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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sri Nurmilawati
Abstrak :
Telah, dllakukan pengamatan terhadap telur-telur dan anakan-anakan siput Digonistoma truncatum yang dihasilkan oleh siput-slput yang dikumpulkan dari beberapa persawahan di sekitar Desa Sindang Barang, Bogor. Telur-telur dan anakan-anakan tersebut dihasilkan di bawah kondisi Laboratorium Akuatik Balitbang Zoologi Bogor selama bulan Agustus sampai dengan oktober 1989. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari untuk mengetahui waktu penetasan telur dan saat perkembang biakan yang pertama kali. Untuk mengetahui laju rata-rata pertumbuhan dilakukan pengukuran panjang dan lebar cangkang pada anakan yang berumur satu minggu sampai dengan dua belas minggu.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk telur D. trucantum bulat sampai lonjong dengan ukuran panjang rata-rata 0,85 mm dan lebar rata-rata 0,81 mm. Persentase penetasan telur cukup tinggi yaitu 96,40%, yang sebagian besar menetas pada hari ke 7 ( 380 telur atau 24,42%) dan hari ke-8 (388 telur atau 24,94%). Laju rata-rata pertumbuhan anakan cukup tinggi setelah berumur dua minggu sampai sembulan minggu. siput memulai perkembang biakan pertama kali setelah mencapai umur 3,5 bulan atau ukuran panjang cangkang 6,26 mm dan lebar 5,02 mm. ABSTRACT
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :

Keong Lymnaea rubiginosa telah diketahui sebagai hospes perantara di dalam siklus hidup beberapa cacing Trematoda. Dalam penelitian ini keong diberikan sebagai makanan tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) strain WN, untuk mengetahui species cacing Trematoda pada keong yang dapat hidup di saluran pencernaan tikus. Sebelum diberi makan keong, tinja tikus diperiksa ada tidaknya telur atau larva cacing untuk meyakinkan bahwa tikus bebas dari parasit, dan tikus dilaparkan selama 1 hari. Tiap tikus diberi makan 20 ekor keong, dan tikus dipelihara. Enam hari setelah infeksi, dilakukan kembali pemeriksaan tinja tikus. Tikus yang positif mengandung telur cacing, dibedah, dicari cacingnya, dihitung jumlahnya, dan dicatat tempat ditemukannya. Untuk keperluan identifikasi, spesimen cacing diwarnai dengan pewarnaan HE dan dibuat sediaan. Hasil identifikasi terhadap 111 ekor cacing yang ditemukan pada saluran pencernaan tikus putih, terdiri dari 4 species, yaitu: 68 ekor (61,26 %) cacing Echinostoma ilocanum, 23 ekor (20,72 %) cacing E. malayanum. 8 ekor (7,21%) cacing E. recurvatum, dan 7 ekor (6,31 %) cacing E. revolutum, serta 5 ekor (4,50%) tidak dapat diidentifikasi. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa keong L. rubiginosa berperan sebagai hospes perantara cacing Echinostoma spp. tersebut.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Luna Fausya
Abstrak :
Increased plastic waste in the environment, particularly in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, has the potential to affect the abundance of microplastics in the surrounding waters. Microplastics, which are very small in size (<5mm), can be accidentally ingested by marine organisms such as Terebralia palustris and have negative effects on marine life, the environment, and humans. This study aims to analyze the comparison of microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, in 2022 and 2023, as well as to determine the correlation between microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment. Twenty samples of T.palustris and sediment were collected at four stations in 2022 and 2023. The body tissue of T.palustris was separated from its shell, then dissolved with HNO3 and added to saturated NaCl. Sediment samples were dissolved with saturated NaCl. Microplastic abundance was observed and calculated using a Sedgwick Rafter Chamber under a microscope. Four forms of microplastics were observed in the T. palustris and sediment samples, namely fibers, fragments, films, and granules. The results showed an increase in microplastic abundance from 2022 to 2023. In 2022, the microplastic abundance was 363,592 ± 11,511 particles/g in T. palustris and 66,69 ± 7,638 particles/g in sediment, while in 2023, it reached 406,574 ± 6,154 particles/g in T. palustris and 79,7 ± 12,992 particles/g in sediment. From 2022 to 2023, the abundance of microplastic in T.palustris (particle/g) increased by 5%, T.palustris (particle/individual) increased by 37%, and sediment by 19%. There is a positive correlation between the microplastic abundance of T.palustris and sediment, with value of 0,768 obtained from the Spearman correlation test.Increased plastic waste in the environment, particularly in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, has the potential to affect the abundance of microplastics in the surrounding waters. Microplastics, which are very small in size (<5mm), can be accidentally ingested by marine organisms such as Terebralia palustris and have negative effects on marine life, the environment, and humans. This study aims to analyze the comparison of microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, in 2022 and 2023, as well as to determine the correlation between microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment. Twenty samples of T.palustris and sediment were collected at four stations in 2022 and 2023. The body tissue of T.palustris was separated from its shell, then dissolved with HNO3 and added to saturated NaCl. Sediment samples were dissolved with saturated NaCl. Microplastic abundance was observed and calculated using a Sedgwick Rafter Chamber under a microscope. Four forms of microplastics were observed in the T. palustris and sediment samples, namely fibers, fragments, films, and granules. The results showed an increase in microplastic abundance from 2022 to 2023. In 2022, the microplastic abundance was 363,592 ± 11,511 particles/g in T. palustris and 66,69 ± 7,638 particles/g in sediment, while in 2023, it reached 406,574 ± 6,154 particles/g in T. palustris and 79,7 ± 12,992 particles/g in sediment. From 2022 to 2023, the abundance of microplastic in T.palustris (particle/g) increased by 5%, T.palustris (particle/individual) increased by 37%, and sediment by 19%. There is a positive correlation between the microplastic abundance of T.palustris and sediment, with value of 0,768 obtained from the Spearman correlation test. ......Increased plastic waste in the environment, particularly in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, has the potential to affect the abundance of microplastics in the surrounding waters. Microplastics, which are very small in size (<5mm), can be accidentally ingested by marine organisms such as Terebralia palustris and have negative effects on marine life, the environment, and humans. This study aims to analyze the comparison of microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, in 2022 and 2023, as well as to determine the correlation between microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment. Twenty samples of T.palustris and sediment were collected at four stations in 2022 and 2023. The body tissue of T.palustris was separated from its shell, then dissolved with HNO3 and added to saturated NaCl. Sediment samples were dissolved with saturated NaCl. Microplastic abundance was observed and calculated using a Sedgwick Rafter Chamber under a microscope. Four forms of microplastics were observed in the T. palustris and sediment samples, namely fibers, fragments, films, and granules. The results showed an increase in microplastic abundance from 2022 to 2023. In 2022, the microplastic abundance was 363,592 ± 11,511 particles/g in T. palustris and 66,69 ± 7,638 particles/g in sediment, while in 2023, it reached 406,574 ± 6,154 particles/g in T. palustris and 79,7 ± 12,992 particles/g in sediment. From 2022 to 2023, the abundance of microplastic in T.palustris (particle/g) increased by 5%, T.palustris (particle/individual) increased by 37%, and sediment by 19%. There is a positive correlation between the microplastic abundance of T.palustris and sediment, with value of 0,768 obtained from the Spearman correlation test.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pichit Wonnakom; Yanin Opatpatanakit; Buaream Maneewon; Narin
Abstrak :
The experiment was carried out to determine the chemical composition and digestibility of pond snail meal (PSM) in Thai native chicken (TNC) feed. Twenty-eight Thai native cocks. 25 weeks old (Paduhangdum Chiang Mai strain) were used. Three types of pond snail preparations were used to find the nutritive value of the pond snails. The treatments were 1- snail meat (without shell), 2. cooked dried (whole snail), and 3. raw dried (whole snail)- Nutrients digestibility were divided into 7 treatment groups (control, 5, 10 and 15% of cooked and snail meal) with 4 replications of one cock each. It was found that pond snail meat has the higher CP and EE than cooked and raw whole pond snail, but pond snail meat has lower CF, ash and Ca. The nutrients digestibility had no significant difference (p > 0.05) in DM and CP» EE and NFE; however, DM and NFE digestibility were the highest in 5% cooked pond snails. Whereas 10% cooked pond snail had the highest digestibility of CP and Ca and 15% raw pond snail had the highest EE digestibility. Pond snail meat has high protein but whole snail has high Ca. Levels at 10% cooked pond snail meal may be suitable for Thai native chicken feed.
Thammasat Printing House, 2017
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endang Suarsini
Abstrak :
ASBTRAK Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian: Di Indonesia kasus infeksi oleh cacing Echinostoma spp. belum banyak dilaporkan, tetapi di beberapa tempat tertentu ditemukan secara endemi. Infeksi pada manusia terjadi secara kebetulan, yaitu bila manusia makan keong air yang mengandung metaserkaria dalam keadaan mentah atau setengah matang. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui keadaan infeksi cacing Echinostoma spp. pada keong Bellamya javanica (Vivi para javanica) yang merupakan sumber infeksi bagi manusia di Indonesia. Sejumlah 2500 keong telah dikumpulkan, dan secara acak dipilih 500 ekor untuk dilakukan pembedahan dan pemeriksaan metaserkaria. Metaserkaria yang dikumpulkan diinfeksikan terhadap mencit putih. Telah diinfeksi 30 ekor mencit- putih, masing-masing dengan 150 ekor metaser karia. Untuk keperluan identifikasi, cacing dewasa yang tumbuh dalam usus mencit dikumpulkan, kemudian dipulas dengan teknik pulasan 'trichrome' yang dimodifikasi. Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan angka infeksi metaserkaria Echinostoma, spp. setinggoi 100 % pada keong B. javanica. Rata-rata tiap keong mengandung 802 ekor metaserkaria. Infektivitas metaserkaria pada mencit cukup Tinggi, yaitu dari 30 ekor mencit terdapat 27 ekor {90%) positif, sedangkan jumlah produksi seluruhnya 133 ekor cacing. Jadi tiap mencit rata-rata mengandung 9 ekor cacing. Hasil identifikasi spesies diperoleh 75 ekor (56,4%) E. recurvatum, 24 ekor (18,0%) E. ilocanum, dan 10 ekor (7,6%) E. revolutum; lainnya 24 ekor (18,0%) tidak dapat diidentifikasi. Dengan demikian dapat dikimpulkan bahwa keong B. javanica merupakan hospes perantara II cacing Echinostoma spp. yang sesuai dan berperan sebagai sumber infeksi potensial bagi manusia.
ABSTRACT Scope and Method of Study: Cases of echinostomiasis are rarely reported in Indonesia, but in some places endemic foci have been found and are considered as of . public health importance. Human infections occurred accidentally, and man got the infection by way of consuming raw or half cooked snails which contained metacercariae. The general objective of this study is to know whether Echinostoma spp. larvae found in B. javanica (Vivipara javanica) snails are the potential source of infection for man in Indonesia. In this study 2500 snails were collected, and 500 snails were randomly selected for dissecting and searching for metacercariae. Experimental infection of 30 white mice were then carried out with 150 metacercariae for each mouse. For species identification, adult worms were stained by a modified trachoma staining technique. Findings and Conclusions: The infection rate of Echinostoma in B. javanica was found to be 100 %, with a mean number of 802 metacercariae for each snail. The infectivity of metacercariae for white mice is quite high: of 30 mice infected, 27 (90%) were positive. A total of 133 adult worms were found; the worms found in each mouse varied from 1 - 27, with a mean of 5 worms per mouse. Identification results: 75 (56.5%) were identified as E. recurvatum, 24 (18.2%) E. ilocanum, 10 (7.6%) E. revolutum, and 24 (18.2%) could not be identified. Thus, based on this evidence, the snail B. javanica could be considered as a potential host for Echinostoma spp.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pandu Adi Laras
Abstrak :
Tesis ini mengukur kinerja dana saham di Indonesia pada kurun waktu Januari 2008 sampai Oktober 2012 dengan menggunakan Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio, Henriksson Merton Model, dan Snail Trail. Hal baru yang ingin ditemukan oleh penulis adalah adanya persistensi kinerja selama waktu penelitian, namun persistensi tidak ditemukan senada dengan tidak adanya kemampuan market timing di Indonesia. Namun kinerja reksa dana saham selama periode penelitian menunjukkan adanya beberapa reksa dana yang konsisten memiliki kinerja sangat baik pada satu atau beberapa potongan periode penelitian. ......This thesis measures mutual fund performance in Indonesia during the period of January 2008 to October 2012 using the Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio, Henriksson Merton model, and Snail Trail. Author aimed to show persistence of performance during the study period, but this is not the case. This also align with the absence of market timing ability in Indonesia. But the performance of equity mutual funds during the period of the study revealed a number of mutual funds that consistently have a superior performance on one or more fragment of the study period.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desmita Artalina
Abstrak :
Aktivitas manusia di sekitar tambak silvofishery berpotensi menyumbang limbah dan meningkatkan ancaman polusi logam berat. Jumlah limbah logam berat, terutama dari industri yang masuk ke dalam perairan tambak diduga memengaruhi organisme akuatik yang berada di dalamnya. Keong bakau (Telescopium telescopium) dan kepiting bakau (Goniopsis pelii) adalah biota non-budaya yang hadir di tambak silvofishery dan dikonsumsi oleh manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kandungan logam berat pada keong bakau, kepiting bakau dan sedimen pada tambak silvofishery Blanakan-Subang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan April 2018, di tiga stasiun dengan metode purposive random sampling. Kandungan logam berat dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometri serapan atom. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan Pb tertinggi terdapat pada keong bakau di stasiun 3 sebesar 19,46 mg kg. Kandungan Cu dan Zn tertinggi terdapat pada kepiting bakau di stasiun 2 masingmasing sebesar 33,77 mg/kg dan 22,54 mg kg. Secara umum, pada sedimen kandungan Zn Cu Pb. Kandungan Pb, Cu dan Zn tertinggi di sedimen terdapat di stasiun 2 masing-masing sebesar 19,55 mg kg, 6,76 mg kg, dan 68,56 mg kg. Uji Manova dua arah menunjukkan bahwa jenis/ variabel (keong bakau, kepiting bakau, sedimen) dan lokasi (stasiun, inlet/ outlet) berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai Pb, Cu dan Zn. Nilai faktor biokonsentrasi 1 menunjukkan bahwa keong bakau dan kepiting bakau memiliki kecenderungan untuk mengakumulasi logam berat. Berdasarkan BPOM No 03725-B-SK-VII-89, masyarakat harus lebih berhati-hati dalam mengkonsumsinya. Selanjutnya, keong bakau dan kepiting bakau dapat digunakan sebagai bioindikator untuk mengendalikan pencemaran lingkungan.
Human activities around the silvofishery ponds potentially contribute waste and promote heavy metals pollution threats. High input of this metals, especially from industry waste that entered the ponds suspected affect aquatic organism inside it. Mangrove snail (Telescopium telescopium) and mangrove crab (Goniopsis pelii) are non-cultured biota which is present at silvofishery ponds and consumed by humans. This research aimed to determine metals content in mangrove snail, mangrove crab and sediment at Blanakan silvofishery ponds. Sampling was done on April 2018, at three stations using purposive random sampling. Metals content were analysed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Result showed that the highest Pb content was in mangrove snail at station 3 at 19,46 mg kg. The highest Cu and Zn content was in mangrove crab at station 2 at 33,77 mg kg and 22.54 mg kg respectively. Generally, metals content in sediment was Zn Cu Pb. The highest content of Pb, Cu and Zn in sediment was at station 2 at 19,55 mg kg, 6,76 mg kg, dan 68,56 mg kg respectively. Manova test showed that variables (mangrove snail, mangrove crab, sediment) and location (station, inlet/outlet) significantly affect the value of Pb, Cu and Zn. The bioconcentration values 1 showed that mangrove snail and mangrove crab has a tendency to accumulate heavy metals. Based on BPOM No 03725-B-SK-VII-89, people must be more careful in consuming them. In the future, mangrove snail and mangrove crab can be used as bioindicator to control environmental pollution.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zwestin Gomgom Welfry, AUTHOR
Abstrak :
Alam merupakan guru terbaik yang ada di dunia ini. Semua sumber pokok pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh manusia berakar dari alam. Makhluk hidup merupakan bagian dari alam. Sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa struktur yang ada pada tiap makhluk hidup merupakan struktur ideal yang mendiami dunia. Struktur kaku tumbuhan pohon dikotil yang terdiri dari satu batang utama mampu menopang berat tumbuhan secara keseluruhan yang semakin membesar ke atas. Struktur lengkung dan tipis cangkang hewan keong mampu menahan beban berupa serangan kepiting yang menimpa dirinya. Prinsip-prisnsip utama dari struktur bangunan berupa kestabilan, keseimbangan, kekokohan dan kekuatan ada pada struktur makhluk hidup tersebut. Karena alasan-alasan tersebutlah maka banyak desain-desain yang ada di dunia meniru desain struktur makhluk hidup. Banyak perancang yang menerapkan sistem struktur makhluk hidup pada struktur bangunan rancangannya. Para perancang berusaha untuk menerapkan struktur ideal yang dimiliki oleh makhluk hidup ke dalam struktur bangunan yang dirancangnya. Bandara Stuttgart dan Teater Keong Mas TMII merupakan beberapa contoh bangunan yang menerapkan sistem struktur makhluk hidup ke dalam rancangan struktur bangunannya.
Nature is the best teacher in this world. All the principal sources of knowledge that possessed by humans are rooted from nature. Living things are part of nature. It was common knowledge that the existing structure of each living thing is an ideal structure that inhabits the world. Rigid structure of dicotyledonous trees consisting of one main stem which is able to sustain the overall weight of trees. Curved structures and thin shells of snails are able to withstand from the attacks that hit them. Principle main of the structures, such as stability, balance, solidity and strength exist in the structure of living things. For that reasons, so many designs that exist in the world are imitating the design of living structure. Many architects implements the structure of living things to their building structures design. The designers tried to apply the ideal structure that possessed by living things into their building structures design. Stuttgart Airport and Theatre Keong Mas TMII are the examples of building that apply the structural system of living things into the design of the building structures.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library