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Ditemukan 26 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nicolson, Iain
London: Horus Editions, 1995
R 523.1 NIC u
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Murdin, Paul
"Discoveries in astronomy challenge our fundamental ideas about the universe. Where the astronomers of antiquity once spoke of fixed stars, we now speak of whirling galaxies and giant supernovae. Where we once thought Earth was the center of the universe, we now see it as a small planet among millions of other planetary systems, any number of which could also hold life. These dramatic shifts in our perspective hinge on thousands of individual discoveries: moments when it became clear to someone that some part of the universe, whether a planet or a supermassive black hole, was not as it once seemed. This book invites us to participate in these moments of revelation and wonder as scientists first experienced them. The author, an astronomer, here provides an ambitious and exciting overview of astronomy, conveying for newcomers and aficionados alike the most important discoveries of this science and introducing the many people who made them. Illustrated with more than 400 color images, the book outlines in seventy episodes what humankind has learned about the cosmos, and what scientists around the world are poised to learn in the coming decades. Arranged by types of discovery, it also provides an overarching narrative throughout that explains how the earliest ideas of the cosmos evolved into the cutting edge astronomy we know today. Along the way, he never forgets that science is a human endeavor, and that every discovery was the result of inspiration, hard work, or luck, usually all three. The first section explores discoveries made before the advent of the telescope, from stars and constellations to the position of our own sun. The second considers discoveries made within our own solar system, from the phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter to the comets and asteroids at its distant frontier. The next section delves into discoveries of the dynamic universe, like gravitation, relativity, pulsars, and black holes. A fourth examines discoveries made within our own galaxy, from interstellar nebulae and supernovae to Cepheid variable stars and extrasolar planets. Next the author turns to discoveries made within the deepest recesses of the universe, like quasars, supermassive black holes, and gamma ray bursters. In the end, he unveils where astronomy still teeters on the edge of discovery, considering dark matter and alien life."
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London : Thames &​ Hudson, 2009
R 520 MUR s
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kim, Jeong-Wook
Phaju: Bookhouse, 2008
KOR 577.22 KIM u
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Auping, John
Oxford: AESOP Publications, 2018
523.01 AUP c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Religi masyarakat Jawa memandang bahwa jagad raya merupakan satu kesatuan yang serasi dan harmonis, tidak lepas satu dengan yang lain dan selalu berhubungan. Jagad raya terdiri dari jagad gede (makrokosmos - alam di luar manusia) dan jagad cilik (mikrokosmos - alam manusia). Antara jagad gede dan jagad cilik tidak selalu dalam keadaan stabil, namun mengalami juga kelabilan. Kelabilan yang terjadi di dalam jagad gede, sebagai akibat dari ulah yang ditimbulkan oleh jagad cilik, atau sebaliknya. Keteraturan di dalam jagad gede dan jagad cilik adalah terkoordinasi dan apabila masing-masing berusaha keras ke arah kesatuan dan keseimbangan, maka hidup akan lebih tentram dan harmonis. Masyarakat Jawa selalu berusaha menjaga keharmonisan jagad raya. Apabila terjadi disharmoni dalam jagad raya, mereka biasanya menyelenggarakan upacara-upacara. Upacara ruwatan merupakan salah satu bentuk usaha masyarakat Jawa untuk menyeimbangkan jagad raya dari kelabilan. Manusia oleh karena suatu sebab terkena sukerta (noda), maka ia harus diruwat (dibebaskan) dari mala petaka (mangsa Batara Kala). Dalam upacara ruwatan biasanya dipergelarkan wayang kulit, yang menyajikan lakon khusus Murwakala atau Sudamala.

The religion of Javanese society views that the universe as the wholeness which is balanced and harmonious, inseparable one from another, and always interconnected. The universe consists the macrocosm and microcosm. The macrocosm and the microcosm, are not always stable, but instable. The instability in the macrocosm, is the result of incident made on the surface of microcosm, or on the contrary. The regularity in the microcosm and macrocosm is coordinated, and if each cosm tries to achive unity and harmony, therefore life will be quiet and harmonious. The Javanese society always makes effort to guard harmony in the universe, if it is in chaos, they usually conduct rituals. The ritual of ruwatan is an effort in Javanese society to make the universe balance. Because of the incident affected by sukerta, therefore man has to be rid of the accident (to be eaten by Batara Kala). In the ruwatan ritual is usually performed presenting Murwakala or Sudamala scemes."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sadoff, Ahren
Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008
530 SAD q
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
James, Lauren
Tangerang Selatan: Baca, 2021
813 JAM l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sibarani, Erico Andreas Parulian
"Depiksi gender di media mainstream pada umumnya mengikuti norma-norma dan stereotipe-stereotipe yang konon diatribusikan ke gender tertentu layaknya sebuah peran yang dimana pria dan wanita harus bersikap secara spesifik tergantung dari jenis kelamin mereka berdasarkan apa yang dianggap normal oleh masyarakat tertentu. Acara Steven Universe 2013-sekarang adalah kartun serial yang ditayangkan di saluran Cartoon Network, yang dimana acara tersebut dibuat untuk anak-anak sebagai target demografis mereka. Akan tetapi, walaupun target demografis mereka adalah anak-anak, kartun tersebut mendepiksikan gender dengan cara yang berbeda dibandingkan dengan kartun-kartun yang lain. Melalui lensa lsquo;Gender Performativity rsquo; dari buku Gender Trouble yang ditulis oleh Judith Butler, makalah ini melihat lebih dalam bagaimana kartun Steven Universe mendepiksikan gender, norma gender dan stereotipenya melalui tiga karakter utama dari acara tersebut dan bagaimana cara kartun tersebut mendepiksikan gender dibandingkan dengan cara gender sering didepiksikan di media mainstream.

Depiction of gender in the mainstream media often follows the norms and stereotypes that are often attributed to specific genders, such as gender roles that determine what women and men should be like and how they should behave based on their sex, which often falls within the purview of what a given society considers as normal. Steven Universe 2013-present is a cartoon series that is aired on the channel Cartoon Network, which, by its nature as a cartoon, is designed for and aimed at children to consume. Yet despite its target demographic being children, it stands out among other shows in how it depicts gender. Using the lens of lsquo;Gender Performativity rsquo; by Judith Butler rsquo;s Gender Trouble, this paper examines how Steven Universe depicts gender itself, its norms and stereotypes through the show rsquo;s three main characters and how it contributes to their narrative along with comparing them to how gender is often depicted in mainstream media.
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zain Badjeber
"Negara Indonesia yang merdeka, bersatu, berdaulat, adil dan makmur memerlukan pertahanan dan keamanan negara dalam melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia dan tumpah darah Indonesia. Posisi Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan berciri Nusantara dengan wilayah seluas benua Eropa di mana dua pertiganya merupakan perairan, membuat setiap warganegaranya berhak dan berkewajiban ikut serta dalam usaha pertahanan dan keamanan. Untuk itulah, pilihan yang tepat adalah menerapkan sistem pertahanan dan keamanan rakyat semesta dimana TNI dan Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia sebagai kekuatan utama dan rakyat sebagai kekuatan pendukung. Dengan sistem pertahanan dan keamanan rakyat semesta itu pula membuat bumi dan air dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya dikuasai oleh negara dan dipergunakan sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyatnya. Konstitusi telah mematerikan semua itu."
Lengkap +
Jakarta: Lembaga Pangkajian MPR RI, 2019
342 JKTN 14 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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