"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara gaya resolusi konflik dan kepuasan perkawinan pada keluarga
single-earner (hanya suami yang bekerja) dan
dual-earner (suami dan istri sama-sama bekerja). Gaya resolusi konflik, menurut Kurdek (1994) terbagi menjadi empat gaya yaitu
positive problem solving, compliance, conflict engagement, dan
withdrawal. Sebanyak 672 partisipan (82 laki-laki, 590 perempuan) diminta untuk mengisi kuesioner (terdiri dari alat ukur kepuasan perkawinan, gaya resolusi konflik,
human value, dan
marital characteristics) secara tatap muka dan
online (via Google Form). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa
positive problem solving berkorelasi secara positif dengan kepuasan perkawinan pada kedua kelompok. Sebaliknya,
compliance, conflict engagement, dan
withdrawal berkorelasi secara negatif dengan kepuasan perkawinan pada kedua kelompok. Hanya gaya
positive problem solving, conflict engagement, dan
withdrawal yang dapat memprediksi kepuasan perkawinan partisipan pada kedua kelompok
. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan kepuasan perkawinan di antara keluarga
single-earner dan
This study aims to examine the relationship between conflict resolution style and marital satisfaction in the context of single-earner (only the husband work) and dual-earner family (both husband and wife work). According to Kurdek (1994), conflict resolution style is divided into four styles, which are positive problem solving, compliance, conflict engagement, and withdrawal. A total of 672 participants (82 male, 590 female) filled out offline and online questionnaires (via Google Form). The questionnaire consisted of marital satisfaction, conflict resolution styles, human value, and marital characteristics measuring instrument. Result shows that positive problem solving is positively correlated with marital satisfaction in both groups. On the contrary, compliance, conflict engagement, and withdrawal are negatively correlated with marital satisfaction on both group. Only positive problem solving, conflict engagement, and withdrawal that could predict marital satisfaction of the two groups. Furthermore, this study found that there are no difference in marital satisfaction between single-earner and dual-earner."