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Trianda Florentina Hulu
"Skripsi ini berjudul Politik dan Buku di Indonesia pada Masa Orde Baru 1971-1989: Pelarangan Terhadap Tetralogi Pramoedya Ananta Toer, skripsi ini membahas permasalahan dalam munculnya pelarangan buku di Indonesia, melihat faktor-faktor munculnya kebijakan pelarangan buku yang memengaruhi dunia perbukuan di Indonesia, serta tindakan pelarangan buku yang tidak sesuai dengan ideologi pemerintah melalui peraturan dan kebijakan yang berlaku. Salah satu tindakan pelarangan buku yang beredar di tengah masyarakat adalah buku tetralogi karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
Metode Peneltian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode sejarah yakni heuristik, kritik sumber sehingga didapatkan fakta sejarah dalam mengonstruksi penelitian ini. Kemudian tahap yang ketiga adalah tahap interpretasi data, tahap yang terakhir adalah historiografi. Sumber yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah arsip, surat kabar, majalah sezaman, jurnal ilmiah, dan buku-buku yang mendukung dalam penelitian ini. Pelarangan buku sudah ada sejak masa kolonial Belanda hingga masa pemerintahan Orde Baru. Pada masa pemerintahan Orde Baru, pelarangan buku terlihat sangat mencolok yakni bersifat represif, pelarangan juga terjadi pada karya-karya kreatif lainnya pada masa itu.
Dari pelarangan buku ini, terlihat bahwa pelarangan buku merupakan bentuk kecemasan pemerintah, kecemasan pemerintah tersebut mewarnai sejak masa kolonial hingga masa Orde Baru. Sesungguhnya setiap gagasan yang tertuang, tidak perlu dicemaskan oleh pemerintah, nyatanya hal ini semakin ditegaskan oleh pemerintah sebagai salah satu bentuk hegemoni kekuasaan dengan menyatakan untuk menjaga stabilitas keamanan negara. Kecemasan tersebut tergambar sebagai langkah yang politis dari pemerintah.

This thesis Politics and Books in Indonesia in the New Order Period 1971 1989 The Prohibition against Tetralogy Pramoedya Ananta Toer, discusses the problems of the emergence of book bans in Indonesia, looking at the factors of the policy of book banning that affect the world of book keeping. The book banning act by New Order conducted against the prohibition of books that are inconsistent with the ideology of government through re enacted policies. One of the act of banning books circulating in the community is a book tetralogy of Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
The method of research used in this research is to use historical method of heuristic, source critic to get historical fact in construct this research. Then the third stage is the data interpretation stage, the last stage is historiography. The sources used in this study are archives, newspapers, contemporary magazines, scientific journals, and supporting books in this study. Book banning has existed since the Dutch colonial period until the reign of the New Order. During the New Order period, the banning of the book was so striking that it was repressive, the ban also occurred in other creative works of the time.
From the prohibition of this book, it appears that the banning of books is a form of government anxiety, the government's anxiety colored since the colonial period until the New Order era. Indeed every idea that is stated, no need to worry about by the government, in fact this is increasingly affirmed by the government as one form of hegemony of power by declaring to maintain the stability of state security. The anxiety is reflected as a political step from the government.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zaini Azwan
Tujuan : Koreksi transatrial-transpulmonary tanpa transannular patch (TA-TP tanpa
TAP) memiliki keuntungan berupa preservasi annulus katup pulmonal dan fungsi
ventrikel kanan, Namun sering terjadi gradien RV-PA dan pRV/LV ratio yang masih
tinggi sehingga terjadi low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS). Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk mencari batasan gradien RV-PA dan pRV/LV ratio yang merupakan nilai prediktif
terbaik terhadap kejadian LCOS pascakoreksi tetralogi Fallot TA-TP tanpa TAP.
Metode : Pada bulan Oktober 2012 sampai Maret 2013, sebanyak 30 pasien TF menjalani
koreksi TF TA-TP tanpa TAP (mean usia 8,37±7,90 tahun). Dilakukan pengukuran
gradien RV-PA dan pRV/LV ratio intraoperatif dan postoperatif di ICU. Evaluasi kejadian
LCOS dilakukan selama perawatan di ICU. Sebelum pasien pulang, dilakukan
pemeriksaan ekokardiografi untuk menilai gradien RV-PA, fungsi ventrikel kanan, defek
septum ventrikel residual, derajat regurgitasi katup pulmonal dan katup trikuspid.
Hasil : Sebanyak 30 (100%) subjek penelitian memiliki z-value ≥ -1, menjalani koreksi
TF TA-TP tanpa TAP. Mean gradien RV-PA intraoperatif adalah 21,13±10,60 mm Hg
dan mean pRV/LV ratio intraoperatif adalah 0,53±0,14. Mean gradien RV-PA di ICU
adalah 20,83±7,10 mmHg dan mean pRV/LV ratio di ICU adalah 0,49±0,10. Tidak terjadi
LCOS pada 30 (100%) subjek penelitian sehingga tidak dapat dilakukan analisis untuk
mencari batasan nilai gradien RV-PA dan pRV/LV ratio sebagai nilai prediktif terbaik
terhadap kejadian LCOS pascakoreksi TF TA-TP tanpa TAP. Mean gradien RV-PA
sebelum subjek penelitian rawat jalan adalah 23,47±6,95 mmHg. Regurgitasi katup
pulmonal ringan pada 15 (50%) subjek penelitian dan regurgitasi katup trikuspid trivialmild
pada 16 (53%) subjek penelitian. Disfungsi ventrikel kanan ringan 3 (10%), sedang
20 (67%) dan berat pada 7 (23%) subjek penelitian. Mean TAPSE postoperatif adalah
1,03±0,19. DSV residual tidak dijumpai, aritmia tidak dijumpai, reoperasi dan mortalitas
tidak ada.
Simpulan : Koreksi TF TA-TP tanpa TAP memberikan hasil operasi dini yang baik pada
pasien TF dengan z-value katup pulmonal ≥ -1, pRV/LV ratio < 0,5 dan gradien RV-PA <
25 mmHg pascakoreksi.

Objective : The benefits of the transatrial-transpulmonary (TA-TP) without transannular
patch (TAP) correction of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) are preservation of pulmonary valve
annulus and right ventricular function. However, TA-TP without TAP correction of TOF
had a higher incidence of low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) because of the high right
ventricle and pulmonary artery (RV-PA) pressure gradient and right ventricle and left
ventricle pressure (pRV/LV) ratio. The purpose of this study were to analyze the cut off
value of RV-PA pressure gradient dan pRV/LV ratio as the best predictor value for
postoperative LCOS in TA-TP without TAP correction of TOF.
Methods : Between Oktober 2012 and Maret 2013, 30 patients with TOF underwent TATP
without TAP correction (mean age 8,37±7,90 years, range 1-27 years). At the end of
correction, all patients underwent intraoperative direct measurement of RV-PA pressure
gradient and pRV/LV ratio. The patients were evaluated for postoperative LCOS at the
Intensive Care Unit (ICU). All the patients underwent echocardiographic examination
before hospital discharge. This included investigation of the presence RV-PA pressure
gradien, RV function, residual VSD, pulmonary and tricuspid valve insufficiency.
Results : Thirty patients with pulmonary valve annulus z-value ≥ -1, underwent TA-TP
without TAP correction of TOF. Mean intraoperative RV-PA pressure gradient was
21,13±10,60 mmHg and mean intraoperative pRV/LV ratio was 0,53±0,14. Mean RV-PA
pressure gradient measured 24 hours after correction at the ICU was 20,83±7,10 mmHg
and mean pRV/LV ratio measured at 24 hours after correction at the ICU was 0,49±0,10.
No patient had LCOS, we could not analyze the cut off value of RV-PA pressure gradient
and pRV/LV ratio as the best predictor value for postoperative LCOS in this study. No
patient had residual VSD. Mean RV-PA pressure gradient before hospital discharge was
23,47±6,95 mmHg. Fifteen (50%) patients had mild pulmonary valve insufficiency and
16 (53%) patients had trivial-mild tricuspid valve insufficiency. Three (10%) patients had
mild RV dysfunction. Postoperative mean TAPSE was 1,03±0,19. No patient had
arrhythmia, reoperation and mortality in this study.
Conclusions : The TA-TP without TAP correction of TOF was applied successfully in 30
patients with pulmonary valve annulus z-value ≥ -1, post-correction RV-PA pressure
gradient < 25 mmHg and pRV/LV ratio < 0,5."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tasaro GK
Yogyakarta: Bentang , 2018
899.221 TAS p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Rijal Alaydrus
Hipertrofi ventrikel kanan (HVKa) pada tetralogy fallot (TF) merupakan suatu respon adaptif akibat dari peningkatan tekanan di ventrikel kanan (VKa) dan hipoksia. HVKa yang berat vektor jantung akan mengarah ke kanan-posterior dapat menyebabkan gelombang S yang dalam di sadapan V6. Sementara itu pasien TF yang lama tidak dikoreksi akan mengalami paparan tekanan berlebih dan sianosis yang lebih lama juga, yang dapat menyebabkan perubahan-perubahan di tingkat seluler kardiomiosit yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan disfungsi VKa, dan sindrom curah jantung rendah (SCJR). Walaupun angka kesintasan pasca operasi baik, tapi perburukan SCJR dapat mengakibatkan kematian. Saat ini belum jelas bagaimana hubungan antara gelombang S di V6 dengan luaran total koreksi TF khususnya kejadian SCJR.
Penelitian dengan metode potong lintang. Subyek penelitian adalah TF yang menjalani total koreksi selama tahun 2013 sebanyak 150 pasien, 35 diantaranya dikeluarkan dari penelitian karena tidak memenuhi kriteri inklusi. Subyek dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok subyek dengan temuan kriteria S di V6 dan subyek yang untuk melihat hubungan temuan kriteria tersebut dengan variabel dasar. Kemudian dilakukan analisis bifariat terhadap kejadian SCJR, variabel dengan nilai p < 0.25 di masukkan dalam analisa multivariat. Nilai p< 0.05 dianggap bermakna.
Usia yang lebih muda, saturasi dan hematokrit yang lebih tinggi ditemukan pada kelompok subyek memenuhi kriteria gelombang S di V6. Kemudian, usia yag lebih muda, saturasi yang tinggi, kriteria gelombang R di aVR, kriteria gelombang S di I dan kriteria gelombang S di V6 berhubungan dengan kejadian SCJR. Analisis multivariat kriteria gelombang S di V6 berhubungan dengan kejadian SCJR dengan OR 3.2, interval kepercayaan 95% 1.2 - 8.5 dan nilai p=0.02
Kriteria EKG gelombang S di sadapan V6 untuk diagnosis HVKa berhubungan dengan kejadian SCJR pasca total koreksi pasien TF.

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn?t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients? OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS;Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients’ OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS;Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients’ OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS;Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients’ OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS, Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is an adaptive response due to pressure overload and hypoxia in right ventricle (RV); it can be manifested as tall R wave in right precordial leads. This is due to changing direction of cardiac-vector to right In severe RVH, the cardiac vector rotated to right posterior causing deep S wave in V6. Uncorrected TF will expossed to prolong pressure overload and hypoxia, it can caused changes in cardiomyocite that can leads to RV dysfunction, low cardiac output syndrom (LCOS), and arrhythmias. Although the post operation survival rate was quite good, but worsening LCOS could increase mortality. In present time, the association between S wave in V6 and postoperative TOF outcomes, especially LCOS, has not been explained.
This is a cross sectional study. 150 TOF patients underwent total correction in 2013 included in this study. 35 patients who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Subjects divided in 2 groups: (1) patients who meets S in V6 criteria, and (2) control subjects as baseline characteristic. Bivariate analysis was done for incidence of LCOS, the variable with P<0.25 included in multivariate analysis. The significant value was p<0.5.
Multivariate analysis showed S wave in V6 correlated with the incidence of LCOS with odds ratio 3.2, CI 95% (1.2-8.5), p=0.02.
The ECG findings S wave in V6 leads to diagnose RVH correlated with incidence of LCOS in post total correction TOF. An S wave criterion in V6 of RVH patients’ OR was 3.2 to predicts LCOS]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library