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Anastasia Viandita
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Minosiklin merupakan antibiotik dengan sifat bakteriostatik yang potensial mengeliminasi bakteri patogen periodontal. Kesembuhan perawatan periodontitis kronis umumnya ditunjukkan secara klinis dan mikrobiologis. Tujuan: Menganalisis parameter klinis (penurunan kedalaman poket dan indeks perdarahan gingiva, peningkatan perlekatan klinis) dan jumlah T. forsythia sebelum dan sesudah aplikasi gel Minosiklin HCl 2%. Metode: Empat puluh dua subjek menerima aplikasi gel Minosiklin HCl 2% sebanyak empat kali, kemudian dievaluasi parameter klinis dan T. forsythia dengan Real- Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari parameter klinis dan T. forsythia antara pemeriksaan awal dan kontrol bulan ke-6 (p<0,05). Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara hubungan penurunan indeks perdarahan gingiva dengan jumlah T. forsythia (p<0,05). Kesimpulan: Aplikasi gel Minosiklin HCl 2% secara klinis dan mikrobiologis efektif dalam perawatan periodontitis kronis.
Background: Minocycline is known as one of the antibiotics with great bacteriostatic effect to eliminate periodontal pathogen. Healthier periodontal environment is usually shown with better clinical and microbiological response. Objective: To clinically and microbiologically (T. forsythia) analyze the effect of Minocycline HCl 2% for treatment of chronic periodontitis within six months. Methods: Forty-two subjects applied with Minocyline HCl 2% for four times. Clinical and microbiological examinations were evaluated on baseline, month-2, month-3, and month-6. T. forsythia was examined with Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) techniques. Result: There were significant differences between Probing Pocket Depth, Papilla Bleeding Index, Clinical Attachment Level, and amount of T. forsythia in baseline compare to six months period (p<0.05). There was an association between the amount of T. forsythia and Papilla Bleeding Index (p<0.05). Conclusion: Minocycline HCl 2% was effective clinically and microbiologically in chronic periodontitis therapy.;Background: Minocycline is known as one of the antibiotics with great bacteriostatic effect to eliminate periodontal pathogen. Healthier periodontal environment is usually shown with better clinical and microbiological response. Objective: To clinically and microbiologically (T. forsythia) analyze the effect of Minocycline HCl 2% for treatment of chronic periodontitis within six months. Methods: Forty-two subjects applied with Minocyline HCl 2% for four times. Clinical and microbiological examinations were evaluated on baseline, month-2, month-3, and month-6. T. forsythia was examined with Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) techniques. Result: There were significant differences between Probing Pocket Depth, Papilla Bleeding Index, Clinical Attachment Level, and amount of T. forsythia in baseline compare to six months period (p<0.05). There was an association between the amount of T. forsythia and Papilla Bleeding Index (p<0.05). Conclusion: Minocycline HCl 2% was effective clinically and microbiologically in chronic periodontitis therapy., Background: Minocycline is known as one of the antibiotics with great bacteriostatic effect to eliminate periodontal pathogen. Healthier periodontal environment is usually shown with better clinical and microbiological response. Objective: To clinically and microbiologically (T. forsythia) analyze the effect of Minocycline HCl 2% for treatment of chronic periodontitis within six months. Methods: Forty-two subjects applied with Minocyline HCl 2% for four times. Clinical and microbiological examinations were evaluated on baseline, month-2, month-3, and month-6. T. forsythia was examined with Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) techniques. Result: There were significant differences between Probing Pocket Depth, Papilla Bleeding Index, Clinical Attachment Level, and amount of T. forsythia in baseline compare to six months period (p<0.05). There was an association between the amount of T. forsythia and Papilla Bleeding Index (p<0.05). Conclusion: Minocycline HCl 2% was effective clinically and microbiologically in chronic periodontitis therapy.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Widodo
Abstrak :
Patogenesis terjadinya aterosklerosis pada penyakit jantung koroner telah meluas dari suatu pandangan yang semula etiologi utama karena lemak yang abnormal menjadio proses inflamasi termasuk periodontitis. Tannerella forsythia adalah bakteri negatif Gram, anaerob, berbentuk batang fusiform yang diduga berperan pada kedua penyakit tersebut. Tujuan: Menganalisis perbedaan kuantitatif T.forsythia pada plak gigi dengan status periodontal pada penderita PJK dan non PJK. Metode: 66 pasien PJK dan 40 kontrol diperiksa status periodontal dan diambil sampel plak subgingiva dan kuantitatif T.forsythia dihitung dengan menggunakan metode real time polymerase chain reaction. Hasil: Kuantitatif T.forsythia PJK tidak berbeda dengan non PJK. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara T.denticola dengan perdarahan gingival, kedalaman poket, dan kehilangan perlekatan klinis pada penderita PJK dan non PJK. Kesimpulan: Kuantitatif T.forsythia penderita PJK tidak berbeda dengan penderita non PJK. Kuantitatif T.forsythia tidak berhubungan dengan status periodontal. ......The pathogenesis of the development of atherosclerosis in subjects with coronary heart disease has evolved to the extent where abnormal fat accumulation was no longer the culprit, but rather a certain inflammatory process, including periodontitis. Tannerella forsythia is a Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria, with fusiform rod shape, that has played a role in inducing the development of both diseases. Objective : The aim of this study was to analyze the difference in quantitative measurement of Tannerella forsythia accumulated in the plaque and the periodontal status of subjects with and without coronary heart disease. Tannerella forsythia was counted by utilizing the Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Methods: Periodontal status of 66 CHD patients and 40 controls was obtained. Subgingival plaque was isolated. Tannerella forsythia level were measured using real-time PCR. Result: Tannerella forsythia level of CHD patients (-6,29 log10 CFU/ml) was significantly different from control (-19,63 log10 CFU/ml). Tannerella forsythia was not significntly associated with any periodontal status (p<0.05). Conclusion: Tannerella forsythia levels of CHD patients were higher than control. Tannerella forsythia was not associated with any periodontal status.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwijaya Shavira
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Tannerella forsythia merupakan salah satu agen etiologi utama pada penyakit periodontitis yang merupakan penyakit pada jaringan periodontal penyebab kerusakan tulang alveolar. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteri tersebut mampu menyebabkan kerusakan tulang alveolar, namun protokol eksperimennya bervariasi sehingga dibutuhkan evaluasi literatur secara sistematis untuk dapat menjelaskan mekanisme bakteri tersebut dalam menyebabkan kerusakan tulang. Tujuan: Tujuan dari tinjauan sistematis ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi secara sistematis dan terstruktur berbagai literatur ilmiah dalam bentuk artikel dengan topik relevan untuk menganalisis mekanisme kerusakan tulang alveolar oleh bakteri Tannerella forsythia pada penyakit periodontitis. Metode: Pencarian literatur secara online dilakukan dari bulan Juli sampai bulan November 2020. Penelitian dilakukan dengan berpedoman pada PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) sebagai panduan dalam penulisan tinjauan sistematis. Literatur yang memenuhi syarat dievaluasi pada empat kriteria inklusi: 1) artikel dipublikasikan dalam Bahasa Inggris, 2) artikel diterbitkan dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir, 3) artikel tersedia dalam fulltext, 4) literatur berupa research article. Hasil: Pencarian literatur mengidentifikasi sebanyak lima artikel yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan lolos pada tahap penilaian kelayakan. Artikel-artikel tersebut diterbitkan pada tahun 2011-2017. Di antara kelima artikel tersebut, terdapat tiga artikel yang membahas pengaruh faktor virulensi serta infeksi bakteri utuh Tannerella forsythia terhadap kerusakan tulang, sementara dua artikel lainnya membahas pengaruh bakteri hingga terjadinya inflamasi. Penelitian yang dilakukan menargetkan sel yang berbeda-beda, di antaranya monosit, makrofag, human gingival fibroblast (HGF), periodontal ligament cell (PDL), hingga bone marrow dendritic cell (BMDC). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui Tannerella forsythia mampu menginduksi sekresi sitokin proinflamasi pada sel, di antaranya sitokin utama dalam osteoklastogenesis seperti interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-1β, dan tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a), dan melalui penelitian secara in vivo, Tannerella forsythia mampu menyebabkan kerusakan tulang pada hewan percobaan. Kesimpulan: Setelah dilakukan analisis pada lima literatur terpilih, ditemukan bahwa bakteri Tannerella forsythia dapat memicu kerusakan tulang alveolar melalui interaksi dengan sel residen dan sel imun pada jaringan periodonsium sehingga menyebabkan respons inflamasi. Mediator inflamasi yang diproduksi oleh sel-sel tersebut kemudian dapat mendorong terjadinya kerusakan tulang dengan menginduksi ekspresi faktor receptor of nuclear factor-kappa ligand (RANKL) yang terlibat dalam difrerensiasi osteoklas sebagai sel perombak tulang. ......Background: Tannerella forsythia is one of the main etiologic agents in periodontitis, the inflammation of the periodontal tissue disease that cause alveolar bone destruction. Several studies have shown that these bacteria are capable of causing alveolar bone destruction, but the experimental protocol varies so that a systematic literature evaluation is needed to explain the mechanism of these bacteria in causing bone damage. Objective: The aim of this systematic review is to systematically evaluate and analyze the scientific literature in the form of articles with topics related to the mechanism of alveolar bone destruction by Tannerella forsythia in periodontitis. Methods: Online literature search was conducted from July to November 2020. The study was carried out based on PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) as a guide in writing a systematic review. Eligible literature is evaluated on four inclusion criteria: 1) articles published in English, 2) articles published in the past 10 years, 3) articles available in full text, 4) literature in the form of research articles. Results: The literature search identified five articles that had met the inlcusion criteria and passed the eligibility assessment stage. These articles were published in 2011-2017. Among the five articles, there are three articles that discuss the effect of virulence factors and infection of whole bacteria on bone destruction, while two other articles discuss the influence of bacteria to inflammation. The research conducted targets different cells, including monocytes, macrophages, human gingival fibroblasts (HGF), periodontal ligament cells (PDL), and bone marrow dendritic cells (BMDC). Based on the research results, it is known that Tannerella forsythia is able to induce the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in cells, including the main cytokines in osteoclastogenesis such as interleukin- 6 (IL-6), IL-1β, tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a), and through in vivo research, Tannerella forsythia is capable of causing bone destruction in experimental animals. Conclusion: After analyzing the five selected articles, it was found that the Tannerella forsythia can trigger alveolar bone destruction through its interaction with resident cells and immune cells in the periodontium tissue, causing an inflammatory response. Inflammatory mediators produced by these cells can then trigger bone damage by inducing the expression of the receptor of nuclear factor-kappa ligand (RANKL),which is involved in differentiation of osteoclasts as bone resorption cells
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mikha Sundjojo
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Periodontitis kronis adalah penyakit multifaktorial yang dipengaruhi oleh plak bakteri dan respon inflamasi tubuh dengan matriks metalloproteinase sebagai salah satu molekul inflamasi yang ditemukan meningkat pada penyakit periodontal. Skeling dan penghalusan akar (SPA) telah umum digunakan sebagai pengobatan konvensional atau non-bedah dalam terapi periodontal. Tujuan: Untuk mengevaluasi ekspresi m-RNA matriks metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), jumlah Tannerella forsythia (T. forsythia), dan parameter klinis periodontal satu bulan setelah SPA. Metode: Lima puluh gigi dengan poket 4-6 mm dari enam pasien periodontitis kronis dan satu subjek periodontal sehat disertakan dalam penelitian ini. Data penelitian cairan sulkus gingiva diambil dari poket terdalam setiap gigi dengan poket periodontal 4-6 mm untuk mengukur tingkat ekspresi m-RNA MMP-9 dan T.forsythia menggunakan quantitative real time-PCR (qPCR). Kedalaman poket, indeks perdarahan gingiva, dan kehilangan perlekatan klinis diukur pada hari pertama sebagai baseline dan pada hari ke 30. SPA dilakukan pada hari ke-1. Data dianalisis menggunakan program perangkat lunak SPSS 22.0. Hasil: Dibandingkan dengan kontrol, parameter klinis periodontal dan T.forsythia secara signifikan berkurang sementara pengurangan ekspresi m-RNA ­MMP-9 ditemukan tidak signifikan pada hari ke-30 setelah SPA. Kesimpulan: Satu bulan setelah SPA pada periodontitis kronis dengan poket 4-6 mm didapatkan penurunan jumlah T.forsythia dan parameter klinis periodontal secara signifikan dengan ekspresi m-RNA MMP-9 menurun tidak signifikan. Penelitian lebih lanjut dengan periode pengamatan lebih lama diperlukan untuk mengkonfirmasi atau menolak temuan di atas. ......Background: Chronic periodontitis is a multifactorial disease influenced by both bacterial plaque and host inflammatory response with matrix metalloproteinase as one of inflammatory molecules found elevated in periodontal disease. Scaling and root planning (SRP) has been commonly used as conventional or non-surgery treatment in periodontal therapy. Aim: To evaluate m-RNA expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), Tannerella forsythia (T. forsythia), and clinical periodontal parameter one month after SRP. Methods: Fifty tooth with pocket 4-6 mm from six CP patients and one periodontally healthy subject was recuited in this study. Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) were collected from deepest pocket of every tooth with pocket 4-6 mm, the expression level of MMP-9 m-RNA and T.forsythia was measured using quantitative real time-PCR(qPCR). Pocket depth (PD), papilla bleeding index (PBI), and clinical attachment loss (CAL) were measured on day 1 as baseline and on the 30th day. SRP were performed on day 1. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 software program. Results: By comparing to control, the periodontal clinical parameters and T.forsythia were significantly reduced after SRP while the reduction of MMP-9 m-RNA expression was found no significantly after 30th day. Conclusion: Our study show that SRP was clinically effective for CP with 4-6 mm pocket although the expression of MMP-9 m-RNA was not significantly reduced following SRP for one month period. Further studies with longer observation period are needed to confirm or reject the above finding.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library