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"This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Transport Systems Telematics, TST 2012, held in Katowice-Ustron, Poland, in October 2012. The 48 papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in this book. The research shows that the use of telematics can significantly increase the efficiency of the transport system, the road safety and the environmental protection. This book provides an overview of solutions being developed in the field of intelligent transportation systems, and includes theoretical and case studies in the countries of conference participants."
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Contents :
- Table of Contents by Author
- The International Engineering Consortium
- Consortium Affiliated Universities
- Part I. Business Realities of AIN
- Basics of AIN
- AIN Can It Deliver?
- Economic Realities of IN
- AIN Deployment: A Blue Chip Investment for BellSouth
- Value-Added Services in the Intelligent Network
- Economic Implications of New Technologies
- The Business Environment of AIN: A Service Provider's Perspective
- Challenges in Implementing Intelligent Networks
- IN Solutions on a Global Basis
- Marketing Intelligent Network Services
- Customer-Centric Intelligent Networking
- Application of AIN to Emerging Business Opportunities
- Challenges and Opportunities of AIN
- Intelligent Network Convergence
- The AIN Value Chain
- The Value Chain of the Intelligent Network
- Wholesale AIN: Concepts and Issues
- Deploying AIN in the Bell Atlantic Network
- Dimensioning Network Resources for IN Services
- Part II. Standards and Regulatory Issues
- Legislative and Regulatory Update: Trends and Insights
- Establishing an American Intelligent Network Standard
- ITU and North American IN Alignment
- From IN to TINA The Step Forward?
- Regulatory Oversight of Mediated Access
- A View of a Future Intelligent Network
- Part III. Current Technologies and Applications
- AIN Services Deployed
- IN Platforms and Software Technologies
- Building Local Number Portability in the Intelligent Network
- Taking Personal Number Service from the Lab to the Field
- Intelligent Network Speech Recognition
- Voice Services and Their Applications: Intelligent Network Technologies of Today
and Tomorrow
- Enhanced Service Alternatives to AIN
- End-User Control of IN Service Provisioning
- Software Agent Technology in Intelligent Networks and Services
- Service Specifications: A Critical Factor in the Success of IN Services
- ellSouth's Open AIN Strategy: Implementation and Issues
- Building a Reliable Intelligent Peripheral/Service Node
- ASMS: A Robust Client-Programmable Service Management System
- Part IV. Wireless and the Intelligent Network
- Wireless & Wireline Services: Bridging the Gap with AIN
- Impacts of Wireless Intelligent Network Standards on Cellular Services
- Wireless Intelligent Network: Infrastructure Before Services
- Intelligent Network for Non-Homogeneous Wireless Systems and Services
- Integration of a Service Node into an Existing Cellular Network
- The Use of IN in UMTS
- AIN/HLR Services for Wireless Resellers: The Integration of Wireline and Wireless
- An Intelligent PIN Solution for Wireless Fraud
- Using AIN and IS-41 to Provide Seamless Roaming for PCS
- Part V. Operations
- A Service Provider's Perspective
- AIM Operations
- Service Reality Collides with Service Theory
- AIN Operations: The NYNEX Experience
- IN Security Issues
- Requirements for AIN Service Reliability
- IN Interoperability and Integration: A Supplier's Perspective
- Intelligent Network Interoperability Testing and Analysis
- Appendix Reliability Issues
- Network Reliability Council (NRC) Reliability Issues - Changing Technologies
Focus Group
- Acronym Guide
- Index "
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Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 1997
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tesis ini membahas tentang adanya fenomena konvergensi di sektor telekomunikasi dan teknologi informasi yang berupa layanan Over-the-Top OTT . OTT adalah pemain yang identik sebagai pengisi pipa data milik operator. Para pemain OTT ini dianggap sebagai bahaya laten bagi para operator karena tidak mengeluarkan investasi besar, tetapi mengeruk keuntungan diatas jaringan milik operator. Data Asosiasi Penyedia Jasa Internet Indonesia APJII menyatakan hampir 90 trafik lari keluar negeri untuk mengakses data. Dari sisi konektivitas, karena harus melayani trafik keluar negeri, operator pun harus membeli bandwidth internasional seharga US 218 juta per tahun. Dari sisi pajak malah ada potensi yang tak bisa diraup dari pemain asing sekitar Rp 10 triliun hingga Rp 15 triliun. Hal ini terasa memberatkan bagi operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia dan diwaktu yang bersamaan terdapat potensi pendapatan negara yang hilang. Karenanya Pemerintah berupaya membuat regulasi untuk mengatur layanan OTT dengan menerapkan tanggungjawab yang tepat bagi penyelenggara OTT tersebut untuk menjaga industri telekomunikasi di Indonesia agar tetap kondusif karena OTT dapat disalurkan karena adanya infrastruktur penyelenggara telekomunikasi, dan diwaktu yang bersamaan dapat menciptakan iklim persaingan usaha yang baik pula bagi penyelenggaraan OTT di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa RPM OTT tersebut adalah hasil kompromi dari dua Undang-Undang yang ada yaitu UU Telekomunikasi dan UU ITE. Pengaturan yang terdapat dalam RPM tersebut sudah selaras dengan kedua Undang-Undang tersebut hanya saja belum komprehensif. Sehingga Pemerintah perlu mengambil langkah strategis lebih lanjut.

This thesis discussed the phenomenon of convergence in the telecommunications sector and information technology services such as Over the Top OTT . OTT is a player that is identical as filler of operator rsquo s data pipe. OTT players is regarded as a latent danger for operators because it doesn rsquo t emit huge investment, but achieve profit above operator rsquo s network. The Association of Indonesian Internet Service Provider APJII said nearly 90 of traffic to run out of the country, the operator must purchase international bandwidth for US 218 million per year. On the tax revenue side, instead there is potency that cannot be scooped from foreign players around Rp 10 trilion to Rp 15 trilion. It feel burdensome for telecom operators in Indonesia and the same time there is a potential state revenue loss. Government therefore working to make regulations to regulate OTT services with implementing appropriate responsibilities for the OTT organizers to maintain telecommunications industry in Indonesia in order to remain conducive for OTT channeled for their infrastructure telecommunication providers, and in the same time can create a good competition climate for the implementation of OTT in Indonesia. This study is a normative legal research using legislation approach. Result of this study is that the Draft of OTT Regulation is the result of a compromise of the two laws that exist, namely the Telecommunication Act and ITE Law. The arrangements contained in the Draft of the Regulation is already aligned with the both the Act but not yet comprehensive. So, the government needs to take a strategic step further.
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kanagasingam Yogesan, editor
"In this book, experts from around the world describe how digital teleretinal screening can be set up and optimally utilized. Technical issues are discussed, and the appropriate use of screening for different diseases and in different age groups is explained. The major part of the book draws upon the clinical experience of leading practitioners in a wide range of teleretinal applications. "
Heidelberg: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hansen, John H. L.
"Compiled from papers of the 4th Biennial Workshop on DSP (Digital Signal Processing) for In-Vehicle Systems and Safety this edited collection features world-class experts from diverse fields focusing on integrating smart in-vehicle systems with human factors to enhance safety in automobiles. Digital signal processing for in-vehicle systems and safety presents new approaches on how to reduce driver inattention and prevent road accidents. The material addresses DSP technologies in adaptive automobiles, in-vehicle dialogue systems, human machine interfaces, video and audio processing, and in-vehicle speech systems. The volume also features recent advances in smart-car technology, coverage of autonomous vehicles that drive themselves, and information on multi-sensor fusion for driver ID and robust driver monitoring."
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New York: [;Springer, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kabul Sedya Srianto
"Penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis norrnatif dengan data skunder sebagai sumber datanya. Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen produk telematika khususnya iPad, apakah Randy dan Dian yang menjual delapan buah iPad tanpa manual bahasa Indonesia yang mereka lakukan melalui kaskus dapat digolongkan sebagai pelaku usaha sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen, serta penerapan Pasa! 62 jo. Pasal 8 ayat (1) Humfj Undang-undang No.8 tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen dan Pasal 52 jo. Pasal 32 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 1999 tentang Telekomunikasi dalam kasus tersebut. Dalam kasus ini laksa menggunakan Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Republik Indonesia No. 19/M-DAGIPERJ5/2009 sebagai dasar penuntutan. Akan tetapi dalam Peraturan Menteri tersebut iPad belum terrnasuk barang yang wajib disertakan manual bahasa Indonesia. Hal ini membuat laksa seakan-akan melupakan peraturan telmis dalam melakukan penuntutan, padahal maksud mereka adalah melindungi konsumen. Manual bahasa Indonesia sendiri dapat memudahkan konswnen dalam menggunakan iPad yang barn mereka beli.

This thesis discusses how the form of legal protection of the consumers of telematics products, especially iPad, whether Randy and Dian can be classified as 'pelaku usaha' in accordance with the 1999 Consumer Protection Law (UUPK). Randy and Dian had been charged with violating the 1999 Consumer Protection Law by selling Apple iPads without Indonesian manuals. This thesis also discusses the application of artice 62 jo. Article 8 paragraph (1) subparagraph j of the 1999 Consumer Protection Law and artcle 52 jo. article 32 paragraph (1) on the 1999 Telecomunication Law in this case. Prosecutors previously demanded a five-month jail tenn for both. They used the Ministry of Trade Republic . Indonesia .. Reguation No. 191MDAG/ PERJ512009 as the basis of the prosecution. However, in reference to a 1999 Trade Minister Decree, iPad is not classified as an electronic device that must come with an Indonesian language manual. This makes the prosecutor seemed to forget the tecnical regulation."
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nina Cornelia Santoso
"Salah satu perjanjian yang dilarang karena dapat menimbulkan persaingan tidak sehat adalah tying agreement. Dikarenakan ada tying agreement yang menimbulkan dampak positif, maka tidak seluruh tying agreement otomatis melanggar hukum persaingan usaha. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai tying agreement khususnya dalam Putusan KPPU No. 07/KPPU-I/2013, dimana KPPU menyatakan Perjanjian Sewa Ruangan dan Konsesi Usaha antara PT. Angkasa Pura II dengan tenant-nya termasuk ke dalam tying agreement yang dilarang. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan jenis data sekunder berdasarkan penelusuran kepustakaan, ditunjang dengan data primer melalui wawancara. Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Perjanjian Sewa Ruangan dan Konsesi Usaha termasuk tying agreement yang dilarang dan bahwa beberapa hal dalam Putusan KPPU No. 07/KPPU-I/2013 belum sesuai dengan hukum persaingan usaha yang berlaku.

One of the agreements prohibited in Antitrust Law because it can lead to unfair competition is tying agreement. Because there are tying agreements that have positive impacts, therefore not all tying agreements will automatically violate Antitrust Law. This thesis discusses tying agreement, particularly in the Commission's Decision No. 07/KPPU-I/2013, where the Commission stated that Lease and Business Concession Agreement between PT. Angkasa Pura II with its tenants is a prohibited tying agreement. The author used the method of normative juridical research with secondary data based on literature searches, supported by primary data through interviews. Based on the analysis it was concluded that the Lease and Business Consession Agreement was a prohibited tying agreement and that some parts of the Commission's Decision No. 07/KPPU-I/2013 were not in accordance with the applicable Antitrust Law."
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Kahlil Alfarabi Suseno
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji mengenai pelindungan konsumen terhadap layanan purna jual dan garansi produk elektronika dan telematika, dengan studi kasus Putusan BPSK Nomor 009/A/BPSK-DKI/XII/2020. Dalam melindungi hak-hak konsumen pengguna produk elektronika dan telematika, penting bagi konsumen untuk mendapatkan pelindungan terhadap layanan purna jual dan garansi yang diberikan oleh pelaku usaha. Dalam hal ini, hukum pelindungan konsumen hadir untuk memberikan pelindungan hukum guna menjaga kepentingan konsumen, khususnya dalam konteks ini, para konsumen pengguna produk elektronika dan telematika. Namun, masih ada permasalahan terkait upaya perlindungan bagi konsumen pengguna produk tersebut, seperti kurangnya pengetahuan dan kesadaran konsumen akan hak-hak yang sebenarnya dimilikinya. Oleh karena itu, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran konsumen tentang hak-hak yang mereka miliki menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis-normatif dalam menganalisis data yang relevan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumen masih memiliki pengetahuan yang terbatas dan kurang sadar akan hak-hak yang sebenarnya dimilikinya. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari salah satu contoh kasus dalam Putusan BPSK Nomor 009/A/BPSK-DKI/XII/2020. Meskipun pelaku usaha telah memenuhi kewajibannya dengan baik, konsumen tetap merasa tidak puas dan mengharapkan lebih banyak. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya pengetahuan konsumen tentang jangka waktu layanan purna jual yang diberikan oleh pelaku usaha. Padahal, jangka waktu layanan purna jual telah diatur secara spesifik dalam kartu jaminan dan Permendag 26/2021. Oleh karena itu, konsumen perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman terkait hak-hak mereka sebagai konsumen terhadap layanan purna jual dan garansi produk elektronika dan telematika. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan memperhatikan aspek layanan purna jual dan garansi yang diberikan oleh pelaku usaha sebelum melakukan pembelian produk. Selain itu, konsumen juga perlu membaca dengan seksama petunjuk penggunaan dan kartu jaminan purna jual yang diberikan oleh pelaku usaha. Dengan demikian, diharapkan kepada konsumen dapat lebih memahami dan meningkatkan kesadaran akan hak-hak yang dimilikinya yang telah dilindungi oleh peraturan perundang-undangan mengenai layanan purna jual dan garansi produk elektronika dan telematika.

This study aims to examine the juridical review of consumer protection of after-sales service and warranty of electronics and telematics products, with a case study of BPSK Decision Number 009/A/BPSK-DKI/XII/2020. In protecting the rights of consumers who use electronics and telematics products, it is important for consumers to get protection against after-sales and warranty services provided by business actors. In this case, consumer protection law provides legal protection to safeguard the interests of consumers, especially in the context of consumers who use electronics and telematics products. However, there are still problems related to protection efforts for consumers who use these products, such as the lack of knowledge and awareness of consumers of the rights they actually have, and this emphasizes the importance of increasing consumer’s knowledge regarding their rights. This research uses the juridical-normative method in analyzing relevant data with results showing that consumers still have limited knowledge and are less aware of the rights they actually have reflected in BPSK Decision Number 009/A/BPSK-DKI/XII/2020. Although business actors have fulfilled their obligations properly, consumers still feel dissatisfied and expect more. This is due to consumers' lack of knowledge about the after-sales service period provided by business actors. In fact, the after-sales service period has been specifically regulated in the warranty card and Minister of Trade Regulation Number 26/2021. Therefore, consumers need to increase their knowledge and understanding of their rights as consumers regarding after-sales service and warranty of electronics and telematics products. This can be done by paying attention to the after-sales service and warranty aspects provided by businesses before purchasing products. In addition, consumers also need to read carefully the instructions for use and the after-sales guarantee card provided by the business. Thus, it is hoped that consumers can better understand and increase awareness of their rights which have been protected by laws and regulations regarding after-sales service and warranty of electronics and telematics products."
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library