ABSTRAKReservoar gas pada lapisan tipis merupakan sesuatu yang menarik untuk
dianalisis karena reflektor yang mengalami destruktif apabila berada dibawah tuning
thickness atau 1/4λ. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan mencoba preconditioning
kembali data PSTM gather yang nantinya akan menjadi input analisis AVO.
Peningkatan resolusi dan nilai signal to noise ratio menjadi tujuan dari penelitian ini.
Usaha prosesing yang dilakukan adalah proses F-K Filter, Trimming Statics dan
Super Gather. Setelah melalui ketiga proses diatas, analisis AVO pun dilakukan
dengan metode cross plotting. Hasil preconditioning pada penelitian ini menunjukkan
bahwa ada anomali AVO yang merupakan jenis AVO klas IV. Hasil ini diperkuat
dengan metode analisis Cross Plotting pada setiap atribut dari AVO itu sendiri.
ABSTRACTGas reservoir on thin layer is something interested to analyze due to
destructive reflector which is below 1/4λ or tuning thickness condition. This research
is trying to do re-preconditioning on PSTM gather which will be input of AVO
analysis. Increased in resolution and signal to noise ratio become goal of this
research. Processing efforts had been done, such as: F-K Filter, Trimming Statics and
Super Gather. After all process above, AVO analysis was conducted by using Cross
Plotting method. Result of re-preconditioning in this research tells class IV of AVO
anomaly. The result is strengthen by analysis method of Cross Plotting which are
came from AVO attributes of Cross Plot.;Gas reservoir on thin layer is something interested to analyze due to
destructive reflector which is below 1/4λ or tuning thickness condition. This research
is trying to do re-preconditioning on PSTM gather which will be input of AVO
analysis. Increased in resolution and signal to noise ratio become goal of this
research. Processing efforts had been done, such as: F-K Filter, Trimming Statics and
Super Gather. After all process above, AVO analysis was conducted by using Cross
Plotting method. Result of re-preconditioning in this research tells class IV of AVO
anomaly. The result is strengthen by analysis method of Cross Plotting which are
came from AVO attributes of Cross Plot., Gas reservoir on thin layer is something interested to analyze due to
destructive reflector which is below 1/4λ or tuning thickness condition. This research
is trying to do re-preconditioning on PSTM gather which will be input of AVO
analysis. Increased in resolution and signal to noise ratio become goal of this
research. Processing efforts had been done, such as: F-K Filter, Trimming Statics and
Super Gather. After all process above, AVO analysis was conducted by using Cross
Plotting method. Result of re-preconditioning in this research tells class IV of AVO
anomaly. The result is strengthen by analysis method of Cross Plotting which are
came from AVO attributes of Cross Plot.]"