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Hubungan pajanan media elektromagnetik sutet 500 kv terhadap hipersensitivitas di 5 desa ( Jubang, Kendawa, Kliliran, Limbangan, Tegaf Gfagah) Kabupaten Brebes , 2006 = The relationship of electromagnetic fields exposure high voltage power lines 500 kv to hypersensitivity in 5 rural communities ( Jubang, Kendawa, Kliiiran, Limbangan, Tegal Gklgah) at Sub-Province Brebes, Z006
Abstrak :
Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang pada saat sekarang ini berupaya
meningkatkan kesejnhteraan rakyat rnelalui pertumbuban indusrialisasi yang patut
didukung oleh sernua pihak. Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan dan kondisi pentingnya atas
kebutuhan tenaga listrik, Pembanguoan bidang kelistrikan dewasa ini cenderung
meningkat sejalan dengan kebutuhan energi listrik untuk berbagai pembangunan
maupun untuk kebutuhan keluarga sebsri-bsri. Salah satu sarana yang dibangun antara
lain Jaringan Saluran Udara T egangan Ekstra Tinggi (SUTET) 500 kV.
Banyaknya keluban dan masyarakel yang berada dan tinggal disekitar jaringan
Saluran Udara Tegangan Ekstra Tinggi (SUTET) yang kemungkinan adanya dampak
radiasi medan elektromagnet dan jalur SUTET pada populasi masyarakat di lima desa
(Jubang, Kendawa. Klikiran, Limbangan dan Tega/ Glagah) pada K
Indonesia as developing countries at this present moment copes increasing
prosperity of public through growth of industrialization properly supported by all
party/sides. In line with growth and condition of the importance of to requirement of
electric power, Development of electricity area these days tends to increase in line with
requirement of electric energy for various development and also for requirement of
everyday family. One of the infrastructures up is network< high voltage power lines 500
A lot of it complaint from residing public and ready to be around network high
voltage power lines 500 kV which possibility that existence of radiation impact of
electromagnetic field from network high voltage power lines 500 kV at population in
five rural communities ( Jubang, Kemiawa, Kliliran, Limbangan. Tega/ Glagah) at SubProvince
Brebes. Intention/Purpose of this research is get information the Relationship
of electromagnetic fields exposure high voltage power lines 500 kV to hypersensitivity
at population in five rural communities ( Jubang, Kendawa, Kliliran. Limbangan, Tegal
Glagah) at Sub-Province Brebes.
This research uses study design cross-sectional with number of samples 397
responders at population total in five rural communities ( Jubang, Kendawa, Kliliran,
Limbangan, Tega/ Glagah) at Sub-Province Brebes.
Got average of electric field strength within doors 0,0719 kV/rn presents lower
result if it is compared to average of electric field strength is external by around house
0,9772 kV/m, mean contribution electric field strength outside around house received by
bigger responder with existence of SUTET 500 kVs if it is compared to electric field
strength within doors. Obtained more than 50"/i, responder to experience hypersensitivity
namely 276 ( 69,5%) responder out of 397 responders
From analysis presents result of significant the relation of electric field strength
received by responder with hypersensitivity with POR = 1,94 ( 95%CI: 1,19-3,17) value
p=O,O I, responder receiving strong of electric field exposure more than 5 kV/m standard
WHO through IRPAIINIRC at population of public (to 24 hours/day) to receives risk
1,94 ( 2 Multiplied) experiences hypersensitivity if it is compared to responder receiving
strong of electric field exposure is less or equal to 5 kV/m. For magnetic field is got by
the same result average of magnetic field intensity within doors powerfully outdoors
magnetic field namely 0,001021 mT, while outside around house 0,001650 mT
Old lived/residence stripper was a real big risk factor if it is seen from value
POR: 2,5 ( 95%Cl: 1,36-4,48), mean there is no other reason that living in under SUTET
to explain not safe, man living under SUTET 500 kV more than 10 years receives risk
2,5 times to experience hypersensitivity if it is compared to man who is old lived under
SUTBT 500 kV less than I 0 years, longer residence under SUTET of course longer also
exposure of responder by electromagnetic field.
The importance of improvement of health promotion effort and preventive about
risk and electromagnetic field/ SUTET impact to public. And the importance of further
elite ·with correct research methodologies. election designs study and research subject
and other aspects that can clarifY and finds answer from electromagnetic field impact
controversy till now.
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library