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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sekar Ayu Chadarwati
Abstrak :
Pengobatan tuberkulosis tulang saat ini berupa konsumsi obat oral selama 6 bulan setelah operasi, dimana hal itu menjadi beban berat bagi pasien, menimbulkan efek negatif terhadap hati, dan membuat bakteri kebal terhadap obat. Sistem pelepasan lambat menjadi cara untuk meminimalkan dosis dan mengurangi dampak akibat konsumsi obat tuberkulosis, salah satunya dengan hidrogel polyvinyl alcohol PVA, polimer sintetis yang hidrofilik, biodegradable, non-toksik, dan biokompatibel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan kitosan dan konsentrasi penaut-silang sodium tripolifosfat terhadap efisiensi pemuatan obat dan profil pelepasan obat dari hidrogel PVA, serta mengetahui formulasi yang paling baik. Preparasi sampel dilakukan dengan metode casting/penguapan pelarut, dengan karakterisasi SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy, XRD X-Ray Diffraction, uji efisiensi pemuatan obat, dan uji pelepasan obat dalam larutan PBS phospate buffer solution pH 7,4. Secara keseluruhan, penambahan kitosan menurunkan efisiensi pemuatan obat dan menurunkan laju pelepasan obat. Penambahan sodium tripolifosfat meningkatkan efisiensi pemuatan obat hingga batas tertentu, memperlambat laju pelepasan obat, dan menurunkan jumlah obat yang dilepas. Sehingga untuk mendapatkan matriks dengan efisiensi pemuatan obat maksimal, formulasi tanpakitosana dalah yang terbaik, sedangkan profil pelepasan obat yang paling cocok untuk pengobatan TBC adalah formulasi dengan 40 kitosan dengan 4 sodium tripolifosfat.
Current osteoarticular tuberculosis treatment is an oral consumption of drug for 6 months after surgery, causing patient rsquo s inconvenience, liver damage, and potential drug resistent bacteria. Controlled drug release is a way for minimizing drug doses and reduce negative effect from tuberculosis drug consumption, such as polyvinyl alcohol PVA hydrogel, a hydrophilic, biodegradable, non toxic, and biocompatible synthetic polymer. This researchs aim is to find out the effect of chitosan addition and the concentration of sodium tripolyphosphate crosslinker to drug loading efficiency and drug release profile from PVA hydrogel. The method used is casting solvent evaporation method, characterized by SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy, XRD X Ray Diffraction, drug loading efficiency test, and drug release test in PBS phospate buffer solution pH of 7,4. The result of this research shows that chitosan addition will decrease drug loading efficiency. Increasing sodium tipolyphosphate concentration will increase drug loading efficiency until certain concentration, decrease the rate of drug release profile and decrease the amount of drugs being released. Therefore, to get a polymeric matrix with high drug loading efficiency, 0 chitosan formulation is the best, and for the highest drug release, formulation of 40 chitosan with 4 sodium tripolyphosphate is chosen.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raditya Iswandana
Abstrak :
Nanoparticles is one type of drug delivery system which intended to improve the bioavailability of drugs. Nanoparticles can be prepared by several methods and the ionic gelation method is the easiest one. Verapamilhydrochloride is adrugwhich used asantiarrhythmic,antiangina, and antihypertension therapy. Nevertheless, bioavailability of orally administered verapamil is very low, only about 10 to 23%. Therefore, verapamil hydrochloride was prepared as nanoparticlesdosage form to increase its bioavailability. The purpose of the present study was to optimize ionic gelation method of chitosan and sodium tripolyphosphate to obtain thebest nanoparticles formulation. Nanoparticles were obtained from four different methods. Formula A, B and C were produced by drop the sodium tripolyphosphate solution into chitosan solution at 0.75 mL/minute, while formula D were prepared by pour sodium tripolyphosphate solution into chitosan solution. Formula A and B were then strired at 400 rpm, while formula C and D at 3000 rpm. Three grams of verapamil hydrochloride was added into formula A, while formula B, C, and D were produced by adding 5 grams of verapamil hydrocloride. Particle size distribution, zeta potential, entrapment efficiency, morphology, and fourier transform infra red spectrum of each nanoparticles formula were characterized. The chosen formula was formula D which has 62.8 nm of size, 59.15% of entrapment efficiency, +25.46 mV of zeta potential, spherical shape, and the ionic interaction was confirmed by FT-IR spectrum. The results showed that chitosan-tripolyphosphate succesfully produce the verapamil hydrochloride nanoparticles by ionic gelation method.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raditya Iswandana
Abstrak :
Nanopartikel dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan beberapa metode dan metode gelasi ionik adalah yang termudah. Verapamil hidroklorida adalah obat yang digunakan sebagai antiaritmia, antiangina, dan terapi antihipertensi. Namun demikian, bioavailabilitas dari verapamil yang diberikan secara oral sangat rendah, hanya sekitar 10 hingga 23%. Oleh karena itu, verapamil hidroklorida ini dibuat sebagai sediaan nanopartikel untuk meningkatkan bioavailabilitasnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengoptimalkan metode gelasi ionik antara kitosan dan natrium tripolifosfat guna mendapatkan formulasi nanopartikel terbaik. Nanopartikel diperoleh dari empat metode yang berbeda (formula A, B, C, dan D). Distribusi ukuran partikel, potensial zeta, efisiensi penjerapan, morfologi, dan spektrum FT-IR dari nanopartikel dikarakterisasi. Formula yang dipilih adalah formula D yang memiliki ukuran 62,8 nm, efisiensi penjerapan 59,15%, potensial zeta 25,46 mV, bentuk bulat, dan memiliki spektrum FT-IR yang sesuai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kitosan-tripolifosfat dapat menghasilkan nanopartikel verapamil hidroklorida dengan menggunakan metode gelasi ionik.
Nanoparticles can be prepared by several methods and the ionic gelation method is the easiest one. Verapamil hydrochloride is a drug which used as antiarrhythmic, antiangina, and antihypertension therapy. Nevertheless, bioavailability of orally administered verapamil is very low, only about 10 to 23%. Therefore, verapamil hydrochloride was prepared as nanoparticles dosage form to increase its bioavailability. The purpose of the present study was to optimize ionic gelation method of chitosan and sodium tripolyphosphate to obtain the best nanoparticles formulation. Nanoparticles were obtained from four different methods (formula A, B, C, and D). Particle size distribution, zeta potential, entrapment efficiency, morphology, and fourier transform infra red spectrum of each nanoparticles formula were characterized. The chosen formula was formula D which has 62.8 nm of size, 59.15% of entrapment efficiency, +25.46 mV of zeta potential, spherical shape, and the ionic interaction was confirmed by FT-IR spectrum. The results showed that chitosan-tripolyphosphate succesfully produce the verapamil hydrochloride nanoparticles by ionic gelation method.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fika Astriyani
Abstrak :
Kitosan merupakan polimer alam yang bersifat kationik, sehingga kitosan dapat berinteraksi dengan gugus anionik membentuk ikatan taut silang ionik. Dalam penelitian ini, natrium tripolifosfat digunakan sebagai agen penaut silang yang berinteraksi secara ionik dengan kitosan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah preparasi kitosan-tripolifosfat yang akan digunakan sebagai eksipien dalam sediaan tablet enterik. Larutan kitosan 3% (v/v) dan natrium tripolifosfat 0,145% (b/v) direaksikan dengan perbandingan 5:1. Selanjutnya kitosan-tripolifosfat digunakan sebagai eksipien dalam sediaan tablet enterik dengan natrium diklofenak sebagai model obat. Hasil uji disolusi menunjukkan bahwa kitosantripolifosfat dengan derajat substitusi 0,587% P kurang mampu menunda pelepasan natrium diklofenak selama dua jam dalam suasana asam, namun kitosan-tripolifosfat menunjukkan kemampuan yang baik dalam melepaskan zat aktif selama 45 menit dalam suasana basa. Tablet yang mengandung kitosantripolifosfat sebanyak 25%, 37,5%, dan 50% berturut-turut melepaskan obat sebesar 64,29%, 50,40%, dan 36,97% selama dua jam dalam suasana asam, sedangkan tablet dengan kombinasi kitosan-tripolifosfat dan hidroksipropil metilselulosa ftalat (HPMCP) dengan perbandingan 20% : 5% dan 16,65% : 8,35% melepaskan obat sebesar 19,54% dan 8,9% selama dua jam dalam suasana asam. Kombinasi kitosan-tripolifosfat dengan HPMCP dapat membantu menahan pelepasan natrium diklofenak dalam medium asam sehingga memenuhi persyaratan sebagai tablet enterik.
Chitosan is a natural cationic polymer, so that it can interact with anionic site in order to form ionic crosslink reaction. In this research, sodium tripolyphosphate was used as crosslinker that interact ionically with chitosan. The aim of this research was to synthesize chitosan-tripolyphosphate which would be used as excipient in enteric tablet dosage form. Solutions of chitosan 3% (v/v) and sodium tripolyphosphate 0.145% (w/v) were mixed in ratio 5:1. Chitosantripolyphosphate was then used as excipient in enteric tablet with diclofenac sodium as drug model. Results of dissolution study showed that chitosantripoliphosphate with degree of substitution 0.587% P could not retard the release of sodium diclofenac for two hours in acid medium, but chitosan-tripolyphosphate showed good capability in release sodium diclofenac for 45 minutes in base medium. Tablet that only contains chitosan-tripolyphosphate 25%, 37.5%, 50% released the drug 64.29%, 50.40%, and 36.97% for two hours in acid medium, while tablet that contain combination of chitosan-tripolyphosphate and HPMCP with ratio 5% : 20% and 16.7% : 33.3% release the drug 19.54% and 8.9% for two hours in acid medium. Chitosan-tripolyphosphate in combination with HPMCP could help retard the released of diclofenac sodium in acid medium, so it completed the requirement as enteric tablet.
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library