Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Tia Setiawati
"Demam merupakan masalah yang sering ditemukan pada anak. Demam menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman pada anak. Pemberian antipiretik, manajemen cairan, lingkungan eksternal dan kompres hangat (tepid sponge) merupakan penatalaksanaan demam yang direkomendasikan saat ini. Studi literatur tentang pemberian antipiretik disertai tepid sponge menunjukkan bahwa tindakan ini efektif menurunkan demam dibandingkan jika pemberian antipiretik saja. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian antipiretik disertai tepid sponge terhadap penurunan suhu tubuh dan kenyamanan anak di ruang perawatan anak RS Muhammadiyah Bandung. Desain yang digunakan adalah quasi experimental pre-post test non equivalen control group. Jumlah sampel 50 responden dengan karakteristik umur rata-rata usia sekolah sebanyak 64%, 86% anak didampingi oleh orang tua, 58% anak dirawat di ruangan dengan alat pendingin ruangan. Suhu air hangat berkisar 30o-35oC. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan melihat penurunan suhu tubuh dan tingkat kenyamanan sebelum intervensi dan 60 menit setelah intervensi.
Kesimpulan didapatkan tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna dalam penurunan suhu tubuh antara kelompok intervensi dengan kelompok kontrol (p=0.21), serta tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna dalam tingkat rasa nyaman antara kelompok intervensi dengan kelompok kontrol (p=0.21) setelah 60 menit intervensi. Akan tetapi, ada kecenderungan bahwa pemberian antipiretik yang disertai tepid sponge mengalami penurunan suhu yang lebih besar dan peningkatan rasa nyaman yang lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan pemberian antipiretik saja. Implikasi keperawatan yang dapat direkomendasikan adalah pemberian antipiretik disertai tepid sponge dapat dijadikan intervensi untuk menurunkan demam dan meningkatkan rasa nyaman pada anak terutama pada anak usia sekolah. Implikasi penelitian diharapkan adanya penelitian lebih lanjut tentang pelaksanaan tepid sponge dengan jumlah sampel yang besar, pembatasan umur, dan variabel-variabel perancu lain seperti lingkungan eksternal guna mendapatkan bukti ilmiah dengan tepat terkait dengan perawatan yang atraumatic care pada anak yang menderita demam.
Fever is a common problem in children. Fever cause discomfort for children and anxiety for their parents. Administering antipyretic agents, maintenance of hydration, external environment, applying warm swap (tepid sponge) are recommended treatments to reduce fever recently. Literatures reported that applying tepid sponge plus antipyretic more effective than administering antipyretic only. This study was conducted to find the effect of tepid sponge plus antipyretic administering to reduce body temperature and children comfort at pediatric ward RS Muhammadiyah Bandung. Quasi experimental study with pre-post test non equivalent control groups design was selected. Samples were 50 children with characteristics: school age in average (64%) and pre-school (36%). Most of them (84%) closely attended by their parents and 16 % others. About 42 % cared in air conditioned room and other (58%) not. Measurement was taken by looking at body temperature reducing and level of comfort before treatment, 10 minutes after applying tepid sponge end (first measurement) and the second measurement was taken 30 minutes after first one. There was significant reducing body temperature and level of comfort before and after treatment (p=0,000, α=0,05). As conclusion, there were no significantly different between intervention and control groups (p=0,05, α=0,05). However, tepid sponge and antipyretic are more effective than administering antipyretic only. Implication to nursing practice is that tepid sponge plus antipyretic can be recommended treatment to reduce body temperature and increase level of comfort mainly for school age children. Next research was suggested to increase sample size, strict on age, confounding variable as external environment to get stronger evident in associated with a traumatic care for children suffering fever."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Tuti Hartati
ABSTRAK Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan penyakit demam akut tanpa sebab yang jelas disertai bintik-bintik merah pada kulit. Karya ilmiah ini membahas asuhan keperawatan yang diberikan pada anak dengan kasus demam berdarah dengue di Teratai 3 Selatan RSUP Fatmawati. Karya ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan asuhan keperawatan anak dengan DBD. Salah satu masalah keperawatan yang terjadi adalah hipertermia. Tindakan keperawatan terkait hipertermia meliputi monitor suhu, peningkatan asupan cairan, penggunaan pakaian yang tipis dan menyerap keringat, tepid sponge dan kolaborasi pemberian antipiretik. Asuhan keperawatan yang diberikan berupa tepid sponge dan pemberian antipiretik untuk membantu menurunkan demam pada anak. Hasil yang didapat anak mengalami penurunan suhu tubuh sebesar rata-rata 1,1ºC setelah 30 menit pemberian tepid sponge yang disertai dengan pemberian antipiretik. Tepid sponge dapat menambah keterampilan perawat dalam menurunkan demam pada anak secara nonfarmakologis. Kata kunci: Demam berdarah dengue, hipertermia, tepid sponge.
ABSTRACT Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are acute febrile illness with no obvious cause red spot on the skin. This paper discussed the nursing care given to children in Fatmawati?s Hospital with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases. The purpose of paper is to describe the nursing care o the children with DHF. One problem that occurs is nursing a fever. Fever related to nursing actions include monitoring the temperature, increased fluid intake, use of thin clothes and absorbs perspiration, tepid sponge and collaboration antipyretic administration. Nursing care is given in the form of tepid sponge and antipyretic administration to help reduce fever in children. Having obtained a description of intervention, children decreased body temperature after 30 minutes of administration 1,1°C of tepid sponge with combined of antipyretic administration. Tepid sponge can increase the skills of nurses in reducing fever in children.;Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are acute febrile illness with no obvious cause red spot on the skin. This paper discussed the nursing care given to children in Fatmawati?s Hospital with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases. The purpose of paper is to describe the nursing care o the children with DHF. One problem that occurs is nursing a fever. Fever related to nursing actions include monitoring the temperature, increased fluid intake, use of thin clothes and absorbs perspiration, tepid sponge and collaboration antipyretic administration. Nursing care is given in the form of tepid sponge and antipyretic administration to help reduce fever in children. Having obtained a description of intervention, children decreased body temperature after 30 minutes of administration 1,1°C of tepid sponge with combined of antipyretic administration. Tepid sponge can increase the skills of nurses in reducing fever in children.;Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are acute febrile illness with no obvious cause red spot on the skin. This paper discussed the nursing care given to children in Fatmawati?s Hospital with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases. The purpose of paper is to describe the nursing care o the children with DHF. One problem that occurs is nursing a fever. Fever related to nursing actions include monitoring the temperature, increased fluid intake, use of thin clothes and absorbs perspiration, tepid sponge and collaboration antipyretic administration. Nursing care is given in the form of tepid sponge and antipyretic administration to help reduce fever in children. Having obtained a description of intervention, children decreased body temperature after 30 minutes of administration 1,1°C of tepid sponge with combined of antipyretic administration. Tepid sponge can increase the skills of nurses in reducing fever in children.;Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are acute febrile illness with no obvious cause red spot on the skin. This paper discussed the nursing care given to children in Fatmawati?s Hospital with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases. The purpose of paper is to describe the nursing care o the children with DHF. One problem that occurs is nursing a fever. Fever related to nursing actions include monitoring the temperature, increased fluid intake, use of thin clothes and absorbs perspiration, tepid sponge and collaboration antipyretic administration. Nursing care is given in the form of tepid sponge and antipyretic administration to help reduce fever in children. Having obtained a description of intervention, children decreased body temperature after 30 minutes of administration 1,1°C of tepid sponge with combined of antipyretic administration. Tepid sponge can increase the skills of nurses in reducing fever in children."
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library