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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Magfira Rilaningrum
"Untuk mengurangi pengeluaran impor BBM serta meningkatkan produksi minyak nasional, pemerintah melakukan pembukaan wilayah kerja dan eksplorasi migas secara masif. Semakin tinggi dan maraknya aktivitas pada industri migas, akan memiliki dampak negatif di lingkungan, termasuk didalamnya polusi tumpahan minyak di tanah. Polusi ini dapat mempengaruhi kualitas lingkungan serta penurunan tingkat kesehatan, ekonomi, dan sosial masyarakat yang terdampak. Beberapa metode telah dilakukan dalam hal penanggulangan tumpahan minyak  dan metode yang paling ramah lingkungan adalah bioremediasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk Menganalisis efektivitas bioremediasi untuk mendegradasi tumpahan minyak di tanah, menganalisis jenis bioremediasi yang paling efektif serta mengevaluasi kendala dalam mengimplementasi bioremediasi di lapangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sequential explanatory dengan menggabungkan data yang didapatkan dari hasil uji coba laboratorium dan wawancara. Berdasarkan penelitian, bioremediasi berhasil dalam menurunkan kandungan hidrokarbon dalam tanah dengan tingkat efektivitas penurunan lebih dari 70%. Efektivitas tertinggi didapat pada bioremediasi jenis fitoremediasi yang merupakan kombinasi antara Tanaman Vetiver, bakteri K4, dan Mikoriza. Secara skala laboratorium, bioremediasi dinilai efektif untuk mendegradasi kandungan hidrokarbon, tetapi secara praktikal di lapangan, bioremediasi dinilai tidak efektif karena memiliki kekurangan pada waktu pengerjaan dan langkah pengerjaan dinilai tidak praktis. Menurut Expert judgement, Sikap pemerintah pada kasus bioremediasi yang menimpa PT. Chevron membuat pengembangan dan implementasi bioremediasi di Indonesia terhambat karena pihak perusahaan minyak dan gas enggan untuk menggunakan metode bioremediasi untuk menghindar atau mengantisipasi masalah seperti yang dialami PT. Chevron. Diharapkan pemerintah mengkaji ulang peraturan-peraturan mengenai penanggulangan oil spills dan lebih aktif dalam memotivasi pihak-pihak terkait terutama oil company dan kontraktor untuk melakukan penelitian dan pengembangan untuk bioremediasi.

To reduce spending on fuel imports and increase national oil production, the government is opening massive oil and gas exploration and work areas. The higher and increasing activity in the oil and gas industry, will have a negative impact on the environment, including pollution of oil spills on the ground. This pollution can affect environmental quality and decrease the health, economic and social level of the affected people. Several methods have been carried out in handling oil spills and the most environmentally friendly method is bioremediation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of bioremediation to degrade oil spills on land, analyze the most effective types of bioremediation and evaluate the obstacles in implementing bioremediation in the field. This study uses a sequential explanatory method by combining data obtained from the results of laboratory trials and interviews. Based on research, bioremediation was successful in reducing the hydrocarbon content in the soil with a reduction in effectiveness of more than 70%. The highest effectiveness was obtained in the type of phytoremediation bioremediation which is a combination of Vetiver, K4, and Mycorrhizae. On a laboratory scale, bioremediation is considered effective to degrade hydrocarbon content, but practically in the field, bioremediation is considered ineffective because it has shortages at the time of processing and the work steps are considered impractical. According to the Expert judgment, the government's attitude in the bioremediation case that befell PT. Chevron made the development and implementation of bioremediation in Indonesia hampered because the oil and gas companies were reluctant to use the bioremediation method to avoid or anticipate problems such as those experienced by PT. Chevron. It is expected that the government will review the regulations concerning the prevention of oil spills and be more active in motivating the relevant parties, especially oil companies and contractors to conduct research and development for bioremediation."
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Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Addressing to the environmental and energy crises in Indonesia, the new alternative of green-economic energy sources is required.In this study marine microalgae were isolated from oil-polluted coastal zone in Batam Island for alternative energy sources....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The study was conducted between September and October 2006 in various sites both inside and outside and outside the taklong Island national marine Reserve (TINMAR),southern Guimars,Philippines,to immediately conduct a rapid 3-month assessment of the impact of the solar I il spill incident which occurred in August 11,2006 in southern Guimaras...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This paper introduces a methods for modification of the formula of the fractal box counting dimension. The method is based on the utilization of the probability distribution formula in the fractal box count. The purpose of this method is to use it for the discrimination of oil spill areas from the surrounding features e.g sea surface dimension was able to discriminate between oil spills and look-alike areas. The low wind area had the highest fractal dimension peak of 2.9, as compared to the oil slick and the surrounding rough sea. The maximum error standard deviation of the low wind area was 0.68 which performed with a 2.9 fractal dimension value."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Namira Widiaksana
"Di Indonesia, sudah terjadi 14 kasus skala besar tumpahan minyak yang disebabkan oleh tabrakan kapal. Salah satu tindakan penanggulangan secara mekanik adalah dengan menggunakan oil skimmer tipe piringan. Efektivitas kinerja oil skimmer pada pengangkutan tumpahan minyak dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti kedalaman celup piringan atau luas daerah yang tercelup, luas daerah penyapuan wiper, tingkat ketebalan minyak pada permukaan piringan, dan tingkat putaran piringan. Sampel minyak yang digunakan adalah oli mesin diesel fastron SAE 15W-40 dan sampel air yang digunakan adalah air laut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan variasi kedalaman celup piringan 27 mm dan 55 mm atau setara dengan luas daerah tercelup 31,35 cm2 dan 88,83 cm2. Waktu pengujian dilakukan selama 5 menit dengan pengambilan data sebanyak 3 kali untuk satu rentang putaran.
Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan secara teoritis semakin meningkatnya putaran pada piringan, hasil pengangkutan tumpahan juga akan semakin tinggi. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan melakukan pengambilan data dengan melakukan pengujian. Pengambilan tumpahan minyak akan lebih efektif dengan menggunakan putaran piringan rendah, dikarenakan hasil tumpahan minyak yang terangkut lebih didominasi oleh minyak dibandingkan dengan air. Pada pengujian ini, semakin tinggi putaran pada piringan menghasil jumlah air terangkut semakin banyak.

In Indonesia, there have been 14 accidents of oil spill as the result of ship collisions. There have been several methods in handling oil spill accident, one of the most effective methods is using mechanical oil skimmer with disc plate. The effectiveness of the oil skimmer 39 s performance on handling oil spills is influenced by various factors, such as the depth of the disk submerged or the disk surface area dipped into the oil spill, the area of the wiper sweep, the thickness of the oil on the disk surface, and the rotation speed of the disk. The oil samples used are diesel engine oil with 15W 40 SAE and the water sample used is sea water. The experiment was conducted with variation of 27 mm and 55 mm of disc submersion depth or equal to dipped surface area of 31.35 cm2 and 88,832 cm2. The duration of the test for 3 data is 5 minutes.
Based on theoretical calculations, the increase of rotation speed of the disk, the result of spill transport will also be higher. This is proved by the experimental results. The lifting process of oil spill is more effective with low rotation speed, because the result of oil spill transported will be more dominated by oil than water. In this test, the higher the rotation speed of the disk, the higher the water produced.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas tentang kesesuaian implementasi sistem tanggap darurat terhadap insiden tumpahan minyak di laut disekitar daerah operasi PT.XXX. Kesesuaian implementasi tanggap darurat dalam penelitian ini menggunakan assessment tool berdasarkan National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1600 edisi 2013. Hasil assessment yang dilakukan ditemukan 89.10% kesesuaian. Dalam insiden tumpahan minyak elemen pencegahan dalam NFPA 1600 dapat diimplementasikan dengan melakukan penilaian risiko.
Tujuan penilaian risiko ini untuk mengetahui tingkat kemungkinan, keparahan dan risiko terjadinya tumpahan minyak di fasilitas PT.XXX. Setelah melakukan penilaian risiko dapat dipersiapkan rencana menanggulangan tumpahan minyak yang merupakan elemen mitigasi dalam NFPA 1600. Penanggulangan tumpahan minyak dapat mempertimbangkan response time sebelum tumpahan sampai ke garis pantai.
Dari hasil simulasi dengan menggunakan komputer trajectory modeling diperoleh durasi tercepat tumpahan minyak menuju garis pantai pada bulan Pebruari sampai April 2015 adalah 14.4 jam. Dan kemampuan penanggulangan tumpahan minyak dapat ditentukan berdasarkan jumlah tumpahan minyak dan peralatan yang dimiliki. Dengan menghitung kapasitas skimmer dan temporary storage spill yang dimiliki, maka PT. XXX memiliki kemampuan Tier 1 ≤ 350 bbl.

The Thesis was looking for compliance conformity for implementation emergency response system for oil spill incident around the operation field PT XXX. Conformity of the implementation emergency response system at this research used assessment tool from National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1600 edition 2013. The results of the conformity assessment conducted found 89.10%. Element prevention in NFPA 1600 for oil spill incident can be implemented by performing risk assessment.
The purpose of risk assessment to determine the level of likelihood, severity and relative risk of oil spills in the PT.XXX facility. Oil spill contingency plan can be prepared after conducted a risk assessment which a part of the implemented of mitigation element in NFPA 1600. Oil spills contingency plan may consider the response time before spills hit to the shoreline.
The simulation from computer trajectory modeling resulted duration of oil spills to the shoreline in February to April 2015 was 14.4 hours. The ability of oil spill response can be determined based on likely volume and oil spill equipment. Base on calculation of the skimmer and capacity of spill temporary storage, PT. XXX has the ability Tier 1 ≤ 350 bbl.
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Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lulu Eki Daysita
Tumpahan minyak adalah bencana ekologis yang memiliki dampak besar terhadap
lingkungan dan dapat dikategorikan sebagai bencana lingkungan yang serius.
Fokus makalah ini adalah untuk membahas risiko dan kesiapan tanggapan
tumpahan minyak yang terjadi di Selat Madura. Tulisan ini menawarkan garis
besar teori holistik, tidak hanya membahas aspek lingkungan, tetapi aspek sosial
masyarakat (nelayan). Tujuannya adalah untuk menganalisis potensi risiko
tumpahan minyak pada industri minyak dan gas, menganalisis kesiapan dan
kesadaran masyarakat sekitar dalam menangani pencemaran tumpahan minyak.
Metode penelitian dalam makalah ini adalah kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang
mengacu pada analisis statistik. Makalah ini meneliti persepsi masyarakat dalam
menangani pencemaran tumpahan minyak berdasarkan wawancara dengan 100
informan nelayan. Studi ini akan menentukan peringkat risiko terburuk tumpahan
minyak yang terjadi berdasarkan indeks sensitivitas lingkungan berdasarkan aspek
holistik, lingkungan, sosial dan ekonomi. Kognisi masyarakat akan mempengaruhi
dalam kesiapan masyarakat untuk menangani tumpahan minyak, dan kesiapan
dapat mengurangi risiko tumpahan minyak. Temuan ini adalah pemahaman
memiliki pengaruh namun tidak signifikan, aspek yang paling berpengaruh adalah
kesiapsiagaan. Temuan ini berkontribusi terhadap sasaran SDG nomor 11 dan 14
yang merupakan kota dan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan serta kehidupan di
bawah air. Studi ini penting karena tumpahan minyak menimbulkan risiko
signifikan terhadap keanekaragaman hayati baik di laut maupun di masyarakat.

Oil spills are ecological disasters that have a major impact on the environment and
can be categorized as serious environmental disasters. The focus of this paper is to
discuss the risks and readiness of the oil spill response occurring in the Madura
Strait. This paper offers an outline of holistic theory, not only about
environmental aspects, but social aspects of society (fishermen). The objective is
to analyze the potential risks of oil spills in the oil and gas industry, analyze the
preparedness and awareness of nearby communities in handling oil spill
contamination. The research method in this paper is quantitative and qualitative
which refers to statistical analysis. This paper examines the public perception in
handling oil spill contamination based on interviews with 100 fishermen
informants. This study will determine the worst rating of oil spills that occur
based on environmental sensitivity index based on holistic, environmental, social
and economic aspects. Community cognition will affect people's readiness to deal
with oil spills, and readiness can reduce the risk of oil spills. This finding is a
notion of influence but insignificant, the most influential aspect is preparedness.
These findings contribute to SDG targets number 11 and 14 which are cities and
communities that are sustainable and life under water. This study is important
because the oil spill poses significant risks to biodiversity both at sea and in the
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lee, Hee-sun
"Due to rapid social change, the government does not have enough resources to manage urgent situation such as natural disasters....."
[s.l.]: The Korean Journal of Policy Studies, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Ikhwan
"The occident of oil spil on the sea can cause a big ecological damage and economical lost. The simulation is intended to evaluate the effect of sea current and wind on the oil spill spreading and time. By using a CFD commercial software fluent 6,0 turbelence model and multi species: the simulation was performed under effect of sea current and wind on the sea Surface of 0,6 m/sec and 2 m/ sec respecitvely. The volume of oil spill are 250, 1500 and 6000 m3. The 250m3 spil of oil does not cause environmental damage on the shore while the 1500m33 spill of oil couse a small area of the shore to be damaged. The 6000 m3 spill of oil couse a serius environmental domage on the shore and need a seriius recovery."
Surabaya: Fakulltas Teknologi Industri (ITS ), 2006
507 INDUSTRI 5:3 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihotang, Krisman J
"Kasus tumpahan minyak dan kebakaran sering terjadi di industry migas karena kegagalan safety protection layers. Tangki T-04, T-09, T-18 tangki minyak PPP PT X berpotensi mengalaminya, perlu dilakukan kajian pajanan kimia dan radiasi panas kebakaran terhadap manusia dan fasilitas di sekitarnya. Metode penelitian berupa potong lintang dengan pendekatan kuantitatif melakukan analisis pajanan kimia merkaptan dan benzene serta radiasi panas tumpahan minyak dan kebakaran. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan data dan simulasi pajanan kimia dan radiasi panas secara kuantitatif menggunakan software ALOHA. Didapatkan hasil pajanan merkaptan dan benzene di Jalan Raya Utara 1,33 ppm dan 379,68 ppm (gangguan kesehatan sementara), di Jalan Raya Selatan 0,142 ppm dan 40,72 ppm (tidak memberi dampak gangguan kesehatan), di Area Ruang Operator 2,9 ppm merkaptan (gangguan kesehatan sementara), benzene 829,79 ppm (gangguan kesehatan yang serius), di Kantor 1,18 ppm dan 338,45 ppm (gangguan kesehatan bersifat sementara). Pajanan radiasi panas di Jalan Raya Utara, Ruang Operator, Kantor dapat mengakibatkan kematian, di Jalan Raya Selatan berdampak luka bakar derajat dua. Radiasi panas juga mengakibatkan kebakaran tangki sekitar. SPL yang terpasang belum memadai sehingga kejadian darurat masih pada level risiko yang tidak dapat diterima. Direkomendasikan penambahan SPL pada tangki PT X untuk mengurangi risiko menjadi risiko yang dapat diterima

Oil spills, fires often occur in the oil and gas industry due to failure of safety protection layers. Tanks T-04, T-09, T-18 PT X's PPP oil tanks have the potential to experience this. It is necessary to study chemical exposure, fire heat radiation on humans and surrounding facilities. The research method is cross sectional with a quantitative approach to analyze chemical exposure and heat radiation from oil spills and fires. This study collects data and simulates chemical exposure, heat radiation quantitatively using ALOHA software. The results of exposure to mercaptans and benzene on the North Highway were 1.33 ppm and 379.68 ppm (temporary health problems), South Highway 0.142 ppm and 40.72 ppm (no impact on health problems), Operator Room Area 2,9 ppm mercaptans (temporary health problems), 829.79 ppm benzene (serious health problems), 1.18 ppm and 338.45 ppm in the office (temporary health problems). Heat radiation exposure on the North Highway, Operator's Room, Office can result in death, South Highway results second degree burns. Radiation heat also causes nearby tank fires. The installed SPL is inadequate, emergency event is unacceptable risk level. It is recommended to add SPL to the PT X tank to reduce the risk to an acceptable risk."
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Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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