Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh atribut perceived service quality melalui e-marketplace SOCO by Sociolla terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada pengguna SOCO by Sociolla di Indonesia. Seiring dengan berkembangnya harapan pelanggan dari tujuan utilitarian menjadi tujuan hedonis, model yang direkomendasikan ini menggabungkan konstruk utilitarian dan hedonik dengan mengintegrasikan Expectation Confirmation Theory dan E-Service Quality. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti ingin menyelidiki faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen dan loyalitas pelanggan di e-marketplace khusus kecantikan yaitu SOCO by Sociolla dengan menggunakan model baru yang diusulkan yaitu EMarketplace Customer Loyalty Model (ECLM). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis statistik yaitu Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa atribut perceived service quality, perceived enjoyment, dan confirmation memiliki efek positif terhadap customer satisfaction. Kemudian personalisasi dan customer satisfaction dapat memiliki efek positif terhadap customer loyalty. Namun, pemenuhan nilai hedonik melalui perceived enjoyment tidak memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap customer loyalty di emarketplace SOCO by Sociolla. ......This study aims to analyse the effect of perceived service quality attributes through the SOCO by Sociolla e-marketplace on customer loyalty in SOCO by Sociolla users in Indonesia. As customer expectations evolve from utilitarian goals to hedonic goals, this recommended model combines utilitarian and hedonic constructs by integrating Expectation Confirmation Theory and E-Service Quality. In this study, researchers want to investigate the factors that influence consumer behaviour and customer loyalty in a special beauty e-marketplace, SOCO by Sociolla, using a new proposed model, namely the E-Marketplace Customer Loyalty Model (ECLM). This research uses quantitative research methods using statistical analysis methods, namely Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). The results of this study found that the attributes of perceived service quality, perceived enjoyment, and confirmation have a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Then personalization and customer satisfaction can have a positive effect on customer loyalty. However, the fulfilment of hedonic value through perceived enjoyment does not have a significant impact on customer loyalty in the SOCO by Sociolla e-marketplace.