ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sikap terhadap perilaku, norma subjektif, dan perceived behavioral control terhadap intensi individu untuk mengantre dan menyela antrean. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi kuesioner Theory of Planned Behavior yang dikembangkan oleh Ajzen 2006 . Sebanyak 140 partisipan dengan kriteria ldquo;pernah mengantre rdquo; terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan teknik statistik regresi berganda, diketahui Ho ditolak. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut diketahui bahwa sikap, norma subjektif, dan perceived behavioral control secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi intensi mengantre dan intensi menyela antrean. Walaupun sikap, norma subjektif, dan perceived behavioral control mempengaruhi intensi, namun variabel sikap memberikan pengaruh yang sangat kecil pada intensi mengantre dan variabel norma subjektif yang memberikan pengaruh sangat kecil pada intensi menyela antrean.
ABSTRACTThis study aim to examine the influence of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control on intention to queueing and intention to intrusions. The measurement of all the variables is made by adapting the Theory of Planned Behavior TPB Questionnaire that was develop by Ajzen 2006 . Have 140 participants with the criteria ldquo had been queue before ldquo . Based on regression statistical technique, the result showed that the null hypothesis is rejected. Based on the results, we can conclude that attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control influence the intention to queueing and intention to intrusions. Although the attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control affect the intention, attitude toward behavior variable have a small impact the intention to queueing, and subjective norms variable have a small impact the intention to intrusions. "