Abstrak :
Pesatnya pertumbuhan di berbagai negara menyebabkan pembangunan lapangan golf tumbuh menjamur termasuk di Indonesia. Banyaknya lapangan golf yang dibangun seolah-olah tak terkendali dan telah menimbulkan banyak masalah seperti konflik dalam pemanfaatan lahan, marginalisasi penduduk setempat, dan bahaya pencemaran lingkungan, namun pembangunan lapangan golf yang baru tetap berlangsung.
Masalah penting dari pengelolaan lapangan golf adalah dampaknya pada lingkungan, karena golf adalah olah raga yang ideal di daerah beriklim sejuk. Untuk membangun lapangan golf di daerah tropis dan kering, developer harus menciptakan ekosistem buatan yang memerlukan banyak bahan kimia serta siraman air sehingga dapat mempengaruhi pengambilan lapangan golf akan mempengaruhi proses penyerapan air ke dalam tanah yang akan mempengaruhi kandungan air tanah di tempat tersebut.
Peneliti mengadakan penelitian tentang "Dampak Lapangan Golf pada Kondisi Air Permukaan", sebagai studi kasus peneliti memilih lokasi Jagorawi Golf and Country Club Kelurahan Cimpaeun, Kecamatan Cimanggis Kota Depok Propinsi Jawa Barat .
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, ada beberapa aktivitas di lapangan golf yang dapat mempengaruhi kondisi air permukaan, aktivitas tersebut adalah: proses pemadatan, proses penyiraman dan penggunaan pupuk.
Aktivitas pemeliharaan lapangan golf memberi pengaruh negatif bagi lingkungan fisik, berupa:
Berkurangnya infiltrasi air ke dalam tanah sehingga meningkatnya aliran permukaan, Terjadi penurunan kualitas air, terutama di aliran sungai, untuk parameter: amoniak, nitrit, bahan organik, dan kebutuhan oksigen biologis (BOD).
Bagi lingkungan sosial memberi pengaruh positif berupa:
1) Kesempatan Kerja dan Berusaha. Kesempatan kerja sebagai tenaga satuan pengamanan, tenaga perawatan lapangan, dan pelayan pemain (caddy) banyak mengambil dari penduduk setempat. Berdampak negatif pada golongan petani yang lahan pertaniannya tergusur sehingga hilang matapencahariannya atau harus pindah ke tempat lain.
2) Peningkatan Pendapatan, adanya lowongan pekerjaan dengan terbukanya kesempatan kerja di lapangan golf dapat menambah penghasilan penduduk setempat
Agar dapat meningkatkan upaya pemeliharaan lingkungan terutama di sekitar lapangan golf, maka disarankan:
Penentu kebijakan (policy maker) agar selalu memonitor kegiatan pengelola lapangan golf dan secara tegas menuntut mereka secara hukum apabila terdapat pelanggaran terhadap kelestarian lingkungan.
Penentu kebijakan mewajibkan pengelola lapangan golf untuk membuat unit pengolahan limbahnya.
Pengelola lapangan golf agar membuat saluran terbuka di sekeliling lapangan golf dan memiliki jumlah balong yang cukup untuk menampung air buangan dan aliran permukaan, kemudian dapat menggunakannya kembali.
Perlunya ditetapkan baku mutu untuk limbah yang dikelurkan dari kegiatan pemeliharaan lapangan golf.
Golf Course Impact on Surface Water Condition (Case Study: on Jagorawi Golf and Country Club Cimpaeun Village, Cimanggis Sub-District, Depok City, West Java)The fast growing in various countries including in Indonesia, has caused development of golf course like flourishing growth of mushroom in the rainy season. The construction of numerous golf course seems to be uncontrolled and has caused various problems like conflicts in land exploitation, marginalization of local residents, and danger of environment contamination. Development of new golf course, however, will never stop.
The crucial problem golf course management is its impact on environment, because golf is ideal sport in regions with moderately cool climate. To construct golf course in tropical and dry areas, developer should create a synthetic ecological system that needs a lot of chemicals and water, that can affect the water supply and utilization in the surrounding areas. The process of soil compacting of the golf course affects the recharge process of water into ground, which in turn affects the water replenishment on the location.
The researcher has performed a research on" Golf Course Maintenance Impact on Surface Water Condition", as a case study the researcher has chosen the location of Jagorawi Golf and Country Club at Cimpaeun Village, Cimanggis Sub-District, Depok City, West Java.
The result of the study shows, that there are activities golf course maintenance that may affect surface water conditional, namely The sprinkler process, and the use of pesticide and manure.
The activities on golf course have a negative impact to the physical environment, namely:
Hydrological condition, the impact of golf course construction from hydrological point of view is the increase of stream on the ground surface as a result of soil compaction and the decrease of rainwater infiltrating into the soil.
The water quality. The impact on the quality of water such as the Ammonia and Nitrit content, the organic matter and biological oxygen demand.
The positive impact on social environment comprising:
Employment and business Opportunity. Employment opportunity for security guards, golf course maintenance workers, and caddies which area available for the local people. The negative impact on the local farmers, whose farms have to be remove and have to remove to another location or lose their earnings.
Increase of income, opportunity of employment offered by golf course may increase the income of the local people
To improve the environmental management in surrounding areas for the sake of promoting the socioeconomic condition of the community, the following activities become a necessity.
a policy maker, who shall be responsible to monitor activity of golf course manager and shall have the authority to take measure against any infringement of the rules and regulations of environment preservation,
a golf course have Water Treatment Plant (WTP),
a golf course manager, who can make irrigation surround the golf course and have many lakes to containment the effluent water and the increase of stream,
It's Necessary that effluent water from the golf course maintenance.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library