ABSTRAKTesis berupa kritik terjemahan audiovisual ini membandingkan kesepadanan
makna kesantunan berbahasa dalam subtitle serial TV Sherlock, A Scandal in
Belgravia versi VCD dan Internet. Jenis kesantunan berbahasa yang dianalisis
terbatas pada politeness markers, play-downs dan committers. Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan ancangan sosiopragmatik dan terjemahan fungsional. Temuan
dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah (1) situasi komunikasi TSu berbeda
dengan TSa sehingga kesenjangan tidak dapat dihindari. Sementara itu, motif
komunikasi antara kedua penyusun subtitle juga berbeda. Penyusun subtitle versi
VCD didasari motif komersial sedangkan versi Internet didasari motif hobi. (2)
penyusun subtitle menggunakan berbagai strategi dan prosedur penerjemahan
untuk menghasilkan terjemahan yang sesuai dengan skopos penerjemahan,strategi
skopos yang didominasi oleh strategi komunikatif merupakan strategi yang paling
tepat digunakan dalam penerjemahan audiovisual, (3) struktur tuturan TSu
berubah dalam TSa demi menyampaikan makna kesantunan yang antara TSu dan
TSa. (4) berdasarkan perhitungan keakuratan subtitle versi Internet adalah 99,02%
dan versi internet adalah 96,91% dan persentase tuturan dengan tingkat
keterbacaan tinggi versi Internet adalah 66,70% dan versi VCD adalah 39,70%.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kualitas subtitle serial TV Sherlock, episode A
Scandal in Belgravia versi internet lebih baik daripada versi VCD.
ABSTRACTThis Thesis is a translation criticism compared audiovisual translation equivalence
within the meaning of politeness in subtitles over Sherlock TV series, A Scandal
in Belgravia both VCD and the iinternet version. The type of politeness analyzed
was limited to politeness markers, play-downs and committers. This research was
conducted by sociopragmatics and functional translation approach. The findings
of this research was (1) the difference of commucation situation ST and TT
producing the gap that could not be avoided. Meanwhile, the motives of
communication between the two subtitlers were also different. Subtitler for VCD
version based commercial motives while Internet version based on hobby. (2) The
suntitler used a variety of strategies and procedures to produce translation, scopos
strategy dominated by communicative strategy is most appropriate strategy used
in audiovisual translation, (3) the utterance?s structure changed in the TT in order
to convey the meaning of politeness from ST. (4) based on the accuracy
calculation, Internet version was 99,02% dan VCD version was 96,91%. Based on
the readibility, Internet version was 66,70% dan VCD version was 39,70%. In
Summary, the quality of subtitle internet version in serial TV Sherlock, A Scandal
in Belgravia was better than VCD version;This Thesis is a translation criticism compared audiovisual translation equivalence
within the meaning of politeness in subtitles over Sherlock TV series, A Scandal
in Belgravia both VCD and the iinternet version. The type of politeness analyzed
was limited to politeness markers, play-downs and committers. This research was
conducted by sociopragmatics and functional translation approach. The findings
of this research was (1) the difference of commucation situation ST and TT
producing the gap that could not be avoided. Meanwhile, the motives of
communication between the two subtitlers were also different. Subtitler for VCD
version based commercial motives while Internet version based on hobby. (2) The
suntitler used a variety of strategies and procedures to produce translation, scopos
strategy dominated by communicative strategy is most appropriate strategy used
in audiovisual translation, (3) the utterance?s structure changed in the TT in order
to convey the meaning of politeness from ST. (4) based on the accuracy
calculation, Internet version was 99,02% dan VCD version was 96,91%. Based on
the readibility, Internet version was 66,70% dan VCD version was 39,70%. In
Summary, the quality of subtitle internet version in serial TV Sherlock, A Scandal
in Belgravia was better than VCD version, This Thesis is a translation criticism compared audiovisual translation equivalence
within the meaning of politeness in subtitles over Sherlock TV series, A Scandal
in Belgravia both VCD and the iinternet version. The type of politeness analyzed
was limited to politeness markers, play-downs and committers. This research was
conducted by sociopragmatics and functional translation approach. The findings
of this research was (1) the difference of commucation situation ST and TT
producing the gap that could not be avoided. Meanwhile, the motives of
communication between the two subtitlers were also different. Subtitler for VCD
version based commercial motives while Internet version based on hobby. (2) The
suntitler used a variety of strategies and procedures to produce translation, scopos
strategy dominated by communicative strategy is most appropriate strategy used
in audiovisual translation, (3) the utterance’s structure changed in the TT in order
to convey the meaning of politeness from ST. (4) based on the accuracy
calculation, Internet version was 99,02% dan VCD version was 96,91%. Based on
the readibility, Internet version was 66,70% dan VCD version was 39,70%. In
Summary, the quality of subtitle internet version in serial TV Sherlock, A Scandal
in Belgravia was better than VCD version]"