"Data menunjukkan bahwa angka kejadian penyakit ISPA nasional selalu menunjukkan peningkatan setiap tahun.Tahun 2013 dengan Provinsi Jawa Tengah menempati posisi ketujuh dengan jumlah penderita ISPA terbanyak. Angka kejadian ISPA nonpneumonia selama 2011-2013 di Kota Magelang maupun di Puskesmas Kelurahan Magersari selalu menunjukkan peningkatan dengan sebagian besar penderita adalah balita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar faktor risiko kualitas lingkungan fisik rumah (jenis lantai, atap, dinding, luas ventilasi, kepadatan hunian) dan pencemaran udara dalam rumah (keberadaan perokok dalam rumah, pengguaan anti nyamuk bakar, bahan bakar memasak dalam rumah)terhadap kejadian ISPA nonpneumonia pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Magersari, Kota Magelang, Jawa Tengah tahun 2013. Desain penelitian ini adalah case-control dengan masing-masing sampel berjumlah 50 balita. Case adalah balita yang menderita ISPA nonpneumonia dengan diagnosis dokter puskesmas, sedangkan control balita yang didiagnosis tidak menderita ISPA. Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara jenis lantai nilai p 0,000 &OR 15,881 ( 95% CI : 4,949-50,958), jenis atap nilai p 0,000 & OR 13,500 (95% CI 5,087-35,830), jenis dinding nilai p 0,000 &OR 17,484 ( 95% CI 6,314-48,415), kepadatan hunian, nilai p 0,000 & OR 12,250 (95% CI 4,652-32,258), keberadaan perokok dalam rumah nilai p 0,003 &OR 4,205 ((95% CI 1,692-10,448) dan penggunaan bahan bakar memasak nilai p 0,000 & OR 11,294 (95% CI 2,435-52,379).
Nation health data show that the incidence of acute respiratory infection (ARI) always increased every years. 2013, with Central Java Province occupies was the seventh position with the highest number of patients with acute respiratory infection (ARI). The incidence of ARI nonpneumonia during 2011-2013 in the city of Magelang as well as in the Village Health Center Magersari always increase which most of the patientare are under five children . This study aims to determine how big the risk factors of physical quality of the home environment (type of floor, roof, walls, extensive ventilation, residential density) and indoor air pollution (presence of smokers in the home, using anti-mosquito, cooking fuel in the house) to nonpneumonia ARI incidence of under five children in the working area of Magersari health center, Magelang, Central Java in 2013. The Research design was a case-control study by each sample for 50 under five children. Case are under five with nonpneumonia ARI diagnosis by Megersari Helath Center doctors, whereas control are underfive children which not diagnosed with ARIs . There is a significant correlation between the type of floor p value 0.000 and OR 15.881 (95 % CI : 4.949 to 50.958), the type of roof p-value of 0.000 and OR 13,500 (95 % CI 5.087 to 35.830), the type of wall p-value of 0.000 and OR 17.484 (95 % CI 6.314 to 48.415), residential density, p-value 0.000 and OR 12,250 (95 % CI 4.652 to 32.258), the presence of smokers in the house p-value of 0.003 and OR 4.205 (95 % CI 1.692 to 10.448) and cooking fuel p value 0,000OR 11,294 (95 % CI 2.435 to 52.379)."