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Diannovi Nugraha Sahid
Abstrak :
Perdagangan internasional tidak akan dapat terjadi tanpa adanya akses ke pasar domestik dari negara lain. Terbukanya akses pasar ini selain memberikan keuntungan, juga menjadi ancaman baik secara ekonomis maupun secara agamis terutama bagi negara-negara dengan penduduk beragama Islam, salah satunya Indonesia. Sebagaimana diketahui, Indonesia merupakan negara dengan penduduk beragama Islam terbesar di dunia, 87% penduduk Indonesia beragama Islam.

Secara ekonomis, kehadiran produk-produk tersebut menjadi saingan produk-produk lokal, sedangkan secara agamis kehadiran produk-produk tersebut semakin menambah daftar makanan yang disangsikan kehalalannya oleh umat Islam. Sebab, produk-produk tersebut dibuat oleh negara-negara Barat yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan babi dan alkohol dalam proses produksinya.

Demi memberikan perlindungan kepada konsumen-konsumen beragama Islam dari produk-produk yang diragukan kehalalannya, terutama produkdaging sapi impor, maka pemerintah Indonesia membuat seperangkat kebijakan yang bertujuan agar produk-produk daging sapi impor disertifikasi dan dilabelisasi halal sebelum masuk ke pasar Indonesia. Menurut Hukum World Trade Organization, negara-negara anggota dibebaskan untuk membuat kebijakan domestik demi melindungi konsumen maupun pasar dalam negerinya. Perangkat kebijakan ini dapat diberlakukan selama tidak menimbulkan hambatan yang tidak perlu dalam perdagangan internasional.

Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kebijakan-kebijakan sertifikasi dan labelisasi halal yang diberlakukan Indonesia sebagai Technical Barrier to Trade atas daging sapi dan produk daging sapi yang diimpor ke Indonesia, penerapannya dan keselarasannya dengan Agreement on Technical Barrier to Trade atau TBT Agreement World Trade Organization. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sejauh ini, permasalahan sengketa atas produk daging sapi masih minim jumlahnya dan masih bisa diselesaikan.
International trade can not occur without access to domestic markets of other countries. In addition to providing benefits,the opening of this market access also becomes a threat both economically and religiously, especially for countries with a Muslim population, such as Indonesia. As is known, Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, 87 % of Indonesia's population is Muslim.

Economically, the presence of such products is rival with local products, while religiously presence of these products adds to the list of sanctioned halal food by Muslims. Especially since these products are made by Western countries who are already accustomed to using pork and alcohol in the production process.

In order to provide protection to Muslim consumers, especially imported beef products, the Indonesian government established a set of policies that aim products imported beef to be halalcertified before entering into the Indonesian market. According to the Law of the World Trade Organization, member states are free to make domestic policies to protect consumers as well as its domestic market. This policy can be applied as long as not to cause unnecessary obstacles to international trade.

This study discusses the policies of halal certification and labeling imposed by Indonesia as Technical Barrier to Trade on beef and beef products imported to Indonesia, its application and its alignment with the Agreement on Technical Barrier to Trad , or TBT Agreement of the World Trade Organization. The results showed that so far, the problem of a dispute over beef products is still minimal in number and still be resolved.;International trade can not occur without access to domestic markets of other countries. In addition to providing benefits,the opening of this market access also becomes a threat both economically and religiously, especially for countries with a Muslim population, such as Indonesia. As is known, Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, 87 % of Indonesia's population is Muslim. Economically, the presence of such products is rival with local products, while religiously presence of these products adds to the list of sanctioned halal food by Muslims. Especially since these products are made by Western countries who are already accustomed to using pork and alcohol in the production process. In order to provide protection to Muslim consumers, especially imported beef products, the Indonesian government established a set of policies that aim products imported beef to be halalcertified before entering into the Indonesian market. According to the Law of the World Trade Organization, member states are free to make domestic policies to protect consumers as well as its domestic market. This policy can be applied as long as not to cause unnecessary obstacles to international trade. This study discusses the policies of halal certification and labeling imposed by Indonesia as Technical Barrier to Trade on beef and beef products imported to Indonesia, its application and its alignment with the Agreement on Technical Barrier to Trad , or TBT Agreement of the World Trade Organization. The results showed that so far, the problem of a dispute over beef products is still minimal in number and still be resolved.;International trade can not occur without access to domestic markets of other countries. In addition to providing benefits,the opening of this market access also becomes a threat both economically and religiously, especially for countries with a Muslim population, such as Indonesia. As is known, Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, 87 % of Indonesia's population is Muslim. Economically, the presence of such products is rival with local products, while religiously presence of these products adds to the list of sanctioned halal food by Muslims. Especially since these products are made by Western countries who are already accustomed to using pork and alcohol in the production process. In order to provide protection to Muslim consumers, especially imported beef products, the Indonesian government established a set of policies that aim products imported beef to be halalcertified before entering into the Indonesian market. According to the Law of the World Trade Organization, member states are free to make domestic policies to protect consumers as well as its domestic market. This policy can be applied as long as not to cause unnecessary obstacles to international trade. This study discusses the policies of halal certification and labeling imposed by Indonesia as Technical Barrier to Trade on beef and beef products imported to Indonesia, its application and its alignment with the Agreement on Technical Barrier to Trad , or TBT Agreement of the World Trade Organization. The results showed that so far, the problem of a dispute over beef products is still minimal in number and still be resolved., International trade can not occur without access to domestic markets of other countries. In addition to providing benefits,the opening of this market access also becomes a threat both economically and religiously, especially for countries with a Muslim population, such as Indonesia. As is known, Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, 87 % of Indonesia's population is Muslim. Economically, the presence of such products is rival with local products, while religiously presence of these products adds to the list of sanctioned halal food by Muslims. Especially since these products are made by Western countries who are already accustomed to using pork and alcohol in the production process. In order to provide protection to Muslim consumers, especially imported beef products, the Indonesian government established a set of policies that aim products imported beef to be halalcertified before entering into the Indonesian market. According to the Law of the World Trade Organization, member states are free to make domestic policies to protect consumers as well as its domestic market. This policy can be applied as long as not to cause unnecessary obstacles to international trade. This study discusses the policies of halal certification and labeling imposed by Indonesia as Technical Barrier to Trade on beef and beef products imported to Indonesia, its application and its alignment with the Agreement on Technical Barrier to Trad , or TBT Agreement of the World Trade Organization. The results showed that so far, the problem of a dispute over beef products is still minimal in number and still be resolved.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Exza Pratama
Abstrak :
Perdagangan Internasional merupakan suatu hal yang tidak dapat dihindari di era globalisasi ini, setiap negara memiliki ketentuan yang berbeda dalam kaitanya dengan perdagangan internasional, salah satunya adalah Perlindungan terkait dengan Publik Moral yang diatur dalam pengecualian umum Pasal XX a GATT. Indonesia sebagai negara dengan mayoritas penduduk muslim memiliki kepentingan dalam memberikan perlindungan moral terhadap masyarakatnya melalui jaminan produk halal meliputi proses sertifikasi dan labelisasi halal. Dalam Sengketa No 484 antara Brasil dan Indonesia terkait larangan impor ayam dan produk ayam, penerapan sertifikasi dan labelisasi halal dianggap bertentangan dengan ketentuan pasal III:4 GATT terkait dengan national treatment, serta jaminan halal dan ketentuan SPS. Namun, disisi lain sertifikasi dan labelisasi halal juga erat kaitanya dengan pengaturan perjanjian TBT karena mengatur masalah teknis dari suatu produk. Hasil dari penulisan ini dapat ditarik beberapa kesimpulan. Pertama, Penerapan sertifikasi dan labelisasi dalam perdagangan internasional merupakan suatu hal yang harus dilindungi yang erat kaitanya dengan moral publik. Kedua, Penerapan sertifikasi dan Labelisasi halal tidaklah bertentangan dengan ketentuan Perdagangan Internasional tentang Pasal III:4 GATT terkait national treatment, serta pengaturan terkait labelisasi seperti perjanjian TBT dan perjanjian tekait seperi Perjanjian SPS. Dari permasalahan diatas dapat diamati bahwa perlu adanya suatu pengaturan khusus terkait dengan Sertifikasi dan labelisasi halal dalam ketentuan WTO dan Pengaturan yang lebih jelas dalam Peraturan Perundang-Undangan.
International Trade is a thing that cannot be avoided in this era of globalization, each country has different provisions in relation to international trade, one of which is the Moral provision set in the general exception under Article XX a GATT. Indonesia as the world 39 s largest Muslim country has an interest in providing moral justice to its people through a halal guarantee through the process of certification and halal labeling. In Dispute number 484 between Brazil and Indonesia concerning the prohibition of chicken and chicken products importation, the implementation of halal certification and labeling is considered contrary to the provisions under Article III 4 GATT is related to national treatment and the provisions of halal and SPS provisions. However, on the other hand halal certification and labeling are also closely related to TBT agreement due to the technical problem requirements of a product. The results of this writing can be drawn some conclusions. First, the application of certification and labeling in international trade is a matter that must be protected which is closely related to public morality. Second, the implementation of Halal Certification and Labeling with the provisions of International Trade on Terms and Conditions. From the above obstacles can be observed the need for a special arrangement related to Halal Certification and Labeling in the provisions of the WTO and the more clear arrangements in the Laws and Regulations.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This paper explores major dispute cases on issues of human life and health handled by wto panels and appellate body.....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Haris Aryanto
Abstrak :
ISPO sebagai suatu standar minyak kelapa sawit berkelanjutan dibuat untuk menjawab permintaan pasar dunia untuk minyak kelapa sawit yang berkelanjutan di tengah kontroversi yang beredar tentang produk tersebut, terutama dari aspek lingkungan. Dikarenakan standar sebagai salah satu jenis hambatan teknis terhadap perdagangan internasional diatur oleh Perjanjian TBT, ISPO semestinya dinilai dengan mengacu pada perjanjian tersebut dan juga kasus-kasus lainnya yang relevan dengan standar. ISPO juga bukan merupakan satu-satunya standar yang ada yang berlaku terhadap minyak kelapa sawit dengan adanya MSPO dan RSPO sebagai standar lainnya. ISPO mempunyai posisi yang tidak jelas sebagai suatu hambatan teknis, karena walaupun ia dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu standar atau regulasi teknis, ia tidak berlaku untuk produsen minyak kelapa sawit di luar Indonesia akibat isi aturan di dalamnya dan juga keterkaitannya yang erat dengan peraturan perundang-undangan Indonesia, sehingga juga menghambat adopsi ISPO sebagai suatu standar internasional yang relevan menurut Perjanjian TBT untuk minyak kelapa sawit
ISPO as a standard for sustainable palm oil was formulated to answer the demand of the international market for sustainable palm oil in the light of the controversies associated with the product, especially of enviromental issues. As standards as a technical barrier to international trade are regulated untder the premises of the TBT Agreement, ISPO must be assessed with the aforementioned agreement as well with relevant cases concerning standards. ISPO is not the only standard applicable for sustainable palm oil as MSPO and RSPO are present as standards regulating the same product. ISPO's position as a technical barrier to trade is uncertain, as one of ISPO’s main concern is that it is not applicable to foreign palm oil producers outside of Indonesia due to its content and deep connection with Indonesian regulations, impacting the viability of adopting ISPO as a relevant international standard for palm oil under the premises of the TBT Agreement.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library