J. Sudarsono
Abstrak :
Sebagian besar kecelakaan kerja disebabkan oleh perilaku kerja tidak aman atau at risk behavior, Menurut studi Dupont mengatakan bahwa 96% kecelakaan kerja diakibatkan oleh perilaku kerja tidak aman. Accident ratio study mengatakan bahwa kecelakaan serius tidak terjadi begitu saja tetapi merupakan akibat dari akumulasi kecelakaan yang relatif ringan sebelumnya. Rasio tersebut adalah satu kasus kecelakaan serius diakibatkan dari akumulasi 10 minor injury, 10 minor injury diakibatkan oleh akumulasi 30 property damage accidents, 30 propety damage accidents diakibatkan oleh akumulasi 600 incidents with no visible injury or damage atau disebut juga nearmiss atau hampir celaka. Nearmiss ini merupakan perilaku tidak aman atau at risk behavior, (Frank E. Bird, Jr & George L. Germain, Practical Loss Control Leadership, First Edition, 1990:21).
Semua pekerjaan yang berpotensi menimbulkan kecelakaan kerja maupun tidak semuanya dilakukan oleh manusia. Hal yang spesifik dari manusia yang dapat menimbulkan kecelakaan kerja adalah perilakunya.
Traditonal Safety Management memang telah banyak menurunkan kecelakaan kerja namun masih meninggalkan residual accident. Residual accidents ini yang akan dikendalikan lebih lanjut melalui pendekatan behavior based safety.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan aspek Input-Proses-Output dalam penerapan behavior based safely dengan program STOP di BP Indonesia sehingga dapat diketahui kesulitan-kesulitan dalam implementasinya demi perbaikan yang berkelanjutan.
Penelitian ini adalah studi evaluasi dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data primer diperoleh dari kuesioner dan data sekunder diperoleh dari HSE Department-BP Indonesia.
Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh terutama adalah faktor kualitas dalam melakukan observasi perilaku sehingga proses perubahan perilaku belum terjadi secara optimal, hal ini diindikasikan dari banyaknya jumlah observasi yang belum disertai dengan penurunan kecelakaan kerja. Untuk itu perlu diadakan pembekalan Positive Interaction Skill kepada seluruh pekerja agar proses interaksi sewaktu melakukan observasi dapat menghasilkan proses perubahan perilaku yang hasilnya relatif permanen.
Daftar bacaan : 17 (1980 2001)
The Study of Implementation Behavior Based Safety using STOP Program at BP Indonesia Observed from the Input-Process-Output AspectsMost of the industrial accidents were caused by at risk behavior, According to the study carried out by Dupont reported that 96% of the total accidents were caused by at risk behavior.
Accident ratio study also reported that every serious or major injury was resulted from the accumulation of 10 minor injuries, while 10 minor injuries were resulted from the accumulation of 30 property damage accidents, and the 30 property damage accidents were resulted from the accumulation of 600 incidents with no visible injury or damage. The incidents with no visible injury or damage are categorized as near miss or at risk behavior. If we control the at risk behavior successfully, the major injury will not happen. (Frank E. Bird, Jr. & George L. Germain, Practical Loss Control Leadership, 1990:21).
We realize that all jobs whether it is potential to create accident or not, all are performed by human. The specific think on the human, which can create accident, is their behavior.
The Traditional Safety Management has successfully decreasing the rate of accident. However as some of the most common and severe accidents were eliminated, the results from the traditional methods began to plateau and company looked up for new ways to address the remaining accidents. This remaining accidents or residual accidents will be controlled through the behavior based safety approaches.
The intention of this study is to observe the relationship of Input-Process-Output aspects on applying the behavior based safety using STOP Program at BP Indonesia.
So the problems that arise on applying STOP Program can be identified for continual improvement.
This study is an evaluation study with qualitative approach, the primary data was obtained from the questioners and the secondary data was obtained from the HSE Department-BP Indonesia.
The result of this study is primarily on the quality of behavior observation. The study indicates that the number of observation was increasing but the number of accident was also increasing. Positive Interaction Skill training should be designed and delivered to all workforces so the process of interaction during observation could result in improved behavior modification, which is relatively permanent.
Bibliography: 17 (1980-2001)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library