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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sigit Pramono
"Palu City is an active seismic area in Indonesia due to the very active Palu-Koro fault system. The development of the city area, therefore, must consider the risks induced by the seismic activities. The risk assessment has to be supported by information on subsurface characteristics. The aim of this study is to investigate the characteristics of the subsurface of the area by considering the value of Vs30 (top 30 m shear-wave velocity). This parameter has been related to the estimation of the site’s ground shaking during the occurrence of an earthquake. The measurements taken in the deep soil sediment include the microtremor array, using the spatial auto correlations (SPAC) method, as well as the site’s dominant period measurement, using the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) method. All these parameters were local site parameters, which could be subsequently related to a description of the potential impact in an area near to the epicenter. The measurement of Vs30 was conducted in collaboration between the Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika) (BMKG) and the University of Indonesia (Universitas Indonesia) (UI); the overall surveys included Vs30 measurements at 44 sites, microtremor array surveys at 10 sites, and the dominant period measurements at 74 sites. The overall results indicated that there is a good correlation between Vs30 and the dominant period. In general, Palu City is predominantly a class-D site, but the northwest part of the Palu area is a class-C site."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:6 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sigit Pramono

Kota Palu sebagai bagian Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah secara tektonik berada dekat dengan sumber gempa aktif crustal, yaitu sesar segmen Sulawesi Tengah. Sesar tersebut terdiri dari banyak segmen, diantaranya yang sudah dikenal adalah Sesar Besar Palu-Koro memanjang dari utara ke selatan. Di ujung selatan terhubung sesar Matano dan di utara terhubung dengan subduksi Utara Sulawesi (North Sulawesi Subduction) dan Selat Makasar bagian utara. Pembangunan infrastruktur berbasis mitigasi kegempaan di Indonesia merujuk Peraturan Bangunan Tahan Gempa berdasarkan Peta Bahaya Gempabumi SNI 1726 Tahun 2019. Kota Palu dan wilayah sekitar sesar segmen Sulawesi Tengah menjadi wilayah yang perlu dilakukan penelitian dengan mempertimbangkan efek kondisi site lokal. Parameter kondisi lokal meliputi jenis situs tanah, periode dominan tanah metode Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) dan estimasi kedalaman bedrock menggunakan metoda Spatial Autocorrelation (SPAC) menjadi bagian parameter studi karakteristik ground motion di Kota Sulawesi Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan parameter gempa magnitudo gempa ML 1,5-6,5. Pengolahan data ground motion menggunakan data hasil observasi sinyal 5 sensor Jaringan Strong motion Nasional BMKG sampling 100Hz, 5 sensor  jaringan strong motion terpasang sementara sampling 100Hz dan 25 sensor Jaringan Array Velocity Broadband dengan sampling 250 Hz. Jaringan khusus array ini hasil kerjasama BMKG dengan ANU (Australian National University) yang dipasang di sekitar Kota Palu dan dekat sesar segmen Sulawesi Tengah dalam durasi 3 bulan. Tujuan dalam studi ini adalah untuk mengkaji karakteristik dan pembangunan model ground motion segmen fault Sulawesi Tengah. Karakteristik ground motion model yang dibangun dikaji dari uji model regional dan lokal dengan katalog gempa utama (independent) dan gempa gabungan foreshock,mainshock dan aftershock (dependent). Hasilnya menunjukkan karakteristik ground motion hasil dependent mempunyai nilai hasil model yang lebih rendah dibandingan independent, fitting model regional menunjukkan hasil bervariasi tingkat kecocokannya terhadap data observasi masing-masing fault yaitu dengan melihat hasil garis korelasi terhadap data observasi dan hasil residualnya. Model tersebut diuji menggunakan data observasi gempa merusak 29 Mei 2017 Mw 6,6 dan gempa merusak 2018 magnitudo 7,4. Hasilnya menunjukkan model GMPE dependent mempunyai nilai estimasi GM-PGA model yang berada pada distribusi data observasi, sedangkan hasil model independent mempunyai tingkat kecocokan berada di atas sebaran data observasi. Sedangkan pengujian GMSA median M=3-4 dan M=4-5 model dependent dan independent terhadap dari data observasi M=3-4 dan M=4-5 di luar data pembangun model, menunjukkan hasil korelasi yang cukup baik terhadap dua model tersebut. Pemahaman kondisi site lokal menjadi sangat penting dan menjadi bagian dalam perhitungan GM-PGA dan dipertimbangkan dalam penentuan nilai estimasi tingkat goncangan dalam bagian desain infrastruktur mitigasi bencana gempa bumi.     


Palu City in one major city in Indonesia which has administratively is the part of Central Sulawesi Province. It has the potential to develop the big infrastructure which has to consider mitigation aspect, due to tectonically it has located close to earthquake active source, particularly segments crustal zone of Central Sulawesi. Central Sulawesi fault has the many faults segmentation, it is called The Active Major Fault System of Central Sulawesi, as well known Palu Koro Fault System zone. It was along the north to southward close to Palu Valley. Development of infrastructure with earthquake hazard mitigation accordance to SNI 1726:2019. Local site classification parameters using the dominant period HVSR (Horizontal Vertical Spectral Ratio), estimation deep of engineering bedrock using SPAC method (Spatial Auto Correlation) as well done. The understanding of the local seismic condition and seismotectonic mechanism based on seismicity data are significantly contributing to know earlier the possibility of the amplification, which have related PGA value with the distance. In this study used 5 National Strong motion Network Station of  BMKG in Palu, 25 Array Network Broadband Velocity Temporarily Station of BMKG-ANU and 5 Regional Strong motion Network Temporarily Station along the Palu-Koro fault and short period for the mini regional network. The purpose of this research to study the characteristics of the local ground motion GM-PGA model from multi fault in Central of Sulawesi, with considered the local site effect.  All these parameters contribute to play roles within the form of the GMPE model.The characteristics of ground motion in this research using independent (mainshock)-independent (foreshock, mainshock, aftershock) regional and local earthquake catalog. The result showed characteristics of ground motion dependent has the calculated value is lower than independent, and the regional model showed the fitting variated to micro fault observed data. It can be seen using correlated regression and residuals. Moreover, when compared with two devastating earthquakes, 29th May 2017 Mw 6.6 and Palu earthquake Mw 7.4 showed that the dependent model is fitted well with distribution of observed data, while for the independent model is overestimated. Meanwhile to calibrate GMSA has used Median GMSA for M=3-4 and M=4-5 to GMSA data observed of M=3-4 and M=4-5. The results showed that the well correlated between of Median GMSA to data observed distribution. The Understanding of local seismic is very important to asses the related PGA value with the distance in GM-PGA and GMSA in GMPE. The GMPE model could be used to be considered in detail engineering design process to determine the level of potential shaking when implement development mitigation based.    

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moris Rajalabis
"Eksistensi pasar modal sebagai alternatif permodalan bagi perusahaan terus meningkat ke arah yang lebih baik. Peningkatan tersebut paralel dengan kebutuhan perkembangan usaha di Indonesia. Dengan ini para regulator di Indonesia terus meningkatkan efektivitas kegiatan di pasar modal. Salah satu rencananya adalah menyusun kajian dan peraturan terkait Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC). SPAC merupakan perusahaan berbentuk cangkang yang telah melakukan penawaran umum perdana (IPO) dengan tujuan utama yaitu melakukan penggabungan atau pengambilalihan dengan perusahaan target yang tertutup. Maka dari itu, perusahaan target dapat melakukan kegiatan di pasar modal. Metode yang dipilih adalah yuridis-normatif dengan menemukan peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia yang dapat menjadi dasar penulisan. Kemudian, metode komparatif dengan pembahasan perbandingan antara negara Amerika Serikat, Britania Raya dan Malaysia yang telah mengeluarkan pengaturan dan praktik SPAC. Penulisan ini akan memuat analisis terkait kemungkinan, potensi dan tantangan yang harus diperhatikan bagi Indonesia. Dengan ini harapannya bagi pasar modal di Indonesia untuk mengeluarkan peraturan terkait SPAC dengan mempertimbangkan efektivitas dan evaluasi dari beberapa negara dan analisa yuridis yang telah dipaparkan.

The existence of capital market as an alternative fund for companies continues to increase in a decent direction. This increase is parallel to the needs of business development in Indonesia. With this, regulators in Indonesia continue to improve the effectiveness of activities in the capital market. One of the plans is to compile studies and regulations related to the Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC). SPAC is a shell company that has conducted an initial public offering (IPO) with the main objective of merging or taking over with a target private company. Therefore, the target company can carry out activities in the capital market. The chosen method is juridical-normative by finding laws and regulations in Indonesia that can be the basis for writing. Then, a comparative method with a comparative country between the United States, United Kingdom and Malaysia which has issued the regulation and practice of SPAC. This writing will contain an analysis of the possibilities, potentials and challenges that must be considered for Indonesia. With this, it is hoped that the capital market in Indonesia will issue regulations related to SPAC taking into account effectiveness and evaluation."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library