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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mahatma Putra
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endang Purwaningsih
Abstrak :
Objective: Cancer is a disease that gets serious attention in the medical world. This is due to the ever increasing number of patients and there has been no effective way to treat. Cancer cells have telomerase activity is relatively high compared to normal cells, so the cancer cells have the ability to continue to proliferate. Cancer cells undergo uncontrolled mitosis and have high telomerase activity compared to cells normal. Telomerase is an enzyme responsible for telomere length, a segment of DNA that is the tip of chromosomes in eukaryotic cells. Telomeres are associated with the process of aging and carcinogenesis. The purpose of this study was to determine the expression of telomerase in some cells such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, and lung cancer. Methods: The research method is experimental studies in several cancer cell cultures in the form of cell line. Cancer cells used were: HeLa (cervical cancer), MCF7 and T47D (breast cancer), WiDr (lung cancer), and Raji (lymphoma) with culture medium RPMI, DMEM, and M199. Vero cells is used (fibroblast cells) as a control (normal cells). Expression of telomerase enzyme was measured by the Immunohystochemistry (IHC) method. Results: The results showed that the cancer cells have activity/higher telomerase expression were highly significant (p<0.01) compared to normal cells (Vero cells). Similarly, the expression of telomerase in HeLa versus WiDr, WiDr versus T47D, T47D versus Raji, and Raji versus MCF7 also showed highly significant differences (p < 0.01). Telomerase expression between cancer cells that showed significant difference (HeLa cells versus Raji cells; HeLa cells versus MCF7 cell; T47D cells versus MCF7 cells) (p < 0.05). No significant difference was found in the group of HeLa cells versus T47D, WiDr versus Raji cells, and WiDr versus MCF7. Conclusions: It was concluded, that the cancer cells have telomerase expression of specific and different from each other, depending on the type of cell. T47D breast cancer cells have telomerase expression of the highest, followed by cervical cancer cells (HeLa). Lung cancer cells (WiDr) with cell lymphoma (Raji) has almost the same expression and both have lower expression.;
[Faculty of Medicine Universitas YARSI;Universitas YARSI. Faculty of Medicine;Universitas YARSI. Faculty of Medicine;Universitas YARSI. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas YARSI. Faculty of Medicine], 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endang Purwaningsih
Abstrak :
Objective: Cancer is a disease that gets serious attention in the medical world. This is due to the ever increasing number of patients and there has been no effective way to treat. Cancer cells have telomerase activity is relatively high compared to normal cells, so the cancer cells have the ability to continue to proliferate. Cancer cells undergo uncontrolled mitosis and have high telomerase activity compared to cells normal. Telomerase is an enzyme responsible for telomere length, a segment of DNA that is the tip of chromosomes in eukaryotic cells. Telomeres are associated with the process of aging and carcinogenesis. The purpose of this study was to determine the expression of telomerase in some cells such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, and lung cancer. Methods: The research method is experimental studies in several cancer cell cultures in the form of cell line. Cancer cells used were: HeLa (cervical cancer), MCF7 and T47D (breast cancer), WiDr (lung cancer), and Raji (lymphoma) with culture medium RPMI, DMEM, and M199. Vero cells is used (fibroblast cells) as a control (normal cells). Expression of telomerase enzyme was measured by the Immunohystochemistry (IHC) method. Results: The results showed that the cancer cells have activity/higher telomerase expression were highly significant (p < 0.01) compared to normal cells (Vero cells). Similarly, the expression of telomerase in HeLa versus WiDr, WiDr versus T47D, T47D versus Raji, and Raji versus MCF7 also showed highly significant differences (p < 0.01). Telomerase expression between cancer cells that showed significant difference (HeLa cells versus Raji cells; HeLa cells versus MCF7 cell; T47D cells versus MCF7 cells) (p < 0.05). No significant difference was found in the group of HeLa cells versus T47D, WiDr versus Raji cells, and WiDr versus MCF7. Conclusions: It was concluded, that the cancer cells have telomerase expression of specific and different from each other, depending on the type of cell. T47D breast cancer cells have telomerase expression of the highest, followed by cervical cancer cells (HeLa). Lung cancer cells (WiDr) with cell lymphoma (Raji) has almost the same expression and both have lower expression.
Jakarta: Universitas YARSI. Faculty of Medicine, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Samsul Mustofa
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Penelitian mengenai manfaat kedelai dalam penyembuhan penyakit diabetes mellitus DM sudah banyak dilakukan, namun belum diketahui pengaruh ekstrak kedelai terhadap peran protein TERT sel - pankreas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan ekstrak kedelai dalam meningkatkan ekspresi TERT sel - pankreas pada tikus diabetes melitus. Metode Penelitian: Eksperimental dengan Randomized block design. Enam puluh tikus putih jantan galur Sprague-Dawley dikelompokkan secara acak menjadi 6 kelompok: 1 tikus normal, 2 tikus DM diinduksi aloksan , 3 tikus DM glibenklamid, 4 tikus DM ekstrak kedelai 1 mg/kgBB/hari, 5 tikus DM ekstrak kedelai 5 mg/kgBB/hari, 6 tikus DM ekstrak kedelai 25 mg/kgBB/hari. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan SPSS 20. Variabel yang diukur yaitu glukosa darah puasa, ekspresi TERT dan jumlah sel - pankreas. Hasil: glukosa darah puasa pada perlakuan dengan ekstrak kedelai menurun secara bermakna p < 0,05 dibandingkan dengan tikus diabetes mellitus. Ekspresi TERT pada DM 25 mg/kgBB/hari lebih tinggi secara bermakna p < 0,05 dibanding tikus diabetes, jumlah sel ? pankreas pada tikus perlakuan ekstrak kedelai lebih tinggi secara bermakna p < 0,05 dibanding tikus diabetes. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak kedelai 1, 5 dan 25 mg/kgBB/hari dapat meningkatkan ekspresi TERT sel b pankreas pada tikus diabetes mellitus yang diinduksi aloksan.
Background: Studies on the benefit of soybean as a treatment for diabetes mellitus DM have been largely performed however, the effect of soybean extracts on the role of TERT protein in pancreatic cells has not been known. The aimed of this study is to measure the capacity of soybean extracts in increasing the TERT expression of pancreatic cells in rats with diabetes mellitus. Methods: It was an experimental study with randomized block design. Sixty white male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly categorized into 6 groups 1 normal rats 2 rats with DM induced by alloxan 3 rats with DM glibenclamide 4 rats with DM 1 mg kgBW day soybean extracts 5 rats with DM 5 mg kgBW day soybean extracts 6 rats with DM 25 mg kgBW day soybean extracts. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software program version 20.0. The measured variables included fasting blood glucose level, TERT expressions and the number of pancreatic cells. Results: The fasting blood glucose level in rats treated with soybean extracts was reduced significantly p 0.05 compared to rats in diabetic control group. There was a significantly higher TERT expression in rats with DM 25 mg kgBW day soybean extracts p 0.05 compared to rats in diabetic control group moreover, the number of pancreatic cells was also significantly higher in rats treated with soybean extracts p 0.05 than the diabetic rats. Conclusion: Soybean extracts of 1, 5 and 25 mg kgBW day can increase the TERT expression of pancreatic cells in rats with diabetes mellitus induced by alloxan.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitriyadi Kusuma
Abstrak :
Angka kematian kanker serviks masih tinggi karena banyak pasien datang berobat pada tahap lanjut. Respons terapi radiasi pada pasien kanker serviks stadium lanjut bervariasi walau dengan faktor klinikopatologi yang sama seperti stadium, massa tumor, jenis histopatologi, derajat diferensiasi, invasi limfovaskular, reaksi limfosit dan nekrosis. Oleh karena itu dipikirkan faktor prognosis lain seperti faktor apoptosis-survivin, telomerase dan sitokrom c. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran survivin, telomerase, dan sitokrom c sebagai prediktor respons terapi radiasi pada kanker serviks stadium lanjut khususnya stadium IIIB.Studi ini bersifat prospektif menggunakan metode nested case control. Pengambilan data dilakukan di Poliklinik Onkologi Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSCM serta Departemen Patologi Anatomi FKUI pada bulan Januari 2016 hingga Mei 2017. Pada subjek penelitian dilakukan wawancara, pemeriksaan histopatologi dan pemeriksaan biokimia secara ELISA untuk mengetahui kadar survivin, telomerase, sitokrom c, dan MRI pra-radiasi serta pasca-radiasi. Dari 90 subjek penelitian didapatkan rerata usia pasien 50 tahun, rerata massa tumor 6,7 cm dan sebagian besar berkeratin 84,4 , berdiferensiasi baik 81,1 , reaksi limfosit negatif 75,6 dan nekrosis 74,4 . Rerata faktor apoptosis-survivin, telomerase dan sitokrom c adalah 591,2 pg/mL, 5.223,2 pg/mL dan 191,3 ng/mL. Dari analisis bivariat didapatkan variabel yang berhubungan dengan respons terapi secara independen adalah massa tumor p = 0,1 , diferensiasi p = 0,17 , kadar survivin p = 0,01 , kadar telomerase p = 0,08 dan kadar sitokrom c p = 0,47. Hasil analisis multivariat didapatkan hubungan kadar survivin dan kadar telomerase dengan respons terapi radiasi p = 0,01 dan p = 0,07 . Tidak terdapat hubungan kadar sitokrom c dengan respons terapi radiasi p = 0,64 . Dengan model cox regresi survival didapatkan hazard ratio subjek dengan kadar survivin tinggi dan kadar telomerase tinggi terhadap respons terapi radiasi negatif adalah 4,20 dan 1,97.Simpulan: kadar survivin dan telomerase tinggi berhubungan dengan respons terapi radiasi negatif. ......Cervical cancer mortality rate is still high mostly due to patients seeking for help in advanced stage of the disease. Even with the same clinicopathologic features such as stage of the diseases, size of the tumor, histopathological types, level of differentiation, lymphocyte reaction and tumor necrosis, the radiotherapy outcomes still vary from patient to patient. Therefore, we thought another predictive factors like apoptosis inducing factors i.e. survivin, telomerase and cytochrome c as a new predictor of therapeutic resp onses on patients with stage IIIB squamous cell carcinoma of cervix. This is a prospective study with nested case control method. Data collection was conducted in Oncology Polyclinic, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology RSCM and Department of Pathological Anatomy of FKUI from January 2016 to May 2017. Subjects were interviewed, conducted histopathological and biochemical examination with ELISA to determine levels of survivin, telomerase, cytochrome c, and patients undergo pre and post radiation MR imaging. There were 90 patients in this study with the mean of ages was 50 years, mean of tumor size was 6.7 cm and most subjects were keratinizing 84.4 , well differentiated 81.1 , negative lymphocyte reaction 75.6 and tumor necrosis 74.4 . The mean levels of apoptosis inducing factors survivin, telomerase and cytochrome c were 591.2 pg mL, 5,223.2 pg mL, and 191.3 ng mL. Bivariate analysis showed the independent association between tumor size, level of differentiation, levels of survivin and telomerase p 0.1, p 0.17, p 0.01, p 0.08 . Multivariate analysis showed the correlation between levels of survivin and telomerase with radiation therapeutic response p 0.01 and p 0.07 and there was no association with level of cytochrome c p 0.64 With the survival cox regression models, the hazard ratio of subjects with high levels of survivin and telomerase on the negative radiation therapy responses were 4.20 and 1.97.Conclusion there were association between high levels of survivin and telomerase on the negative radiation therapy response.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Srimukti Suhartini
Abstrak :
Pertambahan usia dengan pola hidup sedenter akan meningkatkan radikal bebas yang menyebabkan disfungsi mitokondria dan pemendekan telomer secara progresif. Penelitian terdahulu menyatakan bahwa latihan aerobik intensitas sedang sangat direkomendasikan pada lansia karena mampu memperbaiki kerusakan oksidatif sel yang akan meningkatkan kebugaran serta memperpanjang masa hidup lansia. Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji peningkatan kadar telomerase, aktivitas GPx, kadar TBARS dan VO2maks sebagai penanda perbaikan fungsi sel dan sistem kardiorespirasi akibat latihan aerobik intensitas sedang selama 12 minggu pada perempuan lansia.Penelitian community trial control group pre test post test design dengan subjek lansia perempuan sedenter. Total subjek adalah 73 37 orang kelompok perlakuan dan 36 orang kelompok kontrol dipilih secara consecutive. Kemudian diambil subsampel berpasangan untuk pemeriksaan aktivitas GPx dan kadar TBARS. Subjek melakukan latihan aerobik intensitas sedang selama 12 minggu dengan frekuensi 3 kali seminggu, intensitas latihan 50 ndash;85 denyut nadi maksimal, 30 menit per sesi latihan dan jenis latihan berjalan. Pemeriksaan kadar telomerase, kadar NOx plasma dan aktivitas GPx menggunakan metode ELISA. Kadar TBARS menggunakan metode Wills, sedangkan prediksi VO2maks menggunakan uji latih 6 menit. Data diolah menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan/uji Mann Whitney untuk melihat perbedaan rerata, uji Repeated ANOVA/Uji Friedmann untuk melihat perbedaan kemaknaan antar kelompok dan Uji Pearson/Spearman untuk melihat korelasi antar data.Kadar telomerase, prediksi VO2maks dan aktivitas GPx meningkat bermakna p < 0,05 , sedangkan kadar TBARS cenderung terjadi penurunan p < 0,05 pada minggu ke-12 latihan. Penurunan kadar NOx plasma ditemukan lebih kecil pada kelompok perlakuan dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Kadar telomerase berkorelasi positif dengan prediksi VO2maks dan aktivitas GPx serta berkorelasi negatif dengan TBARS. Pada penelitian ini perbaikan fungsi sel terjadi lebih dahulu melalui peningkatan kadar telomerase yang disertai peningkatan prediksi VO2maks terlihat pada minggu ke-6 latihan, selanjutnya terjadi perbaikan sistem sirkulasi TDS dan DN diikuti peningkatan prediksi VO2maks pada minggu ke-12 latihan menandakan bahwa latihan aerobik intensitas sedang jenis berjalan selama 12 minggu telah cukup mampu memperbaiki fungsi sel maupun sistem kardiorespirasi pada lansia. Kata Kunci: Latihan Aerobik Intensitas Sedang, NOx Plasma, Penuaan, Stres oksidatif, TBARS, Telomer, Telomerase, VO2maks.
Increasing age in elderly with a sedentary lifestyle leads to increasing free radicals. Thus it causes mitochondrial dysfunction and progressive telomere shortening. The previous study suggested that moderate-intensity aerobic exercise is highly recommended in the elderly people as it can repair cell oxidative damage. It improves the elderly people rsquo;s fitness and prolongs their life. This study aimed to assess increased telomerase levels, GPx activity, TBARS level and VO2max as a marker of the function of cell and cardiorespiratory system repair due to moderate intensity aerobic exercise for 12 weeks.This study was a community trial control group pre test post test design involved 73 volunter elderly women who are divided in two group: 37 subject experimental group and 36 subject control group. Each subject was selected based on consecutively inclusion and exclusion criteria . Then the paired subsample was taken before conducting a test on GPx activity and TBARS levels. Subjects performed the moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 12 weeks with frequency three times a week, exercise intensity 50 ndash;85 of maximum pulse rate, 30 minutes per session, and type of walking exercise. Assessment of telomerase levels, plasma NOx levels, and GPx activity used ELISA method. The TBARS levels assessment applied the Wills method and the predicted VO2max using the 6-minute walked test. The data were analyzed using an unpaired t-test or Mann Whitney test to observe the mean difference, repeated ANOVA/Friedmann test to view the significant difference among the groups, and Pearson/Spearman test to find out the data correlation.Telomerase levels, predicted VO2max, GPx activity increased significantly p < 0,05 and TBARS levels tended to decrease at week 12 of exercise. Reduced plasma NOx levels were found to be smaller in the treatment group than in the control group. Telomerase levels positively correlated with predicted VO2max and GPx activity. On the other hand, telomerase levels negatively correlated with TBARS levels. The improvement of the function of cell occurs first through increased telomerase level accompanied by an increase predicted VO2max at week 6 of exercise, subsequent improvement of circulation system SBP and HR followed by an increase predicted VO2maks at weeks 12 of exercise. Moderate intensity aerobic exercise walking has been sufficient to improve the function of cell and cardiorespiratory system in elderly.Keywords: Aging, Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, NOx Plasma, Oxidative stress, TBARS levels, Telomere, Telomerase, VO2max.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Koriokarsinoma merupakan keganasan yang sangat invasive berasal dari villi plasentra dan trofoblas. Mola invasif dan koriokarsinoma sangat reponsif terhadap kemoterapi dengan angka kesembuhan lebih dari 90 , yang memungkinkan tercapainya kesembuhan tanpa mengganggu fungsi reproduksi. Methotrexate MTX merupakan terapi yang sering digunakan pada beberapa keganasan dan merupakan protokol kemoterapi pada koriokarsinoma, namun MTX memiliki banyak efek samping. Berbagai penelitian pada setengah abad terakhir menunjukan fungsi penting nanokurkumin. Penelitian in vitro dan in vivo menujukkan perannya seperti anti inflamasi, pengeluaran sitokin, anti oksidan dan imunomodulator. Namun, sapai saat ini belum ada penelitian mengenai efek antikanker nanokurkumin pada koriokarsinoma. Penelitian eksperimental sederhana ini menggunakan uji Shapiro-Wilk, uji t sampel bebas, dan uji Anova One Way. Pada penelitianini, kami meneliti dan mebandingkan efek pemberian MTX atau kombinasi dengan nanokurkumin pada berbagai jalur sinyal. Pada penelitian ini, 4 kelompok sel BeWo diberikan kombinasi MTX dan nanokurkumin, 1 kelompok sel BeWo diberikan MTX sebagai control positif, dan 1 kelompok sel BeWo sebagai control negatif. Penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat penurunan ekspresi telomerase, ekspresi NF- B, dan indeks proliferasi BrdU yang signifikan dengan pemberian kombinasi MTX dan nanokurkumin dibandingkan dengan MTX saja ABSTRACT
Choriocarcinoma is a highly invasive malignant tumor arising from the placental villous and extravillous trophoblast. IM and CCA, which make up the majority of these tumors, are highly responsive to chemotherapy with an overall cure rate exceeding 90 , making it usually possible to achieve cure while preserving reproductive function. Methotrexate is a frequently used for the treatment of several malignancies and is part of the chemotherapy protocols used for choriocarcinoma; however, side-effect are common. Extensive research over the last half century has revealed important functions of nanocurcumin. Invitro and in vivoresearch has shown various activities, such as anti-inflammatory, cytokines release, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory. However, to date no study has been carried out to elucidate its anticancer activity of nanocurcumin in choriocarcinoma. In this study, we investigated and compared the effects of methotrexate alone or in combination with nanocurcumin on various signalling pathway. In this simple experiment stury, we used Saphiro-Wilk test, independent sample t test, and Anova One Way test to analize data. To study the potential cooperative effect of both against, 4 BeWo cell lines were treated with the combination of methotrexate and nanocurcumin, 1 BeWO cell line was treated with methotrexate alone as a positive control, and 1 BeWo cell line as a negative control. This study demonstrated significant reduction of telomerase activity, NF- B expression, and proliferation index BrdU of BeWo cell line treated with a combination of nanocurcumin and methotrexate compared with methotrexate alone. It shows that the effect of nanocurcumin and methotrexate are syngergistic suggest potential for the clinical use of methotrexate in combination with curcumin which will allow effective anticancer effect in choriocarcinoma.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library