreement) yang dilakukan di Indonesia cenderung digunakan sebagai sarana untuk melakukan penyelundupan hukum. Meskipun demikian, tidak seluruh perjanjian pinjam nama (nominee agreement) dilakukan untuk penyelundupan hukum. Penelitian ini bersifat kepustakaan dengan metode penelitian normatif, di mana penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan kasus. Adapun berdasarkan uraian latar belakang, rumusan masalah, dan tujuan penelitian, dan hasil analisis penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pendirian PT Aldevco pada tahun 1988 mengacu kepada Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang, Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1967 tentang Penanaman Modal yang di dalamnya tidak melarang perjanjian pinjam nama (nominee agreement). Ketentuan-ketentuan dalam perjanjian pinjam nama (nominee agreement) pada pendirian PT Aldevco telah memenuhi syarat sah perjanjian pada Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata yang berkaitan dengan Hukum Perjanjian. ......The purpose of this thesis aims to determine the legitimacy of the establishment of a Limited Liability Company established by the State through a nominee agreement in 1988. Nominee agreements made in Indonesia tend to be used as a means of smuggling laws. Nevertheless, not all nominee agreements are made for law smuggling. This research is literary with normative research methods. Which this research uses a statutory approach and a case approach. Based on the background, the formulation of the problem, the research objectives, and the results of the analysis of this research, it can be concluded that the establishment of PT Aldevco in 1988 refers to the Commercial Code and Law Number 1 of 1967 concerning Investment, which does not prohibited nominee agreements. The provisions in the name of nominee agreement on the exception of PT Aldevco have fulfilled the legal terms of the agreement in Article 1320 of the Civil Code relating to Agreement Law.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Farisi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perjanjian tukar menukar benda tidak bergerak berupa tanah berdasarkan Hukum Perjanjian, ketentuan Hukum Tanah Nasional serta peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya yang terkait. Pokok permasalahan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah mengenai keabsahan perjanjian tukar menukar benda tidak bergerak berupa tanah dalam Putusan No. 200/Pdt.G/2019/PN.Sby. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan tipe penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif analitis. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa tukar menukar tanah dinyatakan sah secara hukum jika telah memenuhi syarat sahnya suatu perjanjian tukar menukar tanah dan memenuhi syarat sahnya suatu perbuatan hukum pemindahan hak atas tanah. Penulis tidak setuju dengan pertimbangan Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Surabaya yang menyatakan bahwa perjanjian tukar menukar tanah yang dilakukan para pihak adalah sah secara hukum. Menurut Penulis tukar menukar hak atas tanah yang dilakukan para pihak tidak sah karena tukar menukar tersebut dilakukan oleh pihak yang tidak memiliki kewenangan untuk melakukan perbuatan hukum pemindahan hak atas tanah. ......This thesis aims to analyze the agreement for the exchange of immovable property in the form of land based on the Agreement Law, the provisions of the Indonesian Land Law and other related laws and regulations. The main subject in writing this thesis is the validity of the agreement to exchange immovable property in the form of land in the court verdict No. 200/Pdt.G/2019/PN.Sby. The writing of this thesis uses a normative juridical research method with a descriptive analytical type of research. Based on the research, it can be observed that land exchange is legally valid if it has met the legal requirements of a land swap agreement and has met the legal requirements of a legal act of transferring land rights. The author disagrees with the deliberation of the Panel of Judges at the Surabaya District Court which states that the land exchange agreement made by the parties is legally valid. The author deduces that the exchange of land rights performed by the parties is  not valid because the exchange was conducted by a party who did not have the authority to carry out legal acts of transferring land rights.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
Abstrak :
This book covers about thirty years of Csikszentmihalyi's work on three main and interconnected areas of study: attention, flow and positive psychology. Describing attention as psychic energy and in the footsteps of William James, Csikszentmihalyi explores the allocation of attention, the when and where and the amount of attention humans pay to tasks and the role of attention in creating 'experiences', or ordered patterns of information.
New York: Springer, 2014
150.198 8 CSI f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
In a language testing,validity play a very important role validity is to see how the result of the test contribute in making decisions in relation with the goals determined in advance....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudi Supriyadi
Abstrak :
Background: the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and dialysis patients is increasing every year in Indonesia. The impact of CKD and dialysis on patient quality of life (QOL) has been recognized as an important outcome measure in the management of CKD. The Kidney Disease Quality of Life (KDQOL-36) has been validated and is widely used as a measure of QOL for CKD and dialysis patients in many countries, but not in Indonesia. The aim of this study is to determine the reliabity and validity of the Indonesian version of KDQOL-36 on hemodialysis patients in Indonesia. Methods: the KDQOL-36 was translated into Indonesian language by a certified translator and then it was back-translated into English. The translated questionnaire was further reviewed by an expert panel. The final questionnaire was administered to hemodialysis patients in Hemodialysis Unit at Hasan Sadikin General Hospital. Validity was measured using Pearson's correlation between the kidney disease-targeted scores, generic dimensions (SF-12) scores and each scale score in KDQOL-36. The internal consistensy was assessed using Cronbach's Alpha and reliability was examined using test-retest. Results: out of 103 patients, we found that most subjects were male (52.4%) with median age of 51 (22-75) years. The duration of hemodialysis was 3.4 (SD 2.1) years. The validity test showed a significant correlation (p<0.001) on kidney disease-targeted total score, SF-12 and each score of the scale within it. All of the KDQOL-36 scales showed good test-retest reliability. Internal consistency reliability values were acceptable, with Cronbach's Alpha >0,7 for all scales. Conclusion: the Indonesian version of the KDQOL-36 questionnaire is valid and reliable for evaluating QOL in reguler hemodialysis patients.
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2019
610 UI-IJIM 51:4 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhuha Azwari Pebriana
Abstrak :
Perjanjian hibah dilakukan dengan menggunakan akta autentik. Akta autentik merupakan bukti yang sempurna bagi kedua belah pihak dan ahli warisnya serta sekalian orang yang mendapat hak darinya tentang apa yang dimuat dalam akta tersebut. Akta hibah yang memiliki kekuatan hukum sempurna dalam perjanjian hibah pun tidak luput dari permasalahan hukum. Terbukti dari pelaksanaannya yang terjadi di masyarakat seringkali ditemui akta hibah yang harus dibatalkan oleh pengadilan karena terbukti cacat hukum sehingga dalam pelaksanaannya pun harus dibatalkan misalnya saja pada pembuatan akta hibah antara suami-istri selama masa perkawinan. Penulis bermaksud mengkaji tentang keabsahan dari akta perjanjian (untuk melakukan) hibah yang dilakukan antara suami-istri beda kewarganegaraan yang mempunyai perjanjian perkawinan berdasarkan Putusan Peninjauan Kembali Mahkamah Agung Nomor 91 PK/Pdt/2017 serta akibat hukumnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan tipologi penelitian secara deskriptif analitis dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa akta perjanjian (untuk melakukan) hibah yang dilakukan antara suami-istri beda kewarganegaraan yang mempunyai perjanjian perkawinan terbukti melanggar Pasal 1678 KUHPerdata sehingga akta menjadi tidak sah dan batal demi hukum. Akibat hukumnya yaitu akta tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang mengikat bagi suami istri maupun pihak ketiga setelah adanya Putusan Peninjauan Kembali Mahkamah Agung Nomor 91 PK/Pdt/2017.
Grant agreements are carried out using authentic deeds. Authentic deeds are perfect evidence for both parties and their heirs and all people who have the rights from them about what is contained in the deed. The grant deed that has perfect legal force in the grant agreement is not immune from legal problems. Evident from the implementation that occurred in the community often found a deed of donation that must be canceled by the court because it proved to be legally flawed so that in its implementation it must also be canceled, for example in making a grant deed between husband and wife during the marriage. The author intends to examine the validity of the treaty deed (to do) the grant made between husband and wife of citizenship who have a marriage agreement based on the Supreme Court's Judicial Review Number 91 PK / Pdt / 2017 and its legal consequences. This study uses a normative juridical method with descriptive research typology analytical and analyzed qualitatively. From the results of this study, it is known that the agreement deed (to do) a grant made between husband and wife of different nationalities who have a marriage agreement is proven to violate Article 1678 of the Civil Code so that the deed becomes invalid and null and void. The legal consequence is that the deed does not have binding legal powers for the husband and wife or third parties after the Supreme Court Judicial Review Number 91 PK/Pdt/ 2017.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Makagiansar, Shanti Pricillia Tatina
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Sampai saat ini belum ada instrumen yang teruji yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai status kerentaan usia lanjut di komunitas di Indonesia.Tujuan. Mengetahui kesahihan dan keandalan sistem skor The Study of Osteoporotic Fracture SOF berbahasa Indonesia untuk digunakan oleh kader posbindu dalam menilai status kerentaan pada usia lanjut. Metode. Penelitian terdiri dari dua tahap : 1 . adaptasi bahasa dan budaya; dan 2 . uji kesahihan dan keandalan. Penelitian ini berlangsung di posbindu lansia di Kelurahan Pisangan Timur, Jakarta Timur, dengan melibatkan 8 kader dan 85 responden berusia ge; 60 tahun. Sebagai uji referensi digunakan skor The Cardiovascular Health Study CHS untuk menilai kesahihan eksternal. Keandalan dinilai dengan mencari intraclass coeffisient correlation ICC pada uji ulang dan konsistensi internal dengan menghitung nilai Cronbach-?. Hasil. Skor total SOF memiliki korelasi positif kuat yang bermakna dengan butir penilaian terkait status nutrisi r = 0,815, p
ABSTRACT<>br> Background There is no proven instrument that can be used to assess frailty among the elderly in community in Indonesia. Objective to construct and validate Indonesian version of SOF used by posbindu cadres. Methods This research was consisting of two stages 1 . Culture and language adaptation 2 . validity and reliability test, conducted in posbindu in Kelurahan Pisangan Timur, by involving 8 cadres and 85 respondents 60 years or older. We used the Cardiovascular Health Study CHS frailty index as a reference test to assess the external validity. Reliability was tested by internal consistency and the test retest reliability at a 2 week interval. Results The total score of SOF score had a strong positive correlation with the nutritional status r 0.815, p
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ferry Afero Tanama
Abstrak :

Pendahuluan: Konsep presenteeism banyak dikaitkan dengan faktor kesehatan. Presenteeism telah terbukti menyebabkan hilangnya produktivitas mencapai hampir 50% lebih besar dibandingkan dengan yang diakibatkan oleh absenteeism. Saat ini di Indonesia belum ada alat yang dikembangkan untuk menilai presenteeism di kalangan pekerja, khususnya lebih spesifik untuk menilai faktor masalah kesehatan yang dapat berpengaruh pada terjadinya presenteeism. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas kuesioner SPS-6 versi Indonesia agar dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu instrumen penilaian komponen kesehatan presenteeism.

Metode: Penelitian ini dimulai dengan proses adaptasi lintas budaya yang merujuk pada metode ISPOR, dan dilanjutkan dengan uji validitas dan reliabilitas dengan analisis statistik. Uji statistik dilakukan dengan mengujicobakan kuesioner pada responden yang representatif dengan populasi target, yaitu pekerja kantor atau white collar worker.   Total responden yang berpartisipasi berjumlah 112 orang. Uji validitas dilakukan dengan uji validitas faktor dan butir, sedangkan uji reliabilitas dilakukan dengan metode uji konsistensi internal menggunakan nilai Chronbachs Alpha.

Hasil; Proses adaptasi lintas budaya SPS-6 telah berhasil dilakukan sehingga menjadi SPS-6 versi Indonesia yang valid. Perubahan paling signifikan terjadi pada penjelasan mengenai defisnisi masalah kesehatan. Pada uji validitas butir dan faktor, didapatkan uji korelasi antara skor butir masing-masing dimensi (fokus kerja dan psikologis) dengan total skor dimensi masing-masing signifikan berkorelasi. Pada uji korelasi antara skor tiap butir dengan keseluruhan skor total kuesioner signifikan berkorelasi. Pada uji reliabilitas didapatkan nilai Chronbachs Alpha dimensi fokus kerja sebesar 0,657 dan dimensi psikologis sebesar 0,646.

Kesimpulan: Kuesioner SPS-6 versi Indonesia dinyatakan valid dan reliabel, dan terbukti dapat digunakan sebagai instrumen untuk mengidentifikasi komponen kesehatan presenteeism bagi pekerja kantor (white collar worker) di Indonesia.

Kata Kunci : presenteeism, produktivitas kerja, validitas, reliabilitas


Introduction: The concept of presenteeism is mostly associated with health factors. Presenteeism has been proven to cause a loss of productivity reaching nearly 50% greater than that caused by absenteeism. Currently in Indonesia there are no tools developed to assess presenteeism among workers, especially more specifically to assess the factors of health problems that can affect the occurrence of presenteeism. Therefore, researchers conducted a validity and reliability test for the Indonesian version of the SPS-6 questionnaire so that it could be used as an instrument for evaluating the health component of presenteeism.

Methods: The research began with a cross-cultural adaptation process that refers to the ISPOR method, and continued with a validity and reliability test with statistical analysis. Statistical tests were carried out by testing questionnaires on office workers or white collar workers who were representative of the target population. The total number of respondents who participated was 112 people. Validity test is done by item validity test and factor validity test. The reliability test was carried out using the internal consistency test method using the Chronbachs Alpha value.

Results: The cross cultural adaptation process of SPS-6 has been successfully carried out so that it becomes a valid Indonesian version of SPS-6. The most significant change occured in the explanation of the health problem definition. In the item validity test and factor validity test, the correlation test between the item score of each dimension (work focus and psychological) with the total score of each dimension is significantly correlated. In the correlation test between the score of each item with the overall total score of the questionnaire significantly correlated. In the reliability test the value of Chronbachs Alpha was 0.523.

Conclusion: The Indonesian version of the SPS-6 questionnaire was declared valid and reliable, and proved to be used as an instrument to identify the health component of presenteeism for office workers (white collar workers) in Indonesia.

Keywords: presenteeism, work productivity, validity, reliability

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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