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John Wiley & Sons, 2007
711.4 AME p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zahnd, Markus
Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2006
711.4 MAR p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yennel S. Suzia
"Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa untuk kesejahteraan dan martabat bangsa perlu pembangunan yang terus-menerus, tetapi hal ini dapat pula menyebabkan kerusakan alam yang akhirnya merugikan manusia pula. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya koreksian yang lebih holistik dan interaktif berupa pandangan kedepan yang jauh dari kepentingan sendiri, oleh karenanya kita perlu realistik dan punya kemampuan melihat kenyataan yang sebenarnya dalam kehidupan.
Secara mikro, Gelora Senayan merupakan Kawasan Hijau paru-paru kota, daerah resapan air, tempat hidupnya satwa burung dan elemen lunak dari bangunan kota; sedangkan serara makro, Gelora Senayan merupakan Landmark kebanggaan bangsa dan pusat kegiatan olahraga skala Nasional dan Internasional; namun, Gelora Senayan dengan berbagai alasan berkembang tanpa terkendali.
Konsep awal Gelora Senayan tahun 1958 selain berfungsi sebagai Landmark Kota Jakarta, Ruang Terbuka Hijau di daerah selatan dapat pula dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat upacara Negara, dan merupakan salah satu dari 4 (empat) simpul pengikat lingkar luar Kota Jakarta, yaitu Grogol, Tanjung Priok, Cawang dan Semanggi. Berdasarkan konsep di atas, Gelora Senayan dengan Focal View Stadion Utama dapat dilihat dengan indah dan baik sebagai obyek Monumental dari arah Jembatan Semanggi, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jalan Pintu Delapan dan Jalan Asia Afrika Untuk meliput dan menjaga keamanan segala kegiatan yang dilakukan di ,Gelora Senayan, dibangun dua bangunan penunjang penting yaitu Menara TVRI di seberang Jalan Pintu Delapan dan Komdak Metro Jaya di seberang sudut jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto; sedang di sepanjang Jalan Jenderal Sudirman dan Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto dipertahankan sebagai ruang terbuka hijau kecuali setiap simpul perempatan jalan sebagai pandan.
Jelas sekali disini jika kita lihat konsep awal Gelora Senayan tahun 1958 dirancang dengan memikirkan kota Jakarta secara keseluruhan dengan memakai konsep jaring laba-laba. Seiring dengan perjalanan waktu keadaan pemaafaatan ruang yang ada sudah berubah dari rencana pemanfaatan ruang semula. Hal ini ada yang disebabkan kebutuhan Gelora Senayan itu sendiri untuk melengkapi fasilitas dan pembiayaannya atau kepentingan lain, dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Lepas yang berada di samping Jembatan Semanggi tempat masyarakat dapat menikmati keindaran obyek Utama Gelora Senayan atau Upacara Kenegaraan itu, sudah berdiri Hotel Hilton lengkap dengan Apartemennya yang menjulang tinggi, sehingga Gelora Senayan yang awalnya didisain secara Kota Jakarta sudah kehilangan maknanya, dan dia sekarang tidak lagi bagian dari Jembatan Semanggi. Kehadiran Kodak Metro Jaya sebagai penunjang keamanan di Plaza yang menghadap Jembatan Semanggi jika berlangsung upacara tidak lagi berfungsi, karena sudah terhalang Apartemen tinggi. Demikian juga disepanjang Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jalur Hijau disepanjang jalan itu sudah berubah fungsi, dan di areal Gelora Senayan sudah berdiri Ratu Plaza serta Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
Perubahan ini dikarenakan pada setiap jalur hijau tidak ada penangkal, sehingga demikian mudahnya orang umtuk menguasainya.. Kekhawatiran perkembangan Gelora Senayan tanpa kendali terus berlanjut. Maka pada tahun 1989 Gelora Senayan dibenahi sesuai RBWK Kecamatan Tanah Abang sampai dengan tahun 2005, dengan mempertimbangkan Jaya dukung lingkungan yang ada, di mana lahan terbangun tidak boleh lebih dari 20%. Walaupun keberadaan Gelora Senayan sebagai skala kota Jakarta dengan focal view Stadion Utama sudah kekurangan makna, tetapi setidak-tidaknya sebagai paru-paru kota dan pusat keolahragaan masih tetap jadi tumpuan. Pada redisain ini peruntukan setiap blok sudah jelas sehingga kemungkinan penguasaannya sudah sangat kecil, kecuali kalau dipaksakan.
Studi ini bersifat diskriptif eksploratif yakni, merupakan pemaparan basil studi literatur, survey visual dan konsep pengembangan fungsi Gelora Senayan untuk mencapai standar Iternasional sesuai daya dukung lingkungannya dengan tetap mempertahankan ciri Gelora Senayan sebagai Landmark Kota dan Jalur Hijau paru-paru kota serta daerah resapan air.
Dari hasil studi Redisain Gelora Senayan, keadaannya dianggap masih memenuhi syarat lingkungan, dengan kawasan terbangun kurang dari 20% dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau lebih dari 60%, tetapi tentu hal ini sudah merupakan peringatan karena keadaannya hanya sedikit di atas persyaratan minimum.

Redesigning Gelora Senayan Complex and Its Environmental CapacityFor the welfare and national pride of a nation, there is need for a never-ending development. However, this in turn may harm nature and eventually man as well Therefore, there is need for correction which is more holistic and interactive in the form of farsightedness, away from self-interest. This means that we have to be realistic and possess the ability to see the real life as it is.
From the micro aspect, Gelora Senayan is a green belt, the lungs of the city, an area of water absorption, place here birds and soft elements of city buildings. Whereas, from the macro aspect, Gelora Senayan is a Landmark of pride of a Nation, the center of sports,activities on a National and International scale. However, Gelora Senayan with its various reasons developed uncontrolled.
The initial concept of- Gelora Senayan in 1958 was in addition to its function as a Landmark of Jakarta, the Green Belt in the Southern area can also be utilized as State Ceremonial Functions site and it constitutes as one of the four tie knots of the outer road of Jakarta, namely Grogol, Tanjung Priok, Cawang and Semanggi. Based on such a concept, Gelora Senayan with Stadion Utama fain Stadium as Focal View, its appearance can be seen as beautiful and proper as a Monumental Object from the Semanggi/Clover leaf bridge, General Sudirman Road, Pintu Delapan Road and Asia Afrika Road To cover and guard security of all activities conducted in Gelora Senayan, two important supporting buildings were constructed, namely TVRI Tower across Pintu Delapan Road and Metro Jaya Regional Police Command Head-Quarters across the corner of General Gatot Subroto Road; whereas, alongside General Sudirman Road and General Gatot Subroto Road are kept as open green space except at each inter-section knot which is used as mile stone guidance.
Thus, it is clear that if we see the initial concept of Gelora Senayan in 1958, the site was planned by taking into consideration Jakarta City in its totality by using the spin-web network concept In line with the pace of time, the situation of space utilization available has changed from the initial spatial planning. This is due to the need of Gelora Senayan itself in order to complete the facilities and funding or other interests. The open Green Space next to The Clover Leaf Bridge where people can enjoy the sight of a beautiful object The Main Stadium of Gelora Senayan or State Ceremonies, at present, there emerged the Tilton Hotel complete with its apartments. Thus, Gelora Senayan, which initially was designed as Jakarta City has lost its meanings and became not as a part of The Clover Leaf Bridge anymore. The presence of Metro Jaya Police Head-Quarters as security support at the Plaza facing The Clover Leaf Bridge should a ceremony take place, it does not function anymore as such because High Rise Apartments intervened, hence, hindered such a purpose. The same is true along General Sudirman Road, the green stretch of land along the road has changed function and in the Gelora Senayan area the Ratu Plaza and the Department of Education and Culture buildings has been erected.
This change was brought about because on every green stretch of land there is no deterrent, so that it became easy to lay claim to that land. The anxiety of uncontrolled development of Gelora Senayan continue. Therefore, in 1989, Gelora Senayan underwent rectification in accordance with RBWK of Tomah Abang sub-district up to the year 2005. By considering the supporting capacity and the environment available as well as the observance that the constricted space must not exceed 20%. Although the existence of Gelora Senayan as Jakarta City scale with the focal view the Main Stadium has reduced significance, however, at least, as the lungs of the city and center for sports it will remain to be the savior. In this redesign, the allocation for each block is already clear, so that the possibility of being claimed is very much insignificant, unless it is forced to surrender.
This study is descriptive in nature and constitutes an elaboration of literature study, visual survey of the formational development concept of Gelora Senayan to reach International Standard in accordance with the supporting capacity of its environment by maintaining and defending as ever the nature of Gelora Senayan as the City's Landmark and green belt, the lungs of the city as well as an area for water absorbtion. The results of Redesigning Gelora Senayan study disclosed that, its condition is still regarded as meeting the environmental criteria, with a constructed area which is less than 20% and an open green space of more than 80%. However, this fact should constitute a warning since the situation is only a little above the minimal requirements.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana. Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ressa Kusuma
Water Sensitive Urban Design WSUD systems have the potential prevent the hydrologic disturbance and water quality concern associate with storm water runoff due to land change from urban development. WSUD have been strongly recommended to be used and new developments in every city in Australia are regulated. However, Indonesia still developing the rule but not deeply studied the idea and concept of WSUD. The objective of this research is to comparing available system in sustainable city of case study to the concept that is used in Australia. The main idea of why it is applied in Australia is due to most of the land use are impervious area which is increase in runoff peak and develop industrialize region.

Water Sensitive Urban Design WSUD system memiliki potensi mencegah gangguan dan menambah kualitas air dari limpasan air hujan akibat perubahan lahan dari pembangunan perkotaan. WSUD telah disarankan untuk digunakan dalam perkembangan baru di Australia. Indonesia masih mengembangkan aturan tetapi tidak mendalam mempelajari ide dan konsep WSUD. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan sistem yang tersedia di kota yang berkelanjutan dari studi kasus dengan konsep yang digunakan di Australia. Ide utama mengapa konsep WSUD diterapkan di Australia adalah karena industrialisasi sebagian besar penggunaan lahan hijau berubah dan mengakibatkan puncak limpasan besar.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Planning represents a striking controversy in American political life. On one side, planning is maligned while on the other side it is praised. The opponents of planning, or any state intervention, base their rationale on the doctrine of laissez faire. It is argued that the function of the state should be reduced to the lowest minimum consistent with public safety. The role of the state should not be more than that of a modest policeman and should not interfere in the operation of economic processes. Advocates argue that planning is both pragmatic inevitable if citizens are to enjoy -a better and more equitable standard of living.
Despite basic disagreement between the advocates of planning and the defender of laissez-faire, the way as planning has been practiced for about two centuries, it is difficult to determine whether the exercise of planning in the United States restrains or actually perpetuates the existing economic system. As a matter of fact, the degree of disagreement is manifest in the inconsistency of proponents of doctrine of laissez-faire. For example, middle-class businessmen and entrepreneurs often are prepared to see the government step in and prevent profiteering landlords from making what they could from their property (Burns, et al, 1980: 759).
Englishmen Jeremy Bentham, an author in his? The Principles of Moral and Legislation, profoundly elaborated this notion 1789:
To suppose that a stable and beneficent society could emerge unassisted from a company of self-interested ego was...to suppose the impossible. Society, if it was to function properly, needed an organizing principle that would both acknowledge humanity's basic selfishness and at the same time compel people to sacrifice at least a portion of their own interests for the good of the majority ...that every institution, every law, must be measured according to its social usefulness." (Burns, et al, 1980: 759)
Within this context, the haphazard condition of the physical and social order in American cities in the late nineteenth of the century helped to shape the planning movement. The emergence of city planning amidst the social reformers suggests that the government's efforts to control through the planning were due to the inability of the laissez-faire system to adjust or alter the distribution of goods and services. When modern cities emerged at the end of the century, they encountered many unprecedented and severe problems such as residential congestion in the central cities, racial and class conflicts in the central city's ghettos, the eruption of labor violence, shortages and gaps in the city's new infrastructure, and the fact that the capitalistic system was plagued by economic instability. The concerns became more deep-seated as they became harmful the development of American democracy's value. In the context of urban life, the citizens also needed more civic centers to serve as focal points for the growth of a sense of community.
The crisis in America urban structure could best be understood by tracing the historical evolution of American cities during the development of capital accumulation. From the colonial era (1600s) through 1850, merchant capitalists developed their capital through commercial accumulation. Market place played the most important role where they tried to earn profits-. Colonial cities served their political economic functions, that is colonial control centers and commercial centers as well. Commodities being supplied from producers in hinterland to dispersed markets were collected in and distributed through seaports. Artisans who were the producers of luxury goods conducted their business in cities as the cities facilitated direct access to their wealthy customers.
To maintain that British merchants remained able to control the monopoly over commercial activity, the crown limited the functions of colonial cities. Because of this control the city growth was itself constrained.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
O`Brien, Jamie
"This book offers state-of-the-art 'tools for thinking' for urban designers, planners and decision-makers. Thematically it focuses on the contexts of problems in urban design and places community spaces at the heart of urban design research. The book provides practicable tools for network modelling and visualization in urban design research. Step-by-step examples take readers through methods for tracing the evolution of road networks, and their impacts on contemporary community spaces. Easy-to-follow guides to programming show how to process and plot community data sets as network graphs. They reveal how these can help to observe and represent the different ways in which community spaces are inter-connected. This book places these technological methods in the context of current theories of community formations. It considers how these cutting-edge tools for thinking in urban design research -- comprising both theories and methods -- could transform our understanding of community spaces as being complex, inter-dependent and socially meaningful assets. This book is pioneering in its analysis of the urban contexts to community formations, and in its argument for professional integration between urban and knowledge practitioners. Academics and professionals within the fields of design research, urban studies, spatial analysis, urban geography and sociology will benefit from reading this book."
London; New York: Routledge, 2019
307.121 6 OBR s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Emirhadi Suganda
"Dalam praktek perancangan kota seringkali terjadi ketidaksesuaian antara upaya perancangan fisik yang direncanakan
secara makro dengan terpenuhinya kebutuhan masyarakat dalam skala yang lebih mikro. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk
membahas permasalahan ini dengan mengangkat sebuah kasus permukiman padat yang menjadi pendukung kegiatan
pasar tradisional sebagai fasilitas umum perkotaan. Melalui kasus ini dapat terlihat sebuah dialog antara ruang fisik
yang dibentuk melalui perancangan makro dengan kondisi sosial keseharian masyarakat yang menghuninya.
Permukiman di sekitar pasar berperan sebagai tempat tinggal para pekerja pasar serta sebagai tempat berlangsungnya
berbagai kegiatan pendukung aktivitas pasar. Namun ada kecenderungan bahwa peranan permukiman sebagai sistem
pendukung ini tidak diperhatikan kelayakannya sebagai ruang bertinggal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat
disimpulkan bahwa dalam praktek perancangan perkotaan, khususnya dalam penyediaan fasilitas umum, diperlukan
keterpaduan antara skala perkotaan yang bersifat makro dengan skala keseharian masyarakat yang lebih bersifat mikro.
Praktek perancangan kota yang sensitif terhadap keberagaman lingkungan perkotaan dan keterkaitan antar elemen di
dalamnya diharapkan mampu menciptakan lingkungan kota yang memenuhi kebutuhan warganya secara berkelanjutan,
baik pada skala makro maupun skala mikro.
There have been some misfits between the practice of urban planning at a macro scale and the needs of the society at a
micro scale. This paper intends to discuss this issue by illustrating a case of high density urban housing as a supporting
system for the activities in a traditional market as urban public facilities. The case suggests a dialog between the
physical space determined by macro-scale planning and the everyday social life of the community living in the housing
surrounding the market. The housing plays an important role as a living space for the market workers and as a setting
for various activities that support the trading activities in the market. Unfortunately, there is a tendency that despite its
importance, the quality of the housing is still far from sufficient as a space for living. The findings in this study suggest
that the practice of urban design, especially in the provision of public facilities, needs to integrate macro urban scale
with more micro everyday life of the communities. The practice of urban design needs to be sensitive to the diversity in
urban environment and the interrelationships between urban elements. In this way, it would be possible to create urban
environment that caters for the needs of its inhabitants in a sustainable way, both at macro scale and micro scale."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afif Farhan Rizqullah
"Penyediaan trotoar yang dirancang dengan baik pada lingkungan perkotaan dengan fungsi mixed-use dapat meningkatkan aktivitas pejalan kaki. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mencoba menelaah bagaimana peran substances dan surfaces dalam ruang publik kota. Sasaran dari penelitian ini adalah membuat panduan rancang kota bagi ruang publik di perkotaan yang livable dan interaktif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif, pendekatan dari Gibson (1979), tentang substances dan surface, dan walking experience dari Jacobs (1993); Speck (2013) digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara berjalan kaki, pengamatan langsung, wawancara, dokumentasi visual dengan foto, video, dan sketsa. Analisis dengan cara naratif deskriptif. Penelitian ini melihat bahwa pendekatan substance dan surface dapat mewujudkan ruang jalan yang ramah bagi pejalan kaki melalui 4 unsur indikator yaitu (1) safe walk, (2) comfortable walk, (3) attractiveness, dan (4) accessible. Keempat unsur tersebut berfungsi untuk menata kembali pola penggunaan ruang oleh pedagang toko dan pedagang kaki lima (PKL), serta mengoptimalkan potensi toko-toko yang sudah tutup menjadi ruang yang atraktif, sehingga menciptakan ruang kota yang livabilitas bagi semua pengguna ruang kota.

The provision of well-designed sidewalks in urban environments with mixed-use functions can increase pedestrian activity. This research aims to examine the role of substances and surfaces in the city's public space. The objective of this research is to create a city design guide for livable and interactive urban public spaces. The research was conducted using qualitative methods, the approach of Gibson (1979) about substance and surface, and the walking experience from Jacobs (1993); Speck (2013) was used in this study. Data collection was done by walking, direct observation, interviews, and visual documentation with photos, videos, and sketches. Analysis using descriptive narrative. This study sees that the substance and surface approach can create a pedestrian-friendly road space through 4 indicator elements, namely (1) safe walk, (2) comfortable walk, (3) attractiveness, and (4) accessibility. These four elements function to reorganize the pattern of use of space by shop traders and street vendors, as well as optimize the potential of closed shops into attractive spaces, thereby creating livable urban space for all city space users."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library