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Ditemukan 76 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fauzan Karim
"Sektor Usaha Unit Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Alas kaki merupakan salah satu sektor penting di dalam perekonomian masyarakat Indonesia. Namun sangat disayangkan, Aspek Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja belum dirasakan oleh pekerja UMKM alas kaki. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui gambaran aspek K3 apa saja yang telah diimplementasikan di UMKM alas kaki berserta faktor pendorong dan faktor penghambat di implementasikanya K3 di sector UMKM alas kaki. Penelitian ini adalah studi Kualitatif dengan mengambil data dan informasi melalui wawancara dan observasi di 7 UMKM alas kaki ciomas dan 6 UMKM alas kaki Cikupa dengan total 39 responden yang berasal dari pemilik dan pekerja. Hasil penelitian ini adalah beberapa responden pengrajin sepatu telah mengetahui bahaya dan risiko pekerjaan, belum tersedia Komitmen K3, pelaksanaan Housekeeping masih dibawah standard, APD tidak disediakan, Tidak ada SOP, minimnya Fasilitas , belum ada upaya pencegahan kebakaran, Tidak tersedia training dan orientasi, tidak tersedia kesiapan tanggap darurat, postur Kerja dan workstation tidak ergonomis. Pelatihan K3, Pemberian bantuan Pihak K3 / konsultan untuk Menjalankan K3, Pemberian Pedoman K3 dari Pemerintah menjadi faktor pendorong Dimplementasikannya K3 dan Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman yang minim terkait K3, Biaya untuk Implementasi K3, Informasi dan pemahaman Tidak adanya kewajiban dari Pemerintah menjadi faktor penghambat diimplementasikanya K3 di 7 UMKM alas kaki Ciomas dan 6 UMKM alas kaki Cikupa. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Implementasi K3 masih minim hampir disemua aspek K3 sehingga diperlukan penguatan aturan dan regulasi untuk mendukung implementasi K3 di sector UMKM alas kaki.

Footwear micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) is one of important sectors in the Indonesian economy. However, various types of safety and health hazards are identified in their activities. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of safety & health aspects in footwear MSMEs, as well as investigating the driving factors and inhibiting factors in their implementation. This study was qualitative in nature through interviews and observations conducted at ciomas and Cikupa District, each 7 and 6 footwear workshops consecutively. Total respondent was 39 people, acting as owners and workers. It was found that there were no written safety & health commitments, even though the implementationof OSH at limited extend were observed. For instance, some MSMEs have improved ventilation systems, used cutting machines, manual handling aids, and isolation of dusty and noisy processes. Other aspects such as housekeeping, PPE, SOP, fire prevention facilities, training and orientation, ergonomic workstations need to be improved. Leadership directives, safety & health training, assistance from third party or OSH consultant, guidelines from the Government are driving factors for safety & health implementation in observed MSMEs; while the lack of knowledge on OSH and owner support as well as costs implication are found as inhibiting factors in OSH implementation."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Prihatinningrum
Kerangka pembangunan daerah saat ini bertumpu pada pengembangan ekonomi
lokal dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Salah satu cara pengembangan perekonomian
daerah dengan mengoptimalkan peranan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM). Tesis ini
bertujuan mengevaluasi konsep pengembangan UKM di Kabupaten Klaten termasuk
hambatan yang mempengaruhi implementasi pengembangan UKM serta keterkaitannya
dengan ketahanan ekonomi daerah.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penyebaran sentra UKM di Kabupaten Klaten
tidak merata. Implementasi pengembangan UKM di Kabupaten Klaten dilaksanakan
oleh Dinas Perindustrian, Perdagangan, Koperasi dan UMKM serta instansi/lembaga
terkait. Pola pendekatan pengembangan UKM merupakan transisi pendekatan sentra
menjadi pendekatan klaster. Hambatan yang mempengaruhi implementasi
pengembangan UKM di Kabupaten Klaten dapat berasal dari internal instansi ataupun
pelaku usaha. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ijin usaha berperan dalam pengembangan
usaha terutama untuk kemitraan usaha serta urusan terkait perbankan. Pelayanan
perijinan usaha oleh Kantor Pelayanan Terpadu (KPT) masih belum berjalan maksimal
pelayanannya disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor internal.
Optimalisasi pemanfaatan potensi daerah menjadi upaya meningkatkan
ketahanan ekonomi daerah. Kegiatan produksi dan distribusi barang menjadi salah satu
peran UKM dalam aspek ekonomi. Peran UKM dalam perekonomian daerah akan
berpengaruh pada aspek-aspek lainnya pada ketahanan daerah. Pengembangan UKM
dalam perspektif sosial berperan dalam penyerapan tenaga kerja, peningkatan
kesejahteraan masyarakat. Pada perspektif ideologi dan politik, pengembangan UKM
merupakan perwujudan dari komitmen politik yang diimplementasikan dalam kebijakan
dari Pemerintah Pusat. Perspektif aspek budaya, peran UKM dalam optimalisasi
pemanfaatan iptek dan penciptaan jejaring yang didasarkan pada hubungan sosial antar
individu untuk penguatan UKM.

The current framework of regional development based on local economic
development and community empowerment. One way to optimize regional economic
development role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This thesis aims to evaluate
the concept of the development of SMEs in Klaten district includes the constraints
affecting the implementation of SME development and linkages with local economic
The results showed the spread of SME centers in Klaten uneven. Implementation of
SME development in Klaten district conducted by the Department of Industry, Trade,
Cooperatives and SMEs and agencies / institutions. The pattern approach to SME
development in the range of 2012 to now is a transition center approach into the cluster
approach. Constraints affecting the implementation of SME development in Klaten can
come from internal agency or business operators. Research shows that business licenses
role in business development, especially for business partnerships and banking related
matters. Licensing services by the Office of Integrated Services (KPT) is not running
optimally ministry, thus causing people unwilling to take care of licensing.
Optimizing the utilization of the potential of the region into an effort to increase the
resilience of the regional economy. Production and distribution of goods to be one of the
role of SMEs in the economic aspect. The role of SMEs in the economy of the area will
affect other aspects of the local resistance. SME development in the perspective of social
role in employment, improving the welfare of local people. On the ideological and
political perspective, the development of SMEs is the embodiment of political
commitment aimed at the implementation of the 1945 Constitution which is implemented
in the policies of the Central Government. Cultural aspects of the cultural perspective of
the role of SMEs in optimizing the utilization of science and technology and the creation
of networks that are based on social relationships between individuals for strengthening
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yvonne Meilawati
Dalam tesis ini Penulis mengangkat topik analisis faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan UKM (EAT dan EBITDA) di Pulau Jawa. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan data sekunder terhadap 4.196 UKM. Hasil analisis terhadap EAT tampak bahwa variabel persediaan uang kas, piutang usaha, persediaan barang, Cash Coverage Ratio serta jenis usaha memiliki pengaruh positif, namun kolektibilitas kredit, ketergantungan terhadap pemasok/pelanggan , forex dan suku bunga berpengaruh negatif. Hasil analisis terhadap EBITDA tampak bahwa persediaan uang kas, piutang usaha, persediaan barang, bentuk usaha, jaminan kredit dan jenis usaha memiliki pengaruh positif, namun forex berpengaruh negatif. Dengan demikian, hanya melihat dari kinerja operasional pun sudah dapat memprediksi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan UKM

In this thesis, author raised the topic analysis of factors that influence the financial performance of SMEs (EAT and EBITDA) in Java. Analysis were performed using secondary data on 4.196 SMEs . Analysis of EAT appears that the variable cash supply, accounts receivable , inventory , Cash Coverage Ratio and type of business have positive effect, but collectibility of the loans , dependence on suppliers / customers , forex and interest rates have negative influence . Analysis of EBITDA appears that cash supply, accounts receivable , inventory , establishment , credit guarantee and type of business have positive effect , but forex has negative effect. Thus, operational performance able to predict the factors which will affect the financial performance of SMEs."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have an important role in economic growth and development in various countries. In line with the increasingly open global economy, SMEs are beginning to expand their market to the international scale, and compete competitively with other SMEs as well as big businesses. This is only possible if SMEs adopt and utilize information, communication, and technology (ICT) and various application such as e-commerce and e-business. This paper describes a literature study on the role of ICT on the performance of SMEs and constraints in the adoption of ICT which has the potential to inhibit the optimization of ICT utilization by SMEs. As well as, describe the benefits that SMEs have though ICT applications and some inputs as recommendations for the solution of the above problem."
Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2018
330 BAP 1:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sena Sunandar
"Tesis ini berupaya menjelaskan bagaimana peningkatan peran serta UKM dalam mewujudkan ketahanan ekonomi di kota Depok. Ketahanan ekonomi dapat dicapai dengan meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan pembangunan ekonomi yang berkesinambungan sehingga dapat tercapai kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Berkembangnya dan majunya suatu UKM di satu daerah sangatlah berkaitan dengan ketahanan daerah karena sebagian besar UKM dalam memproduksi barang dan jasa disesuaikan dengan pendapatan mayarakat yang rendah, sehingga dengan tingkat pendapatan rata-rata masyarakat yang rendah tidak banyak berpengaruh terhadap permintaan barang yang dihasilkan.
Untuk mendukung penelitian ini digunakan metode penelitian dengan pendekatan metodologi kualitatif. Dengan data-data kualitatif tersebut kita dapat mengikuti dan memahami alur peristiwa secara kronologis, menilai sebab akibat dalam
lingkup pikiran orang-orang setempat dan memperoleh penjelasan yang banyak dan bermanfaat yang digunakan untuk menentukan prioritas pendekatan yang tepat untuk menciptakan arah kebijakan. Orang-orang (informan) terdiri dari pejabat pemerintah, pengusaha UKM yang (asosiasi) dan pengusaha UKM yang tidak masuk asosiasi.
Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penentuan pendekatan yang tepat untuk menciptakan arah kebijakan masalah UKM adalah pendekatan dengan para pengusaha UKM, kesejahteraan. Sedangkan analisis SWOT digunakan untuk menentukan strategi UKM sebagai upaya-upaya dalam hal untuk meningkatkan UKM harus terencana, sistematis dan menyeluruh baik pada tataran makro, dan mikro. Adapun upayaupayanya adalah (1) Meningkatkan kerjasama/kemitraan dengan bank untuk meningkatkan produksi, (2) Mengimplementasi kebijakan dari pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah sehingga kesejahteraan masyarakat tercapai, (3) Mengimplementasi peraturan-peraturan dari pemerintah pusat maupun daerah untuk pemberdayaan dan peningkatan UKM. Sehingga permasalahan yang ada dapat diselesaikan dan dapat meningkatkan UKM untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat dengan memanfaatkan kesempatan yang terbuka dan potensi sumber daya, terutama sumber daya lokal yang tersedia

This thesis seeks to explain how an increase of the participation of Small Medium Enterprise (SME) in realizing economic resilience in the city of Depok. Economic resilience can be achieved by increasing economic growth and sustainable development so as to reach prosperity and welfare of the community. The development and progress of a SME in one area is related to the resistance area for the majority of SME in producing goods and services adjusted to the low income society, so that the average income level of low public did not affect the demand for the goods produced To support this research, used qualitative methodology research with approach.
With the qualitative data we can follow and understand the flow of events in chronological order, assess cause and effect within the minds of local people and gained a lot and useful explanations are used to determine the priority of the right approach to creating policy direction. The people (informants) consist of government officials, enterpheneurship (associations) non enterpheneurship association.
The results obtained in determining the right approach to create direction policy is approach to the problems of SME are SME, welfare. Where as the SWOT analysis is used to define SME as a strategy in terms of efforts to improve SME should be a planned, systematic and well thorough on both macro and micro There are efforts such as (1) Enhancing cooperation/partnership with banks to increase production, (2) Implementing the policies of the central government and local governments so that public welfare is achieved, (3) Implementing regulations of central and local government for the empowerment and enhancement SME. So that existing problems can be solved and can improving the welfare of society by SME to take advantage of opportunities that are open and potential resources, especially the available locally resources.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamdan Rahmatullah
"Tesis ini menggunakan metode business coaching terhadap UMKM Ikat Nia sebagai topik yang akan diteliti. Tujuan business coaching ini adalah membantu bisnis Ikat Nia sehingga memiliki keunggulan daya saing. Selain itu, pada business coaching ini juga akan membantu Ikat Nia dalam menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang bersifat operasional. Hasil dari business coaching ini adalah Ikat Nia dapat meningkatkan keunggulan daya saingnya dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh bisnisnya.

This thesis using business coaching to Ikat Nia?s SME as a topic to be studied. The purpose of this business coaching is to help businesses Ikat Nia have a competitive advantage. In addition, the business coaching will also help Ikat Nia in resolving the operational problems that it faces. The results of business coaching is Ikat Nia can improve its competitiveness by leveraging the strength of the business.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amry Panindra
"Jurnal ini membahas mengenai kegiatan business coaching pada PT. Duta Karya Mandiri yang merupakan UMKM bergerak dibidang manufaktur komponen otomotif dan produk berbahan dasar besi. Tujuan dari tesis ini adalah menguji kelayakan proyek baru berbasis scrap PT. Duta Karya Mandiri. Uji kelayakan ini menggunakan beberapa metode, yaitu : Net Present Value NPV , Internal Rate of Return IRR , Discounted Payback Period, dan Profitability Index. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan skema pesimis, normal dan optimis. Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan bahwa proyek ini layak untuk dijalankan dalam skema normal dan optimis.

This Journal discusses the business coaching process in PT. Duta Karya Mandiri which is a MSME in manufacturing of automotive parts and iron based products. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the feasibility of scrap based new product for PT. Duta Karya Mandiri. This thesis uses capital budgeting method and Present Value NPV , Internal Rate of Return IRR , Discounted Payback Period, and Profitability Index as the analysis tools. This analysis uses pessimist, normal, and optimist scheme. Referring to capital budgeting analysis, this scrap based new project is feasible to be operated in normal and optimist scheme.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saniya Azzahra
"Studi ini memberikan pemahaman komprehensif tentang periklanan online UKM adopsi sebelum dan selama Pandemi Covid-19. Di antara sampel homogen bertujuan UKM di Belanda, kami menemukan bahwa sebelum pandemi, UKM masih perlu ditingkatkan tentang pengetahuan tentang manfaat potensial dari periklanan online. Manfaat, bagaimanapun, miliki menjadi lebih jelas bagi UKM di tengah pandemi. Kami menunjukkan UKM dengan manajer yang tinggi kesadaran dan periklanan online yang intens dalam lanskap kompetitif dan konsumen mereka perilaku lebih cenderung mengadopsi periklanan online; namun, UKM dengan teknologi rendah, manusia, dan sumber daya keuangan cenderung tidak melakukannya. Kami juga menemukan situs web perusahaan, social media, dan iklan video online sebagai alat periklanan online paling efektif untuk UKM. Untuk Sepengetahuan penulis terbaik, makalah ini adalah yang pertama memberikan kontribusi untuk menangkap efek Covid-19 Pandemi pada iklan online UKM di Belanda.

This study provides a comprehensive understanding of SMEs’ online advertising adoption before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Among a purposive homogenous sample of SMEs in the Netherlands, we find that previous to the pandemic, SMEs still need to improve on the knowledge of the potential benefits of online advertising. The benefits, however, have become more apparent for SMEs amid the pandemic. We show that SMEs with high manager awareness and intense online advertising within their competitive landscape and consumer behavior are more likely to adopt online advertising; yet, SMEs with low technological, human, and financial resources are less likely to do so. We also find that company websites, social media, and online video advertising as the most effective online advertising tools for SMEs. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this paper is the first contributing to capture the effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on SMEs’ online advertising in the Netherlands in the NetherlandsThis study provides a comprehensive understanding of SMEs’ online advertising adoption before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Among a purposive homogenous sample of SMEs in the Netherlands, we find that previous to the pandemic, SMEs still need to improve on the knowledge of the potential benefits of online advertising. The benefits, however, have become more apparent for SMEs amid the pandemic. We show that SMEs with high manager awareness and intense online advertising within their competitive landscape and consumer behavior are more likely to adopt online advertising; yet, SMEs with low technological, human, and financial resources are less likely to do so. We also find that company websites, social media, and online video advertising as the most effective online advertising tools for SMEs. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this paper is the first contributing to capture the effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on SMEs’ online advertising in the Netherlands.This study provides a comprehensive understanding of SMEs’ online advertising adoption before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Among a purposive homogenous sample of SMEs in the Netherlands, we find that previous to the pandemic, SMEs still need to improve on the knowledge of the potential benefits of online advertising. The benefits, however, have become more apparent for SMEs amid the pandemic. We show that SMEs with high manager awareness and intense online advertising within their competitive landscape and consumer behavior are more likely to adopt online advertising; yet, SMEs with low technological, human, and financial resources are less likely to do so. We also find that company websites, social media, and online video advertising as the most effective online advertising tools for SMEs. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this paper is the first contributing to capture the effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on SMEs’ online advertising in the Netherlands.

This study provides a comprehensive understanding of SMEs’ online advertising adoption before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Among a purposive homogenous sample of SMEs in the Netherlands, we find that previous to the pandemic, SMEs still need to improve on the knowledge of the potential benefits of online advertising. The benefits, however, have become more apparent for SMEs amid the pandemic. We show that SMEs with high manager awareness and intense online advertising within their competitive landscape and consumer behavior are more likely to adopt online advertising; yet, SMEs with low technological, human, and financial resources are less likely to do so. We also find that company websites, social media, and online video advertising as the most effective online advertising tools for SMEs. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this paper is the first contributing to capture the effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on SMEs’ online advertising in the Netherlands."

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risanda A. Budiantoro
In business practices, micro and small businesses SMEs have several internal and external problems, such as difficulties in capital. These problems also occur in SMEs in Mojokerto. To solve this SME problem, several stakeholders in Mojokerto collaborated to create a Sharia Financing Program PUSYAR on the basis of a Murabahah contract. The implementation of this program has been running for approximately five years, since the memorandum of understanding was signed by the Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kota Mojokerto, PT. BPRS Kota Mojokerto, Dinas Koperasi Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Diskoperindag dan Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah MES in 2013. During this time, the amount of budgetallocation and realization, and the number of beneficiaries of the PUSYAR program has increased, so basically the PUSYAR financing program is needed by SMEs to survive the existing business competition. The renewal of this study, describes the PUSYAR program model as a whole and formulates a development strategy by strengthening the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders involved. Therefore, the aim of this study will be to examine more deeply in formulating the right development strategy of the SME empowerment program through the PUSYAR financing program, so that the usefulness of this program can increase. The hope of the study result can be used as a reference for other local governments or the central government to apply this PUSYAR program in the future."
Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2019
330 BAP 2:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Tetra Firdaussyah
"UMKM adalah tempat kerja yang memiliki risiko terhadap keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, namun seringkali dikesampingkan karena lebih berfokus pada keberlanjutan industri itu sendiri. Pengolahan kedelai beberapa proses yang memunculkan bahaya kesehatan dan keselamatan seperti permukaan panas, pengangkatan secara manual, posisi janggal, kontak dengan iritan, lingkungan kerja yang panas dan berbau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran implementasi K3 pada proses pengolahan kedelai. Aspek yang diobservasi adalah identitas UMKM, komitmen K3, kesehatan kerja, keselamatan fasilitas, alat pelindung diri, keselamatan operasional, tata graha, safety behaviour, higiene industri, ergonomi, pencegahan kebakaran, kegawat daruratan dan penanangan cemaran. Penelitian dilakukan pada 16 UMKM di Kota Depok, Kabupaten Serang, Kabupaten Bogor, Kota Jakarta Selatan dengan 24 pekerja sebagai responden. Penelitian didesain secara kualitatif, data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, dan wawancara terstrukur. Diperoleh bahwa tidak terdapat UMKM yang memiliki komitmen K3 secara tertulis, meskipun itikad perlindungan K3 kepada pekerja sudah terlihat. Beberapa UMKM pernah mengalami kecelakan kerja namun tidak tercatat atau dilaporkan secara formal. Dari beberapa aspek yang diamati, yang sudah diterapkan pada sebagian besar UMKM adalah keselamatan fasilitas, keselamatan operasional, pencegahan kebakaran dan penanganan limbah. Aspek yang belum diterapkan sama sekali adalah asuransi ketenagakerjaan, safety behaviour dan higiene industri. Sedang aspek K3 lainnya seperti ergonomi, tata graha, kegawatdaruratan diterapkan secara parsial. Faktor penghambat utama implementasi adalah kurangnya pengetahuan pada K3, faktor pendorong utama implementasi adalah pelatihan K3. Kedepanya, perlu untuk dilakukan pelatihan, pendampingan K3 dan evaluasi kinerja K3 di UMKM pengolahan kedelai.

There are potensial occupational health and safety risks at SMEs, however this risk are often overrided by bussiness sustainability issues. Soy beans processing involves number of activities such as soybeans stripping, washing, soaking, grinding, main process of soybeans and product packaging that creates health and safety hazards such as smoke, hot surfaces, manual handling, awkward position, irritant contact, hot temperature workplace, and smells. This study is aimed to obtain overview of OHS implementation. The study was conducted in Depok City, Serang Regency, Bogor Regency, South Jakarta City on 16 SME owners with 24 workers. The study was designed as qualitative research, data was collected through observation, and structured interviews. There are no SMEs have written OHS commitments, altough OHS protection intention been observed. Some of SME ever experienced in accidents, yet had not been formally recorded or reported. Several aspects observation shown that, facility safety, operational safety, fire prevention and waste handling has been well implemented. Several aspect such as worker insurance, safety behaviour, and industrial hygiene had not been well implemented. While other aspect such as ergonomi, houskeeping, and emergency response were implemented partially. The main obstacle factor implementing OHS in SME from this research was OHS knowledge deficient, while the main stimulant was OHS training. In the future, its required to implement training, coaching and OHS performance monitoring in soy processing SME."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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