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Annisa Barkah

Gunung Tangkuban Parahu yang terletak di sebelah utara Bandung, Jawa Barat mulai dieksplorasi sebagai daerah prospek geothermal sejak awal tahun 1980. Pemboran eksplorasi juga pernah dilakukan hingga kedalaman 620m dengan temperature 50-60oC. Walaupun demikian, hingga saat ini belum ada kemajuan ke tahap pengembangan. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan pemahaman sistem geotermal pada lapangan ini secara rinci dan terintegrasi.

Salah satu aspek penting dalam sistem geotermal adalah zona permeabel yang erat kaitannya dengan keberadaan struktur geologi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memetakan keberadaan struktur geologi, estimasi temperature, zona permeabel, zona prospek geotermal serta lokasi optimal untuk pemboran. Namun begitu, penelitian ini lebih menekankan pada zona permeabel.

Untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait hal tersebut, maka digunakan metodologi analisis remote sensing dan gravity. Teknik pencahayaan pada citra DEMNAS diaplikasikan pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan delapan sudut pencahayaan yang berbeda. Teknik ini mampu merepresentasikan zona high fracture, dan struktur geologi major pada skala besar. Zona high fracture yang menindikasikan zona permeable dominan terbentuk di sekitar patahan major. Penggabungan data DEMNAS dan composite band 432 dan 567 pada Landsat 8 menghasilkan deliniasi litologi pada daerah ini. Lebih lanjut, teknik turunan pada data gravity yaitu First Horizontal Derivative (FHD) dan Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) memberikan informasi strutkur geologi major seperti Sesar Lembang, Sesar Haruman, dan Sesar Ciater di permukaan menerus hingga ke bawah permukaan, adapun beberapa struktur geologi yang tidak nampak di permukaan.

Analisis struktur geologi yang diintegrasikan dengan data MT dan analisis geokimia air menghasilkan model konseptual sistem geotermal di daerah ini. Berdasarkan model konseptual yang dibuat, zona upflow berada di area manifestasi DMS dan CTR, sedangkan zona outflow berada di Utara dan Selatan gunung Tangkuban Parahu. Berdasarkan model MT, zona reservoir berada tepat di bawah puncak gunung Tangkuban Parahu diindikasikan dengan keberadaan dome. Area tersebut memiliki temperature berkisar 240-250oC pada kedalaman BOC -500m di bawah permukaan. Heat source diperkirakan berasal dari sisa intrusi magma. Area optimal untuk pengeboran dari hasil penelitian ini berada pada area sekitar manifestasi DMS dan CTR. Dengan catatan area pemboran ini mempertimbangkan area volcanic hazard (erupsi hidrotermal).

Tangkuban Parahu, located north of Bandung, West Java, has been explored as a geothermal prospect area since the early 1980s. Exploration drilling has also been carried out to a depth of 620m with a temperature of 50-60oC. However, to this day there has been no progress to the development stage. Therefore, understanding detailed and integrated geological conditions are needed.

One of the important aspects of geothermal system is the permeable zone, which is closely related to the existence of geological structures. Therefore, this research was conducted to map the existence of geological structures, temperature estimates, permeable zones, geothermal prospect zone and optimal locations for drilling. However, this study only focus on the permeable zone.

To obtain the information related to permeable zone, a remote sensing and gravity analysis methodology were used. The artificial lighting technique in DEMNAS datasets were applied in this study using eight different sun azimuth angles. This technique is able to represent fracture zones and major geological structures on a large scale. High fracture zone which indicates a permeable zone, predominantly formed around major faults. The combination of DEMNAS data and composite bands 432 and 567 on Landsat 8 have been able to delineate the lithology in this area. Furthermore, the derivative techniques in gravity data, namely First Horizontal Derivative (FHD) and Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) have provide information that some of major geological structures that appear on the surface such as Lembang fault, Haruman Fault and Ciater Fault have continuity to the subsurface, while another geological structures are not visible on the surface.

Integration of structural geological analysis with MT model and water geochemical analysis has produced in a conceptual model of the geothermal system in this area. Based on the conceptual model that has been made, the upflow zone is located in the DMS and CTR areas, while the outflow zone is located in the North and South of Tangkuban Parahu mountain. The reservoir zone is located under the Tangkuban Parahu crater, this is indicated by the presence of a dome in the MT model. The area has temperatures ranging from 240-250oC at a depth of BOC -500m below the surface. The heat source may have been formed from residual magma intrusion. The optimal area for drilling from the results of this study is around the DMS and CTR manifestations. With a note that the drilling location must consider a volcanic hazard area (hydrothermal eruption).

Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arvi Perwira
"Kesuksesan suatu lapangan geotermal sangat ditentukan dari kegiatan eksplorasi untuk menentukan model konseptual geotermal, sehingga dapat diketahui lokasi sumur pemboran yang tepat. Studi pendahuluan dan pemboran pada tahap eksplorasi di lapangan panasbumi “X” telah dilakukan oleh PT. PLN Geothermal. Sumur WE-1 dibor pada tahun 2010-2011 sampai kedalaman 932.67 m namun temperatur stabil sumur sampai saat ini belum diketahui secara pasti. Permasalahan tersebut kemungkinan dikarenakan suhu dibawah permukaan yang telah "mendingin" atau tidak ada permeabilitas, dimana permeabilitas berhubungan dengan struktur geologi. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memastikan keberadaan struktur bawah-permukaan dan zona reservoir dengan menggunakan teknologi remote sensing dan data magnetotellurik.
Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan penarikan kelurusan berdasarkan remote sensing untuk mengetahui struktur geologi permukaan, sedangkan pencitraan struktur di bawah-permukaan didapatkan melalui analisis pola splitting kurva, serta dengan melihat hasil inversi 3-dimensi magnetotellurik, daerah reservoir diketahui dari batas Base of Conductor. Hasil analisis geokimia digunakan untuk menentukan perkiraan temperatur reservoir, sehingga dapat membantu dalam pembuatan model konseptual dan deliniasi daerah prospek. Konseptual model daerah penelitian menggambarkan sumber panas berasal dari Gunung Eriwakang yang menjadi zona upflow yang dikontrol oleh sesar Banda dan Sesar Banda- Hatuasa. Direkomendasikan 1 sumur eksplorasi sebagai rekomendasi awal pemboran yang ditempatkan diantara sesar Banda dan sesar Banda-Hatuasa yang kemungkinan menjadi prospek permeabilitas.

The success of a geothermal field is determined by exploration activities, to establish the geothermal conceptual model. Therefore, the exact location of drilling wells could be provided. Preliminary survey and drilling in the exploration stage at the geothermal field “X” had been done by PT. PLN Geothermal. WE-1 well was drilled in 2010-2011 to 932.67 m of depth. Unfortunately, the stable well’s temperature has not confirmed for certain until now. The issue is likely due to the subsurface temperature has been cooled down or no permeability, the permeability most likely associated with the structural geology. Therefore, this study was conducted to confirm the presence of subsurface structures and reservoir zone using remote sensing technology and magnetotelluric data.
In this study, the lineament was drawn based on remote sensing data to determine the surface geological structure. While the image of the subsurface structure is obtained by analyzing the pattern of the splitting curve, as well as to see the results of the 3-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion, the reservoir was interpreted by the boundary of BOC (Base of Conductor). Geochemical analysis results are used to determine the approximate temperature of the reservoir, to make the conceptual model and the delineation of the prospect area. The conceptual model of the study area illustrates the heat sources comes from Mt. Eriwakang, as the upflow zone which controlled by Banda fault and Banda-Hatuasa fault. As the initial drilling, one well is recommended to be drilled which is locate between Banda fault and Banda-Hatuasa fault. It is likely to have the prospect of permeability.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elmo Widi Nugraha
Kawasan Geopark Ciletuh saat ini mulai berkembang menjadi kawasan pariwisata karena dianggap memiliki Geomorfologi amphitheater yang tergolong unik, Jenis batuan yang unik, dan memiliki beberapa jalur patahan. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui apakah pola penggunaan tanah yang ada di Geopark Ciletuh juga memiliki keunikan tersendiri. Pola penggunaan tanah yang akan dihasilkan merupakan hasil dari analisis overlay penggunaan tanah dengan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh lalu dikaji secara spasial deskriptif. Pola penggunaan tanah di sekitar Geopark Ciletuh berdasarkan struktur geologinya memiliki tiga jenis pola berdasarkan ketinggian jalur patahan. Berdasarkan litologinya terdapat pola yang cenderung menyebar dan cenderung mengelompok berdasarkan jenis litologi dan jumlah litologi di suatu wilayah.

"Ciletuh Geopark region nowdays began to develop into a tourism area because it has"
"an unique Geomorphology feature that shaped like an amphitheater , unique rock type, and has some fault lines. This study investigates whether the existing land use patterns in the Geopark Ciletuh also has its own uniqueness. Land use patterns to be generated is a result of land use that being overlay with factors that influence land use and then analyzed with spatial descriptive. Land use patterns around Geopark Ciletuh based geological structure has three types of patterns based on height of fault lines. Based litologinya there are any patterns that tend to spread out and tend to cluster on the basis of lithology and lithology in a number of"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dicki Hendrian
"[Usaha untuk mendapatkan data seismik yang baik serta interpretasi seismik dari data eksisting pada suatu lapangan yang mempunyai struktur kompleks relatif sukar untuk dilakukan. Pembuatan model ideal untuk parameter seismik dengan menggunakan Forward Modelling diharapkan mampu untuk membuat hubungan antara kompleksitas struktur dengan data seismik yang dihasilkan.
Hasil dari pembuatan Forward Modelling yang dilakukan dibandingkan dengan data real menunjukkan bahwa response seismik pada zone prospek menunjukkan trend yang sama, dimana pada zona yang mengalami struktur geologi yang kompleks, response seismik kurang bagus. Hasil pengurangan trace data real versus synthetic pada lintasan UT88-520 dan UT88-535 masih menunjukkan residu yang cukup besar, sebagai akibat dari kompleksitas struktur
geologi lapangan Tiaka. Hasil Forward Modelling dapat dijadikan sebagai pembanding dan validasi hasil seismik yang diharapkan untuk mendapatkan model seismik yang dapat menjadi acuan pada saat akuisisi seismik, agar didapatkan data seismik yang lebih baik.

The effort to get good seismic data from very complex geological structure is very difficult; such as the case for interpreting the existing data. Ideal modeling for seismic survey using Forward Modeling hopefully can explain the correlativity between geological structural complexities and the seismic result that we get. The main result of this study show us that comparison between Forward Modeling against Real Data indicate that the trend of seismic response in prospect zone/target zone almost similar, while the seismic response in fracture zone is not clear. Subtractions results between real data against synthetic in line UT88-520 and UT88-535 still give significant remain, indicate that structural geology in Tiaka Field is very complex. The Modeling result can be use as the ideal result and can be use as validation/comparable result to get the certain model and can become reference for seismic acquisition.;The effort to get good seismic data from very complex geological structure
is very difficult; such as the case for interpreting the existing data. Ideal modeling
for seismic survey using Forward Modeling hopefully can explain the
correlativity between geological structural complexities and the seismic result that
we get.
The main result of this study show us that comparison between Forward
Modeling against Real Data indicate that the trend of seismic response in prospect
zone/target zone almost similar, while the seismic response in fracture zone is not
clear. Subtractions results between real data against synthetic in line UT88-520
and UT88-535 still give significant remain, indicate that structural geology in
Tiaka Field is very complex.
The Modeling result can be use as the ideal result and can be use as
validation/comparable result to get the certain model and can become reference
for seismic acquisition.;The effort to get good seismic data from very complex geological structure
is very difficult; such as the case for interpreting the existing data. Ideal modeling
for seismic survey using Forward Modeling hopefully can explain the
correlativity between geological structural complexities and the seismic result that
we get.
The main result of this study show us that comparison between Forward
Modeling against Real Data indicate that the trend of seismic response in prospect
zone/target zone almost similar, while the seismic response in fracture zone is not
clear. Subtractions results between real data against synthetic in line UT88-520
and UT88-535 still give significant remain, indicate that structural geology in
Tiaka Field is very complex.
The Modeling result can be use as the ideal result and can be use as
validation/comparable result to get the certain model and can become reference
for seismic acquisition., The effort to get good seismic data from very complex geological structure
is very difficult; such as the case for interpreting the existing data. Ideal modeling
for seismic survey using Forward Modeling hopefully can explain the
correlativity between geological structural complexities and the seismic result that
we get.
The main result of this study show us that comparison between Forward
Modeling against Real Data indicate that the trend of seismic response in prospect
zone/target zone almost similar, while the seismic response in fracture zone is not
clear. Subtractions results between real data against synthetic in line UT88-520
and UT88-535 still give significant remain, indicate that structural geology in
Tiaka Field is very complex.
The Modeling result can be use as the ideal result and can be use as
validation/comparable result to get the certain model and can become reference
for seismic acquisition.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dicki Hendrian
"[Usaha untuk mendapatkan data seismik yang baik serta interpretasi seismik dari data eksisting pada suatu lapangan yang mempunyai struktur kompleks relatif sukar untuk dilakukan. Pembuatan model ideal untuk parameter seismik dengan menggunakan Forward Modelling diharapkan mampu untuk membuat hubungan antara kompleksitas struktur dengan data seismik yang dihasilkan.
Hasil dari pembuatan Forward Modelling yang dilakukan dibandingkan dengan data real menunjukkan bahwa response seismik pada zone prospek menunjukkan trend yang sama, dimana pada zona yang mengalami struktur geologis yang kompleks, response seismik kurang bagus. Hasil pengurangan trace data real versus synthetic pada lintasan UT88-520 dan UT88-535 masih menunjukkan residu yang cukup besar, sebagai akibat dari kompleksitas struktur
geologi lapangan Tiaka. Hasil Forward Modelling dapat dijadikan sebagai pembanding dan validasi hasil seismik yang diharapkan untuk mendapatkan model seismik yang dapat menjadi acuan pada saat akuisisi seismik, agar didapatkan data seismik yang lebih baik.

The effort to get good seismic data from very complex geological structure is very difficult; such as the case for interpreting the existing data. Ideal modeling for seismic survey using Forward Modeling hopefully can explain the correlativity between geological structural complexities and the seismic result that we get. The main result of this study show us that comparison between Forward Modeling against Real Data indicate that the trend of seismic response in prospect zone/target zone almost similar, while the seismic response in fracture zone is not clear. Subtractions results between real data against synthetic in line UT88-520 and UT88-535 still give significant remain, indicate that structural geology in Tiaka Field is very complex. The Modeling result can be use as the ideal result and can be use as validation/comparable result to get the certain model and can become reference for seismic acquisition.;The effort to get good seismic data from very complex geological structure is very difficult; such as the case for interpreting the existing data. Ideal modeling for seismic survey using Forward Modeling hopefully can explain the correlativity between geological structural complexities and the seismic result that we get. The main result of this study show us that comparison between Forward Modeling against Real Data indicate that the trend of seismic response in prospect zone/target zone almost similar, while the seismic response in fracture zone is not clear. Subtractions results between real data against synthetic in line UT88-520 and UT88-535 still give significant remain, indicate that structural geology in Tiaka Field is very complex. The Modeling result can be use as the ideal result and can be use as validation/comparable result to get the certain model and can become reference for seismic acquisition.;The effort to get good seismic data from very complex geological structure
is very difficult; such as the case for interpreting the existing data. Ideal modeling
for seismic survey using Forward Modeling hopefully can explain the
correlativity between geological structural complexities and the seismic result that
we get.
The main result of this study show us that comparison between Forward
Modeling against Real Data indicate that the trend of seismic response in prospect
zone/target zone almost similar, while the seismic response in fracture zone is not
clear. Subtractions results between real data against synthetic in line UT88-520
and UT88-535 still give significant remain, indicate that structural geology in
Tiaka Field is very complex.
The Modeling result can be use as the ideal result and can be use as
validation/comparable result to get the certain model and can become reference
for seismic acquisition., The effort to get good seismic data from very complex geological structure
is very difficult; such as the case for interpreting the existing data. Ideal modeling
for seismic survey using Forward Modeling hopefully can explain the
correlativity between geological structural complexities and the seismic result that
we get.
The main result of this study show us that comparison between Forward
Modeling against Real Data indicate that the trend of seismic response in prospect
zone/target zone almost similar, while the seismic response in fracture zone is not
clear. Subtractions results between real data against synthetic in line UT88-520
and UT88-535 still give significant remain, indicate that structural geology in
Tiaka Field is very complex.
The Modeling result can be use as the ideal result and can be use as
validation/comparable result to get the certain model and can become reference
for seismic acquisition.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amora Devi Larasati
"Ditemukannya keberadaan manifestasi panas bumi berupa sumber air panas dan fumarole di wilayah Gunung Api Seulawah Agam, serta adanya upaya pemerintah dalam mengembangkan energi alternatif, mendorong dilakukannya kegiatan penelitian guna mengetahui keberadaan dan sebaran struktur geologi di daerah tersebut. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan penggunaan metode gravitasi dengan analisis derivatif berupa First Horizontal Derivative dan Second Vertical Derivative yang berguna sebagai penguat dugaan awal terkait keadaan bawah permukaan daerah penelitian. Data gravitasi yang digunakan berasal dari data satelit GGMplus. Hasil penelitian berhasil mengidentifikasikan sebanyak 7 struktur geologi berupa patahan dengan 1 (satu) sesar yang diduga berperan dalam mengontrol keberadaan manifestasi. Hasil ini selanjutnya dapat dikorelasikan dengan kenampakan di daerah penelitian guna dilakukannya tahap penelitian lebih lanjut.

The discovery of geothermal manifestations in the form of hot springs and fumaroles in Seulawah Agam Volcano area, as well as the government's efforts to develop alternative energy, have encouraged research activities to determine the existence and distribution of geological structures in the area. This activity was carried out by utilizing the gravity method with derivative analysis in the form of First Horizontal Derivative and Second Vertical Derivative which are useful as reinforcement of initial assumptions regarding the subsurface conditions in the study area. The gravity data used comes from the GGMplus satellite data. The results of the study succeeded in identifying as many as 7 geological structures in the form of faults with 1 (one) fault which is thought to play a role in controlling the presence of manifestations. These results can then be correlated with the appearance in the study area for further research."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aiyudina Mutiaranisa
"Daerah penelitian AM merupakan salah satu daerah prospek geotermal yang berlokasi di Kabupaten OKU Selatan, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Potensi geotermal pada daerah penelitian ditandai dengan kemunculan manifestasi berupa lima mata air panas bersuhu 44,4o – 92,5oC dan pH antara 8,19 – 9,43. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur geologi bawah permukaan melalui gravitasi satelit GGMplus serta data pendukung geologi dan geokimia. Struktur pada peta geologi didominasi oleh sesar regional berarah barat laut-tenggara. Hasil analisis slicing lintasan First Horizontal Derivative (FHD) dan Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) menunjukkan adanya enam patahan pada area penelitian dan dikonfirmasi dengan data geologi. Perkiraan temperatur reservoir daerah penelitian AM berdasarkan geotermometer geokimia Na-K berkisar antara 146o - 176oC.

The research area AM is one of the geothermal prospect area located in South OKU Districts, South Sumatera. The existence of the geothermal system in the research area is indicated by the presence of five hot springs with a temperature of 44.4 – 92.5°C and a pH between 8.19 – 9.43. This study aims to be able to identify the subsurface geological structures through GGMplus satellite gravity, as well as geological and geochemical supporting data. The structures on the geological map are dominated by northwest – southeast regional fault. The results of the First Horizontal Derivative (FHD) and Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) slicing analysis indicate six faults in the research area and confirmed with geological data. The reservoir temperature in the research area AM is estimated around 146o – 176°C based on Na-K geothermometer."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karina Sekar Arum
"Erosi, sedimentasi, banjir, lahan kritis, hingga aliran sungai yang tercemar merupakan beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi di sub-DAS Citarum Tengah. Permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut dapat dianalisis dan ditanggulangi dengan cara mencari nilai kerapatan pengaliran yang kemudian dikorelasikan dengan faktor pengontrol DAS. Faktor pengontrol potensi air hidrologi antara lain struktur geologi, vegetasi, dan iklim. Jika ada perubahan dari ketiga faktor tersebut akan berpengaruh langsung terhadap DAS. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui korelasi faktor-faktor pengontrol seperti geologi, iklim, dan vegetasi terhadap pengaruh kerapatan pengaliran di sub-DAS Citarum Tengah. Hasil korelasi ketiga faktor tersebut kemudian akan didapatkan faktor pengontrol dominan yang berpengaruh di daerah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan analisis korelasi regresi linear serta perbandingan secara visual antara peta kerapatan pengaliran dan masing-masing faktor pengontrol. Berdasarkan hasil analisis korelasi regresi antara kerapatan pengaliran dengan kerapatan curah hujan, didapatkan nilai koefisien R² = 0.5929 atau sebesar 59.29% pengaruh faktor iklim terhadap kerapatan pengaliran. Korelasi ini berbanding lurus dengan trendline yang cenderung naik. Sehingga faktor pengontrol yang mendominasi pada sub-DAS Citarum Tengah adalah iklim.

Erosion, sedimentation, flooding, critical land, and polluted river flows are some of the problems faced in the Central Citarum sub-watershed. These problems can be analyzed and overcome by finding the drainage density which is then correlated with the watershed controlling factor. The factors that controlled hydrological water potential include geological structure, vegetation, and climate. If there is a change in these three factors, it will directly affect the watershed. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of controlling factors such as geology, climate, and vegetation on the influence of drainage density in the Central Citarum subwatershed. The results of the correlation of the three factors will then get the dominant controlling factor that influences the research area. The method used for this research is a linear regression correlation analysis and a visual comparison between the drainage density map and each controlling factor. Based on the results of the regression correlation analysis between drainage density and rainfall density, the coefficient value R² = 0.5929 or 59.29% is the influence of climate factors on drainage density. This correlation is directly proportional to the trendline which tends to rise. So that the controlling factor that dominates the Central Citarum sub-watershed is climate."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Rifa Saifanah
"Walaupun sudah diprediksi dapat menghasilkan sebanyak 20 MW energi listrik, Lapangan Geotermal “T” masih belum dapat mencapai target tersebut bahkan setelah dibornya lima sumur. Dengan data dari lubang bor yang sudah tersedia, dilakukan analisis keberadaan feed zone untuk mencoba memetakan lapisan permeabel serta kemenerusan struktur geologi di Lapangan Geotermal “T”. Hasilnya, lapisan permeabel terduga reservoir berada pada rentang kedalaman 800 – 1400 m, dan dipotong oleh dua sesar normal yaitu Sesar Banda dan Sesar Banda-Hatuhasa yang menerus hingga kedalaman ±1400 m Kedua sesar tersebut memiliki arah kemiringan ke tenggara – selatan, dengan besar kemiringan 50° (Sesar Banda) dan 70° (Sesar Banda-Hatuhasa).  Selain itu, data temperatur bawah-permukaan dan data geokimia Na/K menunjukkan bahwa pusat sistem panas bumi adalah G. Eriwakang. Dari hasil analisis tersebut, diperkirakan lokasi pengeboran terbaik untuk meningkatkan temperatur fluida panas bumi yang diekstraksi adalah dengan membuat sumur yang lebih dekat dengan G. Eriwakang dengan menargetkan sesar baru.

The previously predicted 20 MW electrical energy producing “T” Geothermal Field still has not reached said target even after five wells being drilled. Earlier studies showed that the center of geothermal system in the area was predicted to be below Mt. Eriwakang all along and not below Mt. Salahutu – Mt. Kadera as JICA had reported. Using temperature, pressure, and lithology datas acquired from existing wells, feed zone analysis were done in order to map permeable layers and faults’ continuities beneath the surface. The results showed that the major permeable layer is located at around 800 – 1400 m beneath the surface, being cut by two, 1400 m deep-normal faults named Banda Fault and Banda-Hatuhasa Fault. Both faults has shown south to southeast dip direction, facing the field’s heat source and upflow zone with dip value of ±50° for Banda Fault and ±70° for Banda-Hatuhasa Fault. Through subsurface temperature data and Na/K ratio analysis it is predicted that Mt. Eriwakang is the center of the geothermal system. From this analysis, it is assumed that the best location for drilling to increase extracted fluid’s temperature in the future would be near Mt. Eriwakang while targetting faults other than Banda and Banda-Hatuhasa."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan sumber daya geotermal terbesar di dunia. Meskipun demikian, masih banyak daerah berpotensi lain yang belum diteliti lebih lanjut, salah satunya adalah daerah Gunung Pancar. Selain itu, akhir-akhir ini, data gravitasi satelit GGMplus juga sering kali menjadi pilihan bagi para peneliti untuk digunakan dalam survei pendahuluan. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini, akan dilakukan komparasi antara data gravitasi satelit GGMplus dan data gravitasi lapangan dalam mengidentifikasi struktur dan keadaan bawah permukaan di daerah geotermal Gunung Pancar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan data gravitasi mana yang lebih konsisten dengan informasi geologi dan penginderaan jauh. Proses pengolahan data terdiri atas pengoreksian data gravitasi, pemisahan CBA (Complete Bouguer Anomaly), pembuatan peta FHD (First Horizontal Derivative) dan SVD (Second Vertical Derivative), analisis patahan, hingga pemodelan inversi 3D dan pemodelan ke depan 2D sebagai pelengkap. Adapun hasil komparasi menunjukkan bahwa CBA dan anomali residual yang dihasilkan oleh kedua data gravitasi sama-sama menampilkan anomali rendah tepat di tubuh gunung. Anomali rendah tersebut diduga berasosiasi dengan kehadiran sistem geotermal Gunung Pancar. Sementara itu, anomali regional dari data gravitasi lapangan menunjukkan hasil yang lebih sesuai dengan informasi geologi dibandingkan data gravitasi satelit GGMplus. Kemudian, data gravitasi lapangan juga berhasil mengidentifikasi dugaan patahan secara lebih detail (sebanyak dua belas dugaan patahan telah teridentifikasi). Selanjutnya, kedua data gravitasi menghasilkan model inversi 3D yang berkorelasi baik dengan penampang AMT (Audio-Frequency Magnetotelluric) hasil penelitian oleh Daud, et al. pada tahun 2017. Terakhir, setelah dilakukan komparasi, dilakukan integrasi dengan data pendukung untuk menghasilkan model konseptual hasil rekonstruksi yang memberikan informasi komprehensif terkait sistem geotermal di daerah penelitian.esimpulannya, data gravitasi lapangan bersifat lebih detail dan representatif dibandingkan data gravitasi satelit GGMplus dalam menggambarkan struktur dan keadaan bawah permukaan di daerah geotermal Gunung Pancar.

Indonesia is one of the countries that has the largest geothermal resources in the world. However, there are still many other potential areas that have not been thoroughly investigated, one of which is the Mount Pancar area. In addition, GGMplus satellite gravity data has recently been used many times by the researchers as part of a preliminary survey. Therefore, in this study, a comparison will be conducted between GGMplus satellite gravity data and field gravity data in identifying subsurface conditions and geological structures in the geothermal area of Mount Pancar. The aim of the comparative study is to determine which gravity data is more consistent with geological and remote sensing information. The data processing consists of gravity data correction, CBA (Complete Bouguer Anomaly) separation, making FHD (First Horizontal Derivative) and SVD (Second Vertical Derivative) maps, fault analysis, 3D inversion modeling, and 2D forward modeling as a complement. The comparison results show that the CBAs and residual anomalies of two-gravity data both depict an appearance of a low anomaly right in the mount’s body. The low anomaly is predicted to be associated with the presence of the Mount Pancar geothermal system. Meanwhile, regional anomalies from field gravity data show results that are more in line with geological information than those from GGMplus satellite gravity data. Then, field gravity data also successfully detected the possible faults in more detail (a total of twelve possible faults have been identified). Furthermore, the two-gravity data generate some 3D inversion models that have a good correlation with the AMT (Audio-Frequency Magnetotelluric) cross sections which was made by Daud, et al. in 2017. Last, after the comparison, integration with supporting data is also carried out to reconstruct a conceptual model that provides comprehensive information related to the geothermal system in the research area. In conclusion, field gravity data is more detailed and representative than GGMplus satellite gravity data in describing the subsurface conditions and geological structures in the geothermal area of Mount Pancar."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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