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Abstrak :
One of the current issues in Indonesia is the scarcity of fossil fuel availability in such a way that the alternative renewable energy sources need to be explored.....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Aris Saleh
Abstrak :
Kawasan permukiman menurut RTRW Propinsi Jawa Barat adalah kawasan yang secara teknis dapat digunakan untuk permukiman yang aman dari bahaya bencana alam dan buatan manusia, sehat dan mempunyai akses untuk kesempatan berusaha. Secara ruang apabila digunakan untuk kegiatan permukiman akan memberi manfaat meningkatkan ketersediaan permukiman dan mendayagunakan prasarana dan sarana permukiman, meningkatkan perkembangan lintas sektoral dan subsektor serta kegiatan ekonomi sekitarnya, tidak mengganggu fungsi lindung, tidak mengganggu upaya pelestarian kemampuan sumber daya alam, meningkatkan pendapatan nasional dan daerah, menciptakan kesempatan kerja dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Permukiman menurut Pasal 1 (3) Undang-Undang No.4/1992, adalah bagian dari lingkungan hidup di luar kawasan lindung, baik yang berupa kawasan perkotaan maupun perdesaan yang berfungsi sebagai lingkungan tempat tinggal atau lingkungan hunian dan tempat kegiatan yang mendukung perikehidupan dan penghidupan. Pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk Kota Depok selama 12 tahun (sampai tahun 2002) meningkat hampir 5 kali lipat dengan laju pertambahan penduduk 13,6 % pertahun. Pertambahan penduduk ini memberi tekanan terhadap Kota Depok dan mengakibatkan semakin meluasnya daerah permukiman. Indikasi terjadinya ketidaksesuaian penggunaan tanah di Kota Depok dapat dilihat dari basil overlay antara permukiman eksisting dengan lokasi permukiman RTRW Kota Depok 2010 yang terdistribusi di 6 kecamatan dengan luas yang berbeda¬beda. Target objek penelitian adalah permukiman yang terbangun di kawasan non-budidaya terutama di kawasan sempadan sungai karena telah melanggar "Fungsi Lindung". Analisis spasial dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis mengenai kesesuaian tanah untuk permukiman berdasarkan aspek fisik tanah dan aspek legalitas. Untuk pembanding dan membantu hasil analisis spasial tersebut dilakukan pengambilan angket di lokasi penelitian. Klasifikasi kesesuaian tanah didasarkan kepada kelas interval terhadap total nilai yang diperoleh setiap poligon hasil overlay melalui pembobotan dan skoring, yang kemudian dikelompokkan menjadi 4 kelas yaitu, Sangat Sesuai (SI), Cukup Sesuai (S2), Sesuai Marginal (S3) dan Tidak Sesuai (N). Dari hasil analisis spasial kesesuaian tanah untuk permukiman berdasarkan aspek fisik tanah didapatkan bahwa klassifikasi kesesuaian tanah daerah yang diteliti untuk Kelas Sangat Sesuai (Si) memiliki luas 1%, Kelas Cukup Sesuai (S2) adalah 4%, Kelas Sesuai Marginal (S3) dengan luas tanah 85% dan Tidak Sesuai (N) dengan luas 10% dari luas seluruh daerah penelitian. Hasil analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar lokasi permukiman yang diteliti kurang layak dijadikan lokasi permukiman. Dari hasil analisis spasial kesesuaian tanah untuk permukiman berdasarkan aspek Legalitas berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Propinsi Jawa Barat Nomor: 8 Tahun 2005 Tentang Sempadan Sumber Air dan Peraturan Daerah Kota Depok No. 18 tahun 2003 tentang Garis Sempadan sungai didapatkan telah terjadi penyimpangan penggunaan tanah di kawasan sempadan Ci Liwung khususnya dalam lokasi penelitian terdapat permukiman seluas 108.417,62 m2. Dari hasil penilaian terhadap variabel analisis didapatkan salah satu faktor pendorong terjadinya penyimpangan penggunaan tanah tersebut adalah variabel akses, Hasil analisis SIG menunjukkan bahwa kawasan sempadan Ci Liwung mempunyai akses yang baik tehadap jalan raya (Margonda Raya). Dari hasil angket didapat jawaban tentang keamanan tempat tinggal Sangat aman 18%, Aman 44%, Cukup aman 28%, Tidak aman 10% dan Sangat tidak aman 0%. Dengan demikian mereka menganggap bahwa lokasi tempat tinggal mereka adalah aman walaupun berada di kawasan yang terlarang untuk permukiman.
Land suitability is defined as the adaptability of land for a certain purpose of use. Land suitability for settlement area is general referred to suitability related to law, security and safety of the inhabitants. For example, the utilization of a certain land use must be in line with City Spatial Planning on land utilization, easily accessible, free of flood, in stable land condition, distanced from pollution sources, and have water resources. The use of a certain land that does not in line with its purpose of use, will create generally some problems as happened in Depok in the last several years. Natural disasters such as landslide and flood at the end of the year, hit some settlement areas in Depok causing some material damages and loss of lives. The indication of unsuitability in Depok can be seen from the overlay result between the existing settlement areas and settlement locations from the City Spatial Planning of Depok 2010 distributed over 6 sub-districts with different area sizes. The targeted object of the research is the settlement areas in the non-cultured areas, especially in the buffer zone of a river, because it is against its "conservation function" as defined by the law. Spatial analysis is done with a geographic information system (GIS) on the land suitability for settlement area based on the land's physical and legal aspects. A questionnaire is also collected in the research location for the purpose of bench marking and supporting the spatial analysis. Land suitability classification is performed based on the interval class value obtained by each polygon resulted from the overlay, through weighting and scoring. Land suitability is then classified into 4 classes: Very Suitable (SI), Suitable (S2), Marginally Suitable (S3), and Not Suitable (N). The result of spatial analysis of the Iand suitability for settlement area based on the physical aspects of the land shows that only 1% of the researched area falls into the class Very Suitable (SI); 4% into the class Suitable (S2); 85% into the class Marginally Suitable (S3), and 10% falls into the class Not Suitable (N). This analysis shows that most of the areas being used for settlement, is actually moderate suitable for settlement purpose. The result of spatial analysis of the land suitability for settlement area based on the legal aspect, i.e. Local Regulation of The Province of West Java, No: 812005 on Buffer Zone of Water Resources and Local Regulation of The City of Depok No. 18/2003 on River's Buffer Line, shows an infraction of these laws because of the existing settlement areas in Ci iwung's buffer zone of 108,417,62 m2. From the result of variable analysis, it is found out that one of the factors causing this unsuitability of land use, is the accessibility. The GIS- analysis shows that Ci Liwung buffer zone is easily accessible from a big road (Margonda Raya Street). From the questionnaire, it is also found out that 18% of the people living in this buffer zone think that the place is very safe, 44% think it is safe, 28% think it is moderately safe, 10% think is unsafe, and 0% think it is very unsafe. Therefore, they consider that their area is safe although it is located in the forbidden zone for settlement.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ikhwan Maulani
Abstrak :
Berkurangnya lahan terbuka sebagai daerah resapan di DAS Ciliwung membuat pembangunan sumur resapan menjadi penting. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyusun peta kesesuaian lahan untuk pembangunan sumur resapan, melakukan simulasi beberapa desain sumur resapan untuk mendapatkan volume resapan air yang optimum di tiap lokasi, dan menyusun serta merekomendasikan lokasi, desain, dan jumlah sumur resapan tiap wilayah. Penelitian ini menggunakan data GIS untuk kompilasi dan pembobotan peta geologi teknik, jenis tanah, grup hidrologi tanah, kedalaman muka air tanah, kemiringan lereng, curah hujan rata-rata dan tata guna lahan DAS Ciliwung serta melakukan simulasi matematik. Berdasarkan hasil analisa, lahan yang paling memenuhi syarat untuk dibangun sumur resapan berada di Daerah Cisarua, sedangkan yang tidak memenuhi syarat berada di bagian paling utara dan selatan DAS Ciliwung. Menggunakan kedalaman 5 m, sumur resapan tipe rektangular dengan panjang dan lebar 2 m dapat menampung limpasan sebesar 20 m3 untuk daerah seluas 952,72 m2 di Kranji (RBKr), sedangkan tipe lingkaran dengan diameter 2 m hanya menampung 15,7 m3 limpasan untuk daerah seluas 746,76 m2. Jumlah sumur resapan individual tipe rektangular yang dibutuhkan di DAS Ciliwung adalah 1.662.291 sumur, sedangkan bila menggunakan sumur resapan komunal tipe rektangular hanya 276.335 sumur.
The decreasing an open space in in Ciliwung watershed make the development of recharge wells become an important. The purpose of this research is to develop a map of land suitability for recharge wells construction, simulating some design recharge wells to obtain the optimum volume of water absorption in each location, and develop and recommend the location, design, and the number of recharge wells each region. This study uses GIS data compilation and weighting for engineering geology maps, soil type, soil hydrology group, the depth of the ground water level, slope, average rainfall and land use Ciliwung and perform mathematical simulations. Based on the analysis, the most eligible land for recharge wells are in Cisarua Regions, while those not qualified to be in the most northern and southern Ciliwung watershed. Using a depth of 5 m, recharge wells rectangular type with a length and a width of 2 m can accommodate runoff of 20 m3 for an area of 952.72 m2 in Kranji (RBKr), while type circle with a diameter of 2 m only holds 15.7 m3 runoff for the area covering an area of 746.76 m2. The number of individual types of rectangular recharge wells needed in Ciliwung is 1.662.291 wells, whereas when using recharge wells rectangular type only 276.335 communal wells.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nandi Kurniawan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pesisir Selatan Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Memperoleh informasi sebaran dan karakteristik potensi obyek wisata alam. (2) memperoleh informasi kesesuaian wisata yang wisatawan dibutuhkan dalam standar kenyamanan dan kemanan dalam kegiatan pariwisata. Sebaran dan karakteristik obyek wisata di identifikasi melalui studi literatur dan observasi lapangan, kesesuaian wisata alam di identifikasi menggunakan parameter Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW) untuk mengukur standar kenyamanan dan keamanan dalam aktivitas pariwisata. Analisis dilakukan dengan overlay peta dan diperkuat dengan metode deskriptif untuk melihat sebaran dan karakteristiknya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa akibat kondisi morfologinya Pesisir selatan Kabupaten Sukabumi memiliki 16 obyek wisata yang memiliki karakteristiknya masing masing. Semua obyek wisata memiliki nilai kesesuaian yang sesuai sebagai obyek wisata alam. Namun dari hasil indeks kesesuaian infrastruktur wisata hanya 8 atau 50 % dari seluruh obyek wisata yang ada yang dapat dijadikan sebagai daerah tujuan wisata yang aman dan nyaman. ...... This research was conducted in the South Coast of Sukabumi District, West Java Province. The purpose of this study were (1) Obtaining information of the distribution and characteristics of the potential for natural tourism sites. (2) Obtain conformity information which was needed by tourists in comfort and safety standards in tourism activities. Distribution and characteristics of tourism sites were identified through literature studies and field observations, the suitability of nature tourism sites were identified using parameter of Travel Suitability Index (IKW) to measure the standard of comfort and security in tourism activities. The analysis was performed by overlaying maps and reinforced with descriptive method to see the distribution and characteristics. These results indicate that due to morphologic factors, South Coast of Sukabumi has 16 tourism attraction sites that have their own characteristics. All attractions have the appropriate suitability value as the natural tourism attraction sites. But from the tourist infrastructure suitability index, only 8 sites or 50% of all existing attraction sites that can be used as a tourist destination that is safe and comfortable.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sutomo Sutomo
Abstrak :
Tropical savannas and dry forests in Indonesia are important types of ecosystems which provide habitat to support various endemic wildlife. Several of these endemic species are now seriously threatened and accordingly have high conservation status according to IUCN, including the Bali starling (Leucopsar rotschildi) which is mostly now restricted to the Bali Barat National Park. Given the high extinction risk facing such species, conservation programmes are likely to require multidisciplinary approaches that address both the biological attributes of the species itself, as well as their habitat requirements. Regrettably, for many species, their habitat ecology remains inadequately understood. The objectives of this paper are to: 1) characterise the habitat of the Bali starling in terms of structure and floristic composition; and 2) document evidence of vegetation cover changes in the Bali Barat National Park. Analysis of remote sensing imagery as well as field sampling for vegetation attributes was conducted to address these objectives. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated from Landsat imageries using red and near infrared bands. Tree cover percentage data were downloaded from Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) product from the University of Maryland’s website. Results showed that forest and savanna are the dominant land cover types in the Bali Barat National Park but their distribution is somewhat dynamic with changes in vegetation cover and greenness found across the years in which increasing cover of woody plants is the general trend. In the Bali Barat National Park, the Bali starling is mostly found at or near distinct vegetation boundaries, such as the border between savanna-forest; savanna-cropland; savanna-shrubland; settlement-cropland; and forest-shrubland. Although Cekik area had planted species that has been known to be able to provide shelter and food for Bali Starling (so was Brumbun), the bird has not been observed to be presence in the area since the 1990s. These results further confirm the importance of examining habitat patterns of endemic bird within a landscape that are influenced by multiple factors that interact in space and time. Addressing data shortage in habitat patterns within endemic species distribution is important for conservation managers developing conservation management strategies. Evaluating the remaining habitat of the species is important for conservation of Bali starling and useful for the reintroduction and release program to their natural habitat.
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2021
634.6 BIO 28:2 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sentani Ayu
Abstrak :
Peningkatan timbulan sampah di Kota Depok yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan jumlah penduduk menimbulkan masalah baru yaitu TPA Cipayung yang sudah mengalami kondisi overload sehingga tidak dapat menerima sampah lagi. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan agar dapat mengurangi jumlah sampah ke TPA Cipayung yaitu dengan dibangun UPS (Unit Pengolahan Sampah) di Kota Depok. UPS di Kota Depok sudah beroperasi sejak tahun 2007 hingga sekarang dengan berbagai penambahan jumlah UPS setiap tahunnya. UPS berfokus kepada pengolahan sampah organik. Saat ini, jumlah UPS yang terbangun sebanyak 45 UPS. Namun, belum diketahui bagaimana kondisi dan kinerja UPS di Kota Depok eksisting saat ini. Maka, dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kapasitas dan pengelolaan sampah pada UPS-UPS di Kota Depok saat ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah survei, wawancara, dan observasi untuk mengambil data primer dan sekunder. Dari hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa jumlah UPS yang terbangun sampai saat ini adalah 45 UPS yang tersebar di 11 Kecamatan Kota Depok dengan Kecamatan Cipayung memiliki UPS terbangun paling banyak dan Kecamatan Cinere dan Cilodong memiliki UPS terbangun paling sedikit. Dari 45 UPS terbangun, sebanyak 31 UPS beroperasi dan 14 tidak beroperasi. Pada UPS yang beroperasi, jumlah sampah yang diolah oleh 30 UPS (1 UPS tidak terhitung) pada kurun waktu 2016-2019 sebanyak 11.831,02 ton. Persentase kapasitas UPS di Kota Depok yang terpakai rata-rata sebesar 27,58% dari kapasitas desain per tahun. Pada proses penanganan sampah di UPS Kota Depok meliputi unloading, pemilahan, pencacahan, pengomposan, pengayakan, pengemasan, dan penyimpanan, serta penanganan residu dengan kemampuan rata-rata UPS dalam mengurangi sampah pada tahun 2016-2019 yaitu 96,15% per tahun. Lalu, untuk kesesuaian pelaksaan UPS digunakan Permen PU Nomor 3 Tahun 2013 dimana sebagian besar UPS di Kota Depok sudah memenuhi rencana/kriteria pada semua aspek, kecuali aspek bangunan. Dengan mengetahui kapasitas dan proses pengelolaan pada UPS-UPS di Kota Depok, maka tingkat operasi pada UPS di Kota Depok dapat ditingkatkan. ......The increasing of waste generation in Depok City that caused by the increase in the population raises a new problem when TPA Cipayung has undergone an overload condition so that it cannot receive wastes anymore. One way to reduce the amount of wastes that goes into TPA Cipayung is with the built of UPS in Depok. UPS in Depok has been operating since 2007 until now with additional amount of it for every year. UPS operating is focused on organic waste processing. Currently, the number of UPS that has built is 45. However, it is not yet known how the UPS conditions and performances for now. Therefore, this research is being done with the aim to know how the capacity and waste management at UPS in Depok. The methods used in the study were surveys, interviews, and observations to retrieve primary and secondary data. From the results of the research, it is known that the number of UPS that are reached until now is 45 UPS which spread in 11 sub districts of Depok, Cipayung have the most number of built UPS and sub districts of Cinere and Cilodong have the least number of built UPS. From 45 UPS that has built, as many as 31 UPS are operating and 14 UPS are not operating. At the operating UPS, the amount of waste processed by 30 MRFs (1 MRFs is not included) in the period 2016-2019 is as much as 11,831.02 tons. The average percentage of used UPS capacity in Depok City is 27.58% of the design capacity per year. The process of organic wastes handling in UPS Kota Depok are including unloading, screening, shredding, composting, sieving, packaging and storage, and also handling residue with the ability of the average UPS in reducing wastes for 2016-2019 is 96.15% per year. For the suitability of the implementation of UPS, the PERMEN PU No. 3/2013 is being used for the standard which most UPS in Depok already fulfill the plans/criteria on all aspects, except the building aspects. By knowing the capacity and management process on UPS in Depok City, the level of operation on UPS in Depok City can be increased.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ilham Awaldy
Abstrak :
Kabupaten Sukabumi menjadi salah satu pemasok terbesar buah manggis di Indonesia baik impor maupun ekspor. Namun, belum maksimalnya cara penanganan dan perawatan buah manggis dengan cara yang benar masih menjadi permasalahan. Metode yang digunakan adalah mencari kesesuaian berdasarkan kriteria atau syarat tumbuh tanaman manggis berdasarkan Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian BPTP Riau, peta wilayah kesesuaian yang terlihat setelah penggabungan beberapa variabel fisik kemudian di overlay dengan menggunakan penggunaan tanah yang tidak mungkin ditanami tanaman manggis. Menghasilkan peta wilayah potensi tanaman manggis. Dari titik-titik perkebunan yang ada dilapangan, terdapat perbedaan produktivitas antara perkebunan di wilayah yang sesuai dan kurang sesuai, wilayah Kecamatan Cicantayan menjadi wilayah yang sesuai sementara Cikembar kurang sesuai. Hasil rata-rata manggis/ha di Cicantayan adalah 40ton sementara di Cikembar hanya 10ton/Ha, faktor ketinggian dan juga jumlah serta jenis pupuk menjadi pembeda dalam produktivitas buah manggis. ......Sukabumi Regency become one of the main largest supplier of mangosteen fruit in Indonesia either import or export. However, not yet maximal way of handling and care of mangosteen plants with the right way is stil a problem. The method used is to find a suitability area based on criteria and requirments for growing mangosteen based on Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian BPTP Riau, a map of the conformity region seen after the merger of several physical variables, then overlaid using land use variables that are not likely to be planted with mangosteen. produce maps of potential areas of mangosteen. From existing plantation points in the field, there is a difference in productivity between the plantations in the appropriate and less appropriate areas, Cicantayan District becomes an appropriate area while Cikembar is less suitable. The average yield of mangosteen ha in Cicantayan is 40ton while in Cikembar only 10ton Ha, altitude factors and also the number and type of fertilizer to differentiate in the productivity of the mangosteen fruit.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andini Dwi Khairunnisa Daulay
Abstrak :
Pengembangan Kawasan Mandalika yang berada di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah berkaitan erat dengan penentuan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK Mandalika) dan pengoperasian Sirkuit Internasional Mandalika. Potensi pariwisata yang menjadi ciri khas, tidak terlepas dari berbagai objek wisata pantai yang terletak di KEK dan penyangga, yakni Pantai Kuta yang berada di kawasan inti KEK dan Pantai Selong Belanak yang berada di kawasan penyangga KEK. Pengembangan kawasan dilihat melalui kemunculan kawasan bisnis yang ditandai dengan menjamurnya fasilitas secara spasial sehingga membentuk pola keruangan Kawasan Bisnis Rekreasional atau Recreational Business District (RBD) dengan tiga komponen yaitu Large Shopping Center (LSC), Commercial Pedestrian Street (CPS), dan Urban Leisure Area (ULA). Metode kuantitatif berupa Analisis Tetangga Terdekat/ Nearest Neighbour Analysis (NNA) dan analisis densitas atau kepadatan titik melalui Kernel Density Estimation (KDE), serta besar pengaruh jarak dari pusat kota dan atraksi yang diukur melalui Regresi Linier. Pantai Kuta memiliki RBD lebih signifikan dengan 605 titik fasilitas dan Pantai Selong Belanak 103 titik. Pola keruangan RBD Pantai Kuta dan Selong Belanak memiliki kategori LSC dan CPS yang cenderung memadat pada bentuk medan asal laut (wilayah pesisir) dan penggunaan lahan pertanian yang semula dimanfaatkan sebagai perkebunan. Melalui fungsi jalannya, pola keruangan RBD Pantai Kuta dengan kategori LSC dan CPS cenderung memadat secara linier di jalan kolektor, sedangkan Pantai Selong Belanak di jalan lokal. Pengaruh pengembangan Kawasan Mandalika menunjukkan nilai >75% yang berpengaruh kuat, dimana semakin dekat jarak RBD dengan pusat atraksi dan pusat kota menyebabkan jumlah fasilitas semakin banyak dan membentuk kawasan bisnis padat dan sebaliknya ......The development of the Mandalika Area in Central Lombok Regency is closely related to the determination of the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and the operation of the Mandalika International Circuit. The characteristic tourism potential is inseparable from the various beach tourism objects in the SEZ and its buffers, namely Kuta Beach, which is in the core area, and Selong Belanak Beach in the SEZ's supporting area. Regional development is seen through the emergence of business facilities spatially to form a Recreational Business District (RBD) spatial pattern. RBD consists of three components; Large Shopping Center (LSC), Commercial Pedestrian Street (CPS), and Urban Leisure Area (ULA). Quantitative methods include Nearest Neighbor Analysis (NNA) and density analysis or point density through Kernel Density Estimation (KDE), as well as the influence of distance from the city center and attractions measured by Linear Regression. Kuta Beach has a more significant RBD with 605 facility points, and Selong Belanak Beach has 103 points. The spatial pattern of the RBD of Kuta Beach and Selong Belanak has LSC and CPS categories which tend to condense in the shape of the terrain originating from the sea (coastal areas) and the use of agricultural land that was originally used as plantations. Through its road function, the spatial pattern of Kuta Beach RBD with LSC and CPS categories tends to condense linearly on collector roads, while Selong Belanak Beach is on local roads. The effect of the development of the Mandalika area shows a value of >75% means it has a strong influence, where the closer the RBD is to the center of attractions and the city center, the more facilities will form a denser business area
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Setiawan
Abstrak :
Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) is one of the important crop species in Indonesia, since over 80% of patchouli oil global market is produced in Indonesia. Pacthouli oil is the key ingredients for fragrance and aromatherapy products. Patchouli oil is extracted from the stems and leaves of pathouli plants. Therefore, it is important to improve Patchouli plant productivity and increase resources for sustainable patchouli cultivation. The suitability of abiotic factors in the growing environment of crops remarkably determines the success of crop production. This study aimed to assess and evaluate land suitability for plant growth and development of Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) in Dilem Wilis, Bendungan District, Trenggalek Regency, Indonesia. Initially, a survey was conducted and then an analysis was done to classify the land suitability for crops cultivation. The research was conducted on 3 locations from May to July 2017 for land suitability and from July to November 2017 for Patchouli crops cultivation experiment. The results indicated that Location 1 had a land suitability of N class, implying that this location was not suitable due to its limiting factor of low IGO content (0.08 me/100 g). Meanwhile, both Location 2 and Location 3 showed similar land suitability class of S3s, tc, f, n signifying as less appropriate. The results of this study also indicated the influence of land suitability classes on plant growth however, the different classification (in this case S3 compared to N) did not demonstrate a correlation between land classes and oil yield and Patchouli alcohol, where the element Potassium was the limiting factor
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2021
634.6 BIO 28:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Seno Adji
Abstrak :
Providing accurate information on suitable multispectral satellite sensors for mapping coral reefs in Indonesia is a challenge for coastal remote-sensing experts. As coral reefs vary in spatial extent, shape, length, perimeter and/ or distance to shore, the mapping of coral reefs will need different satellite sensors depending on the objectives and the kind of information required. This work compares the suitability of two kinds of multispectral satellite sensors for mapping coral reefs in Indonesia, high and moderate spatial resolution. This was done through a case study of Wakatobi Marine National Park since that represents many types of coral reef in Indonesia (fringing, barrier, atoll, and patch). Indonesian coral reef shapefile data 2010 was downloaded from UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) website, and Landsat 7 ETM + images, path/row 112/064 was used to determine the terrestrial area of Wakatobi Islands. Both high and moderate spatial resolution sensors are suitable for mapping the benthic communities and geomorphic zones on coral reefs. The former are more accurate but they are also much less cost-effective, especially over large areas.
Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2014
550 MRI 39:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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