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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Meyer, Michael D.
New York : McGraw-Hill , 1984
388.4 MEY u (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amrul Alam
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai kebijakan pemerintah di sektor transportasi, khususnya di daerah perkotaan. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus di wilayah Kota Tangerang. Tingginya angka kecelakaan yang menyebabkan korban meninggal, serta kerugian material dan kerugian imaterial akibat ketidak efisienan sistem transportasi, melatar belakangi penelitian ini. Lambatnya pemerintah pusat dalam mensosialisasikan undang-undang dalam hal pengimplementasian di daerah, menciptakan permasalahan tersendiri di banyak daerah di Indonesia. Ketimpangan kualitas sumber daya manusia antara pusat dan daerah, juga menjadi permasalahan yang mengakibatkan menjadi lambatnya proses adopsi pembangunan secara keseluruhan. Tesis ini dengan menggunakan metode AHP (Analityc Hierarchy Process). Meneliti seberapa besar pengaruh pemangku kepentingan berperan dalam menciptakan iklim atau kondisi transportasi yang ideal. Pada penelitian ini pemangku kepentingan(stakeholders) ini dikelompokkan menjadi tiga yakni, Pemerintah, Legislatif, dan Masyarakat. Penelitian yang dilakukan dalam kurun waktu April hingga Juni 2010 juga mencari alternatif tindakan atau alternatif kebijakan yang dapat dijadikan prioritas oleh Pemerintah Kota Tangerang dalam mengurai persoalan lalulintas khususnya di Kota Tangerang. ...... This study discusses the government policy in the transportation sector with focus on the urban areas. Tangerang city has been chosen as the case study due to the high numbers of deaths caused by accidents on the roads. The high numbers of accidents that cause deaths, according to the Indonesian police records, reached approximetely 11000 people per year. I concluded that this high numbers of losses of deaths are very significant to understand the implementation of the transportation policy in Tangerang. In order to solve the problem, in searching for solutions, I decided to use Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP) as my research method to examine how much influence of the stakeholders in making the transportation conditions become ideal for safetiness and efficiencycy. In the study, the stakeholders are grouped into three types of groups according to their sectors namely; Government Authorities, Legislative Authorities, and Community (Public Users). The study has been conducted from April to June 2010. The study also aims at an understanding of the alternative policies of urban transportation which become a priority in searching for a better solution to the current conditions in Tangerang. I found that the Indonesian Government is too slow in inplementing the transportation regulations to the local government. This slow implementation has also created a major problem for other local governments in Indonesia, including the area which I choose as my case study. Another problem arise because of the slow implementation are an inequality in quality of human resources between Indonesian government in Jakarta and local governments and inequality of development in other district areas in Indonesia. Based on these conclusions I have established alternative suggestions for the local governments to take better policies for the future.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dickey, John W.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975
388.4 DIC m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New Delhi : Tata McGraw-Hill, 1980
388.4 MET
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feny Yunita
Abstrak :
Simpul transportasi yang akan dikembangkan sebagai kawasan berorientasi transit memiliki tantangan dalam estimasi bangkitan pergerakan. Guna menunjang pengembangan kawasan berorientasi transit maka dinilai perlu adanya gambaran saat ini terkait distribusi pergerakan pada simpul transportasi. Dalam konteks Jabodetabek, Stasiun Sudirman merupakan simpul transportasi perkerataapian perkotaan yang diproyeksikan sebagai kawasan berorientasi transit. Informasi asal dan tujuan dalam menggambarkan distribusi perjalanan menjadi sangat essensial, oleh sebab itu pada penelitian ini mencoba pendekatan survei dan sumber data baru seperti sosial media untuk menggambarkan distribusi perjalanan pekerja urban. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis spasial deskriptif dengan menggunakan statistik sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa distribusi pergerakan pada Stasiun Sudirman sebagai stasiun keberangkatan dan tujuan mengakomdasi pekerja urban dari pusat ke pinggiran, pingiran ke pusat, maupun pusat ke pusat di Kota Metropolitan Jakarta yang didominasi pada wilayah penggunaan tanah pemukiman menuju tanah perusahaan dengan pergantian moda angkutan paratransit nontrayek. Perbandingan distribusi perjalanan yang diperoleh melalui pendekatan survei menunjukan hasil yang lebih bervariasi dibandingkan sumber data baru seperti sosial media Twitter.
Transport nodes which will be developed as a transit oriented area has a challenge in estimating the trip generation. In order to support the development of transit oriented areas, it is deemed necessary to conduct the current representation of the movement distribution in gateways. In the context of Jabodetabek, Sudirman Station is an urban rail based transportation node which is projected as an area of transit oriented. The data collection in this research is used through surveys and new data sources such as social media to illustrate the trip distribution of urban workers. The results show Sudirman Station as a departure station and destination accommodates the movement distribution of urban workers from the centre to suburban, suburban to the centre, as well as the centre to the centre of Jakarta Metropolitan Area which is dominated in settlement zone to the commercial zone with the nodal interchange of paratransit mode. Geolocated Tweet was used to identify the origin and destination of urban workers. The trip distribution which was obtained through the survey shows more varied results than new data sources such as social media Twitter, nevertheless both of them show the same trip distribution based on similarity characteristics of the origin and destination area.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London : Black Dog Publishing, , 2003.
711.7 REA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cosi Suta Fisanda Pilasto
Abstrak :

Aksesibilitas yang terbatas menuju tempat kerja adalah salah satu tantangan terbesar yang dihadapi oleh angkatan kerja wanita di negara-negara berkembang. Makalah ini mengukur dampak dari peningkatan sistem transportasi perkotaan pada status pekerjaan perempuan di Jakarta, Indonesia. Ketersediaan angkutan bus cepat yang aman dan nyaman mengurangi biaya tetap (dalam hal uang dan waktu) dari perjalanan ke tempat kerja, sehingga kami memperkitakan jumlah perempuan bekerja akan meningkat setelah selesainya pembangunan busway di Ibukota. Dengan menggunakan survei sosial dan ekonomi nasional (SUSENAS) dan metode difference in difference (DID), kami menemukan hubungan positif antara status pekerjaan wanita dan peningkatan layanan transportasi perkotaan. Secara khusus, efek terbesar dan signifikan dialami oleh wanita berusia 15-29 tahun dan tidak signifikan pada pria. Selain itu, kehadiran BRT juga meningkatkan probabilitas wanita bekerja di sektor formal dan menurunkan probabilitas bekerja di sektor informal. Dapat kami simpulkan bahwa peningkatan transportasi perkotaan, sebagai proxy dari aksesibilitas, memainkan peran penting dalam meningkatkan angkatan kerja perempuan, khususnya di negara berkembang.

Kata kunci: Transportasi perkotaan, ketenagakerjaan, gender, evaluasi kebijakan.


Limited accessibility to workplace is one of the greatest challenges faced by women’s labor force in developing countries. Low rates of female labor force participation show a significant waste of productive human resources and lead to the stagnation growth of the female labor force participation rate. This paper quantifies the impacts of improved urban transport systems on women’s employment outcomes living in Jakarta, Indonesia. Since the availability of appropriate and safer bus rapid transit (BRT) reduces fixed costs of commuting to work in terms of money and time, we predict the number of employed women to increase after the completion of busway construction in the capital. Using the social and economic national survey (SUSENAS) and the difference in difference (DID) method, we found a positive relationship in employment status among urban women. In particular, the largest and significant effect is observed for women aged 15-29 years. Moreover, in terms of occupation, the presence of BRT increased accessibility to formal job and lowered probability to the informal job. We also explore a possibility that bus rapid transit did not affect the employment status of males, due high accessibility to private vehicle. Our result indicates that improved public transportation, as the proxy of accessibility, plays an important role in increasing female labor force partcipation, especially in developing countries.


Key words: Urban transport, employment, gender, impact evaluation.

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ning Wulan Sari
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengukur Willingness to Pay (WTP) calon penumpang potensial MRTJ yang selanjutnya dapat dipergunakan sebagai pertimbangan penetapan tarif MRTJ, serta untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi besaran tarif WTP MRTJ. Pembangunan MRTJ Tahap I jalur utara-selatan melintasi kawasan bisnis elite (Lebak Bulus - Bundaran HI) sepanjang 15,7 km pusat perdagangan dan jasa yang didominasi oleh pelaku usaha maupun pekerja kelas menengah atas yang menggunakan kendaraan pribadi (mobil dan motor) termasuk taksi/taksi online dan ojek/ojek online sebagai calon penumpang potensial. Biaya operasional dan pemeliharaan MRTJ yang mahal, menjadikan tarif MRTJ sebagai faktor penentu selain pendapatan non-tarif dan non-operasional. Selain berdasarkan biaya, penetapan tarif dapat mempertimbangkan kesediaan konsumen untuk membayar agar dapat ditetapkan tarif yang optimal yaitu tarif yang paling menguntungkan bagi calon penumpang maupun keberlanjutan bisnis MRTJ. Penelitian ini menggunakan Contingent Valuation Methods (CVM) yaitu menanyakan langsung kepada responden calon penumpang potensial melalui survei tentang kesediaan membayar serta besaran tarif yang bersedia dibayar atas penggunaan MRTJ. Survei besaran tarif WTP menggunakan metode open-ended questions sehingga responden dapat mengatakan apa yang diinginkan tanpa dibatasi pendapat yang telah disusun oleh peneliti. Variabel penelitian terbagi atas 4 kelompok yaitu: ruang lingkup, Willingness to Pay (WTP), Standar Pelayanan Minimum (SPM) MRTJ, dan karakteristik responden. Hasil penelitian adalah bahwa seluruh responden bersedia membayar tarif MRTJ. Berdasarkan analisis finansial dan ekonomi, maka besaran tarif WTP yang paling optimal adalah Rp. 15.000,-. Tarif tersebut mampu menutupi biaya operasional dan pemeliharaan hanya dengan dukungan subsidi minimum dari Pemerintah. Dengan perkiraan jumlah penumpang mencapai 107.000 penumpang per hari, tarif tersebut mampu mengurangi jumlah kendaraan pribadi (mobil dan motor) sehingga terjadi penghematan bahan bakar dan penurunan emisi CO2 sampai 74,41%. Dengan mempertimbangkan Willingness to Pay (WTP) calon penumpang potensial MRTJ, maka akan menghasilkan besaran tarif MRTJ yang optimal.
This thesis aims to measure the Willingness to Pay (WTP) of potential passengers of MRTJ which can then be used as consideration of MRTJ tariff determination, as well as to know factors influencing MRTJ`s tariff. The construction of MRTJ Phase I of the north-south line passes through the elite business area (Lebak Bulus - Bundaran HI) along the 15.7 km commercial and service center dominated by business actors as well as upper middle class workers using private vehicles (cars and motorcycles) including taxi / online taxis and motorcycle taxis / ojek online as potential passengers. Costly MRTJ operational and maintenance costs, making MRTJ tariffs a determinant factor in non-tariff and non-operating income. In addition to the cost, the tariff determination may consider the willingness of consumers to pay in order to set the optimal tariff that is the (most favorable) tariff for prospective passengers as well as the sustainability of the MRTJ business. This research uses Contingent Valuation Methods (CVM), which is direct inquire to prospective potential passenger respondents through surveys on willingness to pay and the amount of tariff that is willing to be paid for the use of MRTJ. Survey of WTP tariff using open-ended questions method so that respondents can say what they want without limitation of opinion which have been prepared by researcher. The research variables are divided into 4 groups: scope, Willingness to Pay (WTP), (Minimum Service Requirement) SPM MRTJ, and respondent characteristics. The result of the research is that all respondents are willing to pay MRTJ tariff. Based on financial and economic analysis, the most optimal WTP tariff is Rp. 15.000,-. The tariff is able to cover operational and maintenance costs only with minimum subsidy support from the Government. With the estimated number of passengers reaching 107,000 passengers per day, the tariff is able to reduce the number of private vehicles (cars and motorcycles) resulting in fuel savings and decreased CO2 emissions up to 74.41%. Taking into account the Willingness to Pay (WTP) of potential passengers of MRTJ, it will generates the optimal MRTJ tariff.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library