"Skripsi ini merupakan sebuah etnografi tentang komunitas sepeda motor di Jakarta yang melakukan pelanggaran hukum lewat kegiatan
cornering di jalanan umum, tepatnya di sebuah rute jalan memutar di sekitar kawasan Tugu Monas yang disebut dengan Sirkuit Monasco. Terdapat dua komunitas sepeda motor yang dilibatkan, yaitu JUMPERS Jakarta dan Jakarta
Cornering Lovers (CoVers). Masing-masing komunitas memiliki cara pandangnya tersendiri terhadap aturan hukum berlalu lintas lewat
safety riding, serta mempunyai pemahamanya masing-masing dalam mempraktekan kegiatan
cornering di dalam komunitasnya. Perbenturan antara nilai
safety ridinglewat aturan hukum dan kegiatan
cornering menjadi sorotan utama dalam tulisan ini. Terdapat konteks-konteks tertentu di dalam komunitas dalam melakukan kegiatan
This thesis is an ethnographic research about bikers community in Jakarta who have violated the law through the cornering activities on the public street especially in the route around Monas which called as Monasco circuit. There are two bikers community that involved in this research, the first is The Jumpers Jakarta and the second is The Jakarta Cornering Lovers (CoVers). Each communities have their own perspective in interpreting of the traffic rules throughout the safety riding, as well as their understanding about practicing their cornering activities in the communities. The contradictions of the value of the safety riding and the cornering activities become the main focus of the research. There are some principal contexts in the communities when they do the activities of cornering."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016