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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Agus Rusliana
Abstrak :
Secara global penyakit tidak menular penyebab kematian nomor satu setiap tahunnya adalah penyakit kardiovaskuler. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor risiko terhadap Penyakit Jantung Koroner berdasarkan hasil treadmill. Penelitian ini menggunakan cross sectional dengan sampel 173 responden. Sumber diperoleh dari MCU karyawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan bermakna secara statistik antara usia, hipertensi, kolesterol total, LDL, diabetes melitus, merokok, IMT, shift, dan stres dengan risiko PJK berdasarkan hasil treadmill, namun tidak terdapat hubungan antara HDL dengan risiko PJK. Setelah menggunakan regresi logistik, tujuh faktor risiko yang paling mempengaruhi PJK yaitu usia, hipertensi, kolesterol total, diabetes melitus, IMT, merokok, dan stres. Non-communicable diseases globally the number one cause of death is ardiovascular disease each year. The aim of research to determine the relationship f risk factors for coronary heart disease based on the results of the treadmill. This tudy uses cross-sectional with sample 173 respondents. Sources obtained from CU employees. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between ge, hypertension, total cholesterol, LDL, diabetes mellitus, smoking, BMI, shift, nd stress with the risk of CHD based on the treadmill, but there is no relationship etween HDL with CHD risk. After using logistic regression, seven risk factors that ost influence CHD are age, hypertension, total cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, BMI, smoking, and stress.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Arnold Hasahatan
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liana Meilani
Abstrak :
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian : Telah dilakukan penelitian eksperimental secara acak menyilang dengan kontrol terhadap 12 atlet sepakbola peserta pendidikan dan latihan sepakbola DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan cara pemberian diet tinggi karbohidrat (KH) yang lebih tepat, dalam upaya meningkatkan ketahanan fisik atlet Indonesia yang mempunyai pola makan tinggi KH. Atlet dibagi 2 kelompok, masing-masing kelompok 6 orang. Tahap I kelompok I diberi diet pertandingan biasa (KH 57%, protein 13%, lemak 30 %) dan latihan berat selama 6 hari. Kelompok II, hari ke 1-3 diberi diet pertandingan biasa, hari ke 4-6 diberi diet tinggi KH (KH 80%, protein 11%, lemak 9%), latihan berat sekali ada hart ke 1 menurun bertahap pada hari-hari erikutn a. Kedua diet yang diberikan iso kalori. Setelah 6 hari masa 'wash out', dilakukan tahap ke II berupa penyilangan perlakuan. Hasil dan Kesimpulan : Nilai rata-rata (X) lama waktu dan denyut jantung saat melakukan tes treadmill sebelum dan sesudah diberi diet pertandingan biasa adalah 1100 ± 203,60 detik dan 1130 ± 108,04 detik serta 179,17 ± 5,15 denyut/menit dan 177,50 ± 5,84 denyut/menit. Terdapat pemanjangan waktu 30 detik dan penurunan denyut jantung 1,67 denyut/menit. Sedangkan sebelum dan sesudah diberi diet modifikasi penimbunan KH adalah 1095 ± 206,46 detik dan 1115 ± 206,99 detik serta 178;50 ± 7,55 denyut/menit dan 177,08 ± 6,56 denyut/menit. Terdapat pemanjangan waktu 20 detik dan penurunan denyut jantung 1,42 denyut/menit. Hasil uji t tidak berpasangan terhadap kedua variabel baik sebelum dan sesudah diberi kedua macam diet, maupun terhadap pemanjangan waktu dan penurunan denyut jantung pada pemberian kedua macam diet tidak berbeda bermakna (p > 0,05). Selama penelitian tidak terdapat keluhan atau efek samping yang berarti. Kesimpulannya ialah pemberian diet modifikasi penimbunan KH tidak menunjukkan peningkatan ketahanan fisik atlet secara bermakna. Kemungkinan hal itu terjadi karena kebiasaan mengkonsumsi diet tinggi. KH dan latihan fisik berat sehingga sudah terjadi proses adaptasi dan pencapaian ketahanan fisik yang maksimal. ABSTRACT
Scope and research method. An experimental, randomized controlled cross over design has been conducted using 12 soccer athletes participants in the DKI Jakarta soccer Educational and Training Programs. This research aims to obtain a more appropriate method of providing high carbohydrate diet to improve the endurance of Indonesian athletes having high carbohydrate consumption patterns. The athletes were divided into 2 groups,,6 athletes each. At the first with consists of 570 g carbohydrate, 13% protein, and 30% fat followed by a heavy exercise for 6 days. While group II were given ordinary competition diet on days 1 to 3; on the next three days, a high carbohydrate diet with a composition of 80% carbohydrate, 11% protein, and 9% fat followed by a very heavy exercise on day I decreasing radically on the remaining days. The two types of diet are iso calorie. After a period of wash out phase II began and crossed over treatment was performed. Results and Conclusions : The mean duration and heart beat to performing a treadmill test before and after they were given ordinary competition diet was 1100 ± 203.60 seconds and 1130 ± 108.04 seconds, 179.17 ± 5.15 beats/minute and 177.50 + 5.84 beats/minute respectively. There was extension of 30 seconds and decrease in heart beat of 1.67 beats minute. For carbohydrate loading modification diet it was 1095 ± 206.46 seconds and 1115 ± 206.99 seconds, 178.50 ± 7.55 beats/minute and 177.08 + 6.56 beats/minute, respectively. There was extension of 20 seconds and decrease in heart beat of 1.42 beats/minute. The results of the unpaired student's t test of the two variables, both before and after provision of the two types of diet differed insignificantly (p > 0.05). During the research no significant complaints and side effects were found. The conclusion is the provision of carbohydrate loading modification diet did not show improvement the athlete's endurance. It may be caused b a habit of consuming already high carbohydrate diet and heavy training, resulting in an adaptation process and achievement of maximum endurance.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ami Rachmi
Abstrak :
Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh latihan treadmill dan program overground walking terhadap kecepatan dan kapasitas berjalan pasien strok. Disain : Pra dan pasta perlakuan dengan kelompok kontrol. Subjek : 23 orang dibagi secara random permutasi blok menjadi dua kelompok, 11 orang kelompok perlakuan dan 12 orang kelompok kontrol. Tempat : Bagian Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi Rumah Sakit dr. Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung Intervensi : Kelompok perlakuan diberi latihan treadmill dan program overground walking selama 30 menit, 3 kali seminggu selama 4 minggu, kelompok kontrol diberi latihan jalan secepat mereka mampu selama 30 menit, 3 kali seminggu selama 4 minggu. Parameter : Kecepatan jalan (jarak 10 m) dalam meterldetik, kapasitas jalan (waktu tempuh 6 menit) dalam meter Hasil : Latihan treadmill dan program overground walking selama 4 minggu secara berrnakna meningkatkan kecepatan berjalan (p = 0,0227) dan kapasitas berjalan (p = 0,0148) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol pads pasien strok di RSHS, Bandung Kesimpulan : Latihan treadmill dan program overground walking meningkatkan kecepatan dan kapasitas berjalan pasien strok di RSHS, Bandung
Objective : To know the effect of treadmill exercise and overground walking program on velocity and capacity of walking in stroke patients in dr. Hasan Sadikin hospital, Bandung Design : Pre- and post treatment with a control group. Subject : A sample of 23 ambulatory individuals after a stroke more than 3 months previously. Setting : Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Intervention : The experimental group participated in a 30-minute treadmill and overground walking program, 3 times a week for 4 weeks. The control group was asked to walk at home for at least 30 minutes as fast as they can, 3 times a week for 4 weeks. Parameters : Speed velocity (over distance of 10 m), speed capacity (walking time 6 minutes) Results : The 4-week treadmill and overground walking program significantly increased walking speed (p = 0,0227) and walking capacity compared with the control group. Conclusions : The treadmill and overground walking program is effective in increasing walking speed and walking capacity in stroke patients in RSHS, Bandung.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dessy Pratiwi
Abstrak :
Pengukuran VO2max secara langsung merupakan pengukuran terbaik kebugaran kardiorespiratori tetapi metode ini tidak efisien, perlu keakhlian dan ruang laboratorium khusus, serta melelahkan. Pengukuran VO2max submaksimal dinilai lebih mudah, sederhana, tidak melelahkan, dan tanpa risiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan adanya pengukuran lain yang lebih sederhana namun akurat dalam mengukur VO2max dengan Bruce Treadmill Test sebagai acuan. Dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2019 dengan responden 32 mahasiswi tingkat 1 Program Studi S1 Gizi Universitas Indonesia, penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional. Variabel dependen yang diukur adalah VO2maxBruce, sementara variabel independen meliputi VO2maxQCST, VO2maxRFWTKline, dan VO2maxRFWTDolgener. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa VO2maxQCST, VO2maxRFWTDolgener, VO2maxRFWTKline berturut-turut memiliki nilai koefisien validitas (-0,15), (0,17) dan (0,19). VO2maxQCST yang tidak valid dapat disebabkan karena ketidaksesuaian tinggi balok kayu dengan panjang tungkai orang Indonesia. Hasil lain, VO2maxRFWTDolgener memiliki selisih rata-rata dengan VO2maxBruce lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan VO2maxRFWTKline.
The direct measurement method of VO2max is the best one of cardiorespiratory fitness, but the method is inefficient, tiring subject, requires an expertise and a special laboratory space. Other method, a submaximal one, is considered easier, simpler, not tiring, and without risk. This study aims to prove the existence of other measurements that are simpler but still accurate in measuring VO2max with Bruce Treadmill Test as a reference. Conducted in April 2019 with respondents of 32 freshmen female students of the Undergraduate Program in Nutrition of Universitas Indonesia, this study used a cross sectional study design. The dependent variable measured was VO2maxBruce, while the independent variables included were VO2maxQCST, VO2maxRFWTKline, and VO2maxRFWTDolgener. The results showed that VO2maxQCST, VO2maxRFWTDolgener, and VO2maxRFWTKline respectively had validity coefficient values (-0.15), (0.17), and (0.19). Invalid VO2maxQCST can be due to incompatibility between height of wooden block and Indonesian limb length. Another result, VO2maxRFWTDolgener has smaller mean difference with VO2maxBruce compared to VO2maxRFWTKline.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chandra Sari
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Prevalensi penyakit arteri perifer (PAP) pada pasien diabetes melitus lebih tinggi dibandingkan populasi umum. Penyakit arteri perifer dapat meningkatkan mortalitas dan morbiditas terutama akibat penyakit kardiovaskular pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 (DM tipe 2). Tidak semua pasien dengan PAP dapat terdeteksi dengan pengukuran ankle brachial index (ABI) istirahat, sehingga diperlukan pemeriksaan ABI treadmill. Pemeriksaan ABI treadmill dapat mendeteksi PAP pada fase awal, sehingga profil pasien pada kelompok ini berbeda dengan klompok PAP yang dideteksi dengan ABI istirahat. Diketahuinya profil pasien PAP ini penting untuk membantu meningkatkan kewaspadaan pasien, khususnya pasien DM tipe 2. Tujuan. Mengetahui profil pasien DM tipe 2 dengan PAP yang dideteksi dengan ABI treadmill. Metode. Penelitian dengan desain potong lintang dilakukan di Poliklinik Metabolik Endokrin dan Kardiologi, Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo pada Februari sampai April 2016 dengan metode sampling konsekutif. Subjek dengan nilai ABI istirahat normal/ perbatasan menjalani treadmill dengan protokol Bruce yang digunakan juga sebagai protokol uji latih jantung treadmill. Diagnosis PAP ditegakkan bila terdapat penurunan nilai ABI lebih dari 20% dibandingkan ABI istirahat. Hasil. Sebanyak 92 subjek dianalisis untuk mengetahui profil pasien DM tipe 2 dengan PAP yang dideteksi dengan ABI treadmill. Lima belas subjek (16,3%) didiagnosis PAP. Kelompok PAP memiliki persentase subjek dengan durasi diabetes ≥ 10 tahun sebanyak 53,3%; dislipidemia sebanyak 73,3%; penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) sebanyak 33,3%; perokok sebanyak 40%; komplikasi neuropati sebanyak 53,3%; albuminuri sebanyak 53,3%; retinopati sebanyak 40%; dan respons iskemia jantung positif/sugestif positif sebanyak 40% subjek. Sedangkan kelompok tanpa PAP memiliki subjek dengan durasi diabetes ≥ 10 tahun sebanyak 33,8%; dislipidemia sebanyak 57,1%; PGK sebanyak 19,5%; perokok sebanyak 32,5%; komplikasi neuropati sebanyak 37,7%; albuminuri sebanyak 26,4%; retinopati sebanyak 28,6%; respons iskemia jantung positif/sugestif positif sebanyak 28,5% subjek. Kesimpulan. Prevalensi PAP yang dideteksi dengan ABI treadmill pada pasien DM tipe 2 adalah 16,3% (IK 95%: 8-23%). Kelompok PAP yang dideteksi dengan ABI treadmill memiliki subjek dengan durasi DM ≥ 10 tahun, dislipidemia, perokok, PGK, neuropati, albuminuria, retinopati dan respons iskemia jantung positif/sugestif positif lebih banyak daripada subjek tanpa PAP. ...... Background. The prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) among diabetes patients was higher compared to general population. PAD increases morbidity and mortality, especially due to cardiovascular disease, in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients (T2DM). Not all patients having PAD could not be detected by resting ankle brachial index (ABI) measurement, hence it is required treadmill ABI examination. The examination enable to detect PAD in the earlier phase, therefore patients profile would different with PAD patient detected from resting ABI examination. The profiles are important to raise the awareness of T2DM patients. Aim. To identify profile T2DM patients with PAD detected by treadmill ABI. Methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out in Metabolic Endocrine and Cardiology Outpatient Clinic, Internal Medicine Department, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital during February-April 2016. The study used consecutive sampling method. Subject having normal or borderline resting ABI value is examine using Bruce protocol treadmill. The protocol is also used as a cardiac treadmill exercise test protocol. The patients diagnose as PAD if there is a reducing ABI value more than 20% compared to resting ABI. Result. The profile of PAD patients detected by treadmill ABI were obtain from 92 subjects. Fifteen subjects (16,3%) were diagnosed having PAD. In the group with PAD, the percentage of subject with diabetes duration ≥ 10 years was 53,3%; dyslipidemia was 73.3%; chronic kidney disease (CKD) was 33.3%; smokers was 40%; complications of neuropathy was 53.3%; albuminuri was 53.3%; retinopathy was 40%; positive / positive suggestive cardiac ischemia response was 40% . Meanwhile the group without PAD, the percentage of subjects with diabetes duration ≥ 10 years was 33.8%; dyslipidemia was 57.1%; CKD was 19.5%; smokers was 32.5%; complications of neuropathy was 37.7%; albuminuri was 26.4%; retinopathy was 28.6%; positive / positive suggestive cardiac ischemia response was 28.5%. Conclusion. The prevalence of PAD that detected by treadmilll ABI in T2DM patients is 16,3% (95% CI: 8-23%). The Group with PAD detected by ABI treadmill which have duration of diabetes ≥ 10 years, dyslipidemia, smokers, CKD, neuropathy, albuminuria, retinopathy, and the positive result on treadmill exercise test have more subjects than group without PAD.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Patrick William Gading
Abstrak :
Kesesuaian Jarak Tempuh Uji Jalan Enam Menit Lintasan dengan Uji Jalan Enam Menit Jentera pada Dewasa Sehat IndonesiaAbstrakLatar Belakang. Penilaian kapasitas fungsi seseorang sangatlah penting untuk keperluan penentuan program latihan, evaluasi program latihan dan prognosis seseorang. Sebuah uji yang mudah, cepat, dan tidak membutuhkan perlengkapan yang rumit untuk menentukan kapasitas fungsi kebugaran kardiorespirasi terus dikembangkan, tetapi uji jalan enam menit yang menjadi standar saat ini pun terkadang sulit dilakukan karena keterbatasan fasilitas lintasan. Sehingga dibutuhkan adanya uji alternatif lainnya yang menggunakan fasilitas ruang yang lebih memadai dan mampu laksana dalam kondisi apa pun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menilai kesesuaian jarak Uji jalan 6 menit dengan jentera dibandingkan dengan jarak Uji jalan enam menit lintasan sebagai uji penilaian kebugaran kardiorespirasi.Metode. Disain observasional potong lintang. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 46 usia dewasa muda sehat yang didapat secara konsekutif. Jarak tempuh dalam studi ini dilihat tingkat kesesuaiannya dengan menggunakan uji spearman dan uji Bland altmand.Hasil. Jarak tempuh uji jalan enam menit pada jentera memiliki mean 508.8 61, sedangkan lintasan 514.4 47. Berdasarkan Uji t berpasangan didapatkan rerata selisih antara kedua pemeriksaan adalah -5,6 IK 95 -23,6-12,31 dengan hasil nilai p 0,533. Dengan demikian tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara pengukuran jarak tempuh menggunakan jentera dan lintasan. Hasil uji Spearman mendapatkan nilai p 0.002 dan kekuatan korelasi r=0,463.Simpulan. Didapatkan kesesuaian antara jarak tempuh Uji jalan enam menit jentera dengan Uji jalan enam menit lintasan dengan korelasi sedang.ABSTRACT Agreement between Hallway Six Minutes Walk Distance and Treadmill Six Minutes Walk Distance in Healthy Indonesian AdultsAbstractBackground. Assessment of the functional capacity is important to determine the exercise program, evaluation and prognosis of a person. A test that is easy, fast, and does not require complex equipment to determine the capacity of cardiorespiratory fitness function continues to be developed, but the standard six minute test is at times difficult to perform due to the limitation of space or track. So a need for an alternative test with less adequate space is required. The purpose of this study to assess the agreement of the treadmill six minute walk test compared to the hallway six minutes walk test as a cardiorespiratory fitness assessment test.Methods. A cross sectional observational design. This study was conducted on 46 healthy young adults. The agreement between the distances treadmill and hallway is measured using the Spearman and Bland Altmand test.Results. Treadmill six minutes walk distance has a mean of 508.8 61, while the hallway is 514.4 47. Paired t test found a mean difference between both tests 5.6 95 CI 23,6 12,31 with the result p value 0.533. Thus there is no significant difference between the measurement of the distance between treadmill and hallway. From the Spearman 39 s test we found p 0.002 with correlation strength r 0.463.Conclusions. There rsquo s agreement between treadmill six minute walk distance to hallway six minute walk distance with moderate correlation.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Palupi Agustina Djayadi
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Laporan kasus fatality di beberapa perusahaan minyak dan gas di Indonesia selama Januari-Maret 2019 terjadi 15 kasus mortalitas pekerja diduga akibat kematian jantung mendadak, tanpa adanya kelainan hasil uji treadmill pada pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala terakhir. Salah satu metode penapisan risiko penyakit jantung koroner (PJK) adalah dengan uji treadmill. Duke Treadmill Score (DTS) merupakan metode yang baik untuk stratifikasi risiko dan menilai prognosis pada uji treadmill. Tujuan: Diketahuinya hubungan antara faktor risiko individu dan jenis pekerjaan dengan DTS. Metode: Penelitian cross sectional yang melibatkan 290 responden pekerja dari empat perusahan migas di Indonesia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara serta perhitungan DTS berdasarkan hasil uji treadmill pekerja yang dilakukan pada September-Desember 2019. Hasil: Didapatkan 66,9% DTS risiko ringan; 33,1% DTS risiko sedang. Variabel yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan risiko DTS adalah usia >40 tahun dengan (ORadj = 2,70; IK 95%: 1,162-6,282), dan merokok (ORadj = 2,78 IK 95% 1,637- 4,726). Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara jenis pekerjaan dengan DTS pada pekerja migas di Indonesia. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara risiko individu merokok dan usia >40 dengan DTS pada pekerja migas di Indonesia. ......Background: Reports of fatality cases in several oil and gas companies in Indonesia, January - March 2019 period occurred 15 mortality cases of workers due to sudden cardiac death, without any abnormal findings of the treadmill test result on last periodic Medical Check-up. One of the screening method for coronary heart disease is the treadmill test. The Duke Treadmill Score (DTS) is the most powerful method for stratifying risk and assessing the prognosis in the treadmill test. Objective: To find out the association between individual riks factors and types of work with DTS among oil and gas workers in Indonesia. Methods: A cross-sectional study design involving 290 respondent oil and gas workers from four oil and gas companies in Indonesia. Data collected by interview and calculation of DTS based on worker’s treadmill test conducted in September-December 2019. Results: DTS among workers found 66,9% had low risk; 33,1% had moderate risk. Variables associated with increased DTS were age >40 (ORadj= 2,70; 95%CI:1,162-6,282) and smoking (ORadj= 2,78; 95%CI:1,67-4,726). Conclusions: There was no significant association between types of work and DTS among oil and gas workers in Indonesia. There was a significant association between the risk of individual smoking and age>40 with DTS in oil and gas workers in Indonesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Turnip, H.
Abstrak :
Physical excercises are hoped to improve functional capacity and quality of life of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This study is aimed to assess the differences between treadmill and ergocycle exercise on changes in functional capacity and quality of life in patients with stable COPD. This is an experimental study with complete randomization and repeated pre and post-intervention observation. The study was conducted on 44 subjects with COPD who were presented at Persahabatan Hospital, Medical Rehabilitation Clinic, consisting of 22 subjects undergoing ergocycle exercise and 22 subjects undergoing treadmill exercise test. Functional capacity was assessed by using the 6 minutes walking test (6 MWT) performed at week I, V and IX. Quality of life was measured using the St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) at week I and IX. Training program was conducted for 8 weeks with exercise dosage based on the results of exercise test on week I. Treadmill and ergocycle exercise produce significant improvement in both the 6 MWT and SGRQ test since week I to IX. But in comparison, treadmill exercise improves 6 MWT distance better than ergocycle consistently at week I-V, V-IX and I-IX (p < 0.001). For the SGRQ score, both exercises did not differ significantly. Conclusion: Treadmill exercise is associated with significantly better improvement in functional capacity compared to ergocycle exercise in stable COPD subjects. Concerning quality of life, both exercises gave an equivalent improvement in stable COPD subjects.
Jakarta: Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, 2014
610 UI- MJI 23:1 (2014) (2)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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