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Muhammad Rafif Cahyadi Agung
Abstrak :
Selubung bangunan merupakan elemen penting pada sebuah bangunan. Tujuan dari selubung bangunan adalah memberikan kenyamanan termal untuk penghuninya. Untuk mencapai kenyamanan termal tersebut banyak hal yang dapat dilakukan, salah satunya adalah kerapatan selubung bangunan supaya tidak terjadi aliran panas yang tidak diinginkan. Salah satu isu yang relevan terhadap ini adalah thermal bridge karena berkaitan dengan kebocoran panas yang terjadi pada selubung bangunan. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi thermal bridge pada fasad curtain wall bangunan tinggi dengan melakukan simulasi dan pengukuran lapangan. Output yang dihasilkan berupa visualisasi aliran panas dan nilai psi-value ( ). Hasil simulasi tersebut kemudian dibandingkan dengan standar nasional bangunan pada beberapa negara. Didapatkan bahwa dengan melihat visualisasi aliran panas, terlihat adanya thermal bridge. Psi-value ( ) yang didapatkan masih dibawah batas maksimum menurut standar negara Perancis, Denmark, dan Italia. Skripsi ini juga menunjukkan bahwa masih diperlukan studi lebih lanjut untuk seberapa besar dampak thermal bridge pada heat loss / heat gain selubung bangunan dan relevansinya untuk mempertimbangkan thermal bridge dalam standar bangunan di Indonesia. ......Building envelopes is an important element. By providing protection, the envelopes are built to achieve thermal comfort. There are many ways to achieve thermal comfort, one of them is to reduce the heat flow on the building envelopes. A phenomena that involves heat flow within a building envelope is thermal bridge. The aim of this thesis is to make an analysis of thermal bridge on curtain wall of a high-rise building in Indonesia. Methods that are used are computational simulation and observation. The outputs are visualization of the heat flow and psi-value ( ) within the building component. The results are then compared to building codes from some countries that has consider thermal bridge. It is found that by looking at the visualization, the thermal bridges does exist. Psi-value ( ) that are obtained from the simulation still under the maximum value of France, Denmark, and Italy’s building code. This thesis also shows that further studies are still needed to see how big is the impact of thermal bridges to heat loss / heat gain within the building envelope and its relevancy to consider thermal bridge to be put in Indonesian building codes.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Advendio Desandros
Abstrak :
Transmitansi dan reflektansi merupakan dua metode pengukuran yang umum digunakan untuk melakukan investigasi terhadap sifat kimia zat cair berdasarkan spektrum optis. Dalam kasus karakterisasi madu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menunjukkan perbandingan dari kedua metode pengukuran tersebut pada prediksi parameter kualitas madu seperti Total Soluble Solids (TSS), pH, dan Electrical Conductivity (EC) berdasarkan sistem pencitraan hiperspektral. Sistem terdiri atas kamera hiperspektral SPECIM FX10 dengan 224 kanal (400-1000 nm), tiga buah lampu halogen 150 W, sebuah kotak diffuser cahaya, sebuah slider bermotor, dan sebuah PC. Kemudian, algoritma Partial Least Square-Support Vector Regression (PLS-SVR) dengan Gaussian Kernel untuk memprediksi nilai referensi berdasarkan spektrum transmitansi dan reflektansi yang telah didapatkan. Performa dari setiap metode diuji dengan tenfold Cross Validation, yang akan mengelompokkan data menjadi 10 partisi. Sampel diperoleh dari 30 varian madu dengan warna yang bervariasi, ditempatkan pada cawan Petri berdiameter 5 cm dengan volume 5 mL. Performa dari setiap metode diukur berdasarkan nilai koefisien determinasi R2 dan Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Evaluasi model yang diperoleh dari metode transmitansi menghasilkan R2 sebesar 0,75, 0,87, dan 0,83, RMSE sebesar 3,62, 0,03, dan 0,01 untuk prediksi nilai TSS, pH, dan EC berdasarkan testing data. Untuk prediksi parameter yang sama, metode reflektansi menghasilkan R2 sebesar 0,82, 0,91, dan 0,94, RMSPE dan 2,72, 0,02, and 4,98×10-3 berdasarkan testing data. Pada penelitian ini, metode reflektansi memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik daripada metode transmitansi dalam prediksi parameter kualitas madu. ...... Transmittance and reflectance modes are the two most common measurement methods used for investigating liquid chemical properties based on optical spectrum. In the case of honey characterization, this research performed to show a comparison between both measurement methods to predict honey quality parameters, such as Total Soluble Solids (TSS), pH, and Electrical Conductivity (EC) based on the Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging system. The system consists of Specim FX10 hyperspectral camera with 224 bands (400-1000 nm), three 150 W halogen lamps, a light diffuser box, a motorized slider, and a PC. Then, Partial Least Square-Support Vector Regression (PLS-SVR) with Gaussian Kernel algorithm applied to predict reference values based on the acquired transmittance and reflectance spectrum. Performance of each method tested by tenfold Cross Validation, which randomly grouping the dataset into ten partitions. Samples is obtained from 30 different honey variant with varied colors, placed in 5 cm diameter Petri dishes at 5 mL volume. Performance of each tmethod measured by coefficient of determination R2 and a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) score. Model evaluation of transmittance mode results in R2 of 0.75, 0.87, and 0.83, RMSE of 3.62, 0.03, and 0.01 for TSS content pH, and EC prediction based on testing data. For similar predicted parameters, reflectance mode results in R2 of 0.82, 0.91, and 0.94, RMSPE of 2.72, 0.02, and 4,98×10-3 based on testing data. In this research, reflectance mode performs better than transmittance mode in the prediction of honey quality parameters.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Arini
Abstrak :
Transparent conductive oxide TCO merupakan material yang sangat penting untuk digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi teknologi modern. Pembuatan piranti seperti optoelektronik LCD, organic electroluminescence EL dan juga untuk elektroda pada dye sensitized solar cell DSSC .TCOpada divais DSSC berfungsi sebagai penyerap cahaya dan penghantar elektron.Jenis TCO yang paling umum digunakan adalah indium tin oxide ITO , namun harganya relatif mahal. Oleh sebab itu fabrikasi kaca konduktor fluorine-doped tin oxide FTO ini ditujukan untuk menggantikan fungsi ITO karena proses pembuatannya yang sederhana serta biaya yang relatif lebih rendah. Dalam penelitian ini, pembuatan kaca konduktor FTO ini dilakukan dengan metode ultrasonic spray pyrolisis dengan menggunakan bahan baku tin II chloride dehydrate SnCl2.2H2O dan anhydrous tin IV chloride SnCl4 sebagai prekursor dan ammonium florida NH4F sebagai doping dengan parameter yang divariasi adalah waktu deposisi 10, 20 dan 30 menit dan temperatur pemanasan substrat 250, 300, 350 C . Selain itu,variasi yang digunakan adalah jenis prekursor SnCl2.2H2Odan SnCl4 dan pelarut ethanol dan methanol . Penelitian ini secara spesifik bertujuan untuk menghasilkan prototipe kaca transparan konduktif FTO yang mampu menghantarkan arus listrik dengan nilai resistivitas dalam skala 10-4 ?.cm serta nilai transparasi mencapai >80 . Karakterisasi sampel dilakukan menggunakan alat SEM-EDS, XRD, Spektroskopi UV-Vis dan Four Point Probe. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa semakin lama waktu deposisi dan semakin tinggi temperatur substrat maka akan semakin kecil nilai resistivitas kaca konduktif, namundengan konsekuensi nilai transmitansiyang juga akan semakin menurun. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil yang optimum pada kaca konduktor yang difabrikasi dengan prekursor SnCl4 dan pelarut methanol, konsentrasi doping 2 wt, waktu deposisi 20 menit dan temperatur subtrat 300 C dengan nilai resistivitas 8,44 x 10-5 ?.cm dan transmitansi 88,3 . Dari hasil diatas, prekursor anhydrous tin IV chloride SnCl4 yang didoping amonium fluorida NH4F dengan menggunakan metode ultrasonic spray pyrolisis dapat dianggap sebagai terobosan baru dalam pembuatan kaca yang konduktif dan transparan.
Transparent conductive oxide TCO is a very important material for use in various applications of modern technology including the manufacture of optoelectronic devices such as LCDs, organic electroluminescence EL and also as electrodes in dye sensitized solar cells DSSC . TCO on DSSC device serves as the light absorber and electron conductor. One of the most commonly used is indium tin oxide ITO , however its price is rather expensive. Therefore, the main purpose of the current research is aimed at replacing ITO with fluorine doped tin oxide FTO which is easier and more economic for fabrication. In this work, the conductor FTO glass manufacture is done by ultrasonic spray pyrolisis method using tin II chloride dihydrate SnCl2.2H2O and anhydrous tin IV chloride SnCl4 as precursors and ammonium fluoride NH4F as doping with variations of deposition time 10, 20 and 30 minutes and substrate heating temperature 250, 300 and 350 C . In addition, the variations of type precursor SnCl2.2H2O and SnCl4 and solvent ethanol and methanol . The aims of this research was to produce a prototype FTO transparent conductive glass with a value of resistivity 10 4 .cm and the value of transmittance 80 . Characterization of the samples is done using a SEM EDS, XRD, UV Vis Spectroscopy and Four Point Probe. The results showed that the longer the deposition time and the higher the substrats, providing smaller resistivity, but the consequences transmittance value which will also decrease. In this study,the highest transmittance of 88.3 and the lowest resistivity of 8.44 x 10 5 .cm resitivitas were obtained from the glass subjected to 20 minutes deposition time and 300 oC substrate heating during the process using precursor SnCl4 and solvent methanol. From the results, the precursor anhydrous tin IV chloride SnCl4 doped ammonium fluoride NH4F using ultrasonic spray pyrolisis may be considered as a breakthrough in the manufacture of conductive and transparent glass.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Arini
Abstrak :
Transparent conducting oxide (TCO) glasses play an important role in various technology, including dye sensitized solar cells. One of the most commonly used glass is indium tin oxide (ITO) glass, which is expensive. Therefore, the main purpose of this research was to determine if ITO glass can be replaced with fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass, which is easier and more economic to manufacture. For this purpose, a tin chloride dehydrate (SnCl2.2H2O) precursor was doped with ammonium fluoride (NH4F) using a sol-gel method and spray pyrolysis technique to investigate the fabrication process for conductive glass. NH4F was doped at a ratio of 2 wt% in the SnCl2.2H2O precursor at varying deposition times (10, 20, and 30 minutes) and substrate temperatures (250, 300, and 350°C). The results revealed that longer deposition times created thicker glass layers with reduced electrical resistivity. The highest optical transmittance was 75.5% and the lowest resistivity was 3.32´10-5 Ω.cm, obtained from FTO glass subjected to a 20-minute deposition time at deposition temperature of 300oC.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Arini
Abstrak :
Transparent conducting oxide (TCO) glasses play an important role in various technology, including dye sensitized solar cells. One of the most commonly used glass is indium tin oxide (ITO) glass, which is expensive. Therefore, the main purpose of this research was to determine if ITO glass can be replaced with fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass, which is easier and more economic to manufacture. For this purpose, a tin chloride dehydrate (SnCl2.2H2O) precursor was doped with ammonium fluoride (NH4F) using a sol-gel method and spray pyrolysis technique to investigate the fabrication process for conductive glass. NH4F was doped at a ratio of 2 wt% in the SnCl2.2H2O precursor at varying deposition times (10, 20, and 30 minutes) and substrate temperatures (250, 300, and 350°C). The results revealed that longer deposition times created thicker glass layers with reduced electrical resistivity. The highest optical transmittance was 75.5% and the lowest resistivity was 3.32´10-5 ?.cm, obtained from FTO glass subjected to a 20-minute deposition time at deposition temperature of 300oC.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 7:8 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhmad Herman Yuwono
Abstrak :
Transparent conductive oxide (TCO) glass is one of most important components in dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) device. In addition to its high electrical conductivity, transparency is another important requirement that must be achieved in fabricating TCO. One TCO film is fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO), which can be considered as the most promising substitution for indium-doped tin oxide (ITO), since the latter is very expensive. However, the fabrication techniques for TCO film need to be carefully selected; the synthesis parameters must be properly optimized to provide the desired properties. In this work, FTO glass has been fabricated by the ultrasonic spray pyrolisis technique with different precursors, i.e. tin (II) chloride dihydrate (SnCl2.2H2O) and anhydrous tin (IV) chloride (SnCl4), as well as different solvents, i.e. ethanol and methanol. For both conditions, ammonium fluoride (NH4F) was used as the doping compound. The resulting thin films were characterized by use of a scanning electron microscope (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy and a four-point probe test. The results of the investigation show that the highest transmittance of 88.3% and the lowest electrical resistivity of 8.44×10-5 ?.cm were obtained with the FTO glass processed with 20 minutes of spray pyrolysis deposition and 300oC substrate heating, using SnCl4 as the precursor and methanol as the solvent. It can be concluded that TCO fabrication with tin chloride precursors and ammonium fluoride doping using ultrasonic spray pyrolisis can be considered as a simple and low cost method, as well as a breakthrough in manufacturing conductive and transparent glass.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:7 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library