Berdasarkan hasil analisis univariat, cakupan IMD di NTB sebesar 78,9% dan di Sumatera Utara sebesar 34,5%. Dari hasil analisis bivariat, didapatkan bahwa IMD memiliki hubungan dengan metode persalinan (p-value 0,000 dan OR 7,4), komplikasi kehamilan (p-value 0,031 dan OR 5,7), dan skin-to-skin contact (p-value 0,000 dan OR 6,6) di Provinsi NTB. Sementara di Sumatera Utara, didapatkan bahwa IMD memiliki hubungan dengan tempat persalinan (p-value 0,032 dan OR 0,55) dan metode persalinan (p-value 0,000 dan OR 7,2). Hasil analisis multivariat, didapatkan bahwa metode persalinan menjadi faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan IMD di Provinsi NTB (p-value 0,002 dan AOR 5,6) dan Sumatera Utara (p-value 0,000 dan AOR 8,1).
.....This study discusses the factors related to the implementation of EIBF in the Provinces of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and North Sumatra which are the provinces with the highest and lowest prevalence of EIBF in the Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Analysis 2017. This study uses secondary data from the 2017 Indonesian DHS with a cross sectional research design. The number of samples used were 161 mothers in NTB and 261 mothers in North Sumatra. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with IMD in the two provinces and the dominant factors, so that they can be taken into consideration in making policies by the local government.Based on the results of univariate analysis, the prevalence of IMD in NTB was 78.9% and in North Sumatra was 34.5%. From the results of bivariate analysis, it was found that EIBF had a relationship with delivery method (p-value 0.000 and OR 7.4), pregnancy complications (p-value 0.031 and OR 5.7), and skin-to-skin contact (p-value 0.000 and OR 6.6) in NTB Province. Meanwhile in North Sumatra, it was found that EIBF had a relationship with the place of delivery (p-value 0.032 and OR 0.55) and method of delivery (p-value 0.000 and OR 7.2). The results of multivariate analysis showed that the method of delivery was the dominant factor associated with EIBF in the Provinces of NTB (p-value 0.002 and AOR 5.6) and North Sumatra (p-value 0.000 and AOR 8.1)."