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Abstrak :
Proses secondary lead smelling merupalcan proses peleburan timbal dengan menggunakan scrap limba! sebagai bahan balmnya, proses ini menggunakan soda abu, geram besi dan kokas sebagai bahan addinf Pengaturan komposisi bahan addinf menpakan salah saru eara untuk mendapatkan hasil yang optimum dari proses peleburan timbal. Penelitian ini bertujuan unzuk mempehyari pengaruh penambahan carburiser rerhadap perolelaan yield lead bullion, lcomposisi aldiir lead bullion, debu,sIag: dan unruk menentukan kadar carburiser yang optimum dari penelirian. Proses peleburan tirnbal dilalcukan dengan menggunakan rotary jiirnace, deng/an bahan bale: berupa pelat, pasta, lumpur dan debu filler. Carburiser _yung digunakan adalah kokas dengan jumlah 4,5 %, 5 %, 5,5 %, 6 %, 6,5 % dari bahan baku, dengan penambahan 6 % geram besi dan 5 % soda abu dalam setiap baich-nya. Peleburan dilalwlran pada iemperatur 700° C selama 5 jam pada seiiap batch. Data yield dyveroleh dari hasil penimbangan awal dan alrhir pada setiap batch-nya, sedangkan data komposisi akhir lead bullion, slag dan debu _filler di dapui dari hasil pengujian sampel. Penimbangan awal berupa penirnbangan bahan baku dan bahan addinfyang dimasuklran ke dalam ianur, penimbangan akhir bempa penimbangan lead bullion yang dihasilkan dari proses peleburan, sedangkan pada sampel dilakukan pengujzhn lmantitanfdan laialiratiflcomposisi ldmianya. Penambahan kokas dalam proses peleburan rimbal alcan mempengaruhi lrornposisi akhir lead bullion, slag dan debu. Pengaruh ini ierlihat pada timbal, dengan semakin ringginya kandungan kokas alran semakin banyak rimbal yang iereduksi, sehingga alran rnenarnbah lead bullion yang lerbenruk, rnaka yield lead bullion-pun alcan meningkai. Debu jilrer sebagian besar terbentulc secara melzanis, sehingga pembeniukannya dileniukan oleh ulcuran partilcel umpan yung dimasuklran. Penambahan kokas alcan meningkailcan kestabilan olfsida pembentuk slag sehingga pemisahan antara slag dan lead bullion alcan sernakin mudah. Kadar kokas 6 % merupalrarn lcornposisi yang optimal, karena akan memberikan nilai yield dan kandungan timbal yang relanftinggi di dalam lead bullion.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amadis Triazora Alzena
Abstrak :
Aktivitas smelting nikel untuk kebutuhan baterai kendaraan listrik yang menyebabkan environmental harms di Morowali dan Pulau Obi menggambarkan adanya ketimpangan antara Global South dan Global North. Ketimpangan ini tercermin pada bagaimana Global North memenuhi kebutuhan atas penggunaan kendaraan listrik melalui perusakan lingkungan di Indonesia yang merupakan bagian dari Global South. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan perspektif southern green criminology untuk memahami bagaimana dinamika antara Global North dan Global South menyebabkan environmental harms di Indonesia, secara khusus di Morowali dan Pulau Obi. Dalam konteks ini, analisisnya akan membahas bentuk-bentuk dan faktor penyebab terjadinya environmental harms. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis data sekunder dari berbagai literatur seperti hasil riset terdahulu, hasil survei lembaga, dan berita. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dominasi Global North terhadap Indonesia menyebabkan dua bentuk environmental harms yakni pencemaran (udara dan air) dan culturism. Kerusakan tersebut mengancam kesejahteraan masyarakat Morowali dan Pulau Obi dan membuat lingkungan Indonesia lebih rentan terhadap perubahan iklim. ......Environmental harms caused by nickel smelting in Indonesia for electric vehicle batteries illustrates the imbalance between the Global South and Global North. This imbalance is reflected in how the Global North meets its electric vehicle needs through environmental destruction in Indonesia, which is part of the Global South. This research adopts the perspective of southern green criminology to understand how the dynamics between the Global North and Global South has caused environmental harms in Indonesia, specifically in Morowali and Pulau Obi. In this context, the analysis will discuss the forms and factors that cause environmental harms. The method used is secondary data analysis from various literature such as previous research findings, institution survey results, and news reports. This research finds that the domination of the Global North over Indonesia has led to two forms of environmental harms, namely pollution (air and water) and culturism. These harms threaten the well-being of communities in Morowali and Pulau Obi, and makes Indonesia’s environment more vulnerable to climate change.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Indriyani
Abstrak :
Berbagai metode tersedia untuk memulihkan logam berharga yang terkandung di dalam limbah elektronik. Salah satu metode yang banyak digunakan untuk memulihkan logam berharga dalam Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCB), komponen paling berharga di dalam produk elektronik, adalah dengan proses pirometalurgi melalui peleburan tembaga hitam (black copper smelting). Penelitian ini akan menganalisis secara tekno-ekonomi usulan model pengelolaan daur ulang WPCB yang layak untuk diterapkan di Indonesia menggunakan proses black copper smelting dalam skala kecil, 10.000 ton per tahun, dengan fokus terhadap sumber limbah elektronik yang berasal dari Pulau Jawa yang menyumbang 56% dari total limbah elektronik di Indonesia. Berdasarkan perhitungan ekonomi, usulan model yang dianggap layak adalah pengelolaan e-waste yang dikelola mulai dari pengumpulan e-waste dari konsumen hingga WPCB didaur ulang di fasilitas daur ulang atau dengan kata lain seluruh proses pengelolaan e-waste secara keseluruhan dilakukan oleh sektor formal. ......Various methods are available to recover valuable metals contained in e-waste. One method widely used to recover valuable metals in Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCB), the most valuable electronic product components, is pyrometallurgical processes through black copper smelting. This research will techno-economically analyze the proposed WPCB recycling management model that is feasible to implement in Indonesia using a small-scale black copper smelting process, 10,000 tons per year, with a focus on sources of electronic waste originating from Java Island, which accounts for 56% of total e-waste in Indonesia. Based on economic calculations, the proposed model that is considered feasible is e-waste management which is managed from collecting e-waste from consumers to WPCB being recycled at recycling facilities. In other words, the formal sector carries out the whole process of e-waste management.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novita Laela Sumbara
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Pekerja peleburan logam berisiko terhadap dampak kesehatan akibat pajanan particulate matter (PM2,5). Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengestimasi risiko akibat pajanan dari PM2,5 pada udara ambien di lingkungan kerja Kawasan Perkampungan Industri Kecil (PIK) Desa Kebasen Kecamatan Talang Kabupaten Tegal. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan responden sebanyak 42 pekerja dan 5 titik sampel udara menggunakan alat DustTrak II TSI. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis risiko kesehatan lingkungan yang menghasilkan nilai intake perhari dan risk quotient (RQ) berdasarkan konsentrasi PM2,5, pola pajanan, dan berat badan. Responden pada penelitian ini memiliki nilai rata-rata berat badan sebesar 56,926 kg dan rata rata laju inhalasi 0,6017 mg/m3. Nilai median untuk waktu pajanan 8 jam/hari, median frekuensi pajanan 273,5 hari/tahun, dan median durasi pajanan real time 8,5 tahun. Beberapa pekerja mulai berisiko (RQ>1) di saat durasi pajanan real time dengan konsentrasi minimal sebesar 254 µg/m3. Manajemen risiko dilakukan dengan mengurangi waktu dan frekuensi pajanan.
ABSTRACT Metal smelting workers are at risk of health effects due to their exposure to particulate matter (PM2,5). The purpose of this study is to estimate the risk due exposure of PM2,5 in ambient air in the work environment of the Small Industrial Village (PIK) of Kebasen Village, Talang District, Tegal Regency. This study used primary data with 42 respondents and 5 air sample points by using the Dusttrak II TSI tool. The method used is an environmental health risk analysis that produces daily intake and risk quotient (RQ) values based on PM2,5 concentration, exposure patterns, and body weight. Respondents in this study had an average weight value of 56,926 kg and had an average inhalation rate of 0,6017 mg/m3. The median value for exposure time is 8 hours/day, the median frequency of exposure is 273,5 days/year, and the median duration of real-time exposure is 8,5 years. Some workers begin to be at risk (RQ>1) at the time of real time exposure with a minimum concentration of 254 µg/m3.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Hadi Aviciena
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Subandrio Soemali
Abstrak :
Ferokrom 45-75 Cr dan 35-50 Fe paduan penting pembuatan baja tahan karat karena sifat kekuatan dan ketahanan korosi yang tinggi. Ferokrom berasal dari endapan kromit di wilayah Indonesia adanya berkadar rendah dengan ratio Cr/Fe < 1.5 sehingga diperlukan benefisiasi. Tahapan benefisiasinya pemisahan magnetik lemah dilanyutkan pemanggangan temperatur, waktu, jenis reduktor dan berat CaCO3 , hasil pemanggangan dilakukan pemisahan magnetik kuat dan diuji xrf dan xrd. Parameter optimal benefisiasi untuk pembuatan briket input peleburan tanur SAF. Peleburan briket kromit diteliti pengaruh basisitas terhadap parameter ratio Cr/Fe, kadar kromium dan besi, konsumsi energi/berat produk . Pengaruh temperatur pemanggangan 800, 1000 dan 1200 oC terhadap ratio Cr/Fe optimum temperaturnya 1000 oC ratio Cr/Fe sebesar 1,53. Pengaruh waktu pemanggangan 30, 60 dan 90 menit terhadap ratio Cr/Fe optimum waktunya 60 menit ratio Cr/Fe sebesar 1,53. Pengaruh reduktor grafit, kokas dan arang batok terhadap ratio Cr/Fe optimum redukror arang batok ratio Cr/Fe sebesar 1,60. Pengaruh wt CaCO3 5 , 10 dan 20 terhadap ratio Cr/Fe optimum wt CaCO3 pada 20 rasio Cr/Fe sebesar 1,60. Basisitas terak = 2 memberikan ratio Cr/Fe optimum =1,06 , kadar Cr = 50,07 . Konsumsi energi/berat logam optimum 5,7 Kwh/Kg pada nilai basisitas 1,2.
Ferrochrome is an important alloy of stainless steel due to its high strength and corrosion resistance. Ferromchrome is derived chromite in the Indonesia region low grade Cr Fe
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Justin Adrian
Abstrak :
[Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 merupakan undang-undang yang dapat dikatakan cukup kontroversial bagi pertambangan mineral logam, karena merubah alur industri pertambangan logam tanah air menjadi tidak hanya mencakup kegiatan pertambangan semata, akan tetapi juga diwajibkan untuk perusahaan-perusahaan pertambangan melakukan kegiatan pengolahan dan pemurnian di dalam negeri dalam kurun waktu hanya 5 (lima) tahun saja. Keterbatasan infrastruktur di daerah-daerah, ketidaktersediaan listrik, serta kompleksnya birokrasi yang melingkupi perluasan bidang usaha lintas sektor antara pertambangan (hulu) dengan pemurnian (hilir) membuat hal tersebut menjadi terlalu sulit diwujudkan, ditambah lagi dengan inkonsistensi Pemerintah yang menetapkan kewajiban divestasi saham bagi Perusahaan Pertambangan Penanaman Modal Asing, dari 20% (dua puluh persen) di tahun 2010, menjadi 51% (lima puluh satu persen) di tahun 2012. Selain kedua hal tersebut, pada tahun ketiga sejak Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 diberlakukan, Pemerintah telah melarang kegiatan ekspor mineral mentah, akan tetapi mencabutnya kembali dan menetapkan ketentuan ekspor dengan tambahan birokrasi yang semakin panjang, sehingga menyebabkan investor pertambangan penanaman modal asing kehilangan waktu dan sulit dalam merealisasikan amanah Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 tersebut. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk menampilkan fakta kesulitan-kesulitan yang dialami oleh PT. X selaku perusahaan penanaman modal asing dalam bidang pertambangan mineral nikel oleh karena kebijakan pertambangan yang tidak cukup berimbang. ......Law Number 4 Year 2009 could be considered as a controversy for the metal mineral mining businesses, since it has changed the scheme of domestic metal mineral mining industry to not only contains mining but also obliged the mining companies to conduct mineral smelting and processing domestically within period of only 5 (five) years. The limitation of infrastructure facilities within the counties, unavailability of electrical source, and the complexity of bureaucracies that facilitates such cross borders industrial sectors between the mining (mainstream industries) , and the smelting and processing (downstream industries) has caused such policy too unreasonable to be accomplished, moreover the inconsistency of the Government whom has stipulated the divestment terms for the foreign investing mining company, from 20% (twenty percent) in 2010, and re-stipulated it to became 51% (fifty one) percent within 2012. Apart from those two main issues herein, by the third year since the enactment of Law Number 4 Year 2009, the Government has banned the raw mineral export activities, however revoked such laws and enacted a new regulation of raw mineral export policies with additional/ longer bureaucracy’s mechanism process, therefore it has put the foreign mining investors within difficult circumstances to actualize the mandate of the laws itself. This Thesis intends to display the problematic facts that experienced by PT. X as a foreign investing mining company in nickel mining by the insufficient fairness of mining policies.;Law Number 4 Year 2009 could be considered as a controversy for the metal mineral mining businesses, since it has changed the scheme of domestic metal mineral mining industry to not only contains mining but also obliged the mining companies to conduct mineral smelting and processing domestically within period of only 5 (five) years. The limitation of infrastructure facilities within the counties, unavailability of electrical source, and the complexity of bureaucracies that facilitates such cross borders industrial sectors between the mining (mainstream industries) , and the smelting and processing (downstream industries) has caused such policy too unreasonable to be accomplished, moreover the inconsistency of the Government whom has stipulated the divestment terms for the foreign investing mining company, from 20% (twenty percent) in 2010, and re-stipulated it to became 51% (fifty one) percent within 2012. Apart from those two main issues herein, by the third year since the enactment of Law Number 4 Year 2009, the Government has banned the raw mineral export activities, however revoked such laws and enacted a new regulation of raw mineral export policies with additional/ longer bureaucracy’s mechanism process, therefore it has put the foreign mining investors within difficult circumstances to actualize the mandate of the laws itself. This Thesis intends to display the problematic facts that experienced by PT. X as a foreign investing mining company in nickel mining by the insufficient fairness of mining policies.;Law Number 4 Year 2009 could be considered as a controversy for the metal mineral mining businesses, since it has changed the scheme of domestic metal mineral mining industry to not only contains mining but also obliged the mining companies to conduct mineral smelting and processing domestically within period of only 5 (five) years. The limitation of infrastructure facilities within the counties, unavailability of electrical source, and the complexity of bureaucracies that facilitates such cross borders industrial sectors between the mining (mainstream industries) , and the smelting and processing (downstream industries) has caused such policy too unreasonable to be accomplished, moreover the inconsistency of the Government whom has stipulated the divestment terms for the foreign investing mining company, from 20% (twenty percent) in 2010, and re-stipulated it to became 51% (fifty one) percent within 2012. Apart from those two main issues herein, by the third year since the enactment of Law Number 4 Year 2009, the Government has banned the raw mineral export activities, however revoked such laws and enacted a new regulation of raw mineral export policies with additional/ longer bureaucracy’s mechanism process, therefore it has put the foreign mining investors within difficult circumstances to actualize the mandate of the laws itself. This Thesis intends to display the problematic facts that experienced by PT. X as a foreign investing mining company in nickel mining by the insufficient fairness of mining policies., Law Number 4 Year 2009 could be considered as a controversy for the metal mineral mining businesses, since it has changed the scheme of domestic metal mineral mining industry to not only contains mining but also obliged the mining companies to conduct mineral smelting and processing domestically within period of only 5 (five) years. The limitation of infrastructure facilities within the counties, unavailability of electrical source, and the complexity of bureaucracies that facilitates such cross borders industrial sectors between the mining (mainstream industries) , and the smelting and processing (downstream industries) has caused such policy too unreasonable to be accomplished, moreover the inconsistency of the Government whom has stipulated the divestment terms for the foreign investing mining company, from 20% (twenty percent) in 2010, and re-stipulated it to became 51% (fifty one) percent within 2012. Apart from those two main issues herein, by the third year since the enactment of Law Number 4 Year 2009, the Government has banned the raw mineral export activities, however revoked such laws and enacted a new regulation of raw mineral export policies with additional/ longer bureaucracy’s mechanism process, therefore it has put the foreign mining investors within difficult circumstances to actualize the mandate of the laws itself. This Thesis intends to display the problematic facts that experienced by PT. X as a foreign investing mining company in nickel mining by the insufficient fairness of mining policies.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library